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(Created page with "{{RulesScoring|1=====|2=3. Scoring a feature| 3=Dacă ţi-ai ataşat abaţia (şi eventual ţi-ai plasat un meeple pe cartonaş), toate cele 4 laturi limitrofe sunt considerat...")
(Created page with "Evaluarea abației însăși, atât în timpul jocului cât și la sfârșitul jocului, este identică cu evaluarea mănăstirii. }}")
Line 115: Line 115:
{{ColorRed|Îţi}} plasezi un meeple drept călugăr. Drumul cu {{ColorBlue|meepleul albastru}} este finalizat şi îi aduce jucătorului {{ColorBlue|albastru}} 3 puncte.]]
{{ColorRed|Îţi}} plasezi un meeple drept călugăr. Drumul cu {{ColorBlue|meepleul albastru}} este finalizat şi îi aduce jucătorului {{ColorBlue|albastru}} 3 puncte.]]

Scoring the abbey itself, both during a game and at game end, is identical to scoring a monastery.
Evaluarea abației însăși, atât în timpul jocului cât și la sfârșitul jocului, este identică cu evaluarea mănăstirii.

Revision as of 22:28, 14 May 2020

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Abbey And Mayor C2 Box Cover.jpg

Informații generale și comentarii

Extensia Abația și primarul a fost lansată în ediția nouă în anul Template:Year ro de Hans im Glück. A fost lansată original în ediția veche în anul Template:Year ro.

Această extensie introduce noi cartonașe de teren incluzând cartonașele speciale cu abație, care lasă jucătorii să umple găuri de pe suprafața de joc. De asemenea, introduce noi pioni cu caracteristici speciale:

  • Primarul, un meeple care poate fi plasat numai în oraș și care are puterea variabilă
  • Căruța, un meeple care se poate muta pe alt teritoriu după evaluare
  • Moșia, un pion special care declanșează evaluarea câmpului


  • 12 cartonaşe de teren
  • 6 cartonaşe cu abaţii
Cartonaş cu abaţie
  • 6 primari
File:Mayors C2.png
  • 6 căruţe
File:Wagons C2.png
  • 6 moșii
File:Barns C2.png

Noile cartonașe de teren

Noile cartonaşe de teren trebuie ataşate la fel ca şi cele din jocul de bază.

La început îţi explicăm cartonaşele speciale ale acestei extensii:

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 01.png

There are two separate cities on this tile. The city with the coat of arms ends after the bridge in the lower field. This is important for field scoring.

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 02.png

There are two separate cities on this tile.

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 03.png

The road on this tile is unbroken. The top part of the road separates two fields, the lower part does not. This is important for field scoring. [1]

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 04.png

This road ends in the field.

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 05A 05B.png

The road on each of these tiles touches the city, creating 3 separate fields.

Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Tile 06.png

The road does not end on this tile. Instead, it branches into 3 directions. [2]



Împarte fiecărui jucător câte 1 cartonaş cu abaţie. Dacă participă mai puţin de 6 jucători la partidă, depune abaţiile rămase în cutie. Nu veţi avea nevoie de acestea în acestă partidă. Apoi amesteci noile cartonaşe de teren cu celelalte cartonaşe, le aranjezi ca şi până acum în mai multe teancuri acoperite şi le depui pe masă. Dă fiecărui jucător cei 3 pioni din lemn de culoarea lui: 1 primar, 1 căruţă şi 1 moşie. Toţi jucătorii îşi depun aceşti pioni împreună cu meepleşii în rezerva lor personală.[3]


Abbey And Mayor C2 Feature Abbey Tile.png

1. Ataşarea unui cartonaş de teren

Dacă doreşti să ataşezi o abaţie, la începutul turului tău nu tragi niciun cartonaş. În loc de această acţiune ataşezi o abaţie. Poţi ataşa abaţia în orice loc în care cele 4 laturi ale spaţiului liber sunt înconjurate de cartonaşe şi unde în spaţiul gol mai există loc pentru 1 singur cartonaş. Adică abaţia poate fi depusă numai într-o „gaură”. Nu contează ce fel de elemente de peisaj sunt pe cele 4 laturi. Este indiferent dacă este vorba de un câmp, un drum, sau de porţiuni de oraş, abaţia se potriveşte întotdeauna. Dacă nu există o asemenea „gaură”, nu ai posibilitatea să ataşezi abaţia.

Exemplul 1: Din moment ce toate cele 4 laturi ale spațiului gol sunt deja ocupate de câte un cartonaş, tu ai posibilitatea să-ţi ataşezi abaţia.

