User:Murphy013/Expansion List

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Please note that Wikicarpedia is not responsible for the content of the links provided. The listed extensions are subject to the regulations of the corresponding websites.

In general, however: The use of the fan expansions for commercial purposes is not allowed. The Fan-Expansions may only be produced for personal use and may not be sold at any time. This also explicitly includes the passing on at cost price.

This list also contains expansions that are still in development (i.e. not yet finished), as well as completed expansions that are still in the workshop.
The shown images are taken from the expansions. But it is up to you to use them. You can easily other figures, tokens, use figures as tokens and vice versa.
It would be nice if you write us a comment if a download does not work or no longer works.
As the list is not complete, it would still be desirable if you could send us links to expansions not listed here. Links to commercial sites are not offered here, but the expansion may be.

Expansion selector


Ref Expansion Edition Author Tiles (Landscape) Start Tiles Special Tiles Figures[1] Tokens/Cards/etc. Symbol Download[2] / Info Features Sample tiles and/or features
Base game C1 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single expansion rules
The River 2
King & Scout
The cult
Base Game C1 Tile 19.jpg Base Game C1 Tile 22.jpg Base Game C1 Tile 12.jpg
Cloister on field Road on field City with pennant
Inns & Cathedrals C1 HiG 18 0 Figure Meeple grey.png
8x Follower for 6th player
Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
1x large follower for each player
Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png n/a
Inns C1 02.jpg Inns C1 14.jpg
Cathedral Inn by a lake
Traders & Builders C1 HiG 24 0 Figure Builders stacked C1.png
1x Builder for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C1.png

1x Pig for each player

Token Wine C1.png
9x Wine

Token Wheat C1.png
6x Wheat
Token Cloth C1.png
5x Fabric

Symbol TradersBuilders C1.png The River 2
King & Scout
The cult
Single expansion rules
Single expansion rules
Trad c1 tile 03.jpg Trad c1 tile 10.jpg Trad c1 tile 04.jpg
City with wine City with wheat City with cloth
The Princess & Dragon C1 HiG 30 0 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Fairy.png
1x Fairy
Symbol PrincessDragon C1C2.png The cult
Single expansion rules
Single expansion rules
Single expansion rules
Single expansion rules
Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 20.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 05.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 12.jpg Princess And Dragon C1 Tile 28.jpg
Volcano City with princess Dragon icon Magic portal
The Tower C1 HiG 18 0 Figure Tower.png
30x Tower piece
Symbol Tower C1C2.png Single expansion rules
Tower C1-05.png Tower C1-12.png
Bridge over city Tower base
Abbey & Mayor C1 HiG 12 0 6x Abbey Figure Barns stacked C1.png
1x Barn for each player
Figure Wagons stacked C1.png
1x Wagon for each player
Figure Mayors stacked C1.png
1x Mayor for each player
Symbol AbbeyMayor C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
C1 HiG

1 King
1 Robber baron
Figure Count.png
1x Count
Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png Single expansion rules
Count Cult C1-03.png River II C1 Tile 02.jpg
Shrine River fork
The Catapult C1 HiG 12 0 Token Catapult KnockOut C1.png
6x Knockout
Token Catapult Seduction C1.png
6x Seduction
Token Catapult TargetHurling C1.png
6x Target

Token Catapult Catch C1.png
6x Catch

Symbol Catapult C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Bridges, Castles & Bazaars C1 HiG 12 0 Figure Bridge.png
12x Bridge
Token Castle C1.png
12x Castle
Symbol BridgesCastlesBazaars C1C2.png Single expansion rules
The River 2
to be updated -
Hills & Sheep C1 HiG 18 0 Figures Shepherds stacked C1.png
1x Shepherd for each player
Token HillsSheep Sheep1 C1.png
2x 1 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep2 C1.png
5x 2 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep3 C1.png
5x 3 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep4 C1.png
2x 4 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Wolf C1.png
2x Wolf
Symbol HillsSheep C1C2.png The River 2
Single expansion rules
to be updated -
The River C1 HiG 0 12 Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed game and single sheet
King & Scout C1 HiG 5 0 1x King
1x Robber baron
Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion
The Count of Carcassonne C1 HiG 0 12 Figure Count.png
1x Count
Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion
The River 2 C1 HiG 0 12 The River 2
Single expansion rules
to be updated Boxed expansion
The River 3 C1 HiG 0 12 Symbol RiverIII C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Never distributed as single expansion. Part of BigBox
Crop Circle 1 C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Festival 10 C1 HiG 10 0 Logo Festival10.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Phantom C1 HiG 0 0 Figure Phantoms C1.png
1x translucent Follower for each player
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The School C1 HiG 0 2 Figure Teacher red.png[3]
1x translucent teacher
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Flier C1 HiG 0 8 Figure Die.png
1x Die
Symbol Flier C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Messages C1 HiG 0 0 Figure Messengers stacked C1.png
1x Women follower for each player
Symbol Messages C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Ferries C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Ferry.png
8x Ferry
Symbol Ferries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Goldmines C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Gold.png
16x gold pieces
Symbol GoldMines C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
Mage & Witch C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Mage.png
1x Mage
Figure Witch.png
1x Witch
Symbol MageWitch C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
The Robbers C1 HiG 8 0 Figure Robbers stacked C1.png
1x Robber for each player
Symbol Robbers C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion contained 1 tile of Crop Circles 2. Also provided in Bigbox
Crop Circle 2 C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated Never distributed as single expansion. Addtional tile of Minis or part of BigBox
The Wind Roses 1 C1 HiG 6 0 Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Besiegers C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol Besiegers C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in Germany C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 2 C1 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings2 C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Castles in Germany C1 HiG 0 0 6x doublesize tiles Symbol CastlesGermany C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Cathedrals in Germany C1 HiG 6 0 Symbol GermanCathedrals C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Cathars C1 Spielbox 4 0 Symbol Cathars C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Games Quarterly #11 C1 Games Quarterly 12 0 Comments to expansion to be updated -
The Shrine C1 Spielbox 5 0 Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Cult, Siege & Creativity
* Cult
* Siege
* Creativity

Single expansion rules to be updated -
Baba-Jaga & Bogatyr C1 Hobby World 2 0 Symbol RussianPromos C1.png German Rules to be updated -
Solovei Razboynik & Vodyanoy C1 Hobby World 2 0 Symbol RussianPromos C1.png German Rules to be updated -
The Tunnel C1 Spielbox 4 0 Tunnel Token Stacked.png
2x Tunnel for each player
Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated Boxed expansion
The Plague C1 Spielbox 6 0 Token Plague Flea front C1C2.png
18x Flea
Token Plague Outbreak stacked C1.png
6x Outbreak
Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Little Buildings C1 Spielbox 0 0 Token LB Tower stacked.png
6x Tower
Token LB House stacked.png
6x Building
Token LB Shed stacked.png
6x Shed
Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Wind Roses 2 C1 Spielbox 6 0 Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 1 C1 Spielbox 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Spielbox.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium C1 999Games 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Darmstadt C1 Darmstadt spielt 3 0 Symbol Darmstadt C1.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Labyrinths C1/C2 Spiel Doch 1 0 Symbol SpielDoch.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
La Porxada C1 Oriol Comas i Coma 1 0 n/a to be updated -
Wheel of Fortune C1 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard
1x Wheel of fortune (4x4)
Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Figure BigPinkPig.png
1x pink pig
WOF C1 Expansion Watermark.png Single game rules to be updated -
Base game C2 HiG 71 1 1x Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single game rules to be updated -
The Abbot C2 HiG 0 0 Figure Abbots stacked.png
1x Abbot for each player
Symbol Abbot C2.png Single game rules to be updated -
The River C2 HiG 0 12 Single game rules to be updated -
Inns & Cathedrals C2 HiG 18 0 Figure Meeple pink.png
8x Follower for 6th player
Figure Abbot pink.png
Abbot for the 6th player
Figure Meeples stacked C2.png
1x large follower for each player
Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Traders & Builders C2 HiG 24 0 Figure Builders stacked C2.png
1x Builder for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C2.png
1x Pig for each player
Token Wine C2.png
9x Wine

Token Wheat C2.png
6x Wheat
Token Cloth C2.png
5x Fabric

Symbol TradersBuilders C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Princess & Dragon C2 HiG 30 0 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Fairy.png
1x Fairy
Symbol PrincessDragon C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Tower C2 HiG 18 0 Figure Tower.png
30x Tower floors
Symbol Tower C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Abbey & Mayor C2 HiG 12 0 6 Abbeys Figure Barns stacked C2.png
1x Barn for each player
Figure Wagons stacked C2.png
1x Wagon for each player
Figure Mayors stacked C2.png
1x Mayor for each player
Symbol AbbeyMayor C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Count, King & Robber
* Count of Carcassonne
* River II
* King & Robber baron
* Heretics & Shrines
C2 HiG

