Fan Expansions

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aaaWarning: Display title "Fan Expansions with Complete Rules" overrides earlier display title "Fan Expansions".


Please note that WikiCarpedia is not responsible for the content of the links provided. The listed expansions are subject to the regulations of the corresponding websites.
In general, however: The use of the fan expansions for commercial purposes is not allowed. The Fan-Expansions may only be produced for personal use and may not be sold at any time. This also explicitly includes the passing on at cost price.


Besides the official expansions, fans have created hundreds of fan expansions that you can print and play. Here are the rules for some of them that the Wikicarpedia team checked and made compatible with other expansions covered on Wikicarpedia.
The rules include interactions with other official and other fan expansions, so you have the option to play these fan expansions with the base game with any compbination of large or mini official expansions or fan-expansions.

A small number of fan produced expansions were selected by the publisher for a slight makeover. You can find a list of them on the page: Authorised Fan Conversions.

All editions (expansions independent of edition)

Expansions that use game parts that don't use an edition specific design. These are usually expansions using new figures that can be used in any edition of Carcassonne.

Card only expansions

1st & 2nd Edition C1 & C2 & C3 (expansions with tiles for both editions)

=== Not covered all interactions ===

2nd Edition C2 & C3 (expansions with tiles for only one edition)

1st Edition C1 (expansions with tiles for only one edition)

Additional expansions

For other fan expansions please check Expansion List - Selector page.