Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries

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Mists C3 Tile 11.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. Mists C3 Tile 46.png
This expansion was not published in other editions.
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Fog Over Carc EN.png

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

Originally released by HiG in 2022, this expansion belongs to the third edition of the game, known as C3 for short. It has cities with clipped buildings.

Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries is an expansion for the base game. The components of this expansion are also part of the cooperative standalone game Mists over Carcassonne. You can also use only portions of this expansion, or even combine it with other expansions, but the publisher has not provided any rules for this combination.

Object of the game and gameplay

When playing with Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries, the object of the game and gameplay are the same as in the base game. Players take turns and try to score as many points as possible by placing land tiles each turn. Additionally, you can mess with your opponents' building plans here and there.

You must still make sure, though — as with the cooperative variant — to place ghosts. Don't worry, nobody loses if the supply of ghosts runs out. This expansion lets you instead use them to your advantage to drive off your opponents' meeples.


  • 60 new land tiles (marked with Symbol GhostsCastlesCemeteries C3.png), some of them with new features (castles and cemeteries) and some field areas covered in mist.
Tile with a castle, road, and mist
Tile with a cemetery and city
  • A new 2x2 starting tile.
New starting tile
  • 30 guard meeples, 5 in each player color.
Figure Guards C3.png
  • 15 ghosts, a new neutral figure to haunt any meeples but guard meeples.
Ghost neutral figures
  • A new scoring track to replace the one from the base game.


  • In the game, the 2x2 starting tile, counts as 4 single tiles (for example, for an adjacent monastery, cemetery or castle). [1]
  • The castle ruins ending the roads on the starting tile are not mentioned in the rules. Since it looks different from the other castles in the expansion and it is placed at the intersection of four spaces, it may not be considered a proper castle nor be occupied or scored. It just serves as a feature separating fields and ending roads.



Place the new, large starting tile in the middle of the table. Return the base game starting tile to the game box.

Shuffle all new 60 land tiles with the other tiles. Place them in a face-down supply on the table as usual.

You will only need 1 scoring track. Better to use the one from the expansion, leaving the one from the base game in the game box.

Give each player, including yourself, 2 guard meeples and 5 normal meeples in the color of their choice. [2]

Place a 6th meeple in each player color onto space 0/50 of the scoring track. Return the remaining base game meeples to the game box.

Place the remaining guard meeples in player colors in a supply next to the scoring track. Return any guard meeples in unused colors to the game box.

Place the 15 ghosts in a general supply next to the scoring track.

Example: Red and Green set up the scoring track for the game. Both of them place a normal meeple on space 0/50 and 3 guard meeples by the scoring track. The 15 ghosts are set aside too.

Leave the goal token and the level summary from Mists over Carcassonne in the game box. You can also leave the two hounds in the game box — they don't like competitive games.

Mist and ghosts

Mists C3 Figure Ghosts.png
1. Placing a tile

First, draw a tile and place it on the board. You must follow the usual rules but ignoring the mist, as it always hovers over a road or a field but it is not part of the terrain itself. The rules for all other types of terrain (cities, roads, and fields) remain unchanged.

2a. Placing ghosts

The ghosts in the mist don't matter — ignore them. If you draw a tile with mist on it, you now have the option of bringing ghosts into play. It all depends on how you place the tile:

  • Expand the mist: You place a tile with mist on it such that at least 1 side expands an existing mist bank. You must then add 1 ghost to another player's meeple on the game board. It doesn't matter if you finish the mist bank. You just have to expand it.
  • Limit the mist: You place a tile such that at least 1 misty side is placed next to a mist-free side. [3] In this case, you must then add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples on the game board. [4]
  • It can happen that you simultaneously expand one mist bank while limiting another. In that case you must first add 1 ghost to another player's meeple on the game board, after which you must add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples on the game board.
Example: If you extended the mist (tile top left), you must add 1 ghost to one of Blue's meeples. If you limited the mist (tile bottom right), you must add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples.

 Interpretation from the Community Question: Do you have to add any ghosts when you place a tile with a misty edge adjacent to an empty space?

Answer: No, misty edges adjacent to empty spaces do not trigger any ghost placement. Only misty edges next to another tile can trigger the placement of a ghost.

Example: If you place this tile with a misty edge next to an empty space, you will not add a ghost to anyone's meeple.

If the general supply of ghosts has run out, you don't need to add any ghosts. Or the other way around: if there aren't any meeples you can add a ghost to, then you skip this step.

As soon as you add the third ghost to a meeple on the game board, you must return the meeple and the ghosts to their respective supplies. It doesn't matter whose meeple it is.

Example: You limited the mist and must therefore add a ghost to your meeple. Since this is the third ghost, your meeple is terrified and runs away. In other words, you return it to your supply, while also returning the ghosts that were haunting it to the general supply.
2b. Placing a meeple

After potentially placing ghosts, you may place one of your meeples onto the tile just placed according to the usual rules.

3. Scoring a feature

Finally, score according to the usual rules. However, each ghost added to the meeple being scored costs you -2 points. This means that you may end up scoring negative points. Don't worry, you can't go lower than 0 points on the scoring track. Finally, return the scored meeple and any ghosts added to it to their respective supplies. [5]

Example: You finished the city by placing this tile. The city would normally be worth 8 points. However, 2 ghosts were added to the meeple being scored. You must subtract 4 points from your total, so this scoring only brings you 4 points.
Final Scoring

Each ghost added to your meeples is worth -1 point.

Guard meeples

Figure Guard Meeple red.png
2a. Placing ghosts

You may never add ghosts to guard meeples. They can't be terrified and driven off the game board.

