Księżniczka i Smok

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This page is a translated version of the page The Princess & the Dragon and the translation is 0% complete.

aaaWarning: Display title "The Princess & the Dragon" overrides earlier display title "Księżniczka i Smok".

Enter a realm of chivalry and sorcery with this Carcassonne expansion. The Princess sends knights out to perform acts of chivalry; meanwhile, a fearsome dragon threatens meeples unprotected by the magic of the fairies! The Princess & the Dragon expansion introduces princesses, dragons, fairies, and other storybook elements that add surprising wrinkles to your Carcassonne game. You can use thirty new tiles to unleash a dragon that devours anyone in its path, summon a fairy to protect your meeples, or remove rival knights from a city. No matter what tile you draw, you’ll have plenty of options to disrupt your opponents’ plans and claim more points for yourself.

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile M.jpg You are reading the rules for this tile design.
Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 17.jpgRead the following rules if your tiles look like this.
Księżniczka i Smok Księżniczka i Smok
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Enter a realm of chivalry and sorcery with this Carcassonne expansion. The Princess sends knights out to perform acts of chivalry; meanwhile, a fearsome dragon threatens meeples unprotected by the magic of the fairies! The Princess & the Dragon expansion introduces princesses, dragons, fairies, and other storybook elements that add surprising wrinkles to your Carcassonne game. You can use thirty new tiles to unleash a dragon that devours anyone in its path, summon a fairy to protect your meeples, or remove rival knights from a city. No matter what tile you draw, you’ll have plenty of options to disrupt your opponents’ plans and claim more points for yourself.

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

The Princess & the Dragon was released for the New Edition by Hans im Glück in 2016.

This expansion was originally released for the 1st Edition, known as C1 for short, in 2005.

All in all, this expansion introduces you to the world of fantasy, the land of fairy tales and where knights fight big dragons with the following new features:

  • The dragon, a neutral figure that moves along the playing area eating meeples and other figures.
  • The fairy, a neutral figure that provides protection against the dragon and also grants additional points.
  • The princess, that allows players to remove knights from them.
  • Magic portals, that allow players to place meeples on any tile of the playing area.


  • 30 landscape tiles (identified with a fairy symbol)
Tiles showing different features of this expansion
  • 1 dragon
Figure Dragon.png
  • 1 fairy
Figure Fairy.png

New land tiles

The new land tiles are played like those in the base game.

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile O.jpg
Monastery in a city: If you choose to place a meeple on this tile, you must choose whether to place it in the city, on the monastery, or in the field. If you wish, you may lay the meeple down on the monastery to differentiate a monk from a knight [1] within the city. The monastery is complete when it is surrounded by tiles, even if the city is still under construction. You may place a monk on this monastery when knights are already present in the city. Likewise, a monk placed on this monastery does not prevent a player from placing a knight in the same city.
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile Q.jpg
Tunnel: The two road segments that proceed through the tunnel are part of a single connected road. The lower field is not interrupted, and the upper field is not interrupted either. [2] [3]

The land tiles depict 4 new symbols (explained in further sections):

(The dragon appears.)
(The dragon moves.)
(A knight leaves the city.)
Magiczny portal
(A meeple appears.)



Shuffle the new landscape tiles in with those from the basic game and stack them normally. Place the dragon and fairy to the side for now – they do not belong to any player.

The dragon: volcano and dragon symbols [4]

Feature Volcano C2.png Figure Dragon.png Feature Dragon C2.png

The volcano tiles

1. Placing a tile
Dragon C2 dragon place.png
The Volcano (6 tiles): Volcano tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. Place the dragon on the newly placed Volcano tile.
2. Placing a meeple

You may not place a meeple on a Volcano tile. You may, however, move the fairy after placing a Volcano tile (see below). [5]

Note: No meeple (or figure in the dragon's menu - see below) may share a tile with the dragon. [6]

3. Scoring a feature

The volcano symbol has no effect on scoring.

The dragon tiles

1. Placing a tile
Feature Dragon C2.png
The Dragon (12 tiles): Dragon tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. They will trigger the movement of the dragon as explained below.
2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple on a Dragon tile, unlike Volcano tiles. [7] Then the dragon moves.

