Ostern in Carcassonne (Erste Edition)

This page is a translated version of the page Easter in Carcassonne (1st edition) and the translation is 9% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Easter in Carcassonne brings this event to board game. Collect Easter eggs; they can be gained by placing the last tile around an Easter Nest, or when the Easter Bunny hops onto a tile on which you have a follower; unless they have been eaten, the two players with most Easter eggs score additional points.

EasterCarcassonne C1 Tile 03.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. EasterCarcassonne C1 Tile 01.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Easter.png

Easter in Carcassonne brings this event to board game. Collect Easter eggs; they can be gained by placing the last tile around an Easter Nest, or when the Easter Bunny hops onto a tile on which you have a follower; unless they have been eaten, the two players with most Easter eggs score additional points.

For Easter, ancient customs have been preserved in the area around Carcassonne. The Easter Bunny brings colorful eggs as a sign of fertility, but you have to find them in the nests first.

General info

Easter Nest symbol
Easter Bunny symbol

Ostern in Carcassonne wurde von HiG 2014 als erste PnP Erweiterung vröffentlicht.
Original Design von Fritz_Spinne.

Original design by Fritz_Spinne (CarcC CarcF).


Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.

Download(s) is/are available from the following site(s) (registration may be required):

The tiles and rules files published by HiG:

The original fan expansion files can be found here:

Allgemeine Informationen und Kommentare


The following table summarizes the differences between the original version and the HiG version.

Action Original rules HiG rules
Bunny placement [1] Placed on Easter Nest tile (only placed on Easter Bunny tile if bunny not in play) Placed on Easter Bunny tile
Bunny movement (Easter Bunny phase) [2] Before scoring After scoring
Easter Nest scoring [3] After scoring according to text and interactions with other expansions During scoring according to text [4], but after scoring according to interactions with other expansions. The latter should prevail for the sake of consistency.


Easter Bunny
Easter Nest
  • 12 neue Karten mit einem Osterhasen
  • 10 neue Karten mit einem Osternest
  • 1 Osterhase
  • Zahlreiche Ostereier, möglichst aus Schokolade (wir empfehlen mind. 2 Päckchen kleiner, süßer, Ostereier)
  • 1 Würfel[5] mit je zwei Flächen 1, 2 und 3 (z.B. aus Mini 1 „Die Fluggeräte“)
  • 22 new landscape tiles (10 with an Easter Nest and 12 with an Easter Bunny)
Easter Nest tile
Easter Bunny tile
  • 1 Easter bunny figure [6]
  • Numerous Easter eggs, preferably made of chocolate (we recommend at least 2 packets of smaller, sweeter, Easter eggs) [7]
  • 1 special die marked 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 (e.g. from Mini #1 - The Flying Machines) [8]



Die neuen Landschaftskarten werden unter die anderen Landschaftskarten gemischt, der Hase und die Ostereier sowie der Würfel an der Seite der Spielfläche bereitgelegt.

Shuffle the new landscape tiles with the other land tiles. Place the Easter bunny, the Easter eggs and the die aside within easy reach of all players.


1. Landschaftskarte legen

Das Anlegen der neuen Landschaftskarten erfolgt nach den üblichen Regeln.

Sobald ein Spieler eine Karte mit Osterhase legt, platziert der Spieler sofort den Osterhasen auf diese Karte. Hierbei spielt es keine Rolle wo der Spieler den Osterhasen platziert, er darf dadurch jedoch kein Gebiet sperren.

2. Gefolgsmann setzen

Nachdem der Spieler den Osterhasen platziert hat, setzt er nach den üblichen Regeln, so er will, einen Gefolgsmann auf die soeben gelegte Karte. Nachdem der Spieler den Osterhasen platziert hat, beendet er nach den üblichen Regeln seinen Zug. Nach dem Zug, in dem eine Osterhasenkarte gelegt wurde, wird das Spiel kurz für eine Osterhasenphase unterbrochen. Nach dieser Phase ist wie gewohnt der nächste Spieler im Uhrzeigersinn an der Reihe.

3. Scoring a feature

If one or more regular features (e.g. a road, a city, a cloister...) are completed by the placement of a tile, they are scored according to the usual rules.

Easter Nest: If a player completely surrounds the Easter Nest by placing a tile, a scoring for that Easter Nest follows the regular scoring phase. [9] Surrounding means here the same as for a cloister, so the Easter Nest must be surrounded by 8 tiles.