2b. Placing a meeple

You may place a guard meeple as any other meeple (as a farmer, a monk, etc.).


Mists C3 Cemetery Example 01.png
1. Placing a tile

Place cemetery tiles as usual.

Example: You place a cemetery as usual.
2a. Placing ghosts

Ghosts may be added to a meeple placed on a cemetery according to the position of the tile just placed. [6] [7]

2b. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple or guard meeple onto the cemetery as a cemetery keeper.

You may place a meeple on a cemetery.
3. Scoring a feature

You score a cemetery as soon as it is fully surrounded by tiles (like a castle or cloister). Take an additional guard meeple from the general supply and add it to your own supply. You now have another meeple at your disposal. You also return the cemetery keeper to your supply. [8] [9]

If there aren't any guard meeples in your color left in the general supply, then you already have a sizeable advantage and don't get any more.

Example: By placing this tile, you have completely surrounded the cemetery. You score it at the end of your turn, taking a guard meeple from the general supply and adding it to your own. You will have another meeple at your disposal next turn. Finally, return the cemetery keeper to your supply as well.
Final Scoring

There is no final scoring for meeples on cemeteries. [10]


Mists C3 Castle Example 01.png
1. Placing a tile

If you draw a castle tile, you place it as usual.

Example: You place a tile with a castle as usual.
2a. Placing ghosts

Ghosts may be added to a meeple placed on a castle according to the position of the tile just placed.[6]

2b. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple on a castle. It doesn't need to be a guard meeple; you can also place a normal meeple.

Example: You place a guard meeple on a castle. It could also be a normal meeple.
3. Scoring a feature

You score a castle as soon as it is completely surrounded by tiles (like a monastery or a cemetery). Score 2 points for each neighboring tile with mist on it (including the castle tile itself).

Final Scoring

Each castle with a meeple on it is worth 1 point for each neighboring tile with mist on it (including the castle tile itself). [11]

Fields and mist

Mists C3 Gameplay Place Land Tile.png

As in the base game, you can place farmers in this expansion.

But watch out: mist acts as a border to fields the same way that cities do. And farmers are afraid of ghosts.

If you place a guard meeple as a farmer, then of course it is safe from ghosts.

Example: You have meeple placed as a farmer in a field. Your opponent also has a farmer in a field, but it is a guard meeple. You cannot, therefore, use ghosts to drive the guard meeple off the field.

You place the tile with the city and mist between your two fields. Since the mist acts as a border to fields, you can use it to separate the two fields.

New land tiles

Mists C3 Tile 46.png
The cemetery trees separate the fields. There are therefore 2 fields on this tile. [12]
Mists C3 Tile 11.png
This tile has 2 fields. The towers of the haunted castle separate the fields. [13]
Mists C3 Tile 42.png
This tile has 2 fields. The tiny field surrounded by the city, the road and the mist (left of the road) should be ignored. [14]
Mists C3 Tile 43.png
This tile has 2 fields. The towers of the haunted castle separate the fields, but the resulting tiny field to the left of the haunted castle should be ignored. [15]

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

Mist and ghosts

Mists C3 Figure Ghosts.png

General comments

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts can be added to the following meeples:

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts cannot be added to the following meeples:

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts may be added to meeples on the following special features on the board: [16]

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts may not be added to meeples in the following special areas: [17]

Interpretation from the Community When scoring a meeple or removing it from the board as a result of any action, the ghosts added to the meeple will return to the general supply. After scoring, even if the meeple is moved or redeployed to another location on the board, its previous ghosts will return to the global supply. [18]

Interpretation from the Community When moving a meeple to another feature or tile as a result of an action not involving the scoring of the meeple, the ghosts will stay assigned to the meeple on its new location.

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts cannot be added to special figures:

Interpretation from the Community No meeple or special figure can be placed in a field segment covered in mist. A road segment covered in mist can be occupied as usual.

Interpretation from the Community As a general case, ghosts should be considered in all scorings involving features or meeples during the game. Each ghost will be worth -2 points. Therefore, these scorings will take into consideration any ghosts added to meeples:

The AbbotThe Abbot

Interpretation from the Community When removing an abbot with ghosts from an uncompleted monastery or garden, each ghost is worth -2 points.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: If you remove an abbot with one ghost from a garden, we are considering that the player will score -2 points for the ghost, the same as for any other scorings during the game. Removing the abbot without penalty from the ghost seems an extremely easy way out. Is this correct?

Answer: The ghost should simply score -2 points, no matter if you scored the abbot early or not. (3/2024)

Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon

Interpretation from the Community The fairy can be assigned to a meeple with ghosts.

Interpretation from the Community The fairy does not protect meeples from ghosts.
Interpretation from the Community If a meeple assigned to the fairy is scared off, the fairy will stay on the board.
Interpretation from the Community The dragon can be placed on tiles with mist. It doesn't affect the dragon.
Interpretation from the Community The dragon can eat meeples with ghosts. The ghosts will be returned to the general supply.

Interpretation from the Community The princess may seduce a meeple with ghosts. The ghosts will be returned to the general supply.

Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The Tower

Interpretation from the Community A tower can capture meeple with ghosts. The ghosts will be returned to the general supply.
Interpretation from the Community Ghosts can be assigned to a meeple on top of a tower.

Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor

Interpretation from the Community An abbey limits the mist on any misty edge adjacent to it.

Community rule A wagon with ghosts will not keep them after scoring, even if it moves and stays on the board. A meeple should not be penalized more than once by the ghosts added to it.
Interpretation from the Community A barn cannot be placed on an intersection with mist reaching the corner of any of its tiles.
Interpretation from the Community The scoring of a field due to a barn placement or to connecting fields with barns will take into account the ghosts added to the farmers involved. Each ghost will be worth -2 points.