1 King
1 Robber baron
Figure Count.png
1x Count
Token King C2.png
1x King
Token RobberBaron C2.png
1x Robber Baron
Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -

Bridges, Castles & Bazaars C2 HiG 12 0 Figure Bridge.png
12x Bridge
Token Castle C2.png
12x Castle
Symbol BridgesCastlesBazaars C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Hills & Sheep C2 HiG 18 0 Figure Shepards stacked C2.png
1x Shepherd for each player
Token HillsSheep Sheep1 C2.png
2x 1 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep2 C2.png
5x 2 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep3 C2.png
5x 3 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Sheep4 C2.png
2x 4 Sheep
Token HillsSheep Wolf C2.png
2x Wolf
Symbol HillsSheep C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Under the Big Top C2 HiG 20 0 Figure Roundtop.png
1x Big Top
Figure Ringmasters stacked C2.png
1x Ringmaster for each player
Token UnderTheBigTop Flea C2.png
1x Flea
Token UnderTheBigTop Monkey C2.png
4x Monkey
Token UnderTheBigTop Seal C2.png
5x Seal
Token UnderTheBigTop Bear C2.png
3x Bear
Token UnderTheBigTop Tiger C2.png
2x Tiger
Token UnderTheBigTop Elephant C2.png
1x Elephant
Symbol UnderTheBigTop C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Flier C2 HiG 0 8 Figure Die.png
1x Die
Symbol Flier C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Messages C2 HiG 0 0 Figure Messengers stacked C2.png
1x Women follower for each player
Symbol Messages C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Ferries C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Ferry.png
8x Ferry
Symbol Ferries C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Goldmines C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Gold.png
16x gold ingots
Symbol GoldMines C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Mage & Witch C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Mage.png
1x Mage
Figure Witch.png
1x Witch
Symbol MageWitch C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
The Robbers C2 HiG 8 0 Figure Robbers stacked C2.png
1x Robber for each player
Symbol Robbers C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Crop Circle 2 C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png n/a to be updated Only available in BigBox
Japanese Buildings C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Festival 15 C2 HiG 10 0 Logo Festival15.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Watchtowers C2 HiG 12 0 Symbol Watchtowers C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Markets of Leipzig C2 HiG 0 0 4x doublesize tiles Symbol Leipzig C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Fruitbearing Trees C2 HiG 6 0 Token FruitBearingTree apple.png
4x Apple
Token FruitBearingTree apricot.png
4x Apricot
Token FruitBearingTree plum.png
4x Elder
Token FruitBearingTree cherry.png
4x Cherry
Token FruitBearingTree elder.png
4x Plum
Token FruitBearingTree quince.png
4x quince
Symbol FruitBearingTrees C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Monasteries in Germany C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Barber-Surgeons C2 HiG 6 0 Symbol BarberSurgeons C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Castles in Germany C2 HiG 0 0 4x doublesize tiles Symbol CastlesGermany C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
The Tollkeepers C2 HiG 10 0 Tokens C2 Tollkeeper All.png
1x Bar for each player
Symbol Tollkeepers C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 1 C2 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings1 C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Halflings 2 C2 HiG 0 0 12x halfsize tiles Symbol Halflings2 C2.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Maps Germany C2 HiG 0 0 DIN A1 Map of Germany Rules Maps Germany to be updated -
Maps France C2 HiG 0 0 DIN A1 Map of France Rules Maps France to be updated -
Maps Península Ibérica C2 HiG 0 0 DIN A1 Map of Península Ibérica Rules Maps Península Ibérica to be updated -
Maps Great Britain C2 HiG 0 0 DIN A1 Map of Great Britain Rules Maps Great Britain to be updated -
Maps BeNeLux C2 HiG 0 0 DIN A1 Map of BeNeLux Rules Maps BeNeLux to be updated -
Maps Chips C2 HiG 0 0 Token MapsChips purple stacked.png
10x Map-Chips purple (6x1, 4x 2)
Token MapsChips lightblue stacked.png
10x Map-Chips light-blue (6x1, 4x 2)
Token MapsChips orange.stacked.png
10x Map-Chips orange (6x1, 4x 2)
Rules Maps Chips to be updated -
The Land Surveyors C2 HiG 0 0 12x Scoring HiG English download
HiG German download
to be updated -
Solo Variant C2 HiG 0 0 HiG English download
HiG German Download
to be updated -
Spiel Doch Promo C2 HiG 2 0 Symbol SpielDoch.png Single expansion rules to be updated -
Base game - Winter Edition WE HiG 71 1 1 Scoreboard Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
Single game rules to be updated -
The Gingerbread Man WE HiG 6 0 Win gbm gingerbreadMan.png
1x Gingerbread Man
Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png Single game rules to be updated -
Crop Circles WE HiG 6 0 Single game rules to be updated -
Base game - Winter Download Edition WD HiG 71 1 Figure Meeples Base stacked.png
8x Follower for each player
n/a to be updated Was available at HiG downloads till the Winter Edition was published
Fishing Boats C1 CKorfmann 0 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
1x boat for each player
Fishing Boats
German Rules
to be updated -
Promotions C1 Gwommy 0 0 Figure Discs stacked.png
1x coloured disc for each player
German Rules
to be updated -
Court Jester (CARC_Zoner) C1 CARC_Zoner 0 0 Figure Die.png
2x Dice
Court Jester (CARC_Zoner)
CarcF Rules (CARC_Zoner)
to be updated -
The Day Labourers C1 D. Maute & Charlie-66 0 6x Day Labourers in a neutral color[4] Die Tagelöhner to be updated -
The Pilgrims C1 KlausiMausi 0 Figure Pilgrims stacked.png
1x pilgrim[4] for each player
Die Pilger to be updated -
The Bethlehem Stable looking for an Inn C1 Seli & Fritz_Spinne 0 1x double tile Figure Angel.png
1x Angel[4]
Der Stall von Bethlehem to be updated -
The Adventurer of Carcassonne C1 Dieter „Belushi“ Rausch 0 40x Adventurer 1x Figure[4] for each playerl
Figure Die.png
1x Die
Der Abenteurer von Carcassonne to be updated -
Sheep & Shepherds C1 LittleMisfit & Scott Myers 0 Figure Shepherds stacked.png
2x Shepherds for each player
Figure Sheep stacked.png
6x Sheeps for each player
Sheep & Shepherds to be updated -
Citadels C1 LittleMisfit 0 Figure Citadels stacked.png
2x Citadels for each player
Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Castles C1 LittleMisfit 0 Figure Huts stacked.png
2x Castles for each player
Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Thieves Guilds C1 LittleMisfit 0 Figure ThievesGuild stacked.png
2x Thieves guilds[4] for each player
Kevins Carcassonne Variants
BGG Download
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Grim Reaple C1 Victor Watrous 0 2x Graveyard Figure GrimReaple.png
1x Grim Reaple
Symbol GrimReaple.png The Grim Reaple
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Inn & Stable Owners C1 ShadowP68 0 Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
4x Owners for each player
Inn & Stable Owners
CarcF Rules
to be updated Wirtshäuser & Kathedralen

Inns & Cathedrals

The House of Valois C1 Wicke 0 Figure Meeple gold.png
2x Large Golden Meeple
The House of Valois
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Kids are Growing Up C1 Wicke 0 Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
2x Mini Meeple for each player
The Kids are Growing Up
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Hog Roast C1 Novelty & Joff 0 Figure Pig white.png
1x White Pig
Hog Roast
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Leper C1 Novelty & Joff 0 Figure Leper.png
1x Leper
The Leper
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Black Tower C1 Joff 0 Figure Tower black.png
12x Black Tower Levels
Figure Tower white.png
6x White Tower Levels
Black Tower
CarcF Rules
to be updated Der Turm

The Tower

The Noblemen C1 Wicke 0 Figure Noblemen stacked.png
3x Noblemen for each player
Figure BigNobleman.png
2x Large White Noblemen
The Noblemen
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Monasteries C1 Meepleater 0 Figure Monasteries stacked.png
1x Monastery for each player
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Butcher C1 Joe Vancura 0 1x Butcher[4] The Butcher
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Dual dragon C1 Joff 0 Figure Dragon white.png
1x White Dragon
Dual Dragon
CarcF Rules
to be updated Burgfräulein & Drache

Princess & Dragon

The Count of Tuscany C1 Wicke 0 1x City (4x3) as Florence Figure Count black.png
1x Black Count
The Count of Tuscany
CarcF Download
to be updated Katharer & optional Belagerer