Dacă unul sau mai mulți jucători nu și-au plasat abația până când ultimul cartonaș a fost tras și atașat, atunci o pot face, în ordinea acelor de ceasornic începând cu persoana care a atașat ultimul cartonaș de teren, atât timp cât plasarea acesteia este în conformitate cu regulile. Apoi urmează evaluarea finală.[4][5]

2. Plasarea unui meeple

Abaţia trebuie tratată ca orice mănăstire. Poţi să îți plasezi un meeple drept călugăr în abaţie.[6]

3. Scoring a feature

Dacă ţi-ai ataşat abaţia (şi eventual ţi-ai plasat un meeple pe cartonaş), toate cele 4 laturi limitrofe sunt considerate finalizate. După aceasta vei evalua în mod obişnuit drumurile, oraşele şi mănăstirile finalizate de abaţie. Călugărul din abaţie se evaluează ca şi un călugăr dintr-o mănăstire obişnuită.[7]

Exemplul 2: Îţi plasezi un meeple drept călugăr. Drumul cu meepleul albastru este finalizat şi îi aduce jucătorului albastru 3 puncte.

Evaluarea abației însăși, atât în timpul jocului cât și la sfârșitul jocului, este identică cu evaluarea mănăstirii.


2. Placing a mayor

You may place your mayor instead of placing a meeple. [8] A mayor may only be placed in a city containing no knights [9] [10] or mayors. All other rules that apply to meeples also apply to mayors.

3. Scoring a feature

The strength of your mayor is equal to the number of coats of arms in the city it occupies. If two or more players have meeples in the same city, it is scored as follows:

  • Each normal meeple has 1 strength. [11]
  • Each large meeple [12] has 2 strength.
  • Each mayor has strength equal to the number of coats of arms in the city. If there are no coats of arms, the mayor has 0 strength.

When scoring a city, each player adds the strength of their meeples in the city. The player with the highest strength scores the points for that city. In case of a tie, all tied players score full points.

Valoarea unui oraș nu este afectată de primar.

When a city is completed, mayors in that city are returned to their respective supplies.

Your mayor has 3 strength (3 coats of arms). The 2 blue meeples add up to 2 strength. You alone score 20 points.

If a city containing only mayors is completed, but with no coats of arms, each mayor has 0 strength and scores no points for the city.

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: Blue has a mayor in a city with no coats of arms. Does the city count as occupied? And if so, when the city is scored, will Blue score points?

Răspuns: The city is occupied. The mayor has no "strength," so it counts as if there is no meeple, and scores no points.


2. Placing a barn

You may place a barn instead of placing a meeple. [13] If you place a tile that creates a junction where 4 tiles connect to create an open field, you may place your barn directly on that junction. In other words, the corner of each tile forming this junction must only depict a field in order for a barn to be placed there.

You may place your barn on a field already occupied by farmers. You may not, however, place your barn on a field already occupied by another barn. [14] Once placed, a barn remains in play until the end of the game. [15]

Example 1 - The corner of each tile is a field: you may place a barn here.
Example 2 - The corners of both bottom tiles have city segments: you may not place a barn here.

3. Scoring a feature

If there are farmers in the field where you place your barn, that field is scored immediately, [16] just as it would be at the end of the game. Therefore, the player with the most farmers in that field scores 3 points per completed city in the field. It does not matter which player placed the barn that initiated this scoring.

Then, all farmers occupying that field are returned to their respective supplies.

Example 3: You place a barn. Blue scores 6 points for the 2 completed cities in the same field and returns her farmer to her supply.

A field occupied by a barn may NOT be occupied by farmers. If you place a tile that connects a field occupied by one or more farmers to a field occupied by a barn, the connected field is scored during the scoring phase of that turn (after 2. Placing a meeple). The player with the most farmers in that field scores only 1 point per completed city.

Then, all farmers occupying that field are returned to their respective supplies.

Example 4: The tile placed this turn connects both meeples to the barn’s field. You and Blue each score 2 points for the 2 completed cities in that field and return the farmers to your supplies.

At the end of the game, you score 4 points per completed city in the field your barn occupies. If multiple barns occupy the same field, all concerned players score full points.


2. Placing a wagon

You may place your wagon instead of placing a meeple. [17] A wagon may be placed most places a meeple may normally be placed (road, city, monastery, abbey [18]), but it may not be placed in a field.

3. Scoring a feature

When scoring a feature (road, city, monastery, etc. [18]) a wagon occupies, the wagon is treated like a normal meeple.