Interpretation from the Community A mayor with ghosts in a castle will not score negative points. The castle has no coats of arms, so the mayor does not have the majority and cannot score points for it.

Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars

Interpretation from the Community A bridge can be placed on a field edge with mist.

Interpretation from the Community A castle will receive the points a feature is worth unaffected by any ghosts assigned to meeples on it. Note that ghosts do not affect the value of a feature but the number of points scored by a player.

Interpretation from the Community A mayor with ghosts in a castle will not score negative points. The castle has no coats of arms, so the mayor does not have the majority and cannot score points for it.

Exp. 9 - Hills & SheepExp. 9 - Hills & Sheep

Interpretation from the Community Shepherds cannot be placed on field segments covered in mist.

Interpretation from the Community The field separation caused by the mist also applies to shepherds.

Interpretation from the Community A misty edge placed adjacent to a clear one does not extend the fields on the latter.

Exp. 10 - Under the Big TopExp. 10 - Under the Big Top

Interpretation from the Community Ghosts are assigned to acrobats individually and will penalize their corresponding meeples when scoring the acrobat pyramid.
Interpretation from the Community The scoring of the big top is not affected by any ghosts added to its neighboring meeples.

Mini #2 - The MessengersMini #2 - The Messengers

Interpretation from the Community The scoring of a meeple with Message #8 will take into consideration any ghosts added to it. Each ghost will be worth -2 points.

The GiftsThe Gifts

Interpretation from the Community The scoring of a road with a Road Sweeper gift will take into consideration any ghosts added to meeples on the road. Each ghost will be worth -2 points.


Mists C3 Cemetery Example 01.png

General comments

Interpretation from the Community You can occupy a cemetery with the following meeples:

Interpretation from the Community You cannot occupy a cemetery with the following meeples:

Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon

Interpretation from the Community The fairy assigned to a cemetery keeper will provide its scoring bonus during the game but not after the game, since uncompleted cemeteries are not scored.

Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars

Interpretation from the Community A completed cemetery will trigger the scoring of any castles in is vicinity. Each castle will score 0 points.


Mists C3 Castle Example 01.png

General comments

Interpretation from the Community You can occupy a haunted castle with the following meeples:

Interpretation from the Community You cannot occupy a castle with the following meeples:

Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars

Interpretation from the Community A completed haunted castle will trigger the scoring of any castles in is vicinity.

Starting tile

Mists C3 Setup Start Tile.png

General comments

Interpretation from the Community The feature in the middle of the 2x2 starting tile is not a castle. It cannot be occupied, completed or scored.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: Is the feature in the middle of the 2x2 starting tile a proper castle or just some ruins that serve as decoration to separate fields and end roads?

Answer: It’s just a decoration. (9/2022)

Interpretation from the Community Other features on the starting tile may be occupied.
Interpretation from the Community The 2x2 starting tile counts as four separate tiles (or occupied spaces) for monastic buildings, cemeteries, castles and other features counting adjacent tiles. It is not counted as one single tile.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: If the 2x2 starting tile occupies two spaces adjacent to a completed monastery, how many points does the monk on the monastery score? (See image below)
A) 9 points because the starting tile is counted as 2 occupied squares adjacent to the monastery?
B) 8 points because the starting tile is counted as 1 tile adjacent to the monastery?

Answer: The answer is A. The starting tile is considered as 4 normal tiles. (9/2022)

Example: Red scores 9 points for this monastery as usual, where two adjacent square spaces are part of the starting tile.

Interpretation from the Community A haunted castle adjacent to the starting tile will then only consider those mist segments on the 1x1 square spaces (i.e. quarters) adjacent to it. Only 2 of the quarters have mist.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: Does the starting tile have 2 or 4 quarters with mist? Are the bottom left and the top right quarters worth 2 points for a castle? They have a small speck of mist with no ghosts, so they may be just an artistic license. (See image below)

Answer: There are 2 quarters with mist only. The small specks of mist are just an artistic license. [19] (1/2025)

Example: The starting tile shows specks of mist in two quarters (highlighted in yellow), but they are an artistic license. Those quarters don't count as tiles with mist. Only the quarters with ghosts in the mist count as tiles with mist.

 Official clarification from the publisher Question: If the 2x2 starting tile occupies one of the squares adjacent to a completed castle as shown in the image below, how many points does the red player score?
A) 4 points because there is no mist on the square adjacent to the castle (the 2x2 starting tile is not considered as a whole)?
B) 6 points because the castle considers all the mist banks on the 2x2 starting tile?

Answer: The answer is A. The starting tile is considered as 4 normal tiles. (9/2022; reconfirmed 1/2025)

Example: Red scores 4 points for this castle. The adjacent square space that is part of the starting tile has no proper mist on it -the quarter with the highlighted speck of mist does not count as a tile with mist.

Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon

Interpretation from the Community The dragon may land on the starting tile and eat all the meeples on the 2x2 tile.
Interpretation from the Community Other features on the starting tile can be occupied with a magic portal.

Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The Tower

Interpretation from the Community A tower may capture a meeple on the starting tile if any of its four squares is in range from the tower.

Mini #1 - The Flying MachinesMini #1 - The Flying Machines

Interpretation from the Community Other features on the starting tile can be occupied with a flying machine.
Interpretation from the Community A flying machine may land a meeple on any valid feature on the starting tile if any of its four squares is in range from the flying machine.

Russian PromosRussian Promos

Interpretation from the Community All meeples placed on the starting tile may be captured by the Vodyanoy tile if placed adjacent to it.