2b. The dragon moves

Starting with the active player and proceeding clockwise, players take turns moving the dragon one space at a time (vertically or horizontally) until the dragon has moved 6 spaces or is unable to move.

The dragon may not move to a tile that it has already visited this turn. It also may not move to the tile the fairy occupies (see below). Whenever the dragon moves to a tile occupied by one or more meeples (or other figures), it eats those meeples (or figures), which are returned to their respective players. After the dragon has finished moving, it remains where it is on the board until the next Volcano or Dragon tile is played, and the game continues as normal. A list of figures the dragon does and does not eat can be found below.

Dead end: If the dragon is unable to move (it is only adjacent to tiles it has already visited), its movement ends prematurely.

Example with 4 players:
The dragon begins at the bottom right.
1. Player A moves the dragon up,
2. Player B moves the dragon left,
3. Player C moves the dragon down,
4. Player D must move the dragon left. The dragon already visited the other tiles.
5. Player A must move the dragon up.
6. Player B must move the dragon up.
The blue and red meeples are returned to their respective players.

Important: The dragon is not added to the game until the first Volcano tile has been drawn and placed. If you draw a Dragon tile before such time, set it aside and draw a new tile. As soon as the first Volcano tile is placed and the dragon is added to the game, reshuffle the previously drawn Dragon tiles with the supply before continuing.

The following list illustrates what the dragon does or does not eat. [8] You are welcome to skip them for now and refer to them as necessary.

2b. Protection against the dragon
3. Scoring a feature

The dragon symbol has no effect on scoring.

Additional clarifications

Interpretacja społeczności The following table illustrates the actions affecting the dragon, which are triggered by the placement of volcano and dragon tiles. Note that the dragon is not in play at the beginning of the game. It won't be placed on the board until the first volcano tile is placed and any dragon tiles drawn before that moment will be set aside and shuffled with the remaining tiles. Once the dragon is in play, placing a new volcano tile will change the position of the dragon and placing a dragon tile will trigger the movement of the dragon from its current position. Once the dragon stops moving, it will stay on the same tile until a new volcano or dragon tile decides its next action.

  Last volcano or dragon tile placed
Tile just placed No tile
(Dragon not in play)
Volcano tile Dragon tile
Volcano tile
  • The dragon is put in play for the first time on the volcano tile
  • Any dragon tiles set aside are now shuffled with the remaining tiles
  • The dragon flies from its location on the previous volcano tile to the new one
  • The dragon flies from its current position to the new volcano tile
Dragon tile
  • The dragon tile is set aside for later use
  • Another tile is drawn
  • The dragon starts to move from the volcano it is placed on
  • After moving, the dragon stays where it ended
  • The dragon starts to move from its last position
  • After moving, the dragon stays where it ended

Interpretacja społeczności Each volcano tile placed makes the dragon fly to it. Each dragon tile placed makes the dragon start moving from its current location.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: What happens with the dragon after it finishes moving?

Answer: The dragon stays on the tile until a new volcano tile is placed and moves to it, or another dragon tile is placed and starts to move again from its current location.

Interpretacja społeczności The placement of a new volcano tile forces the dragon to fly to it, even if its previous movement was jumping to another volcano tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: The dragon is placed on the first volcano tile and, as soon as one dragon tile is placed, it moves. But if a new volcano tile is placed, does the dragon need to be moved to the new volcano tile, or does it stay where it was ended its last move?

Answer: The dragon moves to the new volcano.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may be moved when placing a volcano tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: When placing a volcano, can the fairy be moved even if no meeple placement is allowed by definition? Does that de-facto mean the fairy now must be moved by the current player if not already protecting one of their meeples?

Answer: When placing a volcano tile, the fairy is allowed to move but it is an optional action.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may be moved when placing a dragon tile and no meeple is placed.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: May a player who places a dragon tile, and doesn't deploy a meeple, move the fairy to one of their own meeples before the dragon moves?

Answer: Yes! It's a big advantage, but the rules allow it.