After scoring, you may return the wagon to your supply, or you may move it to a directly adjacent unoccupied, incomplete feature (road, city, monastery, etc. [18]). Adjacent, in this case, means that the feature is on the same tile or a tile orthogonally or diagonally adjacent to the tile the wagon is moving from. [19] If there are no such features for your wagon to move to, it must be returned to your supply.

If several wagons are involved in a scoring phase, each concerned player chooses whether to return or move their wagon in clockwise order starting with the active player.

Example 1: You score 3 points for the road. Then you may move your wagon to the monastery on the right or the city below.
Example 2: You score 6 points for the completed city and may move your wagon to the monastery above or the road below. You may not move your wagon to the completed road above or to the city (occupied by Blue) on the left.

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: Can you deploy a wagon to a city, score it, and then move the wagon to another feature, all in one turn? Or can you only move the wagon instead of deploying a normal meeple?

Răspuns: The wagon can be deployed instead of a normal meeple. If the city is immediately completed, then it’s scored (wagon or "normal" meeple). After scoring, the wagon can be moved. All of that is possible in a single turn. [Wagon movement is not in place of deployment.]

Alte extensii

Această secțiune conține informații adiționale despre interacțiunile cu alte extensii Carcassonne.


 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: If cities with trade goods are completed by placement of an abbey tile, are the goods tokens awarded as usual to the player placing the abbey tile?

Răspuns: Yes, as the player completed the city.

  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: If a player completes a feature with an abbey tile and his or her builder is on the feature, the feature does not get “extended” by the abbey (as the abbey is a separate feature), so the player does not get another tile (i.e. no double turn).
  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber:
    • The rules that restrict the placement of monasteries next to already placed shrines (and vice versa) also restrict the placement of abbeys.
    • A shrine can challenge an abbey, and vice versa, because the abbey is also a monastery.


  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders:
    • If you have the most farmers in a field where a barn is placed, you score 1 additional point per completed city (4 points total) if your pig is in that field. Furthermore, if you have the most farmers in a field that becomes connected to a field occupied by a barn, you score 1 additional point per completed city (2 points total) if your pig is in that field.
    • You can place your pig on a tile that connects your farmer to the barn. After scoring your pig, return it to your supply.

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: May the pig be placed on a farm that was just connected to a farm with a barn, i.e. on the newly placed tile (immediately before scoring)?

Răspuns: Yes, the pig may be placed in already occupied features [and the normal "Move Wood" phase still happens].

  • If a player has an abbey left, draws the very last tile, and plays it to a feature where he or she has a builder, the abbey may be played on the second part of the double-turn.
  • Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon:
    • A barn may not be eaten by the dragon.
    • A barn may be placed on a tile with a volcano.
    • You may not place the fairy by a barn, as the barn is not a meeple.
    • A barn not be placed using a magic portal.
  • Exp. 4 - The Tower:
    • A barn may not be captured by a tower.
    • You may not place your barn on a tower.
  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber:
    • You can move meeples from the cathedral district to an abbey, as an abbey has all of the characteristics of a monastery.
    • The city of Carcassonne counts as a city when scoring a barn.
    • The barn cannot be placed in the city of Carcassonne.
    • If your barn placement of field connection triggers a field scoring in which you score no points, you may place a meeple in the city of Carcassonne.

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: If I place a barn on a field on which another player has farmers, causing him/her to score while I score nothing, can I move a meeple to the city of Carcassonne?

Răspuns: Yes, that's allowed. Only immediately scored points matter. It doesn't matter that the barn is certain to score at the end of the game.

  • If a barn placement or field connection triggers a field scoring, you may move meeples from the market in the city of Carcassonne to that field. Score that field as normal, and return all farmers in that field to their respective supplies. (It doesn't matter that the barn is certain to score at the end of the game.)

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: Are the meeples in the market district only used at the end of the game?

Răspuns: This is no longer entirely true. Placing of a barn, and the subsequent scoring of the field, does count as an opportunity to remove a meeple from the city of Carcassonne. Now that fields can be scored at times other than at the end of the game, meeples from the market can be moved to fields earlier in the game. That occurs immediately after the placement of the barn, and before the fields are scored. [Joining of a farm containing a meeple to a field with a barn would logically be another opportunity – Chris O.]

  • You can move meeple from the market district to a field with a barn (and score it) if a field scoring is triggered. (This can happen at the end of the game or with joining of a barnless field to one with a barn.)

 Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Întrebare: Can a meeple be moved from the city of Carcassonne to a field with a barn?