Cathars & optional Siege

Sinkholes C1 Piklach & Rich_The_Fish 0 Figure Die.png
1x Die (1-6)
Figure Disc nature.png
1x wooden disc as major sinkhole [5] as alternative to token
Figure Discs stacked.png
1x coloured disc for each player [6] as alternative to token
1x Major Sinkhole[7]
Token Coloured stacked.png
1x Minor Sinkhole for each player
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Citadel C1 Asparagus 0 Figure Citadel.png
1x Citadels
Figure Disc nature.png
10x wooden disc as alternative to token
10x Token[8] The Citadel to be updated -
Small Bridges C1/C2 Oldbonz 0 Figure Bridge.png
12x Bridge
Small Bridges to be updated -
Hook, Line & Sinker C1 Canada Steve 0 Figure Fishermen stacked.png
1x Fisher for each player
Hook, Line & Sinker to be updated -
Santa, Snowman & Grinch C1/C2 Meepledrone 0 Figure Santa.png
1x Santa
Figure Frosty.png
1x Snowmann
Figure Grinch.png
1x Grinch
Figure FirTree.png
1x Fir tree
Santa, Snowman & Grinch to be updated -
The Menaces C1 invinitas 0 1x Pied Piper[4] for each player
Figure Die.png
1x Die
Die Plagen to be updated Incomplete, only draft rules
Friendly Cities C1 ? 0 Figure Huts stacked.png
3x House for each player
n/a to be updated -
Hidden Character C1 invinitas 0 0 8x Character cards Figure Discs stacked.png
25x Marker for each player
Versteckte Charakter to be updated -
The Crusader C1 Marvin 0 0 Figure Crusader.png
5x Crusader
Die Kreuzritter to be updated -
Green Christmas C1 Seli & Fritz_Spinne 0 1x double tile Figure Angel.png
1x Angel[4]
Grüne Weihnachten to be updated -
The Musician C1 -enel- 0 Figure Count.png
1x Musician
Figure Die.png
1x Die (1-1-2-2-3-3)
Der Spielmann to be updated Die Räuber

The Robbers

Les Assasins C1 izscream & Glöckchen 0 0 Figure DiceOfFate.png
1x Dice of Fate
Figure DieBattle.png
2x Battle die
Token Assassin stacked.png
1x Assasin for each player
Les Assasins to be updated -
The Archer C1 Afrodarko 0 0 Figure Archers stacked.png
1x Archer for each player
The Archer to be updated -
Reinforcement C1 Fritz_Spinne 0 0 1x Reinforcement for each player[4] Die Verstärkung to be updated -
The Black Fairy C1 irv 0 0 Figure Fairy black.png
1x Black Fairy
The Black Fairy to be updated -
Carcassonne overrun by Zombies! C1 justinkillam 0 Figure Zombie.png
14x Zombie
Figure Die.png
1x Die /1-6)
Carcassonne overrun by Zombies! to be updated -
Play as the dragon C1 Big Guy & Whaleyland 0 0 6x Princess[4] Play as the dragon
CarcF Download
to be updated Requires Princess & Dragon
The Doomsayers C1 Guy 0 4x Doomysayers Figure Die.png
3x Die
n/a to be updated -
Collector C1 ? 0 1x Collector for each player[4] n/a to be updated -
Dan the Travelling Man C1 Michael Halbert 0 Figure Danisthirty.png
1x Dan
n/a to be updated -
The Paladin's Duel C1 mPony 0 Figure HorsesPaladin stacked.png
1x Horse per player
Figure Die stacked.png
1x die (1-6) for each player
The Paladin's Duel to be updated -
The Lady and her Lord C1 Gerry 0 Figure Messengers stacked C1.png
1x Lady for each player
Figure Robbers stacked C1.png
1x Lord per player
The Lady & her Lord to be updated -
Diocese C1 Lemmy77 0 2x Church n/a to be updated -
Boatman C1 Lemmy77 0 Figure Ships stacked.png
1x Boat per player
n/a to be updated -
Forestry C1 Gamemai 0 1x Double sized tiles 1x Tree n/a to be updated -
Easter in Carcassonne C1 Fritz_Spinne 22 0 Figure Rabbit.png
1x Easter bunny
Figure Die.png
1x Dice (2x1, 2x2, 2x3)
Easter in Carcassonne to be updated -
Easter Festival C1 Fritz_Spinne 22 0 Figure Rabbit.png
1x Easter bunny
Figure Die.png
1x Dice (2x1, 2x2, 2x3)
Easter Festival - Expansion Tiles
Easter Festival - Expansion Rules
to be updated -
Fairy Tales C1 Novelty 12 0 Figure Wolf.png
5x wolf
Token AppleRed.png
3x Apple
Token Timber!.png
1x Wood
Fairy Tales
German Rules
to be updated -
An Apple a Day C1 Cappy 6 0 Token AppleRed.png
7x Apple
Token AppleYellow.png
2x Forbidden Fruit
Token AppleTell.png
2x Target practice
Token Apple Green.png
1x Green Apple
Token ApplePoison.png
Posisoned Apple
Token AppleHalf.png
1x Jean Appleseed
Token AppleHealth.png
2x An apple a day
An Apple a Day
German Rules
to be updated Rules were not updated after decision to increase from 14 to 15 apples
Timber! C1 Scott & Novelty 12 0 Token Timber!.png
12x Wood
German Rules
to be updated -
Gold Rush C1 Novelty 12 0 Token Gold.png
1x Gold
Token Coal.png
15x Coal
Gold Rush
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
The Ocean (2009) C1 Skipboris 110 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
6x ship for each player
Symbol Ocean2009.png The Ocean
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean (2013) C1 Skipboris 122 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
6x ship for each player
Symbol Ocean2013.png The Ocean tiles 2013 version
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Turbulent Waters C1 Skipboris 52 0 ReferenceFigures JunkBlack.png
1x Pirate Khayr ad-Din
Figure Mermaid.png
1x Mermaid
Figure Dragon blue.png
1x Leviathan
8x trade marker for each player
Token Diamond.png
6x Diamond
Turbulent Waters
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Buried Treasure C1 Skipboris 84 0 36x Treasure Figure Builder white.png
1x White Builder
Figure Count white.png
1x White Count
Figure Meeple white.png
1x White Big Follower
Figure Junk white.png
1x White Galleon
The Ocean - Buried Treasure
German Rules
to be updated -
Lavender Fields C1 Welli Designs 12 0 Token Bee.png
12x Bee
Lavender Fields
German Rules
to be updated -
Wishing Wells C1 Novelty 12 0 Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
2x mini followers for each player
Wishing Wells
German Rules
to be updated -
Treasure Hunt C1 Jonathan Wu 24 0 6x Heritage

12x Treasue

Figure Builder white.png
1x White Builder
Figure Meeple white.png
1x White Big Follower
Token TreasureChest Red.png
3x Red Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Green.png
3x Green Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Blue.png
3x Blue Treasure Chest
Token TreasureKey Red.png
3x Red Key
Token TreasureKey Green.png
3x Green Key
Token TreasureKey Blue.png
3x Blue Key
Token TreasureKey Multi.png
1x Multicolor Key
Symbol TreasureHunt.png Treasure Hunt
German Rules
to be updated -
Treasure Chest C1 Novelty 9 0 3x Treasue Token TreasureChest Yellow.png
1x Yellow Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest Purple.png
1x Purple Treasure Chest
Token TreasureChest MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Treasure Chest
Token TreasureKey Yellow.png
1x Yellow Key
Token TreasureKey Purple.png
1x Purple Key
Token TreasureKey MultiAll.png
1x Multicolor Key
Token Gold.png
1x Gold
Treasure Chest
German Rules
to be updated -
Lord of the Ring: The Two Towers C1 Meepleater 12 0 20 Map pieces Token Bee.png
1x Bee
The Two Towers
German Rules & Tiles
to be updated -
Lord of the Ring: Return of the King C1 Meepleater 12 0 Token Herbs.png
1x Herb
Token Pennant.png
1x Pennant
Symbol Cathars C1.png
1x Cathar
Token Sauron.png
1x Eye of Sauron
Return of the King
German Rules
to be updated -
Family Feud V3 C1 Frédérick Renaud 36 0 Token Cloister.png
8x Cloister
Families Feud V3 to be updated -
Breweries V2 C1 Meepleater 12 0 Token Heretical Cloister.png
4x heretical cloister
Symbol Breweries.png Breweries
German Rules
to be updated -
Gold Mines C1 Scott & Novelty 12 0 Token Gold.png
12x Gold
Gold Mines
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Mills and Bakeries V1 C1 JPutt927 15 0 Token Bread.png
10x Bread
Mills & Bakeries V1
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Mills and Bakeries V2 C1 JPutt927 15 0 Token Bread.png
10x Bread
Symbol MillsBakeries.png Mills & Bakeries V2 to be updated -
Fruit Trader C1 Jonathan Wu 6 0 Token Ananas.png
6x Ananas
Fruit Trader
BGG (original)
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Apothecaries and Tithes C1 Meepleater 24 0 Token Herbs.png
8x Herb
Apothecaries and Tithes
German Rule
to be updated -
Cleric & Serf C1 Novelty 10 0 1x Cleric

