Základná hra Carcassonne

Revision as of 19:55, 18 June 2022 by Bumsakalaka (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pravidlá zostávajú rovnaké, menia sa ale role niektorých spoločníkov: * Z '''lupičov''' se staly '''cestovateľky'''. * '''Rytieri''' se namenia * '''Mnísi''' sú niekedy označovaní ako '''jeptišky''' * Zo '''sedliakov''' se stávajú '''mníšky''' Vydavatelia sa môžu riadiť novými rolami uvedenými v pravidlách HiG. Niektoré z týchto zmien nemusia byť v iných jazykoch zjavné.")
20AE Base Game C2 Tile O.png Čítate pravidlá ku zobrazenému dizajnu kartičiek. Base Game C2 Tile O.jpg
Base Game C1 Tile 10.jpgChoďte na nasledujúce pravidlá, ak majú vaše kartičky tento dizajn.
Základná hra Základná hra
Majú vaše kartičky úplne iný dizajn? Potom si vyberte z hier rodiny Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Hlavná stránka > Carcassonne > Základná hra Carcassonne


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v procese prekladu

Carcassonne C2 (Nové vydanie)
Carcassonne Jubilejné vydanie 20 rokov
Carcassonne C3 (tretie vydanie)


Viac informacií o samotnej hre nájdete v Carcapedii Carcassonne CZ fóra (pre zobrazenie obsahu sa prosím zaregistrujte).

Juhofrancúzke mesto Carcassonne je povestné svojím jedinečným opevnením, ktoré sa vyvíjalo od rímskych dôb až do veky rytierov. Hráči so svojimi spoločníkmi vyrážajú na cestu, lúky, do miest a kláštorov, aby v okolí mesta Carcassonne hľadali svoje šťastie. Vzhľad krajiny a strategické rozmiestnenie ich spoločníkov, či už sedliakov, lupičov, mníchov alebo rytierov určuje cestu k úspechu.

Informácie o pravidlách pre sedliakov

Sedliaci sú pre väčšinu hráčov Carcassonne považovaní za základnú súčasť hry. Hrajú sa takto aj na oficiálnych turnajoch, pretože sa bežne nepovažujú za rozšírenie hry. V novom vydaní Carcassonne byli sedliaci oddelení ako samostatné rozšírenie, aby sa zjednodušili pravidlá pre začiatočníkov hry. Pre účely ďalších rozšírení a častí WikiCarpedie sú sedliaci považovaní za súčasť základnej hry. Pravidlá pre sedliakov nájdete na samostatnej stránke   Sedliaci.

Herný materiál a príprava hry

  • 72 kartičkiek krajiny, na ktorých sú vyznačené časti miest, ciest, križovatky a kláštory, a to všetko stojí na lúkach.
časť mesta
úsek cesty

Rub kartiček je svetlý, s výnimkou štartovacej kartičky, ktorej rub je tmavý, aby ste ju ľahko rozoznali. [1]

rub štartovacej kartičky
rub ostatných kartiček

Štartovaciu kartičku (s tmavým rubom) položte doprostred stola lícom nahor. Ostatné kartičky zamiešajte a položte na stôl lícom nadol do niekoľkých kôpok tak, aby a ne všetci dobre dosiahli.

Štartovacia kartička
  • Počítadlo bodov umiestnite na okraj stola tak, aby bylo po ruke.
Časť počítadla bodov so spoločníkmi na štartovacom políčku 0.
  • 40 figúriek spoločníkov, vždy 8 vo farbách žltá, červená, zelená, modrá a čierna. [2] Zároveň je v hre aj 5 figúrek opatov, po 1 v každej farbe. Ich použitie je vysvetlené v pravidlách   Opát.

Najprv si každý hráč vezme 7 spoločníkov zvolenej farby. Títo tvoria zásobu hráča.
Ôsmeho spoločníka vašej farby postavte na políčko „0“ na počítadle bodov.
Zvyšné figúrky vráťte do karbice. Ak nehráte rozšírenie   Opát, tak vráťte do krabice aj figúrky opatov.

   Otázka: Príliš málo spoločníkov - hrajeme zle, alebo je ich skutočne príliš málo?