Tile distribution

Total tiles: 60 + 1 start tile
Mists C3 Tile 01.png ×2
Mists C3 Tile 03.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 04.png ×1
Castle + Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 05.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 06.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 07.png ×2
Mists C3 Tile 09.png ×2
Mists C3 Tile 11.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 12.png ×1
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 13.png ×1
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 14.png ×3
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 21.png ×1
Mist + Ghost + (W)
Mists C3 Tile 20.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 22.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 23.png ×2
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 25.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 26.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 27.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 28.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 29.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 30.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 31.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 32.png ×1
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 33.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 34.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 17.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 18.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 35.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 19.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost + (W)
Mists C3 Tile 36.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 37.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 38.png ×2
Mists C3 Tile 40.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 41.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 42.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 43.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 44.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 45.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 46.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 47.png ×1
Mist + 3× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 48.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 50.png ×1
Mist + Ghost + (W)
Mists C3 Tile 49.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 51.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 52.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 54.png ×2
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 55.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 56.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 58.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 57.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Tile 59.png ×1
Mists C3 Tile 60.png ×1
Mist + 2× Ghost
Mists C3 Start Tile.png ×1
(2x2 start tile) Mist + 3× Ghost
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature WaterTower C3.png


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This clarification is not included in the rules but it is based on the rules provided by HiG for the double-sized river source included in the 20th Anniversary River 20th Anniversary River.
  2. Interpretation from the Community The normal meeples are taken from the base game.
  3. Interpretation from the Community The misty edge can be on a tile previously placed or on the one just placed. The only requirement is that the tile placement leads a mist discontinuity.
  4. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The English rules by ZMG describe this action incorrectly by assuming you only limit the mist when placing a tile with mist. Here is the original wording in English:
    "You place a tile with mist on it such that at least 1 misty side is placed next to an existing, mist-free tile. In this case, you must then add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples on the game board." The German rules are written in a more generic way so that limiting the mist only requires to place a non-misty edge next to a misty-edge but doesn't matter which edge was placed first. We have adapted this paragraph to follow the original German rules.
  5. Interpretation from the Community Ghosts do not affect the value of a feature but the points received by each player with the majority in it when scored. So each player with the majority will receive the number of points the feature is worth minus 2 points per ghost added to their meeples on the feature. Ghosts will not be considered for those players without the majority, that is, they will not score points for the feature and will not be penalized with negative points for any ghosts added to their meeples on the feature.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: Let's assume Red has 2 meeples in this city and Black has 1 meeple with a ghost added to it. Red has the majority in this case. The city has 5 tiles and 1 coat of arms (see image below):
    1) Does Black score 0 points, or -2 points due to the ghost added to it?
    2) Does Red score 12 points, or 10 points for the city due to the ghost in the city?

    Answer: Here you are the answers:
    1) You only score if you have a majority. Therefore, Black does get 0 points.
    2) You only get -2 points, if the ghost is with your meeple. Therefore Red receives 12 points.

    Example: Only Red scores 12 for the city, so Black does not receive negative points for the ghost added to their meeple. The ghost added to Black's meeple does not affect Red's scoring either.
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Interpretation from the Community The wording of this sentence was updated for the sake of clarity.
  7. Interpretation from the Community You may add ghosts to cemetery keepers (or meeples placed in castles) if they are not guard meeples.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: The original rules read:
           "2a. Placing ghosts
          Don’t add ghosts to the cemetery when playing the expansion."
    Does this mean that you cannot add ghosts to a meeple placed in a cemetery unlike a meeple placed in a castle?

    Answer: The statement refers to the placement or function the feature had in the spin-off.
    In the expansion, you add ghosts to meeples, not to features. Therefore it is possible to add ghosts to a meeple placed in a castle or cemetery. (11/2022)

  8. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers This last sentence was missing in the English rules.
  9. Interpretation from the Community A cemetery keeper on a completed cemetery scores no points, just grants an additional guard meeple, if any. Since a cemetery keeper may be added ghosts, its owner may score negative points for it as well.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: [Since a cemetery keeper may be added ghosts,] would this mean that a player will score negative points for a completed cemetery with a meeple with ghosts (in addition to receiving one extra guard meeple, if applicable)?

    Answer: Yes. (11/2022)

  10. Interpretation from the Community At the end of the game, uncompleted cemeteries are not scored, so players do not receive negative points for any ghosts added to their cemetery keepers.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: [Since a cemetery keeper may be added ghosts,] would this mean that a player will not score negative points for ghosts added to a meeple on an uncompleted cemetery after the game?

    Answer: You do not lose any victory points during final scoring with ghosts added to meeples on cemeteries. Those meeples do not get scored. (11/2022)

  11. Notorious rule difference among editions or publishers The wording of the original English rules may lead to understand that the castle tile is worth 1 point always, no matter whether it has mist on it:
    "Each castle with a meeple on it is worth 1 point for the castle plus 1 point for each surrounding tile with mist on it."
    Currently, this discrepancy may not cause any difference in scoring, since all the castle tiles have mist on them. However, we preferred to use the accuracy of the German wording.
  12. Interpretation from the Community The trees in the cemetery separate the fields. There are several field patches visible among the branches, but we should see the branches as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the trees separate the field between the cemetery and the city?

    Mists C3 Tile 46.png
    Theoretically you could even find 3 fields there.

    Yes, this tile could have a better design. We can consider 2 fields. The big tree on the right separates the fields. (1/2025)

  13. Interpretation from the Community The castle towers separate the fields. There are several field patches visible between the towers, but we should see the towers as one block. It is just an artistic license and we should see only 2 fields on this tile.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: Does this tile have 1 or 2 fields? Do the castle towers separate the field between the castle and the city?