1x Serf

Token Cloister2.png
14x Cloister
Cleric and Serf
German Rules
to be updated -
Influence of the Church C1 JPutt927 6 0 1x Cloister counter

1x large Basilica (2x2) 1x Basilica draw 6x Priory

Token CrossInfluence.png
25x cross influence
Token Cloister Besieged.png

6x besieged cloister
Token CathedralUpgrade Stacked.png
1x cathedral upgrade for each player
Token Cross Stacked.png
1x cross for each player

Symbol InfluenceOfTheChurch.png Influence of the Church
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Roman Influence C1 A Carcassonne Central collaborative expansion 18 0 Token Legionnaire stacked.png
1x Roman Legionnaire for each player
Token Philosopher stacked.png
1x Philosopher for each player
Roman Influence
German Rule
to be updated -
Taverns C1 JPutt927 9 0 Token Ale.png
18x Ale
German Rule
to be updated -
Cemetery C1 Quevy 8 0 2x optional landscape Token FlowerBouquet.png
For variant 1:
1x Bouquet of Flowers for each player
Token Undertaker Stacked.png
For Variant 2:
1x Undertaker for each player
Token GraveRobber Stacked.png
For variant 3:
1x Grave Robber for each player
German Rule
to be updated -
Chariot Race C1 JPutt927 6 0 1x Chariot race (2x2)

1x Chariot race draw

Token ChariotRacingBet Stacked.png
1x Bet set for each player
Token ChariotRacingRace Stacked.png
30x Race
Chariot Racing
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Trebuchet 7 0 Token Note.png
7x Note
Symbol Bards.png Bards of Carcassonne
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Natural Disasters C1 CKorfmann & Gwommy 6 0 1x flood cut-out Figure Disc nature.png
1x Wooden Disc[4]
Token Earthquake.png
8x Earthquake
Natural Disasters
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Fighters & Scholars C1 edmil 12 0 6 Double-sided outcome tiles

1x small bag

Token FightersScholar Level stacked.png
12x Level
Token FightersScholar Training stacked.png

12x training

Fighters & Scholars
CarcF download
to be updated -
Wizards & Witches C1 JPutt927 2 0 Token WitchPotion.png
6x Witch potion
Token Wizard.png
7x Wizard
Token Witch.png
7x Witch
Wizards & Witches
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Salt and Cocoa Traders C1 Meepleater 7 0 Token Salt.png
7x Salt
Token CocoaBeans.png
5x Cocoa
Symbol SaltCocoa.png Salt and Cocoa Traders
CarxF Rule
to be updated -
New Discoveries C1 JPutt927 4 0 1x Large World (2x2) Token Compass.png
6x explorer compass
Token Flag stacked.png
1x Flag for each player
New Discoveries
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Apothecaries C1 Meepleater 6 0 9x Alchemist Token NochtemGloria.png
15x Nochtem Gloria
Token Deersbane.png
15x Deersbane
Token Wraithweed.png
15x Wraithweed
Symbol Apothecaries.png Apothecaries
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Lakes and Fishmongers C1 Quevy 45 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
1x boat for each player[4] as alternative to token
Token Fisher Stacked.png
1x Boat for each player
Token Fish.png
5x Fish
Symbol LakesFishmongers.png Lakes and Fishmongers
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Tug of War - UK Meetup 2015 C1 Decar 3 0 Figure Disc nature.png
1x marker[4]
Tug of War - UK Meetup 2015
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Fishermen & Pirates C1 Meeple 53 0 Figure Boats stacked.png
1x ship for each player[4] as alternative to token
ReferenceFigures JunkBlack.png
1x pirate ship[4] as alternative to token
Token Fishermen&Pirate Ship Stacked.png
1x ship for each player
Token Fishermen&Pirate Pirate.png
1x pirate
Token Fishermen&Pirate Fish.png
8x Fish
Symbol Fishermen&Pirate.png Fischer & Piraten to be updated optional tile replaces lake-tile of river expansion

German expansion, no translation available yet

St. Nicolas C1 Fritz_Spinne 12 0 Figure Santa.png
1x St. Nicolas
Symbol StNicolas.png Der Nikolaus to be updated German expansion, no translation available yet
The White Dragon C1 Ricy 18 0 Figure Dragon white.png
1x White Dragon
5x White Markers
Der weiße Drache to be updated German expansion, no translation available yet
The Handicraft C1 Zotto 12 0 Token Handicraft.png
12x Handicraft
Symbol Handwerk.png Das Handwerk to be updated German expansion, no translation available yet
Family Planning C1 Fritz_Spinne 12 0 Figure FemaleFollower stacked.png
1x female follower for each player
Figure Meeples stacked C1.png
1x child for each player
Familienplanung to be updated German expansion, no translation available yet
Birthday in the Land of Cockaigne C1 Carcassonne-Forum 10 0 1x KJW (2x3) Token Cockaigne Stacked.png
9x Cockaigne
Symbol LandCockaigne.png Birthday in the Land of Cockaigne
Geburtstag im Schlaraffenland
to be updated -
The Forests of Carcassonne C1 Cosalo & Tanja Pöschl 57 0 Figure Disc nature.png
2x Tree thaler[4]
Symbol DieWälder.png Die Wälder von Carcassonne
5 additinal Tiles
Carcassonne-Welt Download
to be updated German expansion, no translation available yet
Tunnel Extra V0.6 C1 Quevy 4 0 Token Tunnel Stacked.png
2x 3 Tunnel for each player
Tunnel Extra V0.6 to be updated -
Tunnel Extra V1.0 C1 Quevy 7 0 Token Tunnel Stacked.png
2x 3 Tunnel for each player
Token Tunnel new Stacked.png
2x 4 Tunnel for each player (alternate colours)
Symbol Tunnel.png Tunnel Extra V1.0 to be updated -
The Ice Queen C1 S. & D. Maute 2 0 Figure IceQueen.png
1x Icequeen
Figure Oxe.png
1x Ox
Symbol IceQueen.png Die Eiskönigin to be updated extends Princess & Dragon

German expansion, no translation available yet

The Horses & The Dungeons C1 Mentor09 12 4x Event

1x Dungeon Tableau 1x Horse Market Tableau

Token HorsesDungeons.png
30x Horse
Symbol HorsesDungeons.png Die Pferde und der Kerker to be updated contains 2 additional cards for "By order of the king"
Bailiff and Rider C1 invinitas & KlausiMausi 1 1x Bailiff[4]
1x Rider[4]
Figure Die.png
1x Die[4]
Landvogt & Landreiter to be updated -
The Training Area C1 Lars120 6 Figure Disc nature.png
6x Wooden Disc
Token TrainingArea stacked.png
18x Numbers (6x1, 6x2, 6x3)
Der Übungsplatz to be updated -
Saint Nicolas C1 Seli 9 Token StNicolas.png
9x St. Nicolas present
Symbol DerNikolaus.png Der St. Nikolaus to be updated -
The Inner Wall C1 Bojo 24 Token InnerWall.png
6x Protection & Trutz
Symbol InnereWall.png Der innere Wall to be updated -
Fishers & Sailors C1 Bojo 180 Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
3x Fishers (Mini-Meeple) for each player
Figure Fisher&Sailors Fish stacked.png
1x Fish for each player
Figure Fisher&Sailor Marine.png
1x Marine
Figure Fisher&Sailor Pirat.png
1x Pirate
Token FisherSailor Joker stacked.png
8x Joker for each player
Token FisherSailor Fish.png
12x Fish
Token FisherSailor Navigator.png
1x Navigator
Token FisherSailor Robbered.png
4x Robbered
Symbol FisherSailor.png Fischer & Seefahrer to be updated -
The Architects C1 Gwommy 36 Figure Architect stacked.png
1x Architect for each player
Token Bee.png
1x Bee
The Architect
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Fences C1 Gwommy & Elmendalerenda 15 Tile Fences Bridge.png
1x Bridge (halfsize) for each player
Figure Fence.png
12x Wooden Fences
Symbol Fences.png Fences
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Horse C1 Gwommy 7 2x Horse[4] Symbol Horse.png The Horse
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Pope of Avignon C1 Wicke 2 Figure Count white.png
1x White Pope
The Pope of Avignon
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Invaders C1 Whaleyland 12 Figure Invader.png
1x Invader
Symbol Invaders.png The Invaders
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Reconquest of Gaul C1 Whaleyland 4 1x Starting tiles (5x4) Figure Crusader Gaul.png
2x Crusaders
Symbol Gaul.png The Reconquest of Gaul
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Roads to Victory C1 JPutt927 30 Figure Posthouse stacked.png
1x Post house for each player
Figure Pickpocket stacked.png
1x Pickpocket for each player
Token Diamond Roads2Victory.png
20x Jewels
Symbol Roads2Victory.png Roads to Victory
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Marshes C1 Trebuchet 104 Figure Boglord.png
1x Bog Lord
Figure Die.png
1x Die
The Marshes
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz C1 Novelty 12 Figure Wizard.png
1x Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Barbarian Horde C1 JPutt927 6 1x Fortress (4x4)

