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This page is a translated version of the page The Wonders of Humanity and the translation is 1% complete.

The Wonders of Humanity expansion contains mega tiles spanning across 5 spaces in various configurations. Each mega tile feature a wonder built by man in different ages. Each of them brings you individual advantages. But everyone can only use one per game. Get a matching wonder quickly to benefit from it as often as possible!

Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 04.png Čítate pravidlá k takto ilustrovaným kartičkám.
Toto rozšírenie nebolo vydané v iných vydaniach.
Majú vaše kartičky úplne iný dizajn? Potom si vyberte z hier rodiny Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png
Symbol Wonders Of Humanity C3.png

The Wonders of Humanity expansion contains mega tiles spanning across 5 spaces in various configurations. Each mega tile feature a wonder built by man in different ages. Each of them brings you individual advantages. But everyone can only use one per game. Get a matching wonder quickly to benefit from it as often as possible!

The wonders of humanity have reached Carcassonne. Each of them brings you individual advantages. But everyone can only use one per game. Get the wonder you want quickly to benefit from it as often as possible!

General info and comments

Expansion symbol

The Wonders of Humanity was released by Hans im Glück in 2023. The expansion contains wonder tiles spanning across 5 spaces in various configurations. Each tile features a wonder built by man in different ages. The first set contains the following wonders. More sets will come:

  • Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument located near Amesbury in southern England (UK).
  • Circus Maximus, an ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium and mass entertainment venue in Rome, Italy.
  • Notre-Dame, a medieval Gothic cathedral built in Paris, France.
  • Alhambra, a palace and fortress complex from the 13th century located in Granada, Spain.

This expansion has cities with clipped buildings.


  • 4 wonder tiles with Wonders of Humanity (each one counts as 5 contiguous square tiles)
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Feature Tile 02.png
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Feature Tile 01.png
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Feature Tile 03.png
Circus Maximus
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Feature Tile 04.png

Note: The map printed on the back of the first set of wonder tiles (Stonehenge, Notre-Dame, Circus Maximus and Alhambra) is only relevant for the Carcassonne Game Festival 2023 in Carcassonne.

Map of Carcassonne on the back of the wonder tiles once assembled



We recommend you to play with at least 90 tiles and one additional meeple (e.g. Base game + 1st expansion). [1] Ignore any additional expansion rules.

Example: Setup for 4 players, where two meeples per player are placed next to the 10 space on the scoreboard.
  • Each player takes all 9 meeples in one color. Place 2 meeples in each color next to the 10 space outside the scoreboard.
Note: One of these two meeples is used only to mark your wonder. You can use the large meeple of the 1st expansion or any other figure in that color.
Place a scoring meeple as usual on the 0 space of the scoreboard. All playes start the game with 6 meeples in their supply.
  • Choose 1 wonder tile per player. Place them faceup next to the scoreboard. Discard the remaining wonder tiles, you do not need them for this game.

Note: There are only 4 wonders in the first set. So you can only play with up to four players. However, there will be more sets available, that will allow you to choose the wonders and/or play with more than 4 players.

Placing a wonder tile

Feature Wonders of Humanity Symbols C3.png

There is one wonder for each player. To receive a wonder tile, you must fulfill a condition. This falls under section 3. Scoring a feature described next:

3. Scoring a feature and getting a wonder tile

There is 1 wonder for each player. So you can get a wonder tile only once during the game.

When your scoring meeple reaches or exceeds the space with the meeple pairs (the first time it is the 10 space), you perform the following steps in sequence:

  1. Choose one of the wonder tiles available and place it in front of you. You don't place it on the game board yet (see 1. Placing a wonder tile).
  2. Take your two meeples next to the scoreboard and add them to your supply.
  3. Move all remaining meeples placed next to the scoreboard 5 spaces forward (i.e. the first time next to the 15 space, then next to the 20 space, and finally next to the 25 space).
ATTENTION: You must never move the meeple pairs beyond the 25 space, even if there are more than 4 players. The meeples remain next to the 25 space until they are reached by all other scoring meeples.
Example: You are the first player to reach 10 points, so you first obtain a wonder tile. Then take your meeples next to the scoreboard into your supply. Finally move the meeples from the other players to the 15 space.

Special case: If several players reach the space with the meeple pairs on the same turn, the person whose turn it is chooses which of them will take a wonder tile. After that, the meeple pairs are moved 5 spaces forward as usual. If there are still scoring meeples from other players (who have not taken a wonder yet) on or past the space with the meeple pairs, the person whose turn it is decides again who will take the next wonder, and so on.

