Translations help to Slovak language

Quick links

Features & Roles / Územia a role

Feature Role Územie Rola Expansion C1 Expansion C2
Road Highwayman Cesta Lupič  Base Game  Base Game
City Knight Mesto Rytier  Base Game  Base Game
Monastery Monk Kláštor Mních  Base Game  Base Game
Field Farmer Lúka Sedliak -  The Farmers
Garden 'Monk' Záhrada Mních -  The Abbot
Large expansions
Inn - Hostinec -  1. Inns & Cathedrals  1. Inns & Cathedrals
Cathedral - Katedrála -  1. Inns & Cathedrals  1. Inns & Cathedrals
Trade token - Žetón s tovarom -  2. Traders & Builders  Exp. 2
Magic portal - Tajná chodba -  3. The Princess & the Dragon  Exp. 3
Volcano - Sopka -  3. The Princess & the Dragon  Exp. 3
Abbey Monk Opátstvo Mních  5. Abbey & Mayor  Exp. 5
Shrine Monk Svätyňa Kacír  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
City of Carcassonne - Mesto Carcassonne  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
The castle - Zámok  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
The market - Tržnica  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
The blacksmith - Kováčska dieľňa  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
The cathedral - Katedrála  6. Count, King & Robber  Exp. 6
Bazaar - Bazár  8. Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Exp. 8
Bridge - Most  8. Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Exp. 8
Castle - Hrad -  8. Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Exp. 8
Vineyars - Vinice -  9. Hills & Sheep  Exp. 9
Abrobarts place? - Cvičisko? - -  10. Under the Big Top
Mini expansions
Club Crop Circle ̠ Feature  Crop Circles
Baba Yaga Chalúpka Baby Jagy  Russian Promos Solovei Razboynik Slavík lúpežník  Russian Promos
Vodyanoy Vodník  Russian Promos
Coiners quarter Štvrť minciarov  The Markets of Leipzig
Tanners quarter Štvrť garbiarov  The Markets of Leipzig
PnP expansions
Fortune Teller - Veštecký stan Veštkyňa  Fortune Teller
Fan expansions
Castle - Hrad -  Castle Lords
Castle Road Castle Lord Hradná cesta Hradný pán  Castle Lords

Figures / Figúrky & Tokens / Žetóny & Pieces / ?

English Slovak Type Player
Tile Kartička krajiny Tile - -  Base Game  Base Game
Figure Figúrka Figure - -  Base Game  Base Game
Follower Spoločník Meeple Yes -  Base Game  Base Game
Abbot Opát Meeple Yes Monastery, Garden  The Abbot  The Abbot
Large expansions
Large Meeple Veľký spoločník Meeple - -  Exp. 1  Exp. 1
Trade tokens Žetóny tovaru Special token - -  Exp. 2  Exp. 2
Supporting figure ??? Supporting figure - -  Exp. 2  Exp. 2
Pig Prasiatko Supporting figure Yes -  Exp. 2  Exp. 2
Builder Staviteľ Supporting figure Yes -  Exp. 2  Exp. 2
Special figure Špeciálna figúrka Special figure - -  Exp. 3  Exp. 3
Dragon Drak Neutral figure - -  Exp. 3  Exp. 3
Fairy Víla Neutral figure - -  Exp. 3  Exp. 3
Mayor Starosta Meeple Yes City  Exp. 5  Exp. 5
Wagon Voz Meeple Yes -  Exp. 5  Exp. 5
Barn Statok Supporting figure Yes -  Exp. 5  Exp. 5
Count Gróf Neutral figure - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
Special Tile Špeciálna kartička Special tile - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
King Tile Kartička Kráľ Special tile - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
Robber Tile Kartička Lúpežný rytier Special tile - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
Scoring Marker Žetón bodov Special token - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
King Marker Žetón Kráľ Special token - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
Robber Marker Žetón Lúpežný rytier Special token - -  Exp. 6  Exp. 6
Castle token Žetón hradu Special token - -  Exp. 8  Exp. 6
Wooden bridge Drevený most Neutral piece - -  Exp. 8  Exp. 6
Mini expansions
Gold piece Zlatá tehlička Neutral piece - -  Mini #4 - The Goldmines
Change Position Zmena pozície Card - -  The Gifts
Road Sweeper Zametač ciest Card - -  The Gifts
Synod Synoda Card - -  The Gifts
PnP expansions
Fan expansions

Turn phases / Fázy ťahu

English Slovak
1. Placing a tile 1. Priloženie kartičky
2. Placing a follower 2. Umiestnenie figúrky spoločníka
2. Placing a figure X 2. Umiestnenie figúrky X
3. Scoring a feature 3. Započítanie bodov

