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Translations of locales for JCZ in English


 "@author": "farin",
 "@jcz-version": "5.11.0",
 "@version": "0.4.1",
 "about": {
   "configuration-file": "Configuration file",
   "jcloisterzone-game-engine": "JCloisterZone Game Engine",
   "system-java-version": "System Java Version",
   "version": "version"
 "bookmarks": {
   "description-end": "button in overview sidebar.",
   "description-start": "You have not game setup in favorites list. To add setup here create a game first and then use",
   "nothing-saved": "Nothing saved.",
   "setups-saved-to-file": "Setups saved to file",
   "title": "My favorites"
 "button": {
   "add": "Add",
   "add-to-favorites": "Add To Favorites",
   "as-a-abbot": "As a Abbot",
   "as-a-monk": "As a Monk",
   "buy": "Buy",
   "cancel": "Cancel",
   "change": "Change",
   "clear-list": "clear list",
   "close": "Close",
   "confirm": "Confirm",
   "connect": "Connect",
   "create": "Create",
   "create-game": "Create Game",
   "disconnect": "Disconnect",
   "grow-the-flock": "Grow the Flock",
   "hide-stats": "Hide Stats",
   "join-game": "Join Game",
   "load": "Load",
   "load-setup-from-file": "Load Setup From File",
   "may-deploy": "May deploy",
   "must-remove": "Must remove",
   "pass": "Pass",
   "play-again": "Play again",
   "play-online": "Play Online",
   "plus-description": "Add multiple instances",
   "raise": "Raise",
   "remove": "Remove",
   "remove-from-favorites": "Remove From Favorites",
   "reset": "Reset",
   "resume": "Resume",
   "rules": "Rules",
   "rules-1st-edition": "Rules (1st ed.)",
   "save-to-file": "Save To File",
   "score-the-sheep": "Score the Sheep",
   "select": "Select",
   "sell": "Sell",
   "set": "Set",
   "show-stats": "Show Stats",
   "start": "Start",
   "undo": "Undo"
 "core-messages": {
   "choose": "Choose",
   "done": "Done",
   "game-engine-not-available": "Game engine not available.",
   "incomplete-features": "Incomplete features",
   "no-core-set": "No Core set!",
   "offline": "Offline",
   "penalties": "Penalties",
   "show-available-only": "show available only",
   "the-biggest-city": "The Biggest City",
   "the-longest-road": "The Longest Road",
   "tiles": "Tiles",
   "used-time": "Used time"
 "expansion": {
   "abbey-and-mayor": "Abbey & Mayor",
   "basic": "Base game",
   "besiegers": "The Besiegers",
   "bridges-castles-and-bazaars": "Bridges, Castles and Bazaars",
   "cathars": "The Cathars",
   "corn-circles": "Crop Circles",
   "crop-circles-I": "Crop Circles I",
   "crop-circles-II": "Crop Circles II",
   "count": "The Count of Carcassonne",
   "cult": "The Cult",
   "cult-places": "Cult places",
   "darmstadt": "Darmstadt",
   "ferries": "The Ferries",
   "festival": "The Festival",
   "flier": "The Flying Machines",
   "goldmines": "The Goldmines",
   "gq11": "The Mini Expansion (GQ11)",
   "heretics-and-shrines": "Heretics and Shrines",
   "hills-and-sheep": "Hills & Sheep",
   "inns-and-cathedrals": "Inns & Cathedrals",
   "king-and-robber": "King & Robber",
   "labyrinth": "The Labyrinth",
   "mage-and-witch": "Mage & Witch",
   "monasteries": "Monasteries",
   "princess-and-dragon": "The Princess & the Dragon",
   "river": "The River",
   "river-I": "The River I",
   "river-II": "The River II",
   "russian-promos": "Russian Promos",
   "siege": "Siege",
   "spiel-doch": "Spiel Doch!",
   "tower": "The Tower",
   "traders-and-builders": "Traders & Builders",
   "tunnel": "The Tunnel",
   "under-the-big-top": "Under The Big Top",
   "watchtowers": "The Watchtowers",
   "wind-roses": "The Wind Roses",
   "winter": "Winter"
 "game": {
   "action": {
     "bazaar-buy-sell-the-tile-from-to": "Buy/Sell the tile from/to",
     "bazaar-choose-a-tile": "Choose a tile",
     "bazaar-choose-a-tile-and-your-bid": "Choose a tile and your bid",