1. Placing a wonder tile

If there is a wonder tile in front of you, you do not draw a tile, but instead place your wonder tile according to the usual placement rules. [2] Once you have placed it, you have to mark your wonder with one of the 2 meeples that you obtained along with the wonder tile. To do so, place the marker meeple in the center of the wonder (not on a city, road or field). This marker meeple remains there until the end of the game. For a better distinction from other meeples, you can put the marker meeple upside down.

Note: In the very rare case that there is no way to place the wonder tile correctly, you draw a tile that you must immediately place so that you can immediately place your wonder tile (on it) afterwards. If this is not possible either, the tile is removed from the game (even if it would have fit) and you draw another tile, and so on. You do not place a meeple on the additionally drawn tile.

2. Placing a meeple on a wonder tile

After you have placed and marked your wonder, you may immediately place up to 2 meeples on different unoccupied features (city, road, monastery or field) of this wonder tile. You may also place only one or no meeples. If you place 2 meeples, they may also be placed on the same square. [3]

Example: You place Alhambra and you then place a meeple upside down on the wonder. Then you place a meeple in the city and another meeple on the unoccupied road on the wonder tile.
3. Scoring a wonder

Each wonder has its own function that can earn you points. Some wonders give you points during the game, while others give you points at the end of the game. [4]

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 01.png

During the game (not during the turn in which you place the Notre-Dame wonder tile), if you place a meeple on one of the 8 tiles surrounding a monastery, you immediately score 3 points. It is irrelevant if the monastery has a monk or not. [5] Even if several monasteries are adjacent to the tile where the meeple is placed, you will "only" receive 3 points. [6]

Example: You place your meeple on this tile and immediately score 3 points.

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 02.png

If you complete one or more occupied roads during your turn (not when playing the Stonehenge wonder tile itself), you immediately score 3 points for each road you complete (even if you don't have a meeple on the road yourself). After that, you score the road as usual. [7]

Example: You complete a road with a meeple on it. You immediately score 3 points. After getting these bonus points, the scoring will proceed as usual and Yellow will receive 4 points for the road (4 tiles x 1 point).

 Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: Do you get the Stonehenge bonus if you complete an unoccupied road and then you add a meeple to it on the tile just placed?

Odpoveď: Yes it is possible. You place the meeple in 2. Placing a meeple right before you perform 3. Scoring with a wonder. (3/2024)

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 03.png
Circus Maximus

At the end of the game, depending on the number of players, you will receive points for each meeple of another color in still uncompleted cities:

2 players:      4 points
3-4 players:      3 points
5+ players:      2 points
Example: Detailed view at the end of the game: In the game with three players you get 6 points for the yellow knights (2 meeples x 3 points) and 3 points for the blue one (1 meeple x 3 points). You do not get any points for your own meeple.

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 04.png

At the end of the game, you score 4 points for each of your farmers, regardless of whether they score any other points.

Example: Detailed view at the end of the game: You receive 8 points for your farmers on the board (2 farmers x 4 points).


  • Each wonder tile counts as 5 individual normal tiles. Accordingly, the roads and cities can consist of more than one tile. You must take this into account during the scoring.
    • Stonehenge and Notre-Dame each have a road that spans across 2 tiles.
    • The Alhambra has a city that spans across 3 tiles, the Circus Maximus has a city that spans across 4 tiles, and Notre-Dame has a city that spans across 2 tiles. [8]
Záverečné vyhodnotenie

At the end of the game, you first score the wonders that score at the end of the game. After that, you continue with the normal final scoring. [9]

Additional clarifications

Roads, cities and fields on wonder tiles

General comments

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Some wonder tiles include multiple cities spreading across multiple square spaces. Each space should be counted like a separate tile. The following images illustrate the number of road and city tiles to consider for each wonder tile as well as the intended field connectivity. Blue circles represent connected fields and red circles represent separated fields.


  • The dirt patches next to some wonders are part of the wonder, not part of the adjacent city.
  • The die-cutting of the wonder tiles may affect field connectivity due to production variations. If playing with wonder tiles diverging from the intended field connectivity, players will have to agree on the field connectivity to apply.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Grid Tile 01.png
  • One 2-tile road that forks into two open segments (top left and center)
  • One 1-tile city (top right)
  • Two 1-tile roads (bottom center and right)
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Grid Tile 02.png
  • One 2-tile road with one open segment, which forks and ends at the monastery and the wonder (top and middle)
  • One 2-tile city (bottom left and center)
  • One 1-tile road (bottom right)
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Grid Tile 03.png
Circus Maximus
  • One 4-tile city, the upper and lower parts are connected by a tiny city strip (left top-to-bottom and center middle-to-bottom)
  • Two 1-tile roads (middle and bottom right)
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Grid Tile 04.png
  • One 3-tile city (left top-to-bottom)
  • Two 1-tile roads (bottom center and right)

 Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: Does the city on the Notre-Dame wonder tile span 2 or 4 tiles? The dirt patches surrounding Notre-Dame extend to 2 adjacent square spaces (top and right). It is a bit ambiguous in visual terms, since there is no actual wall closing the city but the houseless dirt patches with Notre-Dame bordering the field.