1x Besieged Carcassonne (4x3) 8x Barbarian Direction 15x Barbarian Defense (8x pit, 2x catapult, 2x archery tower, 2x swordsmen, 1x archer) 12x Barbarian Reward 4x Reference

Figure Barbarian.png
13x Barbarian
Figure Discs stacked.png
3x coloured disc for each player[9] as alternative to token
Token Coloured stacked.png
3 coloured discs for each player[10]
Barbarian Horde
CarcF Download
to be updated requires the tiles of the Count of Carcassonne
Dragon Hunters C1 Novelty 12 Figure Pig black.png
6x Wild Boar
Figure Sheep2.png
6x White Sheep
Figure Cow.png
6x Brown Cow
Symbol DragonHunters.png Dragon Hunters
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Inquisitor C1 Aenima 15 1x Holy inquisition (3x3)

6x Retract

Figure Count red.png
1x Inquisitor
Token Inquisitor.png
1x Investigation
The Inquisitor
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Pied Piper C1 Quevy 16 Figure PiedPiper.png
1x Pied Piper
Figure MeeplesLarge C1.png
2x Mini Follower for each player
Token Rat.png
64x Rat
Symbol PiedPiper.png Pied Piper
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Boy Who Cried Wolf C1 Quevy 8 Token Grass.png
16x Grass
Symbol BoyCriedWolf.png The Boy Who Cried Wolf
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Big Black Pig Escape C1/C2 Aenima 16 2x Starting Tiles Figure Pig black.png
1x Big Black Pig
The Big Black Pig Escape
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Wanderer and Mayor's Office C1 Leven 8 Figure Monasteries stacked.png
1x Mayor's Office for each player
Figure Wanderer stacked.png
1x Wanderer for each player
Symbol MayorsOffice.png Wanderer and Mayor's Office to be updated -
Pig Race to Riches C1 CarcKing & JPutt927 1 Figure Pigs stacked C1.png
1x Pig for each player
Token Race2Rich stacked.png
36x Race to Riches (12x Road, 12x Cloister, 12x City)
Pig Race to Riches to be updated -
The Gambling (Aenima) C1 Aenima 2 Figure DiceGame.png
9x Dice of Carcassonne - Dice Game
Symbol Gambling.png The Gambling to be updated -
Buried Treasure C1 frankdux 8 Token BuriedTreasure Treasure.png
9x Treasure
Token BuriedTreasure Dirt.png
11x Dirt
Buried Treasure to be updated -
Bifröst & Rainbows C1 Quevy 12 1x Wheater condition start (2x2)

1x Wheater condition

Figure Leprechaun.png
1x Leprechaun
Figure Bifröst.png
6x Bifröst
Token BifröstRainbow GoldPod.png
32x Gold pot
Symbol Bifröst.png Bifröst & Rainbows to be updated -
A winter without snow C1 Quevy 6 Figure Gingerbreadman.png
1x Gingerbread man
Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png A winter without snow to be updated -
Carcassonne Central Competitions Tiles update 08.11.2015 aka Yellow Abbey C1 Quevy 5 Token Competition Wine.png
1x Wine
Symbol YellowAbbey.png The Yellow Abbey to be updated -
The Legend of Lady Carcas C1 Dragonlord 20 Figure LadyCarcas.png
1x Lady Carcas
Figure StrawKnights stacked.png
5x Straw Knight for each player
Figure Pigs stacked C1.png
1x Pig for each player
The Legend of Lady Carcas to be updated -
Sailing the Seas C1 C1 Squiffything 60 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Die.png
1x Die (1-6)
Figure SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player as alternative for token
Token SailingTheSea Treasure.png
24x Treasure Chest
Token SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player
Sailing the Seas
Sailing the Seas Rules
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated Die Küste

The Coast

Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes C1 C1 Wolnic 40 Token SailingTheSea Trade C1.png
40x Trade
Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes C1
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes C2 C2 Wolnic 40 Token SailingTheSea Trade C1.png
40x Trade
Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes C2
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Sailing the Seas C2 C2 Wolnic 60 Figure Dragon.png
1x Dragon
Figure Die.png
1x Die (1-6)
Figure SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player as alternative for token
Token SailingTheSea Treasure.png
24x Treasure Chest
Token SailingTheSea Ship stacked.png
3x Ship for each player
Sailing the Seas Rules
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated Die Küste

The Coast

Catch of the Day C1/C2 Wolnic 9 Token SailingTheSea Crab.png
10x Crab
Catch of the Day
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated Die Küste

The Coast

The Hunting Forest C2 Wolnic 14 Token HuntingForest.png
14x Wild Boar
The Hunting Forest
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
The New Forest aka Woodcutters C2 Wolnic 115 Token Timber!.png
12x Wood
Tiles Part 1
Tiles Part 2
Tiles Part 3
to be updated -
Pig on a Pedestal C2 Wolnic 14 Token PigOnAPedestral stacked.png
1x Statue for each player
Symbol PigOnAPedestral.png Pig on a Pedestal to be updated -
The Libraries C1 PresetM 32 Token Library.png
21x Book
Symbol Libraries.png Die Bibliotheken to be updated -
Dragon Killers C1/C2/WD Oldbonz & Meepledrone 15 1x Princess Figure Die.png
1x Die
Symbol DragonKillers.png Dragon Killers to be updated -
Dragon Nests C1/C2/WD Oldbonz & Meepledrone 6 Token DragonEgg.png
28x Dragon egg
Symbol DragonNest.png Dragon Nests to be updated -
Wanderers & Myths C1 Karel Koplík 99 Token Meal.png
24x Meal
Wanderers & Myths to be updated -
The Plague C2 PresetM 6 Token Plague Flea C2.png
18x Flea
Token Plague Outbreak stacked C2.png
6x Outbreak
Symbol Spielbox.png The Plague Rules
The Plague Tiles
to be updated -
City on Fire C1 Palkan 12 Token Trebuchet Trebuchet.png
12x Trebuchet
Token Trebuchet CityOnFire.png
24x City on fire
Symbol CityFire.png City on Fire
German Rules
to be updated -
The Alchemist C1/C2 Meepledrone 6 Figure Alchemist.png
1x Alchemist
Token Alchemist Elements stacked.png
24x Alchemist Symbols (6x earth, 6x air, 6x water, 6x fire)
Token Alchemist PhilosopherStone.png
1x Philosopher stone
Symbol Alchemist.png The Alchemist to be updated -
The Druid C1 kettlefish 6 Figure Druide.png
1x Druid
to be updated -
Golden Eggs C1 Fritz_Spinne 8 16x Golden Egg[4] Golden Eggs to be updated -
The Dragon Flowers of Carcassonne C1 Fritz_Spinne 12 12x field Figure Die.png
16x Die (1-6)
Figure DieDragon.png
1x Die (1x Dragon, 5x empty)
Dragon Flowers to be updated -
Demons in Carcassonne C1 Murphy013 4 Figure Demons stacked.png
1x Demon for each player
Figure Discs stacked.png
1x coloured disc for each player
Demons in Carcassonne to be updated -
The Gambling (invinitas) C1 invinitas 1 yes Das Glücksspiel to be updated Incomplete, only draft rules
The Rainbow C1 invinitas 6 File:Token Rainbow GoldPod.png
6x Pot of Gold
Symbol TheRainbow.png Der Regenbogen to be updated -
Robin Hood C1 invinitas 1 2x Robin Hood[4] Robin Hood to be updated -
Snow Queen WD PresetM 6 0 Figure IceQueen.png
1x Snow queen
Schneekönigin to be updated -
The Summer Gingerbread Man C1 Quevy 6 Win gbm gingerbreadMan.png
1x Gingerbread Man
Der Sommer Lebkuchenmann to be updated Die Räuber