     "bazaar-player-must-buy-sell-the-tile-from-to": "Player must buy/sell the tile from/to",
     "bazaar-player-must-choose-a-tile": "Player must choose a tile",
     "bazaar-player-must-choose-a-tile-and-bid": "Player must choose a tile and bid",
     "bazaar-player-must-raise-bid-or-pass": "Player must raise bid or pass",
     "bazaar-raise-bid-or-pass": "Raise bid or pass",
     "castle-player-is-allowed-to-place": "Player is allowed to place",
     "castle-you-are-allowed-to-place": "You are allowed to place",
     "coc-player-can-move-the-count": "Player can move the Count",
     "coc-you-can-move-the-count": "You can move the Count",
     "crop-circles-choose-city": "a city",
     "crop-circles-choose-field": "a field",
     "crop-circles-choose-one": "Choose one. Each player {deploy} or {remove} meeple on/from {feature}.",
     "crop-circles-choose-road": "a road",
     "crop-circles-player-must-choose": "Player must choose: Each player may deploy or must remove meeple on/from {feature}.",
     "crop-circles-player-must-return-meeple": "Player must return a meeple",
     "crop-circles-you-must-return-meeple": "You must return one of your meeple.",
     "draw-a-tile": "Draw a tile",
     "ferries-place-a-ferry": "Place a ferry",
     "ferries-player-can-move-ferries": "Player can move ferries",
     "ferries-player-must-place-a-ferry": "Player must place a ferry",
     "ferries-you-can-move-ferries": "You can move ferries",
     "goldmines-place-a-gold-ingot": "Place a gold ingot",
     "goldmines-player-must-place-a-gold-ingot": "Player must place a gold ingot",
     "hills-and-player-must-choose-grow-or-score-plural": "Player must choose to grow the flock or score sheep for 0 point. | Player must choose to grow the flock or score sheep for {points} point. | Player must choose to grow the flock or score sheep for {points} points.",
     "hills-and-receive-points-plural": "Receive 0 points | Receive 1 point | Receive {points} points",
     "hills-and-sheep-shepherd-fields-was-expanded": "Shepherd's field was expanded.",
     "hills-and-sheep-tokens-left-plural": "None tokens left | 1 token left | {tokens} tokens left",
     "mage-and-witch-player-must-remove-mage-or-witch": "Player must remove mage or witch.",
     "mage-and-witch-remove-mage-or-witch": "Remove mage or witch.",
     "monasteries-how-do-you-want-place-follower": "How do you want to place meeple on special monastery?",
     "or": "or",
     "place-the-tile": "Place the tile",
     "player-may-move-a-meeple-from-a-city-district": "Player may move a meeple from a city district.",
     "player-may-move-a-meeple-from-a-city-district-before-final-scoring": "Player may move a meeple from a city district before final scoring.",
     "player-may-move-a-meeple-from-the-market-district-before-final-scoring": "Player may move a meeple from the market district before final scoring.",
     "player-may-place-a-meeple-in-a-city-district": "Player may place a meeple in a city district.",
     "player-may-place-a-meeple-next-to-already-present-one": "Player may place a meeple next to already present one.",
     "player-may-place-an-abbey": "Player may place an abbey",
     "player-must-place-the-tile": "Player must place the tile",
     "siege-player-can-escape-a-besieged-city": "Player can escape a besieged city.",
     "siege-you-can-escape-a-besieged-city": "You can escape a besieged city.",
     "skip-action": "Skip action",
     "tower-player-can-take-a-prisoner": "Player can take a prisoner",
     "tower-player-must-select-follower-for-exchange": "Player must select meeple for exchange",
     "tower-select-follower-for-exchange": "Select meeple for exchange",
     "tower-you-can-take-a-prisoner": "You can take a prisoner",
     "waiting-for-player-confirmation": "Waiting for player confirmation.",