3. Scoring a feature

  Osternest: Sollte ein Spieler durch das Legen einer Karte das Osternest

vollständig umschliessen, so erfolgt in der Wertungsphase eine Wertung für dieses Osternest. Umschliessen bedeutet hier das selbe wie bei einem Kloster, das Osternest muss also von 8 Karten umgeben

Dabei erhält der Spieler, der die letzte Karte um das Osternest (oder das Osternest

selber), gelegt hat, sofort 2 Ostereier. Nun erhält jeder Spieler für jeden Gefolgsmann auf den umliegenden Karten (auch auf der Karte mit dem Osternest) 1 Osterei.

Easter Bunny: After the turn in which an Easter Bunny tile is placed, the game is briefly interrupted for an Easter Bunny phase. After this phase, it is the turn of the next player in clockwise order as usual.

==No title defined

No rules defined.

The bunny may change its direction after each tile but it may not visit the same tile twice. Also the bunny cannot move on or over spaces without a tile. The bunny may also be moved deliberately into a dead end, so that it cannot no longer move. The following players will then have to refuse to move it.

If during its movement, the bunny hops on or over landscape tiles with followers, their owners receive an Easter egg for each follower. The followers remain on the tiles. }}

Final scoring

In der Schlusswertung werden keine Ostereier für die Gefolgsleute eines unfertigen Osternestbereichs vergeben, der Osterhase spielt für die Schlusswertung ebenfalls keine Rolle mehr. Der Spieler mit den meisten Ostereiern erhält 10 Punkte. Der Spieler mit den zweitmeisten Ostereiern 5 Punkte. Bei Gleichstand erhalten alle Beteiligten die entsprechenden Punkte. VORSICHT!!!!: Es zählen nur die Ostereier, die noch nicht aufgegessen wurden. Nach der Schlusswertung sollten alle Ostereier auf eigene Gefahr verzehrt werden …

In the final scoring, no Easter eggs will be awarded to the followers of an unfinished Easter Nest area. The Easter bunny figure will not play a role in the final scoring either.

The player with the most Easter eggs gets 10 points. The player with the second most Easter eggs gets 5 points. [10] In the event of a tie, all players receive the corresponding points.

CAUTION!!!!: Only the Easter eggs that have not yet been eaten count. After the final scoring all Easter eggs should be eaten at your own risk...

Rules adaptation

If no die from the expansion Mini #1 - The Flying Machines is available, a regular six-sided die can also be used. In this case, the Easter bunny figure moves 1 hop for rolls 1-2, 2 hops for 3-4 and 3 hops for 5-6.

New land tiles

Tunnel: The two road segments that proceed through the tunnel are part of a single connected road. The lower field is not interrupted, and the upper field is not interrupted either. [11]

Other expansions

Wirtshäuser & Kathedralen: Der große Gefolgsmann bekommt auch nur ein Osterei.

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

 Exp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals

  The big follower only gets one Easter egg.

Händler & Baumeister: Die Sonderfiguren Baumeister und Schwein gehen bei der Verteilung der Eier leer aus.

  The special figures Builder and Pig go away empty-handed when the Easter eggs are distributed.
  During a double turn, the scoring of Easter Nests and the Easter Bunny phase may happen once for each part of the turn. [12]

Burgfräulein & Drache: Der Drache frisst den Osterhasen (das lässt sich ein Drache doch nicht entgehen).
Der Hase kann sowohl mit der Fee als auch mit dem Drachen auf derselben Karte stehen. Wird mit einer Drachenkarte ein Osternestbereich abgeschlossen, erfolgt die Bewegung des Hasen nachdem der Drache gezogen wurde, so er noch auf dem Plan steht.

  The dragon eats the Easter bunny figure (a dragon can't miss that). [13]
  The bunny can be on the same tile as the fairy. [14]
  If an Easter Nest is completed with a dragon tile, the movement of the bunny takes place after the dragon has been moved, if it is still on a tile. [15]

Der Turm: Der Turm nimmt keinen Osterhasen gefangen. Ein auf dem Turm stationierter Gefolgsmann bekommt ebenfalls ein Ei geschenkt.

  The tower does not capture the Easter bunny figure. A follower on the tower also gets an Easter egg as a gift.

Abtei & Bürgermeister: Der Wagen und der Bürgermeister erhalten ein Ei, der Gutshof dagegen keines.

  The wagon and the mayor receive an Easter egg, but the barn does not.

Graf, König & Konsorten: Es kann kein Gefolgsmann aus der Stadt Carcassonne zur Wertung eines fertigen Osternestbereichs dazu geholt werden. Auch ein Ketzer auf einer Kultstätte bekommt ein Ei.

