Expansion Reference List Official1
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Base game
||1x Scoreboard
8x Follower for each player
Base rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Inns & Cathedrals
(Wirtshäuser und Kathedrelen)
8x Follower for 6th player
1x large follower for each player
Expansion rules
||Monastic / City / Road
|- class="showCompleted"
||Traders & Builders
(Händler und Baumeister)
1x Builder for each player
1x Pig for each player
9x Wine
6x Wheat
5x Fabric
Expansion rules
||City / Tokens
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Princess & Dragon
(Burgfräulein und Drache)
1x Dragon
1x Fairy
Expansion rules
||Dragon / City
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Tower
(Der Turm)
30x Tower piece
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Abbey & Mayor
(Abtei und Bürgermeister)
||6x Abbey
1x Barn for each player
1x Wagon for each player
1x Mayor for each player
Expansion rules
||Barn / City / Monastic
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
(Graf, König und Konsorten)
||1 King
1 Robber baron
1x Count
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Catapult
(Das Katapult)
6x Knockout
6x Seduction
6x Target
6x Catch
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
(Brücken, Burgen und Basare)
12x Bridge
12x Castle
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Hills & Sheep
(Schafe und Hügel)
1x Shepherd for each player
2x 1 Sheep
5x 2 Sheep
5x 3 Sheep
2x 4 Sheep
2x Wolf
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The River
(Der Fluss)
Boxed game and single sheet
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||King & Scout
(König und Späher)
Boxed expansion
||1x King
1x Robber baron
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Count of Carcassonne
(Der Graf von Carcassonne)
Boxed expansion
1x Count
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The River 2
(Der Fluss 2)
Boxed expansion
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The River 3
(Der Fluss 3)
Never distributed as single expansion. Part of BigBox
|- class="showCompleted"
||Crop Circle 1
(Die Kornkreise)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Festival 10
(Das Fest)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Phantom
(Das Gefolge)
1x translucent Follower for each player
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The School
(Die Schule)
1x translucent teacher
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Flier
(Die Fluggeräte)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
1x Die
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Messages
(Die Depeschen)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
1x Women follower for each player
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Ferries
(Die Fähren)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
8x Ferry
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Goldmines
(Die Goldminen)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
16x gold pieces
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Mage & Witch
(Magier und Hexe)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
1x Mage
1x Witch
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Robbers
(Die Räuber)
Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
1x Robber for each player
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Crop Circle 2
(Die Kornkreise 2)
Never distributed as single expansion. Addtional tile of Minis or part of BigBox
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Wind Roses 1
(Die Windrosen I)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Besiegers
(Die Belagerer)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Monasteries in Germany
(Klöster in Deutschland)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Halflings 2
(Halb so wild 2)
||12x halfsize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Castles in Germany
(Burgen in Deutschland)
||6x doublesize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Cathedrals in Germany
(Kathedralen in Deutschland)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Cathars
(Die Katharer)
Expansion rules
||City / Fields
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Games Quarterly #11
||Games Quarterly
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Shrine
(Die Kültstatte)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Cult, Siege & Creativity
* Cult
* Siege
* Creativity
Expansion rules
||City / Fields
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Baba-Jaga & Bogatyr
||Hobby World
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Solovei Razboynik & Vodyanoy
||Hobby World
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Tunnel
2x Tunnel for each player
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Plague
(Die Pest)
18x Flea
6x Outbreak
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Little Buildings
(Die Häuser)
6x Tower
6x Building
6x Shed
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Wind Roses 2
(Die Windrosen 2)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Halflings 1
(Halb so wild 1)
||12x halfsize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium
(De Kloosters)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Darmstadt spielt
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Labyrinths
(Die Labyrinthe von Carcassonne)
||Spiel Doch
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(P/47) ||La Porxada ||C1 ||Oriol Comas i Coma ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City ||-
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Wheel of Fortune
(Das Schicksalrad)
||1x Scoreboard
1x Wheel of fortune (4x4)
8x Follower for each player
1x pink pig
Base rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Base game
(Grundspiel II)
||1x Scoreboard
8x Follower for each player
Base rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Abbot
(Der Abt)
1x Abbot for each player
Base rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The River
(Der Fluss II)
Base rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Inns & Cathedrals
(Wirtshäuser und Kathedrelen II)
8x Follower for 6th player
Abbot for the 6th player
1x large follower for each player
Expansion rules
||Monastic / City / Road
|- class="showCompleted"
||Traders & Builders
(Händler und Baumeister II)
1x Builder for each player
1x Pig for each player
9x Wine
6x Wheat
5x Fabric
Expansion rules
||City / Tokens
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Princess & Dragon
(Burgfräulein und Drache II)
1x Dragon
1x Fairy
Expansion rules
||Dragon / City
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Tower
(Der Turm II)
30x Tower floors
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Abbey & Mayor
(Abtei und Bürgermeister II)
||6 Abbeys
1x Barn for each player
1x Wagon for each player
1x Mayor for each player
Expansion rules
||Barn / City / Monastic
|- class="showCompleted"
||Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
(Graf, König und Konsorten II)
||1 King
1 Robber baron
1x Count
1x King
1x Robber Baron
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
(Brücken, Burgen und Basare II)
12x Bridge
12x Castle
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Hills & Sheep
(Schafe und Hügel II)
1x Shepherd for each player
2x 1 Sheep
5x 2 Sheep
5x 3 Sheep
2x 4 Sheep
2x Wolf
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Under the Big Top
(Manege frei!)