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon moves between phases 2. Placing a meeple and 3. Scoring a feature.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: A dragon tile triggers the movement of the dragon. When does it happen in the turn sequence?

Answer: The dragon will move right before scoring.

The princess

Feature Princess C2.png
1. Placing a tile

There are 6 princess tiles. Princess tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. If a Princess tile continues a city occupied by one or more knights, you may remove one knight of your choice (even your own) from the continued city and return it to its player's supply. [17]

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: Does the Princess symbol affect both city segments on this tile or just the one with the symbol?

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile F.jpg
This tile has two different city segments, that is, 2 separate cities. Only the city segment with the Princess symbol will allow a player to remove a knight.

In case this tile is placed connecting both separate city segments to one larger city, the Princess may remove any knight in the resulting city.

2. Placing a meeple

If you chose to remove a meeple during step 1, you may not place a meeple this turn (not even on a different segment of the tile). If you did not remove a meeple during step 1, you may place a meeple as normal. [18]

Example: You place a Princess tile and remove the blue knight from the city. You may not place a meeple this turn.
3. Scoring a feature

The princess does not affect scoring.

The magic portal

Feature MagicPortal C2.png
1. Placing a tile

There are 6 tiles with magic portal symbols. Place a tile with a Magic Portal in the usual manner.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing a Magic Portal tile, you may place a meeple on that tile or on any other previous placed tile. When doing so, you must follow all other placement rules. For example, you may not place a meeple in an already occupied or completed feature. [19] [20]

Example: You place a Magic Portal tile on the left, but place a meeple in the unoccupied city on the right.

All figures that are used like meeples (normal meeples, abbot, large meeple, mayor, wagon, ringmaster, guard meeples, and phantom [21]) may be placed via the magic portal.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: If you place a magic portal tile, could you use it to send a meeple as a farmer to a closed field?

Odpowiedź: Since fields are never completed, you can use other mechanics to place a meeple in a field (magic portals, crop circles...). (1/2021)

3. Scoring a feature

The Magic Portal does not affect scoring.

Additional clarifications

Interpretacja społeczności You can only use a magic portal to place a meeple on a feature still uncompleted after placing the tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If there is a completed feature that no-one scored for, for example a monastery that was never occupied, or a city where the all the knights were eaten by the dragon before they would score, then can I use a magic portal to occupy it and score for it?

Answer: No. The magic portal rules state that you cannot place a meeple on a completed feature. This applies even if no-one scored for it.

Interpretacja społeczności You can place a meeple on a volcano tile with a magic portal if the dragon is not on the tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: Can I use a magic portal to place a meeple onto a volcano tile?

Answer: If the Dragon has left the tile: Yes.

Interpretacja społeczności You cannot use a magic portal to place a meeple on the tile with the dragon.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: Can I use a magic portal to place a meeple onto the tile where the dragon is?

Answer: No, the dragon feasts on all meeples on the tile. His appetite is insatiable. This is the reason why a player isn't allowed to place a meeple when placing a volcano tile.

The fairy

Figure Fairy.png

The fairy is a neutral figure that belongs to no player. It begins the game in the supply.

2. Placing a meeple

The fairy moves

On any turn in which you do not place (or move) a meeple, you may assign the fairy to one of your meeples by placing the fairy directly next to it.[22]

When the fairy is standing next to one of your meeples, it can help that meeple in 3 different ways:

1. Placing a tile
  • 1 point at the beginning of your turn
If the fairy is still assigned to your meeple at the start of your turn, you immediately score 1 point.
2b. The dragon moves
  • Protection from the dragon

The dragon may not move to a tile occupied by the fairy. All figures on the fairy's tile are protected from the dragon's hunger.

Example 1: The dragon moves. Because the fairy occupies the tile to the left, the dragon may not move there and moves up instead.

3. Scoring a feature
  • 3 points for feature scoring [23]

When scoring a feature (city, road, monastery, field, etc.) where the fairy is assigned to one of your meeples, you score 3 points, regardless of whether or not you score points for the scored feature. [24] [25] Your meeple returns to your supply, as normal, but the fairy remains on its tile.