The Robbers

The Painter C1 Ratz65 12 6x Portrait Figure Painter stacked.png
1x Painter for each player
Figure Die red.png
42x red dice
Figure Die yellow.png
42x yellow dice
Figure Die blue.png
42x blue dice
Figure Die white.png
14x white dice
Figure Die green.png
14x green dice
Figure Die black.png
14x black dice
Figure Die purple.png
14x purple dice
Figure Die orange.png
14x orange dice
48x Cover Tiles
to be updated -
The Abbot C1 PresetM 20 0 Figure Abbots stacked.png
1x Abbot for each player
The Abbot to be updated -
Riverboats & The Whirlpool C1 Just a Bill 12 Figure Boats stacked.png
1x Riverboat for each player
Symbol Whirlpool.png Riverboats & The Whirlpool to be updated -
Carcassonne's Dracula C1 Carcatronn 24 Token Dracula WoodStake.png
6x Wooden Stake
Carcassonne's Dracula to be updated -
The Winter Coast & Catch of the day WD Wolnic 49 Token SailingTheSea Crab.png
10x Crab
Winter Coast & Catch of the day
Hi-Res Winter Coast Sheet 1
Hi-Res Winter Coast Sheet 2
Hi-Res Tiles Catch of the day 1-4
Hi-Res Tiles Catch of the day Tiles 5-8
to be updated -
Olive Tree Orchards C1 Welli Designs 27 Token OliveTreeOrchard.png
18x Olive
Olive Tree Orchard to be updated -
The Necromancer C1 Wicke 4 File:Figure Necromacer.png
1x Necromancer
Figure Count white.png
1x Prince By-Tor
Figure Sheep2.png
1x Snow dog
The Necromancer to be updated -
Keep C1 Gamemai 1 1x Keep n/a to be updated -
Crusades and representatives of the people C1 lrv 19 1x Crossing Priest[4]
3x Representative of the people[4]
Crusades and representatives of the people to be updated -
Captains & Spies C2 Servius Sertorius & Meepledrone 30 1x Captain for each player
Figure Die.png
1x Die
Captains & Spies to be updated -
The Mill & Beekeeper C1/C2 Carcassonne93 31 1x Beekeeper[4] for each player 25x Comb
6x Salt
2x Windmill for each player
The Mill & The Beekeeper to be updated -
Woodlands C1 Scott 30 0 Woodlands to be updated -
Komikante C1 Fritz_Spinne 12 0 Kombikante to be updated -
Extra Tunnel Tile C1 Cosalo 1 0 Symbol Spielbox.png Extra Tunnel Karte to be updated -
Ramparts C1 Guido Kämmer 24 Ramparts
CarcF download
to be updated -
River System C1 Guido Kämmer 10 1 additional tile to integrate lake River system
CarcF download
to be updated -
UFO C1 Chris Morse 2 UFO to be updated -
Vanilla C1 Novelty 12 Vanilla to be updated -
Thanksgiving 2008 C1 Novelty 12 Thanksgiving 2008 to be updated -
Winter 2008 C1 Novelty 12 Winter 2008 to be updated -
Math Guy Gamma C1 mathguy89 12 Symbol MathguyGamma.png Math Guy Gamma to be updated -
Math Guy 2008 C1 mathguy89 12 Math Guy 2008 to be updated -
Math Guy 89 C1 mathguy89 12 Math Guy 89 to be updated -
Perky Dragons & Taverns C1 scotty13 & Lardarse 12 Perky Dragons & Taverns to be updated -
Wheel of Fortune Extras C1 JPutt927 15 Wheel of Fortune Extras to be updated -
Cities by the River C1 Leven 24 Cities by the River to be updated -
Crop Circle Advent Calendar C1 Quevy 6 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Crop Circle Advent Calendar to be updated -
Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I C1 Fritz_Spinne 11 Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I to be updated -
I&C and T&B Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I C1 Quevy 4 I&C and T&B Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I to be updated -
Tiles holiday winter 2015 2016 C1 Quevy 2 Tiles holiday winter 2015 2016 to be updated -
Coastal Forests C1/C2 Wolnic 20 Coastal Forests to be updated -
Fluvium C2 Wolnic 15 Symbol Fluvium.png Fluvium
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
CatharSiege C1 Scott 4 Symbol Cathars C1.png CatharSiege to be updated -
La Porxada Remastered C1 JPutt927 2 Symbol LaPorxada.png La Porxada Remastered to be updated -
Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes Extra C1/C2 Wolnic 10 Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes Extra
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Sailing The Seas: Coastal Reefs C1/C2 Wolnic 8 Sailing The Seas: Coastal Reefs
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Sailing the Seas - Extra C1/C2 Wolnic 8 Sailing the Seas - Extra to be updated -
Halflings - The missing tiles C1 Darwin 96 Halflings - The missing tiles to be updated -
Castles on the River C1 Wolnic 8 Symbol CastlesRiver.png Castles on the River to be updated -
Divided Cities C1 Fährmann 9 Divided Cities to be updated -
Dairies - C2 milk bucket tiles C2 Wolnic 20 Symbol MilkBucket.png Dairies - Milk Bucket tiles to be updated -
Hungarian Castles C1 Ramachandra 6 Symbol HungarianCastles.png Hungarian Castles to be updated -
Deco Tiles C1 ? 6 Symbol Deco.png Deco tiles to be updated -
Circles in the Forest C1 Leven 24 Circles in the Forest to be updated -
Farmers Heaven C1 Murphy013 24 Farmers Heaven to be updated -
The Monastery on the River C1 Zotto 1 0 Das Kloster am Fluss to be updated -
Map Benelux Cities C2 PresetM 8 Map Benelux Cities to be updated -
The Night Watcher C1 Violet 2 Der Nachtwächter to be updated -
Moated castle C1 Trebuchet 0 1x Moated castle Moted Castle to be updated -
Kloster Banz C1 KlausiMausi 1 Symbol KlosterBanz.png Kloster Banz to be updated -
Under the Big Top C1 PhilippJConrad 20 Symbol UnderTheBigTop C2.png Under the Big Top to be updated -
Alternate Starting tiles C1 Cianopanza 11 Symbol MOS.png Alternate Stating Tiles to be updated -
The Frontier C1 jeRm! 31 The Frontier to be updated -
Map France Cities C2 PresetM 8 Map France Cities to be updated -
Fish Huts V2 CII C2 Wolnic 12 Fish Huts V2 CII to be updated -
The Cursed Pennant C1 Dave 4 The Cursed Pennant to be updated -
Winter on the Other Side of the Mountains C1 Wolnic 40 n/a to be updated -
City Tableaux C1 Wolnic 0 8 3x3 City tableaus City Tableaux Part1
City Tableaux Part2
to be updated -
Farmer's Happiness 1 C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
Farmer's Happiness 2 C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
Forest by the River C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
The City and Lake Connection C1 Zotto 12 n/a to be updated -
The City and Mountain Connection C1 Zotto 12 n/a to be updated -
The City, Lake and Mountain Connection C1 Zotto 12 n/a to be updated -
The River (PC) C1 Koch Media 12 n/a to be updated -
The Winery C1 Welli Designs 3 The Winery to be updated -
The Sunflower Fields C1 Welli Designs 8 The Sunflower Fields to be updated -
Seven Sins/Virtues C1 Dave 14 Sevens Sins/Virtues to be updated -
The Ruines C1 The Juts 12 The Ruines to be updated -
The Lighthouse Guard C1 The Juts 24 The Lighthouse Guard to be updated -
No Barter, Produce C1 Dave 12 No Barter, Produce to be updated -
Melon Fields C1 Welli Designs 9 Melonfields to be updated -
The Relics C1 Whaleyland 12 The Relics to be updated -
The Sorcerers C1 Ailurus 6 Symbol Sorcerer.png The Sorcerers to be updated -
Manors C1 JPutt927 8 Manors to be updated -
Wind Rose English C1 JPutt927 14 Wind Rose English to be updated -
Wind Rose River C1 Leven 1 Wind Rose River to be updated -
? C1 ? 4 n/a to be updated -
The Mills C1 ? 4 n/a to be updated -
Fiance C1 ? 5 n/a to be updated -
Riches For Priesthood C1 Olivier Taschereau 17 1x High Priest n/a to be updated -
Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes WD WD Wolnic 15 Sailing The Seas: Trade Routes WD
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Double sided tiles C1 frankdux 0 4 double sided tiles Symbol DoubleSidedTiles.png Double sided tiles to be updated -
Map Great Britain Cities C2 PresetM 10 Map Great Britain Cities to be updated -
Mud Pools and Hot Springs C2 Wolnic 3 Symbol BarberSurgeons C2.png Mud Pools & Hot Springs to be updated -
Sakura C2 Wolnic 6 Symbol Sakura.png Sakura to be updated -
The Labyrinths C2 MarkosBoss 2 The Labyrinths to be updated -
The City Gates V1 C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 24 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png City Gates V1 to be updated -
The City Gates V2 C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 29 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png City Gates V2 to be updated -
The City Gates II C1 Fritz_Spinne & PresetM 24 0 Symbol CityGates C1.png City Gates II to be updated -
The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcC C1 JPutt927 9 0 FortuneTeller JPutt927 Symbol.png Fortune Teller to be updated -
The Fortune Teller HiG C1/C2 JPutt927 8 0 Symbol FortuneTeller C1C2.png n/a to be updated -
The Watchtowers C1 PresetM 12+2 0 Symbol Watchtowers C1C2.png The watchtowers to be updated -
The Fortune Teller JPutt927 CarcF C1 JPutt927 8 0 CarcF Download to be updated -
The Medieval Expansion
* In the Stocks
* The Gallows
* Jousting Tournament
* The Order of Chivalry
C1 Joff