Răspuns: Yes, the farmer will be scored immediately, and so scores only 1 point per city and is (importantly) not on the field during the final scoring proper. [Obviously, placement of a meeple in this manner still requires a scoring trigger as per the fundamental rules – this could be at the end of the game or with joining of a barnless field to one with a barn – Chris O.]

  • The pigsty (The River II expansion) only affects field scoring for farmers. Barns do not score additional points from the pigsty.
Rezumat pentru evaluare

Scoring fields with a barn


1. Scoring a field when placing a barn

If farmer majority

  • 3 points per completed city adjacent to farm
  • 4 points per castle adjacent to farm
  • (+1) point per castle or completed city with pig (then return pig to owner’s supply)
  • (+1) point per castle or completed city with pigsty tile
  • (x2) if besieged city

2. Scoring a connected field

If farmer majority

  • 1 point per completed city adjacent to farm
  • 2 points per castle adjacent to farm
  • (+1) point per castle or completed city with pig
  • (+1) point per castle or completed city with pigsty tile
  • (x2) if besieged city

Evaluarea moșiei

  • 4 point per completed city adjacent to farm
  • 5 points per castle adjacent to farm
  • (x2) if besieged city

Primarul și căruța

  • Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon:
    • Both figures may be placed using the magic portal. They may only be placed in features in which they may normally be placed.
    • Both figures may be eaten by the dragon.
    • Both figures may be seduced by a princess.
  • Exp. 4 - The Tower:
    • Both figures may be captured by the tower.
    • Both figures may not be placed on a tower.
  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber: Both figures may be placed in the city of Carcassonne with the following exceptions:
    • The mayor may only be placed in the castle quarter.
    • The wagon may be placed anywhere but in the market.
  • Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles and Bazaars Both figures may occupy a castle. However, the mayor (now the lord of this castle) cannot score points for that castle, as that castle does not have any coats of arms.
  • The Flier (Flying Machines)
    • The mayor can be a flier. However, the mayor can only land on an unfinished city. If an unfinished city is not available on the tile where the mayor lands, the mayor returns to the player’s supply. (2/2013)
  • The Festival The barn can be removed by a Festival tile, before the end of the game. (12/2014)
  • Besiegers - Cathars - Siege Both figures, if placed in a besieged city, can escape via a monastery or any equivalent feature, such as an abbey (although it would be quite amusing if the mayor stayed, like a captain going down with the ship.)

Noile cartonașe

  • Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber: The length of a road with the roundabout tile (e.g. for the purposes of the Robber tile) is the total number of tiles in the road, not simply the longest distance between two ends. The road has three ends which have to be closed, but the result is that it's likely to be bigger.
  • The Tunnel: The road with a tunnel does indeed count as being "broken" if one is using The Tunnel expansion, in which case the tile contains two as yet unconnected tunnel openings.

Reguli neoficiale

  • The wagon can move to the next complete, or uncontested and incomplete, feature. This lets it roll across the board to uncontested features. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • The mayor cannot be captured by the tower. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • The wagon cannot be eaten by the dragon or captured by the tower. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • The mayor is laid flat in the same way as farmers so that you can tell at a glance which cities contain mayors. (Thanks to Joff)
  • The pigsty tile can score an extra point per city when there is a barn on the farm.

Referință pentru cartonașe

Total tiles: 12

Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile B.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile C.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile D.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile E.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile F.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile G.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile H.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile I.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile J.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile K.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile L.jpg  x1
Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile M.jpg  x1

Unele cartonașe au o ilustrație mică pe acestea. Literele din paranteze arată care ilustrație este pe fiecare cartonaș:

Base Game C2 Feature Garden.jpg
G | Grădină
Base Game C2 Feature Farmhouse.jpg
B | Gospodărie țărănească
Base Game C2 Feature Water Tower.jpg
T | Turn de apă
Base Game C2 Feature Highwayman.jpg
W | Tâlhari
Base Game C2 Feature Cows.jpg
K | Grajd pentru vaci

Numărul total de cartonașe cu abație: 6

Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile A.jpg x6

Note de subsol

Pentru licențierea și semnificația pictogramelor te rugăm să vizitezi Pagina pictogramelor.