     "you-may-move-a-meeple-from-a-city-district": "You may move a meeple from a city district.",
     "you-may-move-a-meeple-from-a-city-district-before-final-scoring": "You may move a meeple from a city district before final scoring.",
     "you-may-move-a-meeple-from-the-market-district-before-final-scoring": "You may move a meeple from the market district before final scoring.",
     "you-may-place-a-meeple-in-a-city-district": "You may place a meeple in a city district.",
     "you-may-place-a-meeple-next-to-already-present-one": "You may place a meeple next to already present one.",
     "you-may-place-an-abbey": "You may place an abbey",
     "your-action": "your action"
   "element": {
     "abbey": "Abbey",
     "abbot": "Abbot",
     "barn": "Barn",
     "big-follower": "Big Meeple",
     "big-top": "Big Top",
     "bridge": "Bridge",
     "builder": "Builder",
     "castle": "Castle",
     "count": "Count",
     "dragon": "Dragon",
     "fairy": "Fairy",
     "ferry": "Ferry",
     "gold": "Gold",
     "king": "King",
     "little-buildings": "Little buildings",
     "mage": "Mage",
     "mayor": "Mayor",
     "phantom": "Phantom",
     "pig": "Pig",
     "obelisk": "Obelisk",
     "ringmaster": "Ringmaster",
     "robber": "Robber Barron",
     "shepherd": "Shepherd",
     "small-follower": "Small Meeple",
     "tower": "Tower",
     "traders": "Trade Goods",
     "tunnel": "Tunnel",
     "wagon": "Wagon",
     "witch": "Witch"
   "feature": {
     "acrobats": "Acrobats",
     "bazaar": "Bazaar",
     "big-top": "Big Top",
     "castle": "Castle",
     "castles": "Castles",
     "cathedral": "Cathedral",
     "church-bonus": "Church bonus",
     "cities": "Cities",
     "city": "City",
     "city-small": "Small City",
     "coat-of-arms": "Coat of arms",
     "crop-circle": "Crop Circle",
     "escape": "Escape",
     "fairy": "Fairy",
     "farmers": "Farmers",
     "festival": "Festival",
     "field": "Field",
     "fields": "Fields",
     "flock": "Flock",
     "garden": "Garden",
     "gardens": "Gardens",
     "gold": "Gold",
     "gold-ingots": "Gold ingots",
     "hill": "Hill",
     "inn": "Inn",
     "king": "King",
     "king-and-robber": "King & Robber",
     "monasteries": "Monasteries",
     "monastery": "Monastery",
     "pig-herd": "Pig herd",
     "portal": "Magic portal",
     "princess": "Princess",
     "ringmaster": "Ringmaster",
     "road": "Road",
     "roads": "Roads",
     "robber": "Robber Barron",
     "sheep": "Sheep",
     "shrine": "Shrine",
     "shrines": "Shrines",
     "siege": "Siege",
     "special-monasteries": "Special monasteries",
     "special-monastery": "Special monastery",
     "tower": "Tower",
     "towers": "Towers",
     "trade-goods": "Trade Goods",
     "vineyard": "Vineyard",
     "vodyanoy": "Vodyanoy",
     "watchtower": "Watchtower",
     "watchtowers": "Watchtowers",
     "wind-rose": "Wind rose",
     "wind-roses": "Wind roses",
     "yaga-hut": "Yaga hut"
   "scoring": {
     "barn-connected": "barn connected",
     "barn-placed": "barn placed",
     "challenged": "challenged",
     "empty": "empty",
     "feature-scored": "feature scored",
     "incomplete": "incomplete",
     "turn-start": "turn start"
   "tile-pack-dialog": {
     "disabled-show-remaining": "The game was created with option which doesn't allow showing remaining tiles count.",
     "game-tiles": "Game tiles",
     "hidden-tiles-under-hill-plural": "There is no unknown tile under hill. | Don't forget that 1 unknown tile from list is hidden under a hill. | Don't forget that {count} unknown tiles from list are hidden under hills.",
     "remaining-tiles": "Remaining tiles",
     "tiles": "Tiles",
     "tiles-plural": "tiles | tile | tiles"
 "game-setup": {
   "additional-elements": "Additional elements",
