Turnurile de veghe

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Cartonașele miniextensiei

Miniextensia Turnurile de observație a fost lansată de HiG prin CundCo în anul Template:Year ro.

Această miniextensie prezintă turnuri de observație pe care le poți construi în și în jurul Carcassonne. Fiecare turn păzește după lucruri diferite și este mai valoros cu cât mai păzește mai multe lucruri.

Această miniextensie a fost dezvoltată pentru jocul de bază Carcassonne. Toate regulile jocului de bază încă se aplică în adiție cu regulile miniextensiei de mai jos. O poți combina cu alte (mini)extensii - dar pe riscul propriu – asta înseamnă că nu vor exista reguli oficiale pentru aceste combinații.


  • 12 cartonașe de teren noi prezentând turnuri de observație
Cartonaș cu un turn de observație



Amestecă cele 12 cartonașe de teren care prezintă turnuri de observație cu cele din jocul de bază (și alte miniextensii și/sau extensii, dacă este cazul).

1. Atașarea unui cartonaș de teren

Când tragi un cartonaș care arată un turn de observație, îl plasezi în conformitate cu regulile normale.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing a land tile showing a watchtower, you may place one of your meeples on the tile according to the normal rules. You may place it on a city or a road, or in a field as a farmer. You may not place it on the watchtower itself.

Example: You place a tile showing a watchtower and place a meeple in the city. You may not place it on the watchtower though.

3. Scoring a feature

When a completed road or a city contains a tile which features a watchtower, and there is a meeple on the feature (city, road) on that tile, the watchtower is scored first. The completed road or city is scored afterwards. [1] [2]

This does not apply to farmers. Farmers do not trigger scoring for watchtowers.

For scoring the watchtowers, the 8 directly adjacent tiles and the tile with the watchtower itself are considered. You can see on each watchtower what scores your points:

Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 1.png   2 points for each meeple [3] [4]
Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 4.png   2 points for each coat of arms
Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 2.png   1 point for each tile showing at least one road
Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 3.png   3 points for each monastery
Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 5.png   1 point for each tile showing at least one part of a city [5]

The following examples show how watchtowers are scored:

Example 1: Your city has been completed. First you score 8 points (4 meeples x 2 points) with the watchtower. Then you get 6 points for the city.
Example 2 - Same situation with a different watch tower: you score 4 points with the tower (4 tiles showing a part of a city x 1 point) and then 6 points for the city itself.

Evaluarea finală

Watchtowers do not provide points after the game. [6]

Referință pentru cartonașe

Numărul total de cartonașe: 12

Watchtowers C2 Tile A.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile B.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile C.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile D.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile E.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile F.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile G.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile H.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile I.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile J.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile K.jpg  x1
Watchtowers C2 Tile L.jpg  x1

Note de subsol

Pentru licențierea și semnificația pictogramelor te rugăm să vizitezi Pagina pictogramelor.

  1. Interpretare din partea comunității This means watchtowers are scored independently from city or roads, so the resulting score is not part of the feature. So watchtowers score first as an event triggered by the completion of the neighboring city or road but it is actually a scoring associated to the meeple placed on the watchtowers tile. Note that the meeple on the watchtower tile may belong to a player who doesn't have the majority in the feature being scored so:
    • The player with the meeple on the watchtower will score their meeple first.
    • The player with the majority will score the feature afterwards.
    In this regard, the watchtower scoring is a separate scoring event (see Mini #2 - The Messages (Dispatches)) and it should not trigger the evaluation of a castle (see Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles and Bazaars) either, since it is not associated to the completed feature itself. Thus, on the other hand, the scoring of the completed city or road would trigger the scoring of a castle.
  2. Interpretare din partea comunității Note that several meeples may end up on the same watchtower tile when playing with phantoms, magic portals, flying machines, crop circles or the Count of Carcassonne. Also remember that watchtower tiles may have several segments connected to the same completed feature. So a completed road or city may contain a tile contributing with several segments to the same feature, each of them with zero, one or more meeples. In these cases, since majority is not applied to this scoring bonus, each meeple on the watchtower tile contributing to the feature being scored will receive the watchtower points. These meeples may belong to the same of to different players.
  3. Interpretare din partea comunității This watchtower type only takes meeples into consideration, that is, normal meeples, large meeples, mayors, wagons, ringmasters, abbots and phantoms. Special figures (builders, pigs, barns and shepherds) and neutral figures (Dragon, Fairy, tower pieces, Count, brigdes, Big Top, ferries, gold ingots, Mage, Witch or Gingerbread Man) are not considered.
  4. Interpretare din partea comunității Castles are not placed on a particular tile, so this watchtower type would not consider meeples in castles for scoring.
  5. Interpretare din partea comunității Castles are not placed on a particular tile and they are not cities but a different feature type, so this watchtower type would not consider castles for scoring.
  6. Interpretare din partea comunității This statement, not included in the original rules, is inferred from the rules, since watchtower scoring can only be triggered by completed roads or cities.