Odpoveď: The city only spans across 2 tiles. The dirt patches surrounding Notre-Dame are graphically necessary to close off the roads there. (3/2024)

 Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: The outer stone circle limits the surrounding fields, so there are 4 fields on the Stonehenge wonder tile. Is this correct?

Odpoveď: It is exactly right. (3/2024)

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A farmer placed in a field only bordering a wonder but not the city adjacent to the wonder will not score points for this city. This may happen to some fields on wonder tiles:

  • The field surrounding the monastery on the Notre-Dame wonder tile (top right)
  • The field between the roads on the Circus Maximus wonder tile (center right)
  • The field between the roads on the Alhambra wonder tile (center right)

Note that wonders (including the dirt patches next to them) are separate features from cities. Wonders limit cities but are not part of them.

 Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: Some wonders such as Notre-Dame, Circus Maximus and Alhambra include a field between two roads that touches the wonder. Is this field considered to touch the city or only the wonder (and therefore no city)?

Odpoveď: The field only touches the wonder. A wonder is always neutral and not part of a city. (3/2024)

Monasteries and wonder tiles

General comments

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Each square space on a wonder tile counts as a separate tile when scoring monasteries. This applies to monasteries adjacent to wonder tiles and to monasteries on a wonder tile.

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.

General Comments:

Výklad pravidiel komunitou You may place 0, 1 or 2 wooden meeples on a wonder tile. This is one single action.

  • If you only place one wooden meeple, you cannot perform any other action instead of placing the second wooden meeple. [10]
  • If you only place one or two wooden meeples, you may use direct placement and even another placement mechanic available for one of the meeples: "Add Meeple" / "Place Meeple" (Rozšírenie výročnej edície (20 rokov) Rozšírenie výročnej edície (20 rokov)).

Výklad pravidiel komunitou After placing 0, 1 or 2 wooden meeples on the wonder tile, you may place:

Notre-Dame Bonus:

Výklad pravidiel komunitou The following features do not trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile:


Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on the wonder tile, you cannot remove your abbot instead of placing a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A garden does not trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.

Rozš. 2 - Kupci a staviteliaRozš. 2 - Kupci a stavitelia

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on the wonder tile, you cannot place your builder or your pig instead of a second wooden meeple.

Rozš. 3 - Princezná a drakRozš. 3 - Princezná a drak

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on the wonder tile, you may not move the fairy instead of placing a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you add the fairy to a meeple on the wonder tile, the whole wonder tile is protected from the dragon. The dragon cannot land on any square space of the wonder tile.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou The fairy cannot be added to the marker meeple on a wonder tile.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou The wonder tile is one single tile but it represents 5 spaces for the movement of the dragon. The dragon affects the whole tile when it lands on it (except for the marker meeple on the wonder itself), but it may represent 5 steps in its movement. The wonder is a special area not affected by the dragon.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you extend the city on a wonder tile with a princess tile, you may remove any meeple on the city. However, you cannot remove the marker meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou You may use a magic portal to place a meeple on any uncompleted, unoccupied feature on a wonder tile. You may not use the magic portal to place a meeple on the wonder itself, since it is a special area with special placement rules.

Rozš. 4 - VežaRozš. 4 - Veža

Výklad pravidiel komunitou Wonder tiles count as one tile for the tower, but they represent 5 spaces for the tower range. If at least one of the spaces occupied by a wonder tile is in range from the tower, any meeple placed on the tile can be captured, except the marker meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A tower cannot capture a marker meeple. The wonder is a special area which cannot be affected by a tower.

Rozš. 5 - Opátstvo a starostaRozš. 5 - Opátstvo a starosta

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you cannot place your barn instead of a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou The general rule states that the base for the barn has to be stable - that means that the corner of all four tiles have to touch each other and all tiles must have field in the corner for the placement of the barn.
A wonder tile can therefore occupy one, two or three of the corners under the barn.