    Mists C3 Tile 11.png
    Yes, the towers separate the fields. (1/2025)
  14. Interpretation from the Community This tile has 2 fields, as clarified. The tiny field to the left of the road will be considered an artistic license.

     Official clarification from the publisher Question: Does this tile have 2 or 3 fields? There seems to be a small field surrounded by the city, the road and the mist.

    Mists C3 Tile 42.png
    This third "field" is so small, that could be seen as an artistic license, not as an actual field. You could barely place a meeple in it. (1/2025)
  15. Interpretation from the Community This tile has 2 fields, following the rationale of the previous footnote. The tiny field to the left of the haunted castle towers will be considered an artistic license.
  16. Community rule We agreed that ghosts should be allowed on the same features as the fairy for the sake of simplicity. (06/2023)
  17. Community rule We agreed that ghosts should not be allowed on the same features the fairy cannot be placed for the sake of simplicity. (06/2023)
  18. Interpretation from the Community The principle applied here is that a meeple cannot be penalized twice by the same ghosts. Each scoring releases any ghosts added to a meeple until that moment. If the meeple is moved after scoring, new ghosts may be added to the meeple on its new location.
  19. Interpretation from the Community As per the Mists over Carcassonne rules, a mist bank on a tile always has ghosts symbols. These mist specks are too small to have any ghosts in them, so they could not be considered as proper mists banks for the spin-off and therefore for Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries.
anonymous | Posted on Jan 1, 2024 at 9:35 pm

Ghost can be attache to Shepherds ? (Its not write on "general comment" of "mist and ghost". Thx for responses.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jan 2, 2024 at 3:25 pm | Last edited on Jan 2, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Ghosts can only be added to meeples other than guard meeples. Special figures, such as the builder, the pig, the shepherd or the barn, cannot be added ghosts.

Added clarification to cover special figures.

anonymous | Posted on Aug 19, 2023 at 10:30 pm

Can castles receive the 3 extra points from the vineyards?

Meepledrone | Posted on Aug 20, 2023 at 10:34 am

No, haunted castles are not monasteries (or any other type of monastic buildings), so they can't get any bonus points from adjacent vineyards.

Special figures
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Jun 6, 2023 at 11:34 pm

Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries does mention that you are (most likely) not able to add ghosts to special figures.

Meepledrone | Posted on Jan 2, 2024 at 6:31 pm

Added clarification

Issue with regular castles scoring haunted castles
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Feb 6, 2023 at 1:40 am – This WICA page should answer to this issue.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Mar 7, 2023 at 8:27 pm

Another questions that WICA still does not talk about.

Meepledrone | Posted on Mar 20, 2023 at 10:19 am

Added interaction

Ghost penalty issue when playing with The Messengers
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Feb 6, 2023 at 1:36 am | Last edited on Feb 6, 2023 at 1:39 am

"Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points" (from Carcassonne Scoring During the Game)

The red player scores -4 points for a road due to ghosts. The red scoring meeple is on space 2, and the red scoring messenger is on space 3. From the quoted phrase, one may understand that the red player could only lose 2 (if the red player choose to move the scoring meeple) or 3 (if the red player choose to move the messenger) points, instead of losing 3 points with the messenger and 1 with the scoring meeple or vice versa, that is, 2 with the scoring meeple and 2 with the messenger. BTW, none of the options seem true, and an official clarification is required; the first allows the red player to "cheat" (and if the red messenger wore to be on space 5, the things would get even more complicated: is the red player allowed to lose only 2 points with the scoring meeple when they can lose 4 with the messenger?) by allowing them to choose losing a lower number of points, while the second options is odd, as the points for the road would be scored with 2 scoring meeples, this being prohibited by the rules of The Messengers. Another paradox... :)

Meepledrone | Posted on Feb 7, 2023 at 9:13 pm

The no-negative points for ghosts policy can lead to odd situation indeed. The scoring sequence can lead to different situations if scoring multiple features and one of them scores negative points, for example, especially when you may be scoring below 0 points. Twice as odd if you use two scoring figures to minimize the impact.

And another question regarding Mini #2 - The Messengers : if scoring negative points and you are forced to end up on space "0", would you receive a message? You are landing on a dark space...

Unfortunately, I don't think HiG will provide any clarifications about these expansion interactions any time soon.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Mar 7, 2023 at 8:27 pm

But WICA should at least talk about this with a Question without official clarification.

Exp. 3 and Mini 1
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:14 pm

Other features on the starting tile can be occupied with a magic portal or a flying machine. The flying machine should not be included here, too; it is already included below.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:44 pm

Extra text removed

Monastic buildings
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:02 pm


  • Interpretation from the Community You cannot occupy a cemetery with the following meeples:
    • Abbot (The Abbot), since cemeteries are not monasteries or gardens.



  • Interpretation from the Community You cannot occupy a castle with the following meeples:
    • Abbot (The Abbot), since castles are not monasteries or gardens.


Comment: monasteries could be replaced with monastic buildings.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:46 pm

Updated here and for the stating tile section too.

Guard meeples
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:02 pm | Last edited on Nov 15, 2022 at 4:55 pm (moderated)



{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink=General comments|rules=


{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink=General comments|rules=

Comment: Why Guard meeples and not Guard meeple?

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 1:30 pm | Last edited on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:47 pm

You are right. Removed plural.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:02 pm


  • Interpretation from the Community Shepherds cannot be placed in fields with mist.

Comment: This is misleading. I think that this wants to say that you cannot place a shepherd on a field segment covered in mist. However, somebody could understand that you cannot place a shepherd on a mist-free field segment if that field touches mist.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:48 pm

Wording updated. Thanks!