   "altered-gameplay": "Altered Gameplay",
   "altered-scoring": "Altered Scoring",
   "components": {
     "followers": "Meeples",
     "neutral-figures": "Neutral figures",
     "rewards": "Rewards",
     "tokens": "Tokens"
   "create": {
     "click-to-assign": "click to assign",
     "local-player": "local player",
     "name": "Name",
     "open-slot": "open slot",
     "remote-player": "remote player",
     "rename-player": "Rename Player"
   "game-element-box": {
     "mandatory-for-selected-tiles": "Mandatory for selected tiles",
     "related-tiles-not-selected": "Related tiles not selected"
   "header": {
     "components": "Components",
     "rules": "Rules",
     "tiles": "Tiles",
     "timer": "Timer"
   "open-game": {
     "assign-all-players-to-start": "Assign all players to start",
     "hide-remaining-tiles-cheat-sheet": "Hide remaining tiles cheat sheet",
     "name": "Name",
     "no-player-in-game": "No player in game",
     "options": "Options",
     "randomize-seating-order": "Randomize seating order",
     "set-game-title": "Set Game Title",
     "share-the-key": "Share the key with other players to let them connect to the game.",
     "untitled-game": "untitled game",
     "waiting-for-host-to-start-the-game": "Waiting for host to start the game."
   "removed-elements": "Removed Elements",
   "rules": {
     "acrobats-description": "Placing meeple as an acrobat on acrobat space.",
     "acrobats-disabled": "No tile with Acrobats space is in game.",
     "bazaar-description": "Land tiles are auctioned when bazaar comes into play.",
     "bazaar-disabled": "No tile with Bazaar is in game.",
     "cathedral-description": "Completed cities with cathedral ×3 instead of ×2, no points during final scoring.",
     "cathedral-disabled": "No tile with Cathedral is in game.",
     "escape-description": "Escape allowed via a neighboring monastery.",
     "escape-disabled": "No tile with Siege is in game.",
     "farmers-description": "Players are allowed to place meeples on fields.",
     "festival-description": "With festival tile you can return one of your own figures instead of placing one.",
     "festival-disabled": "No tile with Festival is in game.",
     "gameplay-variants": "Gameplay variants",
     "garden-description": "Can be occupied by an abbot.",
     "garden-disabled": "Abbot is not selected.",
     "hill-description": "Used as tiebreaker. Also hides one random tile under it.",
     "hill-disabled": "No tile with Hill is in game.",
     "inn-description": "Completed roads with inn ×2, no points during final scoring.",
     "inn-disabled": "No tile with Inn is in the game.",
     "optional-game-mechanics": "Optional game mechanics",
     "pig-herd-description": "Counts as additional pig on field (farmers scores more points).",
     "pig-herd-disabled": "No tile with Pig herd is in game.",
     "portal-description": "Through magic portal meeple can be placed on any tile.",
     "portal-disabled": "No tile with Magic portal is in game.",
     "princess-description": "Princess can remove knight from a city.",
     "princess-disabled": "No tile with Princess is in game.",
     "scoring-variants": "Scoring variants",
     "shrine-description": "Shrine placed next to a monastery compete who finish feature first. (second gets no points)",
     "shrine-disabled": "No tile with Shrine is in game.",
     "siege-description": "Besieged cities are less valuable.",
     "siege-disabled": "No tile with Siege is in game.",
     "starting-tiles-configuration": "Starting tile(s) configuration",
     "starting-tiles-different-configuration": "Some expansions provides alternative starting configurations.",
     "vineyard-description": "Additional points for nearby monastery.",
     "vineyard-disabled": "No tile with Vineyard is in game."