Example 2: Blue places a tile and completes the city. Blue scores 8 points. You also score 8 points, plus 3 bonus points for the fairy, for a total of 11 points.

Additional clarifications

Interpretacja społeczności You may move the fairy to score its bonus on the same turn you complete a feature.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If I complete an area that I already own and don't place a meeple, can I move the fairy to my existing meeple and score the 3 fairy points on the same turn?

Answer: Yes, moving the fairy takes places before scoring.
Note: You would score the fairy bonus even if you don't have the majority in the feature.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may be moved when placing a volcano tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: When placing a volcano, can the fairy be moved even if no meeple placement is allowed by definition? Does that de-facto mean the fairy now must be moved by the current player if not already protecting one of their meeples?

Answer: When placing a volcano tile, the fairy is allowed to move but it is an optional action.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may be moved when placing a dragon tile and no meeple is placed.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: May a player who places a dragon tile, and doesn't deploy a meeple, move the fairy to one of their own meeples before the dragon moves?

Answer: Yes! It's a big advantage, but the rules allow it.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy does not provide any protection from the princess tile.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If the fairy is next to a knight (a meeple placed in a city), does it provide any protection against the princess tile?

Answer: The fairy offers no protection from the princess tile.

Interpretacja społeczności A meeple removed by a princess tile will not be entitled to score any points for the city it occupied or the fairy bonus.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If a princess tile completes a city with one meeple previously placed in it with the fairy, does the player receive the 3-point fairy bonus for the completed city?

Answer: No, you would need a meeple in the city to score it, or to get the fairy scoring bonus.

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may be moved if a player does not remove a meeple with a princess tile and no meeple is placed on it.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If the player placing the princess tile doesn't decide to place meeple on the tile, is this player allowed to move the fairy next to one of their meeples? Or does removing an opponent's meeple with the princess tile constitute an action that nullifies their ability to move the fairy?

Answer: When placing a princess tile, the fairy can be moved if no knight is removed and no meeple is placed on the tile.

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności When a tile with a volcano is placed, the player may perform one of the following actions:

Additionally, if the volcano tile extends...

Interpretacja społeczności When a tile with a volcano is placed, the player may not deploy any of the following figures to the tile:

Rozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazaryRozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazary

Interpretacja społeczności A bridge can be placed on a volcano tile.

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon eats all meeples on a tile:

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon eats the following special figures on a tile:

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon eats the following neutral figures on a tile:

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon cannot eat the following figures since they are not placed on a particular tile:

Interpretacja społeczności If the dragon visits a tile with several figures, it will eat all the meeples, special figures and neutral figures on the dragon's menu.

 Interpretacja społeczności Question: If I have more than one meeple on a tile (one could have been added to a tower, or placed on a different feature on the same tile by a magic portal), then does the dragon eat them all if it visits that tile?

Answer: Yes. It is a big dragon!

Rozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i BudowniczowieRozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i Budowniczowie

Interpretacja społeczności If the dragon eats a player's last knight in a city where the player's builder is present, the builder is automatically returned to the player's supply. (The reason: builders are not meeples.)
Interpretacja społeczności If the dragon eats a player's last highwayman [26] on a road where the player's builder is present, the builder is automatically returned to the player's supply. (The reason: builders are not meeples.)
Interpretacja społeczności If the dragon eats a player's last farmer in a field where the player's pig is present, the pig is automatically returned to the player's supply. (The reason: pigs are not meeples.)

Rozszerzenie 4. - WieżaRozszerzenie 4. - Wieża

Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Placing a tower piece happens before moving the dragon.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: If you place a dragon tile and add a piece to a tower, what happens first: meeple capture by the tower, or dragon movement?

Odpowiedź: Prisoners are taken first; placing a tower piece is an alternative to deploying a meeple, so occurs before dragon movement.

Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i RzekaRozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon may not enter the city of Carcassonne.
Interpretacja społeczności Note that the dragon can still move onto tiles that include the City of Carcassonne, treating the landscape areas as normal tiles, but it must stay outside the City itself. Thus only figures outside the City are eaten, and those inside (including the Count) are safe. (12/2013)

Rozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazaryRozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazary

Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The dragon cannot eat meeples placed in castles. A castle is between two tiles, and the dragon visits up to 6 tiles when moving, affecting the tiles themselves but not the spaces between tiles.

Rozszerzenie 9. - Owce i wzgórzaRozszerzenie 9. - Owce i wzgórza

Interpretacja społeczności If a tile with a dragon icon is placed and extends the field with the active player’s shepherd, the dragon moves after the player can perform the shepherd action (grow or guide the flock to stable.)

Rozszerzenie 11. - Duchy, pałace i cmentarzeRozszerzenie 11. - Duchy, pałace i cmentarze

Interpretacja społeczności If the dragon eats a meeple, any ghosts assigned to the meeple will also be removed and returned to the ghost supply.

Koło FortunyKoło Fortuny

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon may not enter the Wheel of Fortune.
Interpretacja społeczności The dragon can fly around the outside of the Wheel of Fortune, treating the landscape areas as normal tiles and eating any meeples on those tiles. Meeples on the Wheel of Fortune itself are unaffected. This represents a notable change from previous FAQs. (10/2012)

Zamki w NiemczechZamki w Niemczech

Interpretacja społeczności German castles do not protect meeples within, or on any feature on the tile. (10/2015)

Targi w LipskuTargi w Lipsku

Interpretacja społeczności The dragon may not enter the city of Leipzig, due to its similarity to the city of Carcassonne (see Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka) but this is not officially confirmed.


Interpretacja społeczności The dragon is allowed on the school tiles but cannot eat the neutral teacher figure, as it is placed on the school, a feature spanning across two tiles. (4/2015)

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności If a player uses the princess to remove a knight from a city, the player may not perform any of the following actions:

However, if the princess tile extends...

Rozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i BudowniczowieRozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i Budowniczowie

Interpretacja społeczności If the princess removes a player's last knight in a city where the player's builder is present, the builder is automatically returned to the player's supply.
Interpretacja społeczności Builders cannot be directly removed by a princess, as builders are not meeples.

Rozszerzenie 4. - WieżaRozszerzenie 4. - Wieża

Interpretacja społeczności The princess cannot seduce a meeple on a tower located in a city.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: If the dragon can eat a meeple on a tower, can the meeple also be seduced by a princess?

Odpowiedź: No. The tower is not a part of the city: they are two separate areas.


Interpretacja społeczności The placement of a princess tile with removal of a knight from the city cannot be used as a first "meeple move" and be followed by placement of the Phantom (e.g. into the now-vacated city). As per the rules for the princess, "if a knight is removed from the city, the player may not deploy or move any other figure." [This combo would be too powerful in allowing city stealing. –ed.]

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności A magic portal may be used to place any meeple:

Interpretacja społeczności A magic portal may not be used to place these figures, as they are not meeples (updated 3/2015):

Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i RzekaRozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka

Interpretacja społeczności Meeples can use the magic portal to be deployed on features outside the City of Carcassonne. (1/2013)
Interpretacja społeczności Meeples cannot use the magic portal to be deployed to the City of Carcassonne, as they are not occupied using regular placement rules. (confirmed 5/2013)

Rozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowyRozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowy

Interpretacja społeczności You can use a magic portal to place one of your normal meeples on an acrobat space/pyramid.

Koło FortunyKoło Fortuny

Interpretacja społeczności Meeples can use the magic portal to be deployed on features outside the Wheel of Fortune. (1/2013)
Interpretacja społeczności Meeples cannot use the magic portal to be deployed to the Wheel of Fortune, as they are not occupied using regular placement rules. (confirmed 5/2013)

Mini #1 - Maszyny latająceMini #1 - Maszyny latające

Interpretacja społeczności A meeple using a magic portal cannot land on a flying machine.
Interpretacja społeczności A flier cannot land on a magic portal. (2/2013)