  1. Interpretare din partea comunității The road with a tunnel does indeed count as being “broken” if one is using the The Tunnel expansion from the 1st Edition. See Other expansions for more details.
  2. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului All of the branches have to be completed in order to score the road scoring. See Other expansions for more details on the interaction with the Robber tile from Count, King and Robber.
  3. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Statut oficial: Primarul și căruța sunt meepleși datorită regulilor de plasare și de afectare a majorității. Moșia este un pion special, nu un meeple.
  4. Diferențe notorii la reguli între ediții sau publicatori Acest paragraf a fost adăugat în versiunile HiG și RGG ale Big Box 2 și realmente contrazice un FAQ mai vechi (care a stabilit că un cartonaș cu abație nu poate fi plasat după plasarea ultimului cartonaș de teren). Totuși, nu este adăugat în regulile ediției noi.
  5. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Atunci când o abație este atașată în acest fel, un meeple poate fi plasat pe abație ca în mod obișnuit. Dacă abația este înconjurată complet și apoi imediat finalizată este evaluată ca într-o tură obișnuită. Apoi urmează evaluarea finală. (5/2013)
  6. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Când este plasat un cartonaș cu abație, un meeple nu poate fi plasat lângă abație (de exemplu, ca cavaler), din moment ce abația ocupă întregul cartonaș. Abația de pe cartonaș nu este înconjurată de oraș. Prin urmare, un meeple de pe acest cartonaș este un călugăr.
  7. Interpretare din partea comunității Abațiile pot închide orașe și drumuri dar nu fac parte din ele însăle. Reține acest lucru când evaluezi drumuri, orașe și, de asemenea, câmpuri.
    De exemplu: Să zicem că există un oraș finalizat de către abație și un câmp care are doar o latură comună cu cartonașul cu abație. În acest caz, un țăran care deține majoritatea aflat pe acest câmp nu va primi niciun punct pentru acel oraș, din moment ce nu este conectat direct cu orașul.
  8. Interpretare din partea comunității Note that the mayor is also a meeple. The rules use the word "meeple" but meaning "normal meeple", as if considering the expansion being played with the base game alone.
  9. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului Any meeple, including the mayor, that is placed in a city is considered to be a knight. So this sentence is redundant.
  10. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului The mayor cannot be placed into a city that already contains a wagon. Both are meeples (according to the definition in the rules), so the city is already occupied by the wagon.
  11. Interpretare din partea comunității Except the large meeple and the mayor, all other meeples not mentioned here have 1 strength, the same as the normal meeple: the wagon, the ringmaster (Under the Big Top), and the phantom (The Phantom).
  12. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului A meeple introduced in Inns and Cathedrals.
  13. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului The barn is not a meeple.
  14. Interpretare din partea comunității Fields with barns can be joined resulting in fields with more than one barn.
  15. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului The barn can, however, be removed by a Festival tile. See Other expansions for more details.
  16. Clarificare oficială din partea publicatorului The word "immediately" here means that farmers are scored then removed during the normal scoring phase of this turn (as opposed to staying on the farm until the end of the game). The placement of a barn does not stop play for a separate scoring phase for the farmers. Thus, the normal “move wood” portion of the turn occurs before the farmers are scored. (10/2012)
  17. Interpretare din partea comunității Note that the wagon is also a meeple. The rules use the word "meeple" but meaning "normal meeple", as if considering the expansion being played with the base game alone.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Interpretare din partea comunității This feature list should be extended to cover all claimable features available except fields and gardens (only valid for abbot meeples):
    • Roads
    • Cities
    • Monastic buildings:
      • Monastery
      • Abbey
      • Shrine
      • German monastery (placed as a monk or as an abbot)
      • Dutch & Belgian monastery (placed as a monk or as an abbot)
      • Japanese building (placed as a monk or as an abbot)
      • Darmstadt church
    • Baba Yaga's hut
    • German castles
    • German cathedrals
  19. Diferențe notorii la reguli între ediții sau publicatori The wagon rules in Abbey and the Mayor (1st Edition) were different in the following aspects:
    1. Adjacency: The wagon could only move to an unoccupied, incomplete feature connected by a road or sharing a surface/edge/wall:
      • Cases allowed:
        • Road to road through a crossing
        • Road to any claimable feature and vice versa: city (through a gate), monastery (or equivalent feature such as an abbey), etc.
        • A city to an adjacent abbey and vice versa
        • A city to a monastery within and vice versa
      • Cases not allowed:
        • Two cities with touching walls or tips on the same or on different tiles.
        • Two cities connected by "small roads" where meeples cannot be placed.
        • Two cities crossing via bridges but no connected via roads.
        • Two roads separated by a feature (are any aspect on a tile that can be claimed by a meeple or that triggers any function)
        • A road touching a city wall with no gate
        • A road running through a city via a tunnel or passing over via a bridge
    2. Placement: the wagon could be placed on any tile of the chosen unoccupied, incomplete feature.