   "selected-tiles": "Selected tiles",
   "tiles": {
     "core-sets": "Core sets",
     "fan-expansions": "Fan expansions",
     "major-expansions": "Major expansions",
     "minor-expansions": "Minor expansions",
     "promos": "Promos"
   "timer": {
     "at-game-start-set-timer-to": "At game start set timer to",
     "disable-limits": "disable limits",
     "do-nothing": "do nothing",
     "each-turn-increase-timer-by": "Each turn increase timer by",
     "enable-limits": "enable limits",
     "player-time-limit": "Player time limit",
     "unlimited-time": "unlimited time",
     "when-time-is-over": "When time is over"
   "title": "Game Setup",
   "variant": {
     "barn-placement": {
       "description": "Barn {} be placed on a field already occupied by another barn.",
       "not-occupied": "can't",
       "occupied": "can"
     "bazaar-no-auction": {
       "description": "No bazaar bidding. Each player just chooses one tile."
     "coc-final-scoring": {
       "any-district": "is not limited (C1)",
       "description": "Moving meeples from the City of Carcassonne before final scoring {}.",
       "market-only": "is allowed only from market district (C2)"
     "count-move": {
       "by-player": "by player",
       "clockwise": "clockwise to the next district",
       "description": "When meeple is deployed to the City of C. then the Count is moved {}.",
       "follow-meeple": "to whichever district as the meeple"
     "dragon-move": {
       "after-scoring": "after",
       "before-scoring": "before",
       "description": "Dragon movement occurs {} scoring."
     "espace-variant": {
       "any-tile": "any tile",
       "description": "Monastery must be placed adjacent to {} of a besieged city to escape.",
       "siege-tile": "siege tile"
     "fairy-placement": {
       "description": "The Fairy is deployed {}.",
       "next-follower": "next to a meeple",
       "on-tile": "on a tile"
     "festival-return": {
       "description": "Player may return one of one’s own {}.",
       "follower": "meeples",
       "meeple": "player figures"
     "gq11-pig-herd": {
       "description": "Field tile from Games Quarterly 11 expansion {}.",
       "nothing": "is just empty field",
       "pig": "contains pig herd"
     "hill-tiebreaker": {
       "at-least-one-follower": "at least one meeple",
       "description": "Tiebreaker method: {} on hills.",
       "number-of-followers": "number of meeples"
     "keep-monasteries": {
       "description": "Special monasteries {}.",
       "keep": "are just added",
       "replace": "replace original monasteries"
     "king-and-robber-scoring": {
       "10/20": "10 points / each card at the end of the game",
       "15/40": "15/40 pts for having single/both cards at the end of the game",
       "continuously": "1 point for every completed feature during the game",
       "default": "1 point for every completed feature at the end of the game",
       "description": "Score {}."
     "labyrinth-variant": {
       "advanced": "advanced",
       "basic": "basic",
       "description": "Play {} labyrinth variant"
     "little-buildings-scoring": {
       "1/1/1": "1/1/1",
       "3/2/1": "3/2/1",
       "description": "Assign {} points for tower/house/shed."
     "more-tunnel-tokens": {
       "1/1": "1/1",
       "2/1": "2/1",
       "3/2": "3/2",
       "description": "Assign {} token sets to each player in game of two/three."
     "princess-action": {
       "description": "The Princess {} remove knight from a city.",
       "may": "may",
       "must": "must"
     "tiny-city-scoring": {
       "2": "2 points",
       "4": "4 points",
       "description": "Tiny city is scored for {}."
     "tunnelize-other-expansions": {
       "description": "Apply tunnel rule on tiles from other expansions with depicted tunnels."