Targi w LipskuTargi w Lipsku

Interpretacja społeczności Meeples can use the magic portal to be deployed on features outside the City of Leipzig. (1/2019)
Interpretacja społeczności Meeples cannot use the magic portal to be deployed to the City of Leipzig, as they are not occupied using regular placement rules. (1/2019)


Interpretacja społeczności Meeples can use the magic portal to be deployed on features outside on the school tiles (outside the school itself). (1/2013)
Interpretacja społeczności Meeples cannot use the magic portal to be deployed to the school itself, as they are not occupied using regular placement rules. (confirmed 5/2013)

General comments:

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may only be assigned to meeples:

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy may not be assigned to special figures:

Interpretacja społeczności If a player moves the fairy, the player also may not place any of following figures (12/2013, updated 1/2019, updated 5/2023):

Interpretacja społeczności If a player moves the fairy, the player also may place the following figure:

  • Świta (Świta Świta) - according to additional clarifications. (12/2014)

Rozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i BudowniczowieRozszerzenie 2. - Kupcy i Budowniczowie

Interpretacja społeczności If a player scored the fairy's 1 point bonus at the beginning of their turn, they may not score it again at the beginning of a double turn via the builder.
Interpretacja społeczności Because builders and pigs are not meeples, it is not possible to move the fairy next to either of them, as the fairy can only stand next to a meeple.

Rozszerzenie 4. - WieżaRozszerzenie 4. - Wieża

Interpretacja społeczności The fairy can be assigned to a meeple placed on top of a tower. The fairy would stand by the tower.
Interpretacja społeczności The fairy does not protect a meeple from capture by a tower.

Rozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i RzekaRozszerzenie 6. - Hrabia, Król i Rzeka

Interpretacja społeczności If the fairy is next to a meeple on the losing feature when resolving a challenge, it does not provide the bonus 3 points to that meeple, as the feature is incomplete.

 Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Pytanie: If the fairy is on the same tile as the losing heretic or monk in a challenge, does the player still score the bonus 3 points?

Odpowiedź: When a challenge is resolved (that is, when someone has won), both meeples are returned to their players, so no one stands next to the fairy. [At the point that a challenge is resolved and one participant "scores" zero, the building that participant is in will be incomplete. Therefore, strictly speaking, that participant does not actually take part in "scoring" —say, in the way that a player without the majority in a city does—and so does not score the bonus points— ed.]

Rozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazaryRozszerzenie 8. - Mosty, zamki i bazary

Interpretacja społeczności You can place the fairy with a meeple in the castle and score the usual fairy points. [27]

Rozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowyRozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowy

Interpretacja społeczności You may assign the fairy to an acrobat, in which case it counts for all acrobats in the pyramid (regardless of color). If the fairy is still there at the beginning of your turn, you score 1 point for each of your meeples in the pyramid - This case relaxes the restriction that only one meeple can receive points from the fairy. [28]

Interpretacja społeczności The 3-point fairy scoring bonus is not applicable to acrobats in a pyramid. [29]


Interpretacja społeczności The 3-point fairy scoring bonus is not applicable to an abbot when removed.

Mini #1 - Maszyny latająceMini #1 - Maszyny latające

Interpretacja społeczności Only one meeple can be "next to" (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one meeple will receive points from the fairy. Even if another meeple is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Flying Machines), this would not be considered "next to" the fairy. Landing a meeple on an acrobat pyramid would be the exception to this rule.

Kręgi w zbożuKręgi w zbożu

Interpretacja społeczności Only one meeple can be "next to" (or connected to) the fairy. Thus, only one meeple will receive points from the fairy. Even if another meeple is placed in the same feature on the same tile (as with the Crop Circles), this would not be considered "next to" the fairy.


Interpretacja społeczności If a Festival is used to remove a figure, the fairy cannot be moved, as an action was still taken in phase 2. Placing a meeple. (5/2014)

New tiles


Interpretacja społeczności If using the tunnel tokens from The Tunnel, then the road shown on the tile with a tunnel is indeed broken, and the segments may never actually meet.