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:01 pm | Last edited on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:01 pm


{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink=General comments|rules=


{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink=General comments|rules=

Comment: Wrong. The castles and the cemeteries are not cities. The mayor can only be placed on a city.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 1:36 pm | Last edited on Oct 31, 2022 at 5:12 pm

Ooops! Copy & paste error. Corrected

Wagon discrepancy
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 5:00 pm


  • Interpretation from the Community When scoring a meeple or removing it from the board as a result of any action, the ghosts added to the meeple will return to the general supply. After scoring, even if the meeple is moved or redeployed to another location on the board, its previous ghosts will return to the global supply. [1]


Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor

  • Interpretation from the Community A field or a road edge with mist placed adjacent to an abbey is considered to limit the mist.
  • Interpretation from the Community A wagon with ghosts will keep them if moved after scoring.
  • Interpretation from the Community A barn cannot be placed on an intersection with mist reaching the corner of any of its tiles.

Comment: 1. seems correct, while 2. seems wrong (I am talking about the part about wagon). P.S. global supply? Why not general?

  1. Interpretation from the Community The principle applied here is that a meeple cannot be penalized twice by the same ghosts. Each scoring releases any ghosts added to a meeple until that moment. If the meeple is moved after scoring, new ghost may be added to te ghost on its new location.
Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:49 pm

Removed discrepancy in Exp. 5 block and marked it as Community Rule.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 8:55 pm

What causes the ghost removal? The meeple removal or the scoring itself? If it is the scoring itself, maybe it could by marked with Interpretation from the Community. :)

Meepledrone | Posted on Nov 1, 2022 at 11:21 am

This is not clear in the rules, since scoring a meeple and removing it are not separated actions in the rules. I added the Community Rule symbol since it was a consequence of our discussions to assume the removal of the ghosts is associated with the completion of the scoring, not the return of the meeple to its owner... As a side effect, it seems correct that a meeple cannot be penalized twice for the ghosts added to it. Each scoring resets the ghost count, so to speak.

Any thoughts?

"a" and "1"
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 30, 2022 at 1:04 pm | Last edited on Oct 30, 2022 at 1:04 pm

If you extended the mist (tile top left), you must add a ghost to one of Blue's meeples. If you limited the mist (tile bottom right), you must add 1 ghost to one of your own meeples.

Or a, or 1, but not both.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 3:54 pm


A note on cemetery's and ghosts
anonymous | Posted on Oct 27, 2022 at 12:29 pm

The official rules state that: "Don’t add ghosts to the cemetery when playing the expansion. These tiles have a different function in the expansion as in the cooperative game."

The current wiki-page as of 27th of October interpreters this line as: "Ghosts cannot be added to a meeple placed on the cemetery."

I think the original distributor rather meant that, unlike in the cooperative rules, an unclaimed cemetery does not trigger extra ghost placement on the cemetery when adding ghosts to other mist tiles. This in order to merely highlight different rules apply when used as a competitive expansion.

To my interpretation ghosts can be added to meeples on a cemetery, just like any feature on the board; no exceptions apply here.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 28, 2022 at 2:59 pm | Last edited on Nov 15, 2022 at 4:57 pm

I see what you mean but if you check the section covering Castles, the rules make an explicit reference to how ghosts should be added when placing a Castle, and this reference is omitted for Cemeteries. Being Cemeteries described before Castles, it would have made perfect sense to include the same reference to the ghost placement rules for Cemeteries too.

Here you can see a comparison of exceprts of the German rules translated into English:

As a side note, if adding ghosts to meeples on cemeteries is allowed, should players score negative points when completing a cemetery with a meeple with ghosts? Completed cemeteries do not score points...

This reply is not valid anymore after clarification by HiG.

You may add a ghost to a cemetery keeper if it is not a guard meeple.

anonymous | Posted on Oct 31, 2022 at 9:12 am

Thanks for the reply Meepledrone! I can also see how you interpret the rules differently. But, the rules remain vague and that is a pity. Especially since this does not cover interactions with other expansions, so HiG should have carefully described their intentions. I will see if I can contact them for clarification.

anonymous | Posted on Nov 15, 2022 at 1:12 pm

I just received a reply from HiG.

Question: "On page 3, section 2a. Place ghosts of the Cemetery rules, it is stated that: “Don’t add ghosts to the cemetery when playing the expansion”. This specific line has kept me wondering about the actual interpretation, which could be:

A. Ghosts can never be added to a meeple that is placed on a cemetery via placement of mist, as described in the earlier sections of the expansion rules. B. The rules merely state that no ghosts are added to a cemetery tile in the way it was described of the cooperative rules, and this line thus tries to clarify different rules are used for the cemetery in the expansion. This means that according to the expansion rules ghosts can be added to meeples on a cemetery via placement of mist, just like any other feature."

Answer: "Thank you for your request.

It means that you not need to add ghosts like at the cooperative gameplay. So it's interpretation B.

Best regards Ron Bussenius Carcassonne & Co"

Meepledrone | Posted on Nov 15, 2022 at 3:40 pm | Last edited on Nov 15, 2022 at 4:58 pm

Thanks! I also got the same answer from HiG today.

So you may add ghosts to cemetery keepers if they are not guard meeples.

Updated text accordingly and added clarifications in this regard.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Nov 15, 2022 at 4:55 pm

That means that, at the end of the game, a cemetery keeper does not receive bonus points for fairy.

Meepledrone | Posted on Nov 15, 2022 at 5:04 pm | Last edited on Nov 15, 2022 at 5:08 pm

Correct. The rules about final scoring of cemeteries say: "There is no final scoring for meeples on cemeteries."

Added interaction info for this case.

Change Position
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 17, 2022 at 12:24 pm

Can you place a cemetery keeper via a Change Position card?