Odpoveď: 7 spoločníkov je počet, ktorý zamýšľali autori hry. Určitý nedostatok spoločníkov je zámerný. Dôležitým prvkom hry je práve naučiť se svojimi spoločníkmi šetriť a používať ich uvážlivo.

Cieľ hry

V priebehu hry vykladáte kartičky krajiny a prikladáte ich k postupne rozširujúcemu hernému plánu. Budú vznikať cesty, mestá, kláštory a lúky. Svoje figúrky spoločníkov budete umiestňovať na herný plán ako lupičov, rytierov, mníchov alebo sedliakov. Tým budete v priebehu hry a tiež na jej konci získavať víťazné body. Kto ich nazbiera najviac, zvíťazí!

Priebeh hry

A game of Carcassonne is played in clockwise order. Starting with the youngest player, [3] [4] the current player does the following actions in the order listed below, after which it is the next player's turn, and so on and so forth. First, we'll give you a brief description of the actions you have to do during one of your turns. These actions will be detailed as we present the roads, the cities, and finally the monasteries. So what are these actions?

1. Placing a tile

The player must draw exactly one land tile from a stack and place it faceup adjacent to any tile already on the board to continue the landscape. [5]

2. Placing a meeple

The player may place a meeple from their supply onto the tile just placed.


3. Scoring a feature

The player must score any feature completed by tile placement.  

The roads

1. Placing a tile

You draw the depicted tile with three road segments starting from a village. You must place it in such a way that it continues the existing landscape (the tiles already in play). In the rare case that a tile cannot legally be placed anywhere, and all players agree, it is removed from the game, and the player draws another. [6] [7]

Example 1a: You place the tile here. The road and fields continue the existing landscape.

2. Placing a meeple as highwayman

After placing the tile, you may place a meeple as a highwayman on one of that tile’s road segments, but only if the road is unoccupied by another highwayman.

In our example, since the road is not yet completed, no scoring occurs (see action 3) and play moves on to the next player.

Example 1b: You use your meeple as a highwayman on this road. This is possible because no other meeple is present on it.

The next player draws a tile that he/she places to continue the landscape. They may not place a meeple on the road to the right since your highwayman is already present on that road. Instead, they choose to place their meeple as a knight in the city segment of that tile.

Example 1c: Since the road to the right is occupied, the blue player decides to put his meeple in the city.

3. Scoring a road

When both ends of a road are closed, that road is completed and scored. The end of a road is closed when it meets a village, [8] a city, a monastery, or it loops onto itself by meeting the other end. [9]

Example 1d: The road completed has 3 tiles.

   Otázka: Can a road end in nothing?

Odpoveď: No, like all the usual land tiles, a road segment must continue to another road segment on all edges.

Even though it is your opponent that placed the tile, this still completes your road. How many points do you score? When scoring a road, each tile of that road grants you 1 point. Here, since you scored a road that is made out of 3 tiles, you score 3 points.

It is now time to note your score. You keep track of your score with the meeple you placed on the scoreboard before starting the game. Continuing our example, you move it forward 3 spaces to show that you’ve scored 3 points. Note: if your score passes 50 points, lay down your scoring meeple to show your 50+ points.

Example 1e: You keep track of the 3 points you earned on the scoreboard.

After scoring, return any meeples that occupy the road that was just scored to their owners' supply.

Example 1f: You return to your supply the highwayman that earned you 3 points. The blue meeple stays in place since it was not part of a scored feature.

We’ve already seen the most important parts of the game. Now, we will further expand on those actions by showing you how they apply to the other features, namely the cities and the monasteries:


1. Priloženie kartičky

Ako v každom ťahu, otočenú kartičku je treba najprv priložiť k hernému plánu, všetky územia musia nadväzovať. Mesto musí nadväzovať na mesto.

Príklad: Kartička s mestom.

2. Placing a meeple as a knight

Then, you see if there is already a meeple as a knight in the city. Here, there isn’t, so you can place one of your meeples as a knight in this city.

Example 2a: You placed this tile and it expands the city by one tile. Since the city is unoccupied, you place a meeple there.

   Otázka: We have difficulty deciding when a placed tile represents a new city or belongs to one already being built.