Výklad pravidiel komunitou When moving the wagon after scoring, consider the unoccupied, uncompleted features on its current tile and any other tile (square or not) overlapping its adjacent square spaces.

  • If the wagon is on a wonder tile, any of its features is considered adjacent.
  • If the wagon is on a square tile adjacent to a wonder tile, any of the features on the wonder tile is considered adjacent.
  • If the wagon is on a wonder tile, any feature on a square or wonder tile on and adjacent square space is considered adjacent.

Výklad pravidiel komunitou An abbey can trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.

Rozš. 6 - Kráľ, gróf a riekaRozš. 6 - Kráľ, gróf a rieka

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A shrine can trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.

Rozš. 7 - KatapultRozš. 7 - Katapult

Výklad pravidiel komunitou The Knock Out token and the Seduction token do not affect the marker meeple on a wonder tile.

Rozš. 8 - Mosty a hradyRozš. 8 - Mosty a hrady

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A bridge can be placed on a wonder tile if the conditions are met for the give square space.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If one or more spaces of a wonder tile overlap a castle fief, any feature completed on those spaces (road, city or monastery) will trigger the castle scoring.

  • The castle will consider each space on the wonder tile as a separate tile.
  • The features on the spaces in the castle vicinity will be the ones that can trigger the castle scoring. [11]

Rozš. 9 - Ovce a kopceRozš. 9 - Ovce a kopce

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a meeple on a wonder tile, you cannot place your shepherd instead of a second wooden meeple.

Rozš. 10 - CirkusRozš. 10 - Cirkus

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wonder tile adjacent to a tile with an acrobat space, you can only add one acrobat to the pyramid instead of placing meeples on the wonder tile.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you cannot score an acrobat pyramid instead of placing a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A marker meeple does not receive points for the big top.

Koleso osuduKoleso osudu

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you cannot place a meeple on the crown of the Wheel of Fortune instead of a second wooden meeple.

Mini 1: Lietacie strojeMini 1: Lietacie stroje

Výklad pravidiel komunitou The wonder tile counts as 1 tile occupying 5 spaces. The flier considers spaces for its movement. If the flier lands on a space occupied by a wonder tile, it can choose any feature on the whole tile, that is, the flier has the choice of various roads, a city or a monastery, if available. The flier can only land on one of these features if it is not yet finished.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If the flight of the flier is diagonal, all steps must be in a straight line in the direction the arrow shows from the flying machine tile. The angle cannot change. If the flier lands on a space occupied by a wonder tile then the flier has the choice of various roads, a city or a monastery, if available. The flier can only land on one of these features if it is not yet finished.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A flying machine cannot add a marker meeple to a wonder.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou You cannot remove a marker meeple with a festival.

Nemecké kláštoryNemecké kláštory / Holandské kláštoryHolandské kláštory / Japonské budovyJaponské budovy

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A special monastery can trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou Wonder tiles will be considered as 5 square spaces when scoring the abbot/claustral prior on a special monastery. Special monasteries will count those square spaces in the columns and rows starting from the monastery tile.

  • Depending on the position of a wonder tile overlapping any of those rows or columns, one or more spaces of a wonder tile will be taken into consideration for the scoring. [12]

Nemecké katedrályNemecké katedrály

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A German cathedral does not trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.

Strážne vežeStrážne veže

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A watchtower scoring for roads, cities, monasteries or coats or arms will consider the features on each square space of a wonder tile separately. [11]
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A watchtower scoring for meeples will consider all the meeples on a wonder tile adjacent to it, even they are not on adjacent square spaces. [13]

Rozšírenie výročnej edície (20 rokov)Rozšírenie výročnej edície (20 rokov)

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you activate an "Add Meeple" symbol when placing a wonder tile, you can use the action with one wooden meeple and place the other wooden meeple on the wonder tile as usual.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you activate a "Place Meeple" symbol when placing a wonder tile, you can use the action with one wooden meeple and place the other on the wonder tile as usual.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A marker meeple cannot be added a second meeple.

Roľnícka vzburaRoľnícka vzbura

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place one or two wooden meeples on a wonder tile, you may protect each of them individually.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you may not protect a meeple previously placed on the board instead of placing a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou A marker meeple cannot be protected from peasant revolts.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you may not place or move your tollhouse token instead of placing a second wooden meeple.

MorMor - Plague spreading

Výklad pravidiel komunitou A wonder tile counts as 1 tile for the plague tokens, but 5 spaces for its movement (similar to the dragon).

Malé budovyMalé budovy

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you may not place a little building token instead of placing a second wooden meeple.