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile Q.jpg

House Rules

Zasada własna lub wariant powszechnie stosowany Replace dragon tiles into the bag and redraw right away if there is no dragon in play yet. (Thanks to dwhitworth)

Zasada własna lub wariant powszechnie stosowany Players are allowed to claim a fairy point until the bag is handed to the next player, but then it’s tough if they forget! (Thanks to dwhitworth)

Zasada własna lub wariant powszechnie stosowany Abandon the 1-point bonus for the fairy altogether, instead awarding 5 points for a protected meeple completing a feature. (Thanks to viberunner)

Zasada własna lub wariant powszechnie stosowany The fairy does not prevent the dragon from moving to a tile, but it still prevents the dragon from eating any figures on that tile. (Thanks to jrizos)

Tile distribution

Całkowita liczba płytek: 30
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile G.jpg ×2
Smok + (W;W)
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile H.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile I.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile J.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile K.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile L.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile M.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile N.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile O.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile P.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile X.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile Y.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile Z.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 1.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 2.jpg ×1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 3.jpg ×1
Wiele płytek ma małe ilustracje. Litery w nawiasach informują, które ilustracje znajdują się na płytce:
Feature Garden C2.png
G | Ogród
Feature Highwayman C2.png
W | Rabuś
Feature Pigsty C2.png
S | Chlew
Feature Donkeys C2.png
Notatka: Małe ilustracje obory, a chlewu and a zagrody są wspólnie określane jako szopy lub zagrody.


W celu zapoznania się z objeśnieniami ikon oraz licencjami odwiedź: Ikony.