Odpoveď: 'Corner to corner' is not a connection. Segments can only be connected on the edges. In the example shown there are two cities at the moment.

3. Scoring a city

Let’s continue our example and assume that a few turns have passed. You now draw this tile that you place to continue your city. Since the tile you’ve placed completes a feature (here, the city), it must now be scored. A city is completed when it is surrounded by walls and there are no gaps inside the city. Since you have a meeple in the completed city, you are the player to score it.

Each tile in a completed city is worth 2 points. In addition, each coat of arms is worth 2 more points. [10] For this city, you score 8 points! As usual, the meeple that was in the scored feature returns to your supply.

Example 2b: Completed city scoring.


1. Priloženie kartičky

Rovnako kartičku s kláštorom je treba priložiť tak, aby všetky územia v miestach dotyku nadväzovali. [11] Kláštory sú vyznačené vždy v strede kartičky, ale k niektorým vedú cesty. [12]

Príklad: Kartička s kláštorem.

2. Umiestenie spoločníka ako mnícha

Do kláštora je rovnako možné umiestniť svojho spoločníka, a to ako mnícha. Spoločníka postavte do stredu kartičky priamo na kláštor.

Príklad 3a: Kartičku s kláštorem ide takto priložiť, protože lúka naväzuje na lúku. Červený obsadí kláštor svojím mníchom.

3. Započítanie bodov za kláštor

Kláštory se vyhodnocujú, len čo sú úplne obklopené susediacimi kartičkami ze všetkých 8 strán. Za každú z týchto kartiček vrátane samotnej kartičky s kláštorem získate 1 bod.

Priložením poslednej kartičky sa obklopí kláštor. Červený zaň získa 9 bodov a spoločník sa vracia automaticky do zásoby hráča.

Příklad 3b: Vyhodnotenie obklopeného kláštora.

We have already seen most of the rules for Carcassonne. There are only a few points left to see, but first, here is a summary of what we’ve seen so far:


1. Priloženie kartičky

  • Otočenú kartičku je nutné priložiť k hernému plánu, a to aspoň jednou stranou ku niektorej kartičke priloženej predtým. Územia na všetkých susediacich stranách musia nadväzovať.
  • Ak nastane veľmi nepravdepodobný prípad, že kartičku nie je možné žiadnym platným spôsobom priložiť, vráťte ju do krabice a otočte novú kartičku. [6]

2. Umiestnenie spoločníka

  • Spoločníka môže aktívny hráč umiestniť len na práve priloženú kartičku.
  • Dané územie však nesmie byť obsadené žiadnym iným spoločníkom (ani vlastným).

3. Scoring a feature

  • A road is completed when both ends lead to a village, a city, a monastery, or the road forms a loop. Each tile in a completed road is worth 1 point.
  • A city is completed when it is surrounded by walls and there are no holes inside the city. Each tile in the completed city is worth 2 points. Each coat of arms in the completed city is worth an extra 2 points.
  • A monastery is completed when it is surrounded by 8 tiles. Each of the monastery’s tiles (the 8 surrounding tiles and the one with the monastery itself) is worth 1 point.
  • Scoring always occurs at the end of a player’s turn. At that moment, each player with a meeple in a scored feature earns points. [13]
  • After each scoring, return the scored meeples to their owners' supply.
  • If there are multiple meeples in a single scored feature, the player with the most meeples is awarded full points and all other players receive nothing. When more than one player have the most meeples in a scored feature, the tied players all score full points.

Game end and final scoring

The game ends as soon as a player can no longer draw and place a landscape tile. [14] Then, players proceed to a final scoring, after which the winner will be known.

Once the game is over, all meeples still in play are scored:

  • Each incomplete road is worth 1 point per tile, just like during the game.
  • Each incomplete city is worth 1 point per tile and 1 point per coat of arms, which is only half the points.
  • Each incomplete monastery is worth 1 point plus 1 point per adjacent tile, just like during the game.
Example of final scoring:
  • Left city: Green is the only one to score 8 points (5 tiles and 3 coat of arms). Black does not score any points since Green has the most meeples in this city.
  • Monastery: Yellow scores 4 points for this incomplete monastery (3 points for the adjacent tiles and 1 point for the monastery itself).
  • Right city: Blue scores 3 points for this incomplete city (2 tiles and 1 coat of arms).
  • Road: Red scores 3 points for this incomplete roads (3 tiles).