Expansions / Rozšírenia

Template Expansion EN C1 Rozšírenie SK C1 Expansion EN C2 Rozšírenie SK C2
{{BaseGameLink}} edit  Base Game  Base Game  Base Game  Base Game
{{FarmersLink}} edit - -  The Farmers  The Farmers
{{RiverLink}} edit  River  River  River  River
{{AbbotLink}} edit - -  The Abbot  The Abbot
Standalone playable expansions
{{WheelFortuneLink}} edit  The Wheel of Fortune  The Wheel of Fortune - -
{{MistsOverCarcassonneLink}} edit - - Mists over Carcassonne [[Mists over Carcassonne/sk|Duchovia Carcassonne]]
Large Expansions (expansion number order)
{{InnsCathedralsLink}} edit  Inns & Cathedrals  Inns & Cathedrals  Inns & Cathedrals  Inns & Cathedrals
{{TradersBuildersLink}} edit  Traders & Builders  Traders & Builders  Traders & Builders  Traders & Builders
{{PrincessDragonLink}} edit  The Princess & the Dragon  The Princess & the Dragon  The Princess & the Dragon  The Princess & the Dragon
{{TowerLink}} edit  The Tower  The Tower  The Tower  The Tower
{{AbbeyMayorLink}} edit  Abbey & Mayor  Abbey & Mayor  Abbey & Mayor  Abbey & Mayor
{{CountKingRobberLink}} edit  Count, King & Robber  Count, King & Robber  Count, King & Robber  Count, King & Robber
{{BridgesCastlesBazaarsLink}} edit  Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Bridges, Castles & Bazaars  Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
{{HillsSheepLink}} edit  Hills & Sheep  Hills & Sheep  Hills & Sheep  Hills & Sheep
{{UnderBigTopLink}} edit - -  Under the Big Top  Under the Big Top
Mini expansions (alphabetical order)
{{BesiegersLink}} edit  The Besiegers  The Besiegers - -
{{BesiegersLink|variant=Besiegers}} edit  The Besiegers  The Besiegers - -
{{BesiegersLink|variant=Cathars}} edit  The Besiegers  The Besiegers - -
{{BesiegersLink|variant=Siege}} edit  The Besiegers  The Besiegers - -
{{LabyrinthsLink}} edit - -  The Labyrinths  The Labyrinths
{{RiverLink}} edit  River  River  River  River
{{RiverLink|variant=I}} edit  River  River  River  River
{{RiverLink|variant=II}} edit  River  River  River  River
{{RiverLink|variant=III}} edit  River  River - -
{{RiverLink|variant=20}} edit - -  River  River
{{SpielPromosLink}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2014}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2015}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2016}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2017}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2018}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2019}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2020}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
{{SpielPromosLink|variant=2021}} edit - -  Spiel Promos  Spiel Promos
PnP expansions (alphabetical order)
{{CityGatesLink}} edit  The City Gates  The City Gates - -
{{FortuneTellerLink}} edit - -  Fortune Teller  Fortune Teller
{{LandSurveyorsLink}} edit - -  The Land Surveyors  The Land Surveyors
Fan expansions (alphabetical order)
{{CastleLordsLink}} edit  Castle Lords  Castle Lords
{{PorxadaLink}} edit  La Porxada  La Porxada
{{RobbersSonLink}} edit  Robber's Son  Robber's Son  Robber's Son  Robber's Son
{{WellsLink}} edit  The Wells  The Wells -

Wiki / WiCa / WikiMedia

Topic URL Description
ExpansionLink Template:ExpansionLink Description of ExpansionLink template
Tables [[1]] colspan for table cell
Carcassonne Boxes [[2]] Murphy031:Boxes
Unfinished [[3]] Open pages for translation into Slovak
Page Language [[4]] Possible usage of languaage code in Templates
Translation of language [[5]] Translation of language to page language
numbered Numbered name of expansion
full Full name of expansion
short Short name of expansion
abbr Abbr. of expansion
name Name of expansion
Magic words [[6]]
Conditionals and parsing [[7]]
Translating wiki [[8]]
Convert template to text [[9]] - using {{subst:teamplte name}}
Formating Help:Formating
Substituing Substitution
Image Extended syntax Images syntax
Sitemap sitemap.xml
Collapsible content Manual:Collapsible_elements