The Medieval Expansion
German Rules
to be updated -
Forests C1 Scott & Novelty 150 0 Forests
German Rules
to be updated -
Wild Boars C1 Calvin Daniels & KlausiMausi 9 0 Symbol WildBoars.png Wild Boars to be updated -
Merry Man C1 Novelty 10 0 1x Outlaw Merry Men
German Rules
to be updated -
Green Dragon C1 Novelty & Scott 60 0 Green Dragon
German Rules
to be updated -
Log Cabins C1 Novelty 12 0 Log Cabins
German Rules
to be updated -
Evergreen Forest C1 Novelty 45 0 Evergreen Forest
German Rules
to be updated -
Forest Fire C1 JPutt927 1 0 Forest Fire
German Rules
to be updated -
The Little Forest C1 Quevy 12 0 The Little Forest
German Rules
to be updated -
Mountains C1 Scott & Novelty 45 0 Mountains
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
Dragon's Lair C1 Scott & Novelty 27 0 Dragon's Lair
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
High Places C1 Novelty 36 0 High Places
CarcF rules & tiles
to be updated -
Pyrénées C1 Quevy 21 0 Pyrénées
German Rules & new tiles
to be updated -
The Foot Hills - Part 1 C1 TheSteveAllen 30 0 The Foothills - Part 1 to be updated -
The Ocean - Men of the Sea C1 Skipboris 44 0 Symbol Ocean2009.png Men of the Sea
German Rules
to be updated -
The Ocean - Deltas C1 Skipboris 12 0 Symbol Deltas.png The Ocean - Deltas
German Rules
to be updated -
Taxes & Tolls C1 Quevy 8 0 Symbol TaxesAndTolls.png Taxes & Tolls
German Rules (draft)
to be updated -
Vineyards C1 Novelty & Gwommy 6 0 Symbol Vineyards.png Vineyards
German Rules
to be updated -
Wheat Fields C1 Chris Lynn & Novelty 12 0 Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png Wheat Fields
German Rules
to be updated -
Wells C1 Meepleater 12 0 Wells
German Rules
to be updated -
Wells II C2 Wolnic 15 0 Wells II
German Rules
to be updated -
Fountain of Youth C1 Meepleater 12 0 Symbol FountainOfYouth.png Fountain of Youth to be updated -
Whispering Woods C1 Novelty 60 0 Whispering Woods
German Rules
to be updated -
Waterfalls C1 Hester 3 0 Waterfalls to be updated -
Waterfalls 2 C1 Quevy 18 0 CarcF Download
Swan Lake
to be updated -
Swan Lake C1 Novelty 15 0 Swan Lake
Germal Rules
to be updated -
Fishermen C1 Novelty 60 0 Fishermen
German Rules
to be updated -
Angler and Fish Farms C1 Novelty 2 0 1x Angler Angler & Fish Farms
German Rules
to be updated -
Fish Huts V2 C1 Novelty 12 0 Fish Huts V2
German Rules
to be updated -
Kettle of Fish C1 Novelty 30 0 8x Fish Kettle of Fish
German Rules
to be updated -
Trifecta C1 Novelty 12 0 Trifecta to be updated -
Tributaries C1 ? 24 0 Tributaries to be updated -
Lord of the Ring: Fellowship of the Ring C1 Meepleater 12 0 Fellowship of the Ring
German Rules
to be updated -
Railroads C1 Matthias Hecking 33 0 Railroads
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Fish Huts V1 aka Fisherman's Cottage C1 Jörg Krühne 5 0 Fish Huts V1
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Loggers and Millers C1 Steffen Reichel 12 0 Loggers and Millers to be updated -
Laborer and Mendicant C1 Christoph Berger 0 0 1x Laborer

1x Mendicant

Laborer and Mendicant to be updated -
Forest C1 Guntram Engelhardt 36 0 Forest to be updated -
More River Tiles aka New River Tiles C1 Martin Storbeck 12 0 New River Tiles to be updated -
New Tiles C1 Guido Kämmer 24 0 New Tiles to be updated -
More New Tiles C1 Gerry 6 0 More New Tiles to be updated -
Butterfly tiles C1 Benjamin Stengel & Stephan Harms 16 0 Butterfly tiles to be updated -
All the Rest of the Tiles C1 notsewkram 250 0 Symbol AllTheRest.png All the Rest of the Tiles
Single tiles
to be updated -
Family Feud V1 C1 Frédérick Renaud & Novelty 30 0 Family Feud V1
CarcF Downloand
to be updated -
Family Feud JPutty927 C1 JPutt927 27 0 Symbol FamiliyFeudJPutty927.png Family Feud JPutt927 to be updated -
Archery Tournament C1 Scott 1 0 Archery Tournament
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Breweries V1.1 C1 Meepleater 12 0 Symbol Breweries 1.1.png Breweries V1.1
German Rules
to be updated -
Wine Merchant C1 loganmann1 12 0 Wine Merchant
German Rules
to be updated -
Barriers & City Walls C1 Gwommy 12 0 Barriers & City Walls
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Drought & Pestilence C1 Novelty 6 0 Drought & Pestilence
German Rules
to be updated -
Marketplace C1 Scott 2 0 Marketplace
German Rules
to be updated -
Corn Circles 3 C1 Hawkinsssable 6 0 Corn Circles 3
German Rules
to be updated -
Brick Masons C1 Carcassonne Central collaborative expansion 4 0 Symbol BrickMason.png Brick Masons
German Rules
to be updated -
Troubadours C1 JPutt927 9 0 Symbol Troubadours.png Troubadours
German Rules
to be updated -
The King's Gate C1 CKorfmann & JPutt927 2 0 The King's Gate
German Rule
to be updated -
Stained Glass C1 Trebuchet 0 0 24x Stained glass Stained Glass
German Rule
to be updated -
Ghettos C1 Novelty 0 0 6x Ghetto Ghettos
German Rule
to be updated -
City Council C1 Gwommy & Novelty 6 0 5x Veto Symbol CityCouncil.png City Council
German Rule
to be updated -
Labyrinth C1 CARC_Zoner 4 0 Labyrinth
German Rules
to be updated -
Sentinel C1 chrallan 0 0 1x Sentinel Sentinel
German Rules
to be updated -
Dirt Roads C1 Welli Designs 12 0 Dirt Roads
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Crater C1 Trebuchet 1 0 Crater
German Rules
to be updated -
Lord of the Manor C1 Scott 4 0 Lord of the Manor
CarF Download
to be updated -
Incarcerated C1 Novelty 6 0 Incarcerated
German Rules
to be updated -
By Order of the King C1 JPutt927 0 0 96x playing cards By Order of the King
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Trebuchet C1 Trebuchet 12 0 Trebuchet
German Rule
to be updated -
Villages C1 Carcassonne Central collaborative expansion 12 0 Villages
German Rule
to be updated -
Reservoirs & Granaries C1 Meepleater 18 0 Symbol ReservoirsGranaries.png Reservoirs & Granaries
German Rule
to be updated -
Castle lords C1 Trebuchet 4 0 Castle Lords
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Upper Carcassonne C1 Gwommy 6 0 Upper Carcassonne
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Foreign Traders C1 Gwommy & Novelty 6 0 Foreign Traders
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Abbot (aka Cloister-ville) C1 BT 6 0 The Abbot
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Roman Road & Roman Temple C1 Novelty & JPutt927 2 0 Roman Road & Roman Temple
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Lakelands C1 Guido Kämmer 48 Lakeland
CarcF download
to be updated -
Way through the City C1 Silvio Schumacher 2 CarcF Weg durch die Stadt
Carcassonne-Welt Download
to be updated -
The Beggars C1 Marcus Gwiasda 12 Die Bettler to be updated -
The Landowners C1 Marcus Gwiasda 2 Die Großgrundbesitzer to be updated -
Military Buildup C1 Dieter „Belushi“ Rausch 0 6x Military Buildup Carcassonne-Welt Download
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Conquerors V1 C1 Dieter „Belushi“ Rausch 9 Carcassonne-Welt Download
to be updated -
The Conquerors V2 C1 Dieter „Belushi“ Rausch & Seli 9 Die Eroberer V2 to be updated -
The Conquerors WD WD Dieter „Belushi“ Rausch & Seli 9 Die Eroberer WD to be updated -
Dragon Riders and Slayers C1 jeRm! 15 Dragon Riders and Slayers
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Presidium C1 jeRm! 0 1x Presidium Presidium
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Shepherds C1 LittleMisfit 0 Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcC Download
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Quests C1 LittleMisfit 0 6x Quest Quests
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Mating Meeples C1 LittleMisfit 0 Mating Meeples
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Court Jester (Kevin Graham) C1 LittleMisfit 0 CarcF Download to be updated -
Dragon C1 LittleMisfit 0 Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Bribes C1 LittleMisfit 0 Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Size does matter C1 LittleMisfit 0 Size does matter
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Mobile Knights C1 LittleMisfit 0 Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Invading Cities C1 LittleMisfit 0 Kevins Carcassonne Variants
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Bonus Tiles C1 LittleMisfit 0 16x Bonus Bonus Tiles
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Designer Cities C1 LittleMisfit 0 9x Landscape (3x3) Designer Cities
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Dragon Slayer C1 LittleMisfit 0 Dragon Slayer
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Markets C1 LittleMisfit 0 CarcF Download to be updated Händler & Baumeister