1x Big Top
1x Ringmaster for each player
1x Flea
4x Monkey
5x Seal
3x Bear
2x Tiger
1x Elephant
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Flier
(Die Fluggeräte II)
Only available in BigBox
1x Die
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Messages
(Die Depeschen II)
Only available in BigBox
1x Women follower for each player
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Ferries
(Die Fähren II)
Only available in BigBox
8x Ferry
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Goldmines
(Die Goldminen II)
Only available in BigBox
16x gold ingots
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Mage & Witch
(Magier und Hexe II)
Only available in BigBox
1x Mage
1x Witch
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Robbers
(Die Räuber.II)
Only available in BigBox
1x Robber for each player
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Crop Circle 2
(Die Kornkreise 2 II)
Only available in BigBox
Big Box 2017 rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Japanese Buildings
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Festival 15
(Das Fest II)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Watchtowers
(Die Wachtürme)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Markets of Leipzig
(Die Märkte zu Leipzig)
||4x doublesize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Fruitbearing Trees
(Die Ostbäume)
4x Apple
4x Apricot
4x Elder
4x Cherry
4x Plum
4x quince
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Monasteries in Germany
(Klöster in Deutschland II)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Barber-Surgeons
(Die Bader)
Expansion rules
||City / Road
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Castles in Germany
(Burgen in Deutschland II)
||4x doublesize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Tollkeepers
(Die Zöllner)
1x Bar for each player
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Halflings 1
(Halb so wild 1)
||12x halfsize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Halflings 2
(Halb so wild 2)
||12x halfsize tiles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps Germany
||DIN A1 Map of Germany
Germany map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps France
||DIN A1 Map of France
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps Península Ibérica
||DIN A1 Map of Península Ibérica
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps Great Britain
||DIN A1 Map of Great Britain
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps BeNeLux
||DIN A1 Map of BeNeLux
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps Chips
10x Map-Chips purple (6x1, 4x 2)
10x Map-Chips light-blue (6x1, 4x 2)
10x Map-Chips orange (6x1, 4x 2)
Map Chips rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Land Surveyors
(Die Landvermesser)
||12x Scoring
||HiG English download
HiG German download
|- class="showCompleted"
||Solo Variant
||HiG English download
HiG German Download
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Spiel Doch Promo
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Base game - Winter Edition
||1 Scoreboard
8x Follower for each player
Base game rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Gingerbread Man
1x Gingerbread Man
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Crop Circles
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Base game - Winter Download Edition
Was only available at HiG downloads until the Winter Edition was published
8x Follower for each player
|- class="showCompleted"
||Cathedrals in Germany
(Kathedralen in Deutschland II)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Peasant Revolts
(Die Bauernaufstände)
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Gifts
(Die Geschenke)
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Signposts
(Die Wegweiser)
|- class="showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(P/96) ||Maps Taiwan ||C2 ||Swan Panasia[2] ||0 ||0 ||DIN A1 Map of Taiwan |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Map ||-
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps US East
||DIN A1 Map of Eastern USA
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||Maps US West
||DIN A1 Map of Western USA
Map rules
|- class="showCompleted"
||The Labyrinths
(Die Labyrinthe von Carcassonne)
||Spiel Doch
Expansion rules
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||20th Anniversary Expansion
Only available in 20th Anniversary Box
||C2 ||HiG ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || || ||-
|- class="showCompleted"
||20th Anniversary River
Only available in 20th Anniversary Box
||C2 ||HiG ||16 ||1 ||1x double tile |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||River ||-
|- class="showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(P/102) ||Maps Ukraine ||C2 ||HiG ||0 ||0 ||DIN A1 Map of Ukraine |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Map ||-
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||The Bets
(Die Wetteinsätze)
||36x Betting Chips
|- class="showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(P/104) ||Ukraine Promo ||C2 ||HiG ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || || ||-
|- class="showCompleted"
||Christmas Present (2003)
Print 'n' Play pack of bonus cards, that are collected when placing a road tile, or any tile adjacent to a cloister; cards may be played immediately, or on a later turn
||C1/C2/WD/WE ||JEM ||0 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||32x cards |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Monastic / PnP / Road ||-
|- class="showCompleted showOther"
||Spiel Promos (2014-current)
Commemorative tiles released for the Essen Spiel (Games Fair), 1x tile each year since 2014; no rules, although fan rules may have been created for these tiles
||C2 ||HiG ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || || ||-