  No follower from the city of Carcassonne can be deployed when scoring a completed Easter Nest. Even a heretic at a place of cult receives an egg.

Das Katapult: Wird mit einer Katapultkarte der Osternestbereich fertiggestellt, erfolgt im Anschluss an die Katapultrunde die Wertung des Osternestbereichs.

  If an Easter Nest is completed with a catapult tile, the scoring of the Easter Nest takes place after the catapult round.

Brücken, Burgen & Basare: Ein Gefolgsmann auf einer Brücke erhält ein Ei. Das Fertigstellen eines Osternestbereichs löst nicht die Wertung einer Burg aus. Die Basar-Runde wird nach dem Werten des Osternestbereichs durchgeführt.

  A follower on a bridge receives an Easter egg. Completing an Easter Nest does not trigger the scoring of a castle. The bazaar round is carried out after the scoring of Easter Nests.

Schafe & Hügel: Auch der Schäfer bekommt ein Ei, obwohl er kein Gefolgsmann ist! Die Hügel und Weinberge beeinflussen die Verteilung der Eier nicht.

  Even the shepherd receives an Easter egg, although it is not a follower! The hills and vineyards do not affect the distribution of the eggs.

Mini 4: Die Goldminen: Die Fertigstellung eines Osternestbereichs führt nicht zur Verteilung von Goldbarren.

  The completion of an Easter Nest does not cause the distribution of gold pieces.

Mini 5: Magier & Hexe: Magier und Hexe beeinflussen die Verteilung der Ostereier nicht, der Hase kann mit ihnen auf einer Karte stehen.

  The Mage and the Witch do not affect the distribution of the Easter eggs, the Easter bunny figure can be on the same tile with any of them.

New tiles

 The Tunnel

  If using the tunnel tokens from The Tunnel, then the road shown on the tile with a tunnel is indeed broken, and the segments may never actually meet.

Tile distribution

Anzahl Plättchen: 22


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  1.   In the original version, Easter Nests define the new location of the bunny and Easter Bunny tiles just trigger the movement from the bunny's current location. The HiG version uses the Easter Bunny tile as starting point for each bunny movement, so Bunny Nests are just a scoring device.
  2.   The sequencing of the bunny movement is important, since followers on completed features are removed during scoring and may not receive Easter eggs.
  3.   The sequencing of the Easter Nest scoring is important, since followers on completed features are removed during scoring and may not receive Easter eggs.
  4.   This discrepancy seems a mistake in the wording, since the interactions with other expansions stay the same.
  5. Wenn kein Würfel aus der Mini-Erweiterung „Die Fluggeräte“ vorhanden ist, empfehlen wir, diese umgehend zu bestellen. In jedem Fall kann auch ein handelsüblicher Würfel 1–6 genutzt werden. Hier bewegt sich der Osterhase bei den Ergebnissen 1–2 um 1 Schritt, bei 3–4 um 2 und bei 5–6 um 3 Schritte.
  6.   You could use any of the rabbit figures available on www.spielematerial.de
  7.   This may represent around 60 Easter eggs. (3/2021)
  8.   If no special die is available, you can use a regular die. See Rules adaptation for more information.
  9.   The original rules indicated that the Easter Nest scoring happens during the scoring phase (3. Scoring a feature), but the interactions with other expansions indicate this action happens later.
  10.   In the original fan-made rules, the 5 points were only awarded in games with more than 2 players.
  11.   If using The Tunnel, the road shown on this tile may be affected (See Other Expansions for more details).
  12.   These actions are associated to the placement of a tile and will take care after the regular scoring phase (3. Scoring a feature) as inferred from the clarification for Exp. 7 and Exp. 8: after a catapult round and before a bazaar round.
  13.   In the original fan-made rules, the dragon could not eat the Easter bunny figure. HiG reverted this in the final version.
  14.   The original fan-made rules and the HiG rules indicated that the Easter bunny figure could be on the same tile as the fairy and the dragon. This could be possible in the original rules. However, mentioning the dragon in the final rules is a contradiction, since the dragon can eat the bunny now. For this reason, the dragon was removed from this sentence and only the fairy is mentioned.
  15.   This means that, besides the placement of an Easter Bunny tile, the completion of an Easter Nest with a dragon tile also triggers an Easter Bunny phase.
    If the Easter bunny is not placed on a tile in the playing area, the Easter Bunny phase does not take place. This may happen in the following cases:
    • At the beginning of the game, before an Easter Bunny tile is placed.
    • During the game, if the Easter bunny was eaten by the dragon and no Easter Bunny tile has been placed yet, if any left.