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 21, 2022 at 7:55 pm

Yes, there should be no limitation in this regard.

A cemetery is a normal feature with a particular scoring.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 17, 2022 at 12:17 pm

If due flying machines there are 2 red normal meeples and 1 blue normal meeple on a cemetery, then only the red player will be able to receive a guard meeple?

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 28, 2022 at 3:01 pm

For the sake of consistency, all players with the majority should be able to receive a guard meeple.

In this case only Red shoule receive a new guard meeple and Blue none.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 14, 2022 at 2:12 pm

If you score 4 points for a city due to 1 ghost, you receive 1. 6 points and -2 points or 2. 4 points? This is relevant for messages and robbers.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 15, 2022 at 1:04 pm

This needs to be clarified in Scoring During Turn Sequence.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:03 am | Last edited on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:04 am

Ghost penalties are part of the scoring for a feature. Only the players with the majority are affected.

There is only one scoring event combining points for the feature - penalty points for ghosts.

Reference pages, including Scoring During Turn Sequence, will be updated accordingly.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 7, 2022 at 11:36 am

When does this page will be marked for translation? Even if the part about other expansions is somewhat unstable, the rest of the page is quite stable.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 28, 2022 at 3:04 pm

Done... although new clarifications may be added as required.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 4, 2022 at 3:45 pm

There should be no contradiction. Let me know what sounds odd to you.

BTW, I extended the wording a bit.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 28, 2022 at 2:01 pm

Why using Community rule everywhere? For example, for The fairy can be assigned to a meeple with ghosts., Interpretation from the Community is enough.

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 10:52 pm

Those clarifitions that can be inferred from the usual rules should use Interpretation from the Community. Those that rely on a community agreement should use Community rule.

All this icons require a revision.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 30, 2022 at 12:08 pm

Another thing: The link to Icons appears at Footnotes, but not at Other expansions, too.

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:06 am

So far we are combining the Footnotes header and the text about the icons. We may need to crete a new template for that.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 28, 2022 at 1:57 pm

If you assign a ghost to an acrobat:

A) Only that acrobat is affected

B) The all acrobats from that pyramid are affected

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 1:59 pm


Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 10:56 pm

The case of the fairy affecting all acrobats is some kind of edge case for fairy 1-point bonus.

Removing a full acrobat pyramid with only 3 ghosts where you normally require 9 sounds too powerful to be allowed.

Pyramid scoring
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 28, 2022 at 1:55 pm

If you score an acrobat pyramid (2B-1), then the scoring will be affected by ghosts?

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:40 am

See my comments at the very bottom (comment To be clarified)

Abbot scoring
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 28, 2022 at 1:54 pm

If you score the abbot (2B-1), then the scoring will be affected by ghosts?

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 1:58 pm

I think yes, as told by hig "Ghosts affect those players with the majority, and therefore scoring for the feature" so...

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:13 pm

I do not agree. See The Abbot.

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:32 pm

I see, but the ghost is associated to the Abbot, not the feature

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 15, 2022 at 1:03 pm | Last edited on Oct 15, 2022 at 1:03 pm

The ghost penalty is applied only during 3B, like the fairy 3-bonus.

Negative points
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 28, 2022 at 1:52 pm

In other words, if you score -2 points for a road due to ghosts, and your scoring meeple (no messenger) is on the space 1, then your scoring meeple will move on space 0?

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:00 pm

no, -1 you can litteraly get negative points!

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:09 pm | Last edited on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:10 pm

I do not agree. The rules say:

This means that you may end up scoring negative points. Don't worry, you can't go lower than 0 points on the scoring track..

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:34 pm

you are right! well, then you answered yourself...

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 5:17 pm | Last edited on Sep 29, 2022 at 9:50 pm

I do not post questions here because I want answers for myself. I post questions here to improve this page (,_Castles_and_Cemeteries), and this question was posted to make sure that there are no mistranslations.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:23 pm | Last edited on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:31 pm

Mists C3 Features Example 03.png

There are two fields on this tile, isn't it? Just to be sure.

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 1:56 pm

it's 1 field. you can see the green area all around the cemetery

Water towers
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:23 pm

Mists C3 Tile 19.png

Mists C3 Tile 50.png

These tiles feature water towers, isn't it?

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 10:59 pm

Yes. They seem to be a new style of water tower.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:22 pm

Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries

There are no sheds, farmhouses or highwaymen on the tiles?

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:02 pm

if you don't see them it is because they are obviously not there :)

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:11 pm

I am not able to see the all tiles. From example, the first tile featured in Tile Reference has a x2 near it. I am able to see only one version of the tile, but maybe the other version has something...

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:07 pm

This spin-off/Exp. 11 only includes normal water towers and a visual variation. No other features are present in fields, since the spin-off does not use them.

The tile list on Cundco does not include any feature on the 60 tiles, even if some regular water towers are featured on some tiles in the listing.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:22 pm

The format that uses Template:DottedFrameMessage should be adopted by other pages, too.

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:08 pm

You mean for the interactions?

We are testing a new format in this page.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:41 pm

Also for General info and comments.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:21 pm

Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries

In other words:

The replacement of the scoring board is optional. If you want, you can use the base game scoring board instead.

You start with 2 guard meeples and 5 normal meeples in your supply. During the game, you can end with 5 guard meeples and 5 normal meeples in your supply.

You use a (normal) scoring meeple.

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:04 pm

The rulebook suggests you use the rulebook for this set, but I think it's purely thematic. Either way it's a suggest! you are free to do what you want

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:36 pm

sorry... replace the second rulebook withe scoreboard

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:09 pm

It is just an excuse to give the scoreboard some use in Exp. 11

Name castle occupant
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:20 pm

What is the name of a meeple that occupies a haunted castle?

