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This page is a translated version of the page The Fortune Teller and the translation is 2% complete.

The Fortune Teller allows players to draw multiple tiles from the deck and choose one to be used in the player's turn. Unused tiles are returned to the deck. Place your meeple on a fortune teller tent to be able to predict the future.

FortuneTeller C2 Tile 01.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. FortuneTeller C1 Tile 01.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol FortuneTeller C1C2.png

The Fortune Teller allows players to draw multiple tiles from the deck and choose one to be used in the player's turn. Unused tiles are returned to the deck. Place your meeple on a fortune teller tent to be able to predict the future.

Mysterious fortune tellers have been appearing across the land of Carcassonne, possessing the ability to see what lies ahead. This rare profession may bring an advantage to those hoping to get a glimpse into the future…

Informacje ogólne

Expansion symbol

Wróżbita was released by HiG in 2016. It was the 3rd official PnP expansion for the C1 edition and in same time the first official PnP expansion for the C2 edition remade from the original fan expansion.

Original design by Jputt927 (CarcC, CarcF).

Do pobrania

Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.

Download(s) is/are available from the following site(s) (registration may be required):

The tiles and rules files published by HiG:

The original fan expansion files can be found here:


  • 8 new fortune teller tiles (C2 edition)
  • 8 new fortune teller tiles (C1 edition)
The Fortune Teller



At the start of the game, shuffle the fortune teller tiles with the rest of the tiles. For this expansion, we recommend to draw the tiles out of a bag (e. g. from the 2nd expansion).


Feature Fortuneteller.png
1. Placing a tile

The fortune teller tiles are placed according to normal Carcassonne rules.

2. Placing a meeple

If a player plays a tile with a fortune teller, he may deploy a meeple as a fortune teller on the tent. He may instead place a meeple on the other features on the tile, according to the normal rules.
Every player may have only 2 meeples on a fortune teller tent at the same time.

Benefit of the fortune teller
For every meeple on a fortune teller tent the player may draw 1 extra tile out of the bag at the beginning of his turn.
This can be 3 tiles maximum, if he has 2 fortune tellers as permitted.
From the drawn tiles the player chooses one and places it. He puts the other(s) tile(s) back in the bag and shuffles it.
If a player loses a fortune teller (see 3. Scoring a feature) he also loses the ability to draw an extra tile.

Additional clarifications [1]

Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy If you draw multiple tiles and any of them cannot be placed, you must then choose a tile that can be placed. (1/2021)
Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy If none of the drawn tiles can legally be placed, then the player should only redraw a single tile until they draw one that can be placed. (1/2021)

Interpretacja społeczności If there are not enough tiles left, the player should draw as many tiles as there are left, even if the fortune teller would allow more.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: When there are fewer tiles left than the amount your fortune teller(s) allow you to draw, should you draw (i) only one (no fortune teller effect) or (ii) as many tiles as possible? I'm assuming the answer will be option (ii) but just wanted to double check with you.

Odpowiedź: If there are not enough tiles left to, draw as many as your fortune teller allows, the player should draw as many as they are able (as many as there are left). (1/2021)

3. Scoring a feature

The fortune teller tent is completed
When a tile with a fortune teller has tiles on every 4 sides the tent has been completed and gets scored. The player, who placed the last of the 4 tiles gets 3 points. This can also be the player who owns the fortune teller.
The owner immediately takes back the fortune teller in his stock.
The ability (drawing an extra tile) of this fortune teller cannot be used anymore.

Example: Red places the upper tile and completes the tent of the fortune teller. Red scores 3 points. Blue takes back his meeple.
Punktacja końcowa

A fortune teller that remains on a tile at the end of the game will not earn any points.

Other expansions

The Fortune Teller is designed to work with any and all Carcassonne expansions. Rules specific to certain expansions work in the following ways.

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności After drawing extra tiles for your fortune tellers, you cannot change your mind and use a tile in your supply (abbey, Halfling tile, German castle), even if you cannot place any of the tiles you drew. You have to continue to draw one tile at a time until it can be placed.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: You have two fortune tellers. If you end up discarding all of your tiles because they cannot be placed (or you don't want to use a bridge to place any of them), could you decide between drawing three new tiles or placing your abbey? This situation could happen during double turn:
- You draw three tiles, two of them are CCCC tiles you cannot place.
- You place the third tile, which grants you a double turn.
- For the second part of your double turn, you could decide to draw 3 new tiles or placing your abbey, right?