Once the final score is known, the winner is the player with the most points.[15]

Special cases

Viac spoločníkov na jednej ceste

Príklad 4a: Touto kartičkou môžete prodĺžiť cestu obsadenú žltým spoločníkom, ale nemohli by ste na ňu postaviť svojho spoločníka ako lupiča. Môžete však kartičku tiež priložiť tak, že cesta zatiaľ nenadväzuje.
Príklad 4b: V niektorom neskoršom ťahu môžete priložiť kartičku tak, že se cesta spojí. Teraz sú na nej lupiči dvou hráčov – žltého a červeného. Žiadny nemá prevahu, obaja preto získajú 4 body.

Many meeples in the same city

Example 5a: You wish to take control of the city away from yellow and place your tile as pictured with a knight on it. You are allowed to place a knight there because the city segment is not connected to another city segment with a knight on it. If you succeed in linking your two city segments, your two knights will allow you to take the city from yellow.
Example 5b: That is exactly the tile you needed to connect the city segments. Since you now have the most knights in the city, only you get to score the 10 points awarded for completing that city. Then, both you and the other player take back your meeples.

Use a meeple, score a feature, and get the meeple back

You can place a meeple in a feature you just completed, immediately score it, and then return the meeple to your supply.

To do so, follow these steps: [16]

__ 1. Place a tile, completing a feature (such as a road, city, or monastery).

__ 2. Place a meeple as a highwayman, knight, or monk on the feature you just completed.

__ 3. Score the completed road, city, or monastery and return the meeple to your supply.

Example - Sequence taking place:
1. You place a tile.
2. You place your meeple on the road.
3. You score 3 points for the road. Return your meeple to your supply.

   Otázka: There is a situation that puzzles us. If a player draws a tile with two city segments and completes a small city, earning 4 points, can he or she then deploy a meeple to a new city segment in the same turn?

Odpoveď: A player may only deploy one meeple per turn, and that meeple may be deployed only once, and it must be before any scoring. If the player already occupies the small, now-completed city, he or she may deploy a second meeple to the other city segment immediately after placing the tile. The small city will then be scored and the meeple involved returned to the player. If the player does not yet occupy this city, he or she can decide which of the two city segments to deploy a meeple to. If the meeple is deployed to the small city (1), it will be returned immediately (2) and the player will earn four points, but the meeple cannot be redeployed (3).

Domáce pravidlá

  • The players decide who starts the game by any method they choose—such as by rolling three meeples. The first player to ‘roll’ a standing meeple decides who plays first. (Thanks to Joff.)
  • To determine the first player; each player draws a tile from the bag, the player that drew the tile with the most roads (0 to 4) plays first, if there is a tie for most roads, a draw-off takes place. This is repeated until someone wins. (Thanks to michael.)
  • Take your next tile at the end of your turn, to give you time to think about placement and avoid analysis paralysis.
  • Play with a three-tile hand. The abbey counts as part of your hand. Play your turn, including the builder, and then draw back up to three tiles. These tiles could be visible to all or hidden to the other players (Thanks to DavidP and youtch.)
  • When playing with a bag for the tiles, the original starting tile may be put into the bag, and unplayable tiles can be put back into the bag rather than set to one side. (Thanks to dwhitworth.)
  • Trees (bushes) on roads do not end the road—only houses do (when the road forks). This makes road building a lot more dynamic. (Thanks to Tobias.)
  • When a tile is the only tile which can currently complete a structure, other players can offer to ‘buy’ it by offering points, trades counter, abbey, and so on. (Thanks to Deatheux.)
  • If you place a tile that fills a hole in the playing field by touching something on all four adjacent sides, you get another turn. This helps motivate people to finish the board even if they do not get an advantage from the placement. (Does not apply to the abbey tile). (Thanks to viberunner.)
  • Incomplete features at the end of the game do not score points at the end of the game. (Thanks to metoth.)
  • The edge of the table limits the playing area. Thus, a player may not place a tile past the edge of the table or move the playing area to place a tile that would have been past the edge of the table. (Thanks to metoth for prompting this one, and to SkullOne for pointing out that this is an official rule from Hunters and Gatherers.)
  • Table borders COMPLETE features as an abbey would. (Thanks to PreGy.)
  • Use colored dice instead of meeples on the scoring track. Start out with the 6 showing on top. When the marker completes one lap, turn it to the number 1 to indicate it has completed one lap. This shows at a glance which player is on what lap and who's ahead. On the 100 space track it’s even easier to determine someone’s score at a glance. (Thanks to Carcking.)