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 1:50 pm

yea, good point! (aenima)

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 1:55 pm

what about vampire? :D

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:12 pm

I want to know if HiG already decided a name (maybe in the German rules?).

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:11 pm

It could be a castle lord for the time being. I haven't found any mention its role.

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:50 pm


  • Exp. 8 - lord or castle lord
  • Castles in Germany - German lord
  • Exp. 11 - haunted lord

There is no name for an abbot placed on a garden (though gardener or garden keeper sound good), so...

Cemetery keeper rights
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:19 pm

A cemetery keeper is entitled to the 3 points bonus of the fairy, gold ingots... ?

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:12 pm

It should, the same as a fortune teller. ;-P

Castle Exp. 8
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:18 pm

A castle from Exp. 8 scores the minus points caused by ghosts?

anonymous | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 2:38 pm

mh good pont indeed! I think no, because of this: "Ghosts affect those players with the majority, and therefore scoring for the feature"

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:18 pm

Ghosts, Castles and Cemeteries

OK, but what happens if you place a misty side so that it is touching with nothing? I suppose that nothing, but who knows what really lies in HiG's (or ZMG's? BTW, the rules above ar translated by a volunteer or by ZMG?) world...

Also, you must add a ghost only when placing a misty tile? If, for example, you limit the mist with a non-misty tile, you do not have to place a ghost? Asking just to be sure that there is not mistranslation or something like this.

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:25 pm

Placing a misty tile where the mist edges are not adjacent to another tile is possible. In this case, no ghost will be added to a meeple. I added a clarification about this case in the rules.

The rules on this page and Mist Over Carcassonne are a reviewed version of the Englis rules by ZMG. They contained some typos and some weird wording at times.

Limiting the mist happens in these two cases:

  • 1 or more misty edges on the tile just placed are end up being adjacent to a clear edge (without mist)
  • 1 or more clear edges on the tile just placed are end up being adjacent to a misty edge (with mist)

Extending the mist happens when at least one misty edge on the tile just placed is next to another misty edge (The tile just placed can be a misty cap closing a mist bank, but this is irrelevant).

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:46 pm | Last edited on Sep 29, 2022 at 11:47 pm

1 or more clear edges on the tile just placed are end up being adjacent to a misty edge (with mist) - in this case, do you must place a ghost? I think no, because If you draw a tile with mist on it, you now have the option of bringing ghosts into play. It all depends on how you place the tile: (but a footnote about this would be good for readers).

Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Oct 12, 2022 at 11:54 am

So, the with mist on it from If you draw a tile with mist on it should be removed?

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:15 am

The English rules stated "a tile with mist" by error. If you check the German rules, limiting the mist can happen when placing a tile with or without mist.

I updated the rules in this regard and added clarifications accodingly.

anonymous | Posted on Dec 2, 2024 at 3:00 pm

After playing with Expansion 11 for more than two years, this weekend, after finally acquiring a copy of The Spell Circles, we (Vital and friends) found out that we misinterpreted the rules for limiting a mist. As Paloi Sciurala already pointed out two years ago, the sentence [i]If you draw a tile with mist on it[/i] at the beginning of chapter 2a remains really confusing, even if the correct interpretation can be found in the footnotes.

Until now we believed that a player could only limit the mist in case [b]he played a tile with mist on it[/b]. Although foot notes are a good way to clarify the correct interpretation of rules, the main text should not contain incorrect or confusing statements.

Can this chapter be revised?

To be clarified
Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 24, 2022 at 12:53 am | Last edited on Sep 26, 2022 at 10:17 pm

The meeple may be on any feature on the board but cemeteries, even special areas such as:

The city of Carcassonne (Exp. 6 - Count, King and Robber)

The Wheel of Fortune (The Wheel of Fortune)

The city of Leipzig (The Markets of Leipzig)

I do not agree with this. The fairy cannot be placed here, so nor the ghosts. P.S. This way, the City of Leipzig would become useless.

Meepledrone | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 4:26 pm

Could you separate the questions as different comments? This way, we could discuss them in an easier way.

In this current format, you added all your questions as replies to your first question.


Paloi Sciurala | Posted on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:29 pm | Last edited on Sep 27, 2022 at 9:32 pm

Is OK now?

BTW, I have made another suggestions for other 2 pages:

The Princess & the Dragon (of course, the answer is the same as when moving the wagon, but WICA should be complete, not like the printed rules)

Count, King and Robber (maybe this could be discussed on Carcassonne Central with other users, and eventually agreed via Community rule)

Meepledrone | Posted on Oct 29, 2022 at 11:39 am

It is OK. Thanks.

Regarding your comments, it all depends on some basic notions not detailed in the rules, since the cover the cases found in the base game only. Some open questions are: 1. Do ghosts apply to all meeples or only those placed on features where they can have the majority? (normal features vs. special areas) 2. Do ghosts apply to all scorings or only those where meeples may hav the majority? (feature scorings vs. meeple scorings) 3. Do ghosts accompany their meeple if the meeple moves before scoring? (We said YES) 4. Do ghosts accompany their meeple if the meeple moves after scoring? (We said NO, because you should not penalize a meeple twice)

We depend on waht we can clarify are decide as a Community Rule for special areas (question #1) and for the abbot/acrobats (question #2). Question #1 also deals with the decoupling of the ghost penalty from the meeple removal due to adding 3 ghosts to a meeple. Does it make sense to add ghosts to a meeple in Leipzig? Not for scoring penalties but yes to remove the meeple and neutralize a bonus another player is benefiting from...

Any thoughts?