Odpowiedź: If none of the drawn tiles can legally be placed, then the player should only redraw a single tile until they draw one that can be placed. [1] (1/2021)

Interpretacja społeczności If you draw several tiles for your fortune tellers, you have to choose one of them tile you can place. You are not allowed to pick one you cannot place and benefit from an action it may trigger even if not placed (Wheel of Fortune or Peasant Revolts).

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: You have two fortune tellers. If you drew 3 tiles and one of them cannot be placed, can you pick it (imagine it is a Wheel of Fortune tile that benefits you), then discard it and finally pick another tile? Or are you always forced to pick a tile you can place?

Odpowiedź: If you draw multiple tiles and any of them cannot be placed, you must then choose a tile that can be placed. [1] (1/2021)

Rozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i BudowniczowieRozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i Budowniczowie

Interpretacja społeczności Neither the pig nor the builder may be deployed as a Fortune Teller.

Interpretacja społeczności If a player’s turn is extended via a builder, the player will NOT redraw for a new tile, but will instead use the second tile that was drawn at the beginning of his turn. If a player has multiple tiles due to having two Fortune Tellers, he must choose which tile to place for his double turn.

Interpretacja społeczności If placing a tile from your supply (a German castle, a Halfling tile) triggers a double turn, you will be allowed to draw the maximum number of tiles allowed by your fortune tellers for the second part of your turn. You may decide to place another tile from your supply (a German castle, a Halfling tile, an abbey) instead.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: What happens of you decide to place a Halfling or a German castle and then you get a double turn. Do you draw 3 tiles if you have two fortune tellers for the second part of your double turn?

Odpowiedź: If triggering a double turn as result of a halfling tile, German castle, etc. then you would always draw the maximum tiles that your fortune tellers allow and choose from them. [1] (1/2021)

Interpretacja społeczności After drawing extra tiles for your fortune tellers, if you get a double turn, you cannot place a tile from your supply (a German castle, a Halfling tile, an abbey) in the second part of your turn, even if none of the tiles can be placed. In this case, you will have to draw one tile at a time until it can be placed.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: If you draw three tiles and the placement of your first tile grants you a double turn, can you discard the rest and place an abbey, for example? If possible, whan could you decide this?

Odpowiedź: You would not be allowed to place an abbey or any other special tile. That decision has to be made before triggering your fortune teller and drawing extra tiles. [1] (1/2021)

Rozszerzenie 3. - Księżniczka i SmokRozszerzenie 3. - Księżniczka i Smok

Interpretacja społeczności A meeple that is used as a fortune teller is subject to the same rules as a normal meeple in this expansion:

  • A fortune teller is vulnerable to the dragon, unless protected by the fairy.
  • The fairy will provide 1 bonus point to a player if it remains next to a Fortune Teller at the beginning of that players turn.
  • If a fortune teller tent is completed, the fairy will provide 3 bonus points to the player with the deployed meeple together with the fairy onto the tent, regardless of which player completes it.

Also, a magic portal can be used to teleport any meeple to any unoccupied, and incomplete fortune teller tent.

Rozszerzenie 4. - WieżaRozszerzenie 4. - Wieża

Interpretacja społeczności A fortune teller can be captured by a tower per the usual tower capturing rules.

Rozszerzenie 5. - Opactwo i burmistrzRozszerzenie 5. - Opactwo i burmistrz

Interpretacja społeczności The mayor may not be deployed as a fortune teller. The wagon may be deployed as such. Also, the wagon can be placed on and moved from a fortune teller tent in its usual function as a wagon.

Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i RzekaRozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka

Interpretacja społeczności A meeple may not be moved onto a fortune teller tent from the City of Carcassonne.

Rozszerzenie 7. - KatapultaRozszerzenie 7. - Katapulta

Interpretacja społeczności A fortune teller is eligible to be both knocked-off and seduced by those respective tokens.

Tile distribution

Druga edycja C2

Całkowita liczba płytek: 8
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 01.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 02.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 03.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 04.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 05.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 06.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 07.png ×1
FortuneTeller C2 Tile 08.png ×1
Wiele płytek ma małe ilustracje. Litery w nawiasach informują, które ilustracje znajdują się na płytce:
Feature Garden C2.png
G | Ogród

Pierwsza edycja C1

Całkowita liczba płytek: 8
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 01.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 02.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 03.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 04.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 05.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 06.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 07.png ×1
FortuneTeller C1 Tile 08.png ×1


W celu zapoznania się z objeśnieniami ikon oraz licencjami odwiedź: Ikony.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Interpretacja społeczności Clarifications provided by Jputt927.