Use of a table

A number of questions have been asked about rules related to the play area itself, including what happens when the edge of the area is reached, or if a table has to be used for play. The following clarifications are from Georg Wild from HiG (5/2013):

  • The edge of the table is the limit for the game if, as stated in the rules, a table is used.
  • The rules state that the starting tile is placed in the middle of the table. If all of the tiles are shifted to allow more room, the starting tile would no longer be in the middle. So in principle, total shifting of the tiles is not allowed. Additionally, with a manual shift of all of the tiles, the tiles and figures on the field can slip, which could lead to incorrect positioning of tiles or figures.
  • Addition of a second table is possible if one of an appropriate height is added to the first table. If a table is extended (as with an additional panel), make sure that the tiles and figures on the playing field do not slip.
  • Playing on the floor: The rules technically do not allow this, because the rules state that the first tile is placed in the middle of the table. Playing on the floor is not forbidden, however, if use of a table is not feasible. If the floor is used, tiles must be placed so all tiles are visible to all players. Tiles cannot be placed under the sofa, cabinet/shelf, etc.
  • It is important generally, that all the players in the round agree how to play:
    • Table - Standard
    • Table - with "total shifting" of tiles
    • Table - with extension
    • Floor
  • Continue to play fairly and not intentionally unfair to other players.

Rozdiely oproti pôvodnej verzii C1

Carcassonne Základná hra vyšla pôvodne v roku 2000 s grafickým návrhom, ktorý vytvorila Anne Pätzke. V roku 2014 vyšla nová edícia hry Carcassonne s grafickým návrkom, ktorý vytvorila Doris Matthäus.

Obe verzie sú kompatibilné, hoci majú odlišný grafické stvárnenie.

Základnou zmenou oproti pôvodnej verzii je, že Základná hra priamo obsahuje dve mini rozšírenia Template:RiekaLink, ktoré bolo v pôvodnej edícii dostupné aj samostatne a úplne nové rozšírenie   Opát, ktoré prináša nového spoločníka Opata a nový typ územia Záhrada. Zároveň sú pravidlá   Sedliaci v pravidlách novej edície uvedené ako samostatné mini rozšírenie, vraj kvôli rýchlejšiemu nábehu nových hráčov na hru.

Hráči, ktorí prechádzajú z pôvodnej edícue na novú edíciu si musia v nových pravidlách zvyknúť nato, že figúrka sa v nových pravidlách označuje ako spoločník, a že sú pravidlá písané z vášho pohľadu, na rozdiel od pohľadu hráča používaného v pravidlách pôvodnej edície.

Zároveň sú vypustené pravidlá, ktoré boli pozmenené ešte v prvých verziách pôvodnej edície.

Tieto pravidlá už neplatia ani v jednej z edícií:

  1. Malé mesto za 2 body (mesto pozostávajúce len z 2 kartičiek nebolo za 4 body ako teraz, ale len za 2 body).
  2. Vyhodnotenie miest pre farmárov podľa prevahy (ak mesto obklopovalo viacero sedliakov, body mohol hráč s prevahou sedliakov získať len raz, ak keby mal sedliakov na rôznych lúkach k tomu istému mestu).

Zoznam kartiček

Základná hra

Celkovo kartičiek: 72

(B;S) + (S)

(S) - označuje štartovaciu kartičku (s tmavým rubom)

Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
C | Cowshed
W | Water tower
H | Highwaymen
P | Pigsty
D | Donkey stable

Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

20th Anniversary Edition Base Game

Celkovo kartičiek: 72

(F;P) + (S)

One of the tiles marked with "(S)" -tile number four- is the starting tile (with a dark back).

Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
C | Cowshed
W | Water tower
H | Highwaymen
P | Pigsty
D | Donkey stable

Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

The 20th Anniversary Edition includes some celebratory details besides the glossy UV-printing:

  • The highwaymen by the roads usually look a bit different, but they can also join the party (maybe they will be a bit more peaceful in the future...). In case you play with an expansion that use them, they will count as normal highwaymen, as usual.
  • There are also additional details on the tiles, such as people partying everywhere, as well as hidden many so-called "Easter eggs". These make reference to other Carcassonne or HiG games. All these details have no effect on the rest of the game.

Carcassonne C3

Celkovo kartičiek: 72

(F;P) + (S)

One of the tiles marked with "(S)" -tile number four- is the starting tile (with a dark back).

Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
C | Cowshed
W | Water tower
H | Highwaymen
P | Pigsty
D | Donkey stable

Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

This edition replaces one pigsty for one cowshed in the tiles marked with *.

Pôvodná edícia (C1)

Celkovo kartičiek: 72
(S) - označuje štartovaciu kartičku (s tmavým rubom)

Poznámky pod čiarou

Vysvetlenie ikoniek nájdete na tejto stránke.

  1.   Dodatočné ilustráce na niektorých kartičkách nemajú žiadny vlplyv na základné pravidlá, ale môžu byť použité v niektorom z rozšírení, napr. Template:MarketLeipzigLink alebo   Mýtne.
  2.   V pravidlách   Big Box 6 a   BigBox2021 sú spoločníci aj pre šieste hráča (v ružovej farbe) popísaný ako súčásť základnej hry a nie ako súčasť   Hostince a katedrály, čím sa stávajú pravidlá prehľadnejšími.
  3.   The ZMG rules of the base game mention the "first player" without explaining how it is decided. However, the Big Box 6 rules are re-aligned with the HiG rules and indicate the first player is the youngest one.
  4.   It is common practice to choose starting player at random. More on this in house rules section.
  5.   A newly placed land tile must fit the adjacent terrain on all edges! During placement it is not enough to look for only one side that fits.
  6. 6.0 6.1   Alternatively, if legal, the player could place the abbey tile (Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor) instead of drawing another tile. (1/2013)
      By extension, other tiles in the player's supply could be chosen: a German castle (Castles in Germany) or a Halfling tile (Halflings).
  7.   If drawing tiles out of a bag, a tile that cannot be placed could be returned to the bag for later use.
  8.   Village is a little set of red roofed buildings surrounding the crossroad.
  9.   This list is valid in general terms and should be considered open ended. Some expansions incorporate additional features that may end a road, such as groups of trees and bushes, cottages, lakes, various types of ecclesiastical buildings, castles, etc.
  10.   Note that a coat of arms only affects the city segment it is in, not the whole tile (if there is more than one segment on a single tile).
  11.   Kláštory môžu byť priložené veďla seba na susedných kartičkách. Nie je nutné, aby s kláštorem susedilo osem kartičiek, na ktorých se nenachádza kláštor. Na rozdiel od ciest, miest a lúk nieje možné sa pripojiť ku kláštoru.
  12.   V niektorých rozšíreniach se môžete stretnúť s kartičkami kláštorov s okrajmi miest, a dokonce aj kláštory, ktoré sú vo vnútri miest.
  13.   When two meeples of one color are occupying the same road, city, or field, you do not score double in these cases. The number of meeples (or in Exp. 1 - Inns and Cathedrals the size of the meeples) has no effect on the points that a player earns from a road, city, monastery, or field. Two knights do not double the points. The number of meeples is only important in establishing who has the majority.
  14.   The ZMG rules state the following, which lead to certain interpretation issues when dealing with some expansions: "The game ends immediately after the turn of the player who placed the last tile."
  15.   Rules do not include tiebreakers. That is rules explaining situation when few players share the same score.
  16.   Note that features are considered to be complete as soon as the tile is placed, although meeple placement and scoring only occur afterwards. This is important when playing with magic portals (Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon) or flying machines (Mini #1 - The Flier (Flying Machines)).