Výklad pravidiel komunitou A Darmstadt church can trigger the Notre-Dame bonus when placing a meeple on an adjacent tile.

Ruské rozprávkyRuské rozprávky

Výklad pravidiel komunitou If you place a wooden meeple on a wonder tile, you may not remove a meeple trapped by Solovei Razboynik or Vodyanoy instead of placing a second wooden meeple.
Výklad pravidiel komunitou Vodyanoy cannot capture a maker meeple on a wonder tile.

The wonders in detail

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 01.png     Notre-Dame

The Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris is a Roman Catholic church. It was built between 1163 and 1345 and is one of the earliest Gothic church buildings in France. It stands in the historic center of Paris on the Seine island of Île de la Cité. On April 15, 2019, it suffered severe damage from a major fire. Shortly after, the French Parliament decided to reconstruct it true to the original.

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 02.png     Stonehenge

The monument is a megalithic structure of the Neolithic period. It is located near the river Avon near Amesbury in southern England, and was erected in several sections (over several hundred years) starting at least in 3000 BC. Various hypotheses exist about the occasion and purpose of this highly elaborate monument. Stonehenge has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986.

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 03.png     Circus Maximus

First built in stone as a permanent installation, construction began around 31 BC. With a total length of about 600 meters and a width of 140 meters, the Circus Maximus was the largest circus in ancient Rome. So it was even larger than the Colosseum and until modern times the largest stadium in the world. Chariot races were held in it until the 6th century. Its capacity is said to have been up to 250,000 seats in the meantime, although this is only based on a story. More likely are - still very impressive - 150,000 seats.

Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 04.png     Alhambra

On the Sabikah Hill in Granada, Andalusia, Spain, stands the Alhambra City Castle. The castle complex in the Moorish style of Islamic art is about 740 meters long and 220 meters wide. Especially the Nasrid palaces with their gardens, the medina and the Renaissance palace of Charles the Fifth are significant for the Alhambra today. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Europe and was declared a World Heritage Site in 1984.

Tile distribution

Celkovo kartičiek: 4
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 01.png 1×
Notre-Dame + Kláštor
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 03.png 1×
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 04.png 1×
Circus Maximus
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 02.png 1×

Poznámky pod čiarou

Vysvetlenie ikoniek nájdete na tejto stránke.

  1. Výklad pravidiel komunitou The initial version of the rules suggested playing with more than just the basic game tiles (about 90+) by adding any tiles you wanted (more basic game tiles or from the (mini) expansions, without applying their rules).
  2. Výklad pravidiel komunitou A wonder tile can be placed adjacent to another wonder tile. There is no limitation affecting their placement beyond the usual rules.

     Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: Can a wonder tile be placed adjacent to another wonder tile (edge-to-edge or corner-to-corner)?

    Odpoveď: Yes, it's possible. (10/2023)

  3. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This means you may occupy any two different features on the wonder tile even if they are in the same square.
  4. Rozdielne pravidlá medzi vydaniami a vydavateľmi This sentence was removed from the first revised rules, so the effect of the wonders start on your next turn after placing it:
    Starting with the turn in which you place and mark your wonder, you can use it to score points.
  5. Rozdielne pravidlá medzi vydaniami a vydavateľmi This sentence missing in the original English rules was finally added in the third revised rules released in 10/2023.
  6. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This sentence was updated in the second revised rules released in 10/2023.
  7. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This paragraph was updated in the first revised rules released in 10/2023.
  8. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This sentence was updated according to the clarifications provided in 03/2024 for the sake of completeness and clarity.
  9. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This sentence was moved to a separate section for the sake of completeness and clarity.
  10. Výklad pravidiel komunitou The placement of 1 or 2 wooden meeples as one single action would exclude the possibility of performing any other action in Step 2B-1 (see Order of Play).
  11. 11.0 11.1 Výklad pravidiel komunitou This is a consequence of a similar official clarification for (haunted) castles and the mist banks on the 2x2 starting tile in Rozš. 11 - Duchovia, zámky a cintoríny Rozš. 11 - Duchovia, zámky a cintoríny.
  12. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This approach is based on the clarifications provided for Trhy v Lipsku (see FAQ boxes here).
  13. Výklad pravidiel komunitou This is a consequence of a similar official clarification for German castles.

     Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Otázka: If a watchtower scoring for meeples is adjacent to only one half of a double-sized tile, does the watchtower consider those meeples on the half adjacent to the watchtower or all the meeples on the tile?

    Odpoveď: The watchtower will consider all the meeples on the double-sized tile. (10/2022)