     "wagon-move": {
       "C1": "connected (road crossing or road heading to a city/monastery) (1st ed.)",
       "C2": "feature on the same or an adjacent tile (2nd ed.)",
       "description": "After scored, wagon can me moved to adjacent unoccupied, incomplete feature. Adjacent means: {}"
 "index": {
   "automatic-updates-linux-only": "Automatic updates are currently supported only on Linux platform. Please download new version directly and update manually.",
   "local": {
     "continue-with-recently-saved-games": "Continue with recently saved games",
     "create-directly-from": "Create a new game directly from",
     "load-game": "Load game",
     "my-favorites": "my favorites",
     "new-game": "New game",
     "title": "Player hosted games"
   "new-version-available": "New JCloisterZone version is available.",
   "online": {
     "abandon-game": "Abandon game",
     "connected-to": "Connected to {0}",
     "game-id": "Game ID",
     "games-in-progress": "Games in progress",
     "join-game": "Join game",
     "no-random-discovery": "it means no random players discovery",
     "online-storage-description": "Leaving online game just keep the unfinished game in the background. You can rejoin it from this list whenever you want.",
     "paste-a-game-key": "Paste a game key provided by host",
     "private-games-only": "Only private games are now supported.",
     "remove-unfinished-game-confirmation": "Do you want to permanently remove unfinished game from your list?",
     "title": "Public server hosted games",
     "you-have-no-game-in-progress": "You have no game in progress."
   "release-notes": "Release Notes",
   "update-to": "Update to {version}"
 "join-game": {
   "connect-to-remote-host": "Connect to remote host with created game.",
   "description": "The game on remote host must be in color selection phase.",
   "host": "Host",
   "title": "Join Remote Game"
 "menu": {
   "about": "About",
   "exit": "Exit",
   "farm-hints": "Farm hints",
   "game": "Game",
   "help": "Help",
   "join-game": "Join Game",
   "leave-game": "Leave Game",
   "load-game": "Load Game / Setup",
   "new-game": "New Game",
   "playonline-connect": "Play Online",
   "playonline-disconnect": "Disconnect",
   "rotate": "Rotate",
   "rules": "Rules",
   "save-game": "Save Game",
   "session": "Session",
   "settings": "Settings",
   "show-game-setup": "Show Game Setup",
   "tiles": "Tiles",
   "toggle-history": "Toggle History",
   "undo": "Undo",
   "zoom-in": "Zoom In",
   "zoom-out": "Zoom Out"
 "settings": {
   "add-ons": {
     "add-on-already-installed": "Add-on {id} is already installed. If you want to reinstall it please remove it first.",
     "add-on-url": "add-on url",
     "artwork-not-found-internet-connection-is-needed": "Unable to locate or download addon with default artwork. Internet connection is needed at fist run to download it.",
     "drag-add-on-here-or-click-here": "Drag add-on here (.jca file) or click here to select it.",
     "finish-or-leave-game-to-make-changes": "Please finish or leave the game first to make changes here.",
     "install-add-on": "Install add-on",
     "installation-is-not-allowed-during-game": "Installation is not allowed during game.",
     "installed-add-ons": "Installed add-ons",
     "invalid-add-on-multiple-folders-in-root": "Invalid add-on: package must contain only single folder in root",
     "look-at-jcz-for-add-ons": "Look at {link} for available add-ons.",
     "please-check-connectivity-and-restart-app": "Please check your connectivity and restart app to try it again.",
     "title": "Add-ons"
   "appearance": {
     "artworks": "Artworks",
     "artworks-description": "Additional artworks may by provided by add-ons.",
     "illustrated-by": "(illustrated by {0})",
     "theme": "Theme",
     "theme-dark": "Dark",
     "theme-light": "Light",
     "title": "Appearance"
   "engine": {
     "engine-path-not-exists": " Can't locate game engine (file {path} doesn't exist or can't be read)",
     "unable-to-spawn-game-engine": "Unable to spawn game engine. Details:"
   "game-interface": {
     "active-player-indication": "Active player indication",
     "always-enabled": "always enabled",
     "beep": "Beep",
     "beep-description": "Beep when you are on turn (or when your action is required during opponent's turn).",