  1. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Any meeple in a city is a knight. This includes normal meeples, big meeples, mayors, wagons, ringmasters, guard meeples, and phantoms. (01/2015, updated 1/2019, updated 5/2023)
  2. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami The ZMG rules provide an alternate wording for this sentence: "The fields, however, are separate." So they mean that the fields are not connected through the tunnel, instead of indicating that each field is uninterrupted since it spans around the tunnel entrance.
  3. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy If using Tunel Tunel, the road shown on this tile may be affected (See Other Expansions for more details).
  4. Interpretacja społeczności This section was rearranged to simplify the understanding of the turn sequence with the Volcano and the Dragon tiles. Steps 1b from the original rules have also been renamed to 2b to align the numbering with the actual turn sequence.
  5. Interpretacja społeczności When playing with other expansions, you will be able to perform other actions not related with meeple placement as well. So you may not deploy meeples or some special figures (pig, builder, shepherd) to the Volcano tile but you may carry out other actions:
    • Wheel of Fortune actions (Koło Fortuny Koło Fortuny): place a meeple on the Wheel of Fortune.
    • Abbot actions (Opat Opat): remove your abbot and score its points.
    • Ferry actions (Mini #3 - Promy Mini #3 - Promy): move ferries on roads extended by the volcano tile.
    • Little building actions (Małe budynki Małe budynki): place a little building on the tile just played.
    • Russian promos actions (Płytki promocyjne - Rosja Płytki promocyjne - Rosja): retrieve 1 meeple or special figure trapped by Vodyanoy or Solovei Razboynik, move highwaymen to the Solovei Razboynik tile.
    • Meeple protection actions (Powstanie chłopów Powstanie chłopów): protect 1 meeple already placed from peasant revolts.
  6. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy This means that none of the the figures in the dragon's menu may occupy the same tile as the dragon at any point. As a consequence, meeples cannot be deployed to the tile with the dragon by any means, including a magic portal, a flying machine or from the City of Carcassonne. Crop circles cannot be used either, since this would require another meeple already deployed to the tile, condition that cannot be met.
    Note: This clarification, included in the Carcassonne I rules (as shown in Big Boxes 1 to 3), was omitted in Carcassonne II.
  7. Interpretacja społeczności Instead of placing a meeple you may also place or move the fairy.
  8. Interpretacja społeczności The tables were extended to include all the information available in the Dragon Meal Plan FAQ document by HiG along with the newest cases appeared since. This official FAQ from 2015 is not currently available at its original location:
    However, an archived version can be found here:
  9. Interpretacja społeczności Ghosts are removed along with the eaten meeple they are assigned to.
  10. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The Mage was included in the list of neutral figures that can be eaten by the dragon. (3/2015)
  11. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The Witch was included in the list of neutral figures that can be eaten by the dragon. (3/2015)
  12. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The Gingerbread Man (when playing the iOS version) can also be eaten by the dragon. (12/2014)
  13. Interpretacja społeczności This means that the dragon does not affect any printed elements on a tile, since it cannot eat the tile itself. So farmhouses, inns, cathedrals, printed sheep or any other feature on a tile would be undisturbed by the presence of the dragon. Therefore, all scorings would be conducted as usual even if any of these elements is on a tile with the dragon.
  14. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The barn cannot be eaten by the dragon, since the barn stands at the intersection of 4 tiles, while the dragon only affects figures discretely on a single tile.
  15. Interpretacja społeczności As the rules do not specify the dragon can eat the big top, it is included in the dragon's diet plan along with the other tokens and figures representing buildings or construction elements: barn, bridge, tower pieces, etc.
  16. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy The dragon is allowed on the school tiles but cannot eat the neutral teacher figure placed on the school, spanning across two tiles (4/2015)
  17. Interpretacja społeczności The Princess symbol only affects the city segment including it.
  18. Interpretacja społeczności If you chose to remove a meeple with the Princess tile, you may not place a meeple or move the fairy. If you do not remove a meeple, you may place a meeple or move the fairy.
  19. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy Note that if placement of the portal tile causes completion of a feature, such as a monastery, you cannot deploy a meeple to that feature using the magic portal, as it is considered completed before the 2. Placing a meeple (or Move Wood) phase. (7/2014, updated 1/2019)
  20. Interpretacja społeczności This means that a meeple using the magic portal can only be placed on an unoccupied incomplete feature on any tile of the playing area. Therefore, the destination feature has to be claimable. As a consequence, the meeple cannot land on another magic portal.
  21. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy This list has been extended to include all existing meeples for the sake of completeness: Normal meeples, ringmaster (added later in Rozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowy Rozszerzenie 10. - Cyrk objazdowy), guard meeples (added later in Rozszerzenie 11. - Duchy, pałace i cmentarze Rozszerzenie 11. - Duchy, pałace i cmentarze) and phantom (from 1st Edition Świta Świta) have been included (1/2019, updated 5/2023)
  22. Interpretacja społeczności It seems that a player with no meeples on the board cannot move the fairy, even if he or she did not deploy a figure that turn, as there is not a legal tile to which the fairy can be moved.
  23. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami The ZMG wording treat this bonus as additional points when scoring the feature. We use a wording closer to the original intent where the scoring of the feature is independent from the fairy bonus.
  24. Interpretacja społeczności The fairy will grant 3 points when assigned to a meeple placed on a feature being scored during the game (any feature scored in phase 3. Scoring a feature) or after the game (any feature scored during the final scoring).
  25. Interpretacja społeczności Note that the scoring of the 3 bonus points is independent of the normal points scored for a feature. The player receiving the 3 points for the fairy will score the bonus as a separate scoring from any points received for the feature being scored, if any.
  26. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy A highwayman is any meeple placed on a road.
  27. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami In the latest 1st. Edition clarifications, the fairy wasn't allowed to be placed in a castle, although it was previously allowed in the Big Box 3 Big Box 3 rules.
  28. Interpretacja społeczności Note that you score the bonus points for your acrobats at once. There is no individual bonus scoring per meeple.
  29. Interpretacja społeczności This restriction is not included explicitly in the rules (only the 1-point fairy bonus is mentioned) but it comes from the interpretation of the rules:
    • During the game, acrobats are scored in phase 2. Placing a meeple and players receive the 3-point fairy bonus when scoring completed features in phase 3. Scoring a feature. Since both actions take place in different phases, acrobats cannot receive this fairy bonus during the game.
    • After the game, acrobats should not get the 3-point scoring bonus when scored for the sake of consistency. An acrobat pyramid is not a tile-based feature but a meeple-based scoring, so no feature is scored either at the end of the game in this case and no fairy bonus should be applied. (4/2020; updated 7/2020)