The Drawbridges

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The Drawbridges mini expansion contains 12 tiles featuring city gates with drawbridges. Any meeple on road connected to a city via drawbridges are invited to become part of that city upon the completion of the road. Secure the majority presence in the city by incorporating new arrivals through the drawbridge.


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Symbol Drawbridges C3.png

The Drawbridges mini expansion contains 12 tiles featuring city gates with drawbridges. Any meeple on road connected to a city via drawbridges are invited to become part of that city upon the completion of the road. Secure the majority presence in the city by incorporating new arrivals through the drawbridge.

Promotional image of The Drawbridges

General info and comments

Expansion envelope
Expansion symbol

The Drawbridges was released in the 3rd edition (C3 for short) in November 2023 by HiG.

This expansion doesn't exist for the 1st edition (C1 for short) or the 2nd edition (C2 for short).

In this mini expansion, timing is everything. When the drawbridge is down, you can move from the road into the city to score additional points.

This expansion has cities with clipped buildings.


  • 12 land tiles with a drawbridge at each city gate.
Tiles with drawbridges
A drawbridge



Shuffle the 12 new land tiles with the rest of the land tiles.


1. Placing a tile

If you draw a land tile with a drawbridge, place it according to the usual rules.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing a land tile with a drawbridge, you may place one of your meeples according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature

If you close a road that leads to a drawbridge, you first score the road as usual. Then you have to check whether the drawbridge is up or down.

  • Once the city with the drawbridge is completed, the drawbridge is up and nothing else happens.
  • If the city is still incomplete, then the drawbridge is down, and you may use it:
If you have the majority on the road leading to the drawbridge, you may move your meeple from that road into the city. It doesn’t matter who completed the road or if there are already meeple (yours or someone else's) in the city or not.
Example 1: You place this tile and complete the road that leads to the drawbridge and score 2 points for this. After that you move your meeple from the road to this incomplete city.
Special case: If there are several drawbridges on the road, you may decide in which of the incomplete cities you place your meeple. If you have more than one meeple on the road, you may decide, for each one, whether you want to move it to one of the incomplete cities, or take it back. If you move several meeples, you may place them all in one or in different incomplete cities.
Example 2: With your tile, you complete the road, which has drawbridges on both ends leading to incomplete cities. You score 6 points for the road, because you have the majority.
Blue scores no points and takes their meeple back.
You have 2 meeple on this road. You decide to move one of them to the bigger city and return the other one back to your supply.

If you complete the road and also the city with the drawbridge at the same time, then the city is completed, the drawbridge is up.

If no single player has the majority on the road, no player can move their meeple to the city. [1]

 Interpretation from the Community '

New land tiles

Drawbridges C3 Tile 12.png
This road leads to a drawbridge but it doesn't end there. Both ends of the road must be closed in order to be able to score.
Drawbridges C3 Tile 10.png
This road leads to 2 separate cities, each with a drawbridge.
Note: Ditches or moats do not represent a boundary. The fields extend right up to the cities.

Other expansions

General Comments:

Note: The meeple can only be placed on city segments. Any monasteries within the city cannot be occupied (Exp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon, Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars).
  • The movement of a meeple into a city can trigger actions such as:

Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor:

  • After scoring, a player with a wagon placed on a road ending at a drawbridge which is down can choose only one of the following actions:
    • Remove their wagon.
    • Move the wagon to an adjacent tile as stated in the rules of Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor.
    • Move the wagon into the incomplete city, no matter its distance to the city.
The wagon can perform only one of these actions and cannot combine the two possible movements.

Exp. 6 - Count, King & RobberExp. 6 - Count, King & Robber:

  • Any meeples deployed on a road from the city of Carcassonne may also be moved into an incomplete city if the drawbridge conditions are met.

Exp. 10 - Under the Big TopExp. 10 - Under the Big Top:

  • The movement of meeple into cities takes place before the scoring of the big top.

Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & CemeteriesExp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries:

  • Any ghosts assigned to a meeple on a road will return to the general supply before moving the meeple into a city.

The Peasant RevoltsThe Peasant Revolts:

  • A meeple protected from peasant revolts will be stay protected if moved into a city.
  • When moving a meeple into a city you may pay 4 points to place it protected.

Tile distribution

Total tiles: 12
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Garden C3.png
G | Garden
Feature WaterTower C3.png


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Interpretation from the Community Sharing the majority on a road will not allow any of the tied players to send a meeple to a city with its drawbridge down. A player needs to have the majority alone on the road to be able to send a meeple to a city.
  2. Question without official clarification Unless Hans im Glück approve this bonus outside 2. Placing a meeple.