     "colored-background-in-right-sidebar": "colored background in right sidebar",
     "enable-beep": "Enable beep",
     "language": "Language",
     "multiple-indicators-are-allowed": "Multiple indicators are allowed.",
     "only-when-meeple-was-deployed-on-a-field": "only when meeple was deployed on a field",
     "only-when-meeple-was-deployed-on-a-tower": "only when meeple was deployed on a tower",
     "player-list": "Player List",
     "player-list-active-on-top": "Keep active player always on top",
     "player-list-description": "You may enable player list (right sidebar) rotation.",
     "player-list-local-on-top": "Keep local player always on top",
     "player-list-no-rotate": "No rotate",
     "title": "Game Interface",
     "triangle-in-top-bar": "triangle in top bar",
     "turn-confirmation": "Turn Confirmation",
     "turn-confirmation-description": "Confirmation allows player undo performed actions before activity is passed to a next player. It happens before scoring or eg. in during opponent turn when you move wagon, etc. Enable explicit confirmation…"
   "java": {
     "change-in-settings": "Change it in {settings}.",
     "description": "Although JCloisterZone client is pure native application, Java is required to run game engine. In other words to play a game.",
     "download-java": "Download Java",
     "java-executable": "Java executable",
     "java-is-not-installed": "Java is not installed!",
     "java-is-outdated": "Java is outdated!",
     "java-is-required": "Java is required to start a game.",
     "java-path-is-not-valid": "Your manually configured Java path is not valid.",
     "java-version-found": "Java 11 or higher is required (found {version}) to start a game.",
     "select-manually": "Or select proper java manually in {settings}.",
     "selected": "Selected: {0}",
     "title": "Java",
     "unable-to-find-java": "Unable to locate Java on your system.",
     "using-system-default": "Using system default.",
     "verify": "If Java is already installed, verify if Java is added to your system path or select java binary manually in {settings}.",
     "version": "Java version {0}",
     "warning-file-is-not-java-binary": "File doesn't look like a Java binary.",
     "warning-java-not-found": "Java not found.",
     "you-may-set-path": "You can set manually path to {0}"
   "player": {
     "nickname": "Nickname",
     "nickname-description": "Nickname used when player is assigned to a game.",
     "none": "None",
     "preferred-color": "Preferred Color",
     "preferred-color-description": "Automatically take a color after game join.",
     "title": "Player"
   "title": "Settings"
 "tile-set": {
   "abbey-and-mayor-description": "Each a player can also place Abbey tile from his supply.",
   "abbey-and-mayor-release": "The fifth major expansion released in 2007.",
   "base-game-description": "You can play tiles with 1st Edition or New edition rules (eg. gardens). This can be selected in second game setup step.",
   "bridges-castles-and-bazaars-release": "The eight major expansion released in 2010. (Sixth major expansion Count, King and Robber is split into individual small modules. Seventh, The Catapult, is obviously skipped)",
   "darmstadt-release": "Originally released in 2014.",
   "gq11-release": "Originally released in Games Quarterly magazine in 2006.",
   "hills-and-sheep-release": "The ninth major expansion released in 2014.",
   "inns-and-cathedrals-release": "First major expansion for Carcassonne released in 2002.",
   "king-and-robber-release": "Originally released in 2003 as part of King & Scout. Later included in the sixth major expansion: Count, King & Robber (2007)",
   "labyrinth-release": "Originally released in 2016.",
   "princess-and-dragon-release": "The third major expansion released in 2005.",
   "river-I-release": "The River I is mini expansion released in 2001.",
   "river-II-release": "The River II was released in 2006 and now is contained in sixth major expansion Count, King & Robber.",
   "russian-promos-2013-title": "Tiles from 2013",
   "russian-promos-2016-title": "Tiles from 2016",
   "tower-release": "The fourth major expansion released in 2006.",
   "traders-and-builders-release": "The second major expansion released in 2003",
   "winter-edition-description": "Basic set from Winter Edition spin-off. Contains basic game extended with additional 12 tiles."