Some texts

English Slovak
Back of tile Rub kartičky (svetlý / tmavý)
Starting tile Štartovacia kartička
showing / depicing vyznačené (v zmysle zobrazené napr. kláštory)
Large city tiles Dosky mesta
Points tile Kartička bodov 50/100
Small city Malé mesto
Content Herný materiál
* '''X new land tiles''' depicting XYZ. * '''X kartičky krajiny''' s XYZ.
New land tiles Nové kartičky krajiny
New land tiles are played.. mix ... Nové kartičky krajiny sa prikladajú k hernému plánu podľa obvyhlých pravidiel zo {{BasicGameLink/sk|text=základnej hry}}.
Rules Pravidlá
Tile distribution Zoznam kartičiek
Total tiles Celkovo kartičiek
... Niektoré kartičky krajiny znázorňujú dodatečné ilustrácie, ktoré môžu mať význam v kombinácii s niektorým z ďalších rozšírení. Označenie písmenami ponechávame v pôvodnom znení:
... G - záhrada, B - farma, T - vodná veža, S - kravín
... Voz sa premiestňuje
... Územie sa uzatvára
draw tile otočenie artičky (v zmysle potiahnutia si novej)
väčšina prevaha
Final scoring Záverečné vyhodnotenie
Completly surround Úplne obklopený
Completed/Finished Uzavretý
Unfinished Neuzavretý
Occupied Obsadený
.... ... obsadí ako mních
??? Susedné kartičky
capture meeple zajať spoločníka
... získa body
Extended variant Pokročilý variant  The Labyrinth
Extended variant Pokročilý variant  The Labyrinth
Double tile Dvojkartička  Castles in Germany

Some codes

Include example image with larger image, needs to shring it

[[File:Gambler%27s_Luck_C2_Example_01.png|400px|thumb|frame|none|'''Example:''' Example description will be wrapped into width of image frame.]]

Example: Example description will be wrapped into width of image frame.

Total tiles: 12


How to add links for loged user but hidden for all others

[telegram] <jhsoby> ok. then CSS is your best bet.
[telegram] <jhsoby> In the template, you do something like this:
[telegram] <jhsoby> 
[telegram] <jhsoby> `<span class="templateedit">[edit link here]</span>
[telegram] <jhsoby> 
[telegram] <jhsoby> `then in MediaWiki:Common.css, you put:
[telegram] <jhsoby> 
[telegram] <jhsoby> ```
[telegram] <jhsoby> .templateedit { display: none; }
[telegram] <jhsoby> 
[telegram] <jhsoby> ```
[telegram] <jhsoby> And then in MediaWiki:Group-sysop.css, you put:
[telegram] <jhsoby> 
[telegram] <jhsoby> `.templateedit { display: block; }`
[telegram] <jhsoby> Maybe there's a different group that can edit templates on your wiki. In that case, substitute "sysop" with the canonical name of that group (find the canonical name by going to Special:Listusers, choosing the group that can edit templates, and look in the URL what that group is called in the software
[telegram] <jhsoby> `<span class="plainlinks templateedit">[{{fullurl:Template:Prague/̣̪{{PAGELANGUAGE}}|action=edit}} edit]</span>`
[telegram] <jhsoby> the `plainlinks` class makes it so there's no external link icon before the link, since this is technically an external link

Version selector

As responsive grid

  Tieto pravidlá sú k dizajnu týchto kartičiek  
  Ak majú vaše kartičky tento dizajn, otvorte si pravidlá   Base Game  
Alebo majú vaše kartičky úplne iný dizajn? Potom si vyberte z hier rodiny Carcassonne  

By template


[[File:{{{image}}}|x75px|class=notpageimage|link=]] You are reading the rules for this tile design.
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs. 


  You are reading the rules for this tile design.  
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs. 


  You are reading the rules for this tile design.  
 Read the following rules if your tiles look like this.
  Base Game
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs. 


  You are reading the rules for this tile design.
 Read the following rules if your tiles look like this.
  The Princess & the Dragon
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs. 


  You are reading the rules for this tile design.  
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs. 

Fan Expansions Summary Table

Test how will be output of table for Fan Expansions with Complete Rules when designed as table.

Expansion Author(s) C1 C2 C3 New tiles New features New figures New game mechanics
 Bards of Carcassonne Trebuchet Yes - - Yes - - Yes
 Castle Lords Trebuchet Yes - - Yes Yes - Yes
 The City Gates PresetM Yes - - Yes Yes - Yes
 COVID-19 Danka/šmoula - - Yes Yes - - Yes
 Easter in Carcassonne Fritz_Spinne Yes - - Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Family Feud Frédérick Renaud/Novelty Yes - - Yes - - Yes
 Fortune Teller Jeffrey Putnam Yes Yes - Yes Yes - Yes
 The Labyrinths Stalcupojoy Yes - - Yes - - -
 La Porxada Oriol Comas i Coma Yes - - Yes - - Yes
 Robber's Son Snearone Yes Yes - Yes - - Yes
 The Wells meepleater/novelty Yes - - Yes - - Yes

Link Attributes / Breadcrumbs tests

Link Attributes

External link|itemprop=item with itemprop=item (text from link |itemprop=item has to be hidden)
Internal link Main Page|itemprop=item with itemprop=item (text from link |itemprop=item has to be hidden)


- this has to be replaced with {{TranslatedPageNameLink|type=breadcrumbs}}
  1. About the author
  2. Foreword to the first edition
  3. Foreword to the second edition

Other expansions


Meeple on Piece

Basic width of Price|name=Bridge is 150px

Basic width of Price|name=CityBridge is 195px

Multiple features template prototype