Trader & Builders

Outpost C1 Novelty 16 Outposts
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Labyrinths (stalcupojoy) C1 Stalcupojoy 3 Symbol Labyrinth.png The Labyrinths (BGG)
The Labyrinths
to be updated -
Storehouses and Paths C1 jeRm! 15 Storehouse and Paths to be updated -
The Bountiful Harvest C1 Wolnic 9 Symbol BountifulHarvest.png The Bountiful Harvest
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Friar & Farmhand C1 Scott & Christoph Berger 0 1x Friar

1x Farmhand

Friar and Farmhand
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
Market Commons C1 Novelty & Jabberwocky 2 Market Commons to be updated -
The Well & The Donkey C1 jeRm! 10 The Well & The Donkey to be updated -
The Well & The Donkey Remastered C1 huhsak 10 The Well & The Donkey Remastered to be updated -
Father Time C1 Carcking & Collaborativ 0 19x Father Time Father Time to be updated -
Stone Walls C1 Carcking & Solazy & Collaborativ 36 tiles for additional expansions contains Stone Walls to be updated -
The Guilds C1 Scott 12 The Guilds to be updated -
The King's Passing C1 JPutt927 6 1x King's passing tracker board

10x King's Passing

Symbol KingsPassing.png The King's Passing to be updated -
Bastions C1 Leven 11 1x Roval Archer Bastions to be updated -
Horses C1 frankdux 4 Horses to be updated -
Industries C1 Luke Tubbs & Giles Smith 12 Symbol Industries.png Industries to be updated -
The Coast C1 C1 Wolnic 40 The Coast C1 to be updated -
The Coast C2 C2 Wolnic 40 The Coast C2 to be updated -
The Winter Coast WD Wolnic 40 The Winter-Coast to be updated -
Sailing The Seas: Reefs C1/C2 Wolnic 20 Sailing The Seas : Reefs
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Cliffs & Waterfalls C1 C1 Wolnic 30 Symbol CliffsWaterfall.png Cliffs & Waterfalls to be updated -
Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 C2 Wolnic 45 Cliffs and Waterfalls (C2 version)
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Stone Circles and Ley Lines C1/C2 Wolnic 8 Stone Circles
Hi-Res Tiles
to be updated -
Bandit Camp C1/C2/WD Oldbonz & Meepledrone 6 1x Bandit Symbol BanditCamp.png Bandit Camp to be updated -
The Autumn Forest C2 Wolnic 60 The Autumn Forest to be updated -
Cities By the Sea C2 Wolnic 15 Cities by the Sea to be updated -
Coastal Tiles - The Ports C2 Oldbonz & Meepledrone 6 Symbol CoastalTiles.png Coastal Tiles - The Ports to be updated -
The Long Tunnel C1 Oliver Perialis 4 n/a to be updated -
Kingdoms C1 Astargoth 0 1x Palace for each player Symbol Kingdoms.png Kingdoms to be updated -
The Thieves' Road C1/C2 Wolnic 6 The Thieves Road to be updated -
Celestial Events C1/C2 Crinstinfunchi & Meepledrone 6 Symbol CelesticalEvents.png Celestial Events to be updated -
The White Horse C1 FarawayPictures 4 The White Horse to be updated -
The Invasion C1 jeRm! 19 The invasion to be updated -
Phantom of the Opera C1 Wicke 0 Phantom of the Opera to be updated -
The Birds WE Wicke 0 The Birds to be updated -
The Wicker Man C1 Wicke 0 The Wicker Man to be updated -
Fox on the run WD/WE Wicke 0 Fox on the Run to be updated -
Zombies & Soldiers C1 Ted Wikström 0 Zombies & Soldiers to be updated -
Santa & Elf WD/WE Wicke 0 Santa & Elf to be updated -
Dairies aka Wheel of Cheese C1/C2 mPony 6 Symbol WheelCheese.png Dairies aka Wheel of Cheese to be updated -
Bishops & Dioceses C1 Jonathan Brown 0 Bishops & Dioceses to be updated -
The Pirate Coast C1 Hawkinsssable 43 Pirate Coast to be updated -
The Cliffs C1 Hawkinsssable 20 The Cliffs to be updated -
The Caverns of Carcassonne C1 Just a Bill 16 Symbol Caverns.png The Caverns of Carcassonne to be updated -
Metropolis C1 Friedrich Scholta 0 n/a to be updated -
The Winter Abbey C1 Whaleyland 6 The Winter Abbey to be updated -
The Faerie Circles C1 Whaleyland 6 The Faerie Circles to be updated -
Inquisition & Storm C1 ? 14 10x Event n/a to be updated -
Carousels C1 Leven 4 2 tiles for determining the initial and keeping track of the current turn order Symbol Carousels.png Carousels to be updated -
Seasons C2 C2 TheSteveAllen 12 1x Season Tracker Board

47x Seasons condition 1x Current Season clock

Symbol Seasons C1.png Seasons C2 to be updated -
Walpurgis Night C1 Violet 12 Walpurgis Night to be updated -
Witch craft C1 Zotto 12 Symbol WitchCraft.png Witch Craft to be updated -
Double or Nothing C1 invinitas 12 Double or nothing to be updated -
The Great Pumpkin C1 kettlefish 8 4x Pumpkin-Event

8x Pumpkin Scoring

Der große Kürbis to be updated -
The Farmers Markets of Carcassonne C1 Fritz_Spinne 6 Die Bauernmärkte von Carcassonne to be updated -
Pope & Devil C1 Fritz_Spinne 0 1x Pope

1x Devil

Papst & Teufel to be updated -
Circus (Zotto) C1 Zotto 6 Rules
to be updated -
Prayers Labyrinth C1 Joshx 2 0 Prayer Labyrinth
Improved tiles by CarcF
to be updated -
The Hills of Carcassonne C1 PresetM 3 0 Die Hügel von Carcassonne to be updated Remake of "The Mountains"
The Robbers of Carcassonne C1 eurojo 0 The Robbers of Carcassonne to be updated Die Räuber

The Robbers

The Heretic C1 bassdachs 0 1x Heretic Der Ketzer to be updated -
6 Cloisters aren't enough! C1 Safari 0 6 Klöster sind nicht genug! to be updated -
Wheel of Fortune 3x3, 2x2 C1 Telecaster 0 Wheel of Fortune 3x3, 2x2 to be updated -
Catapults of Carcassonne C1 eurojo & Johannes Hoppstädter 12 Die Katapulte von Carcassonne to be updated -
European Nobility C1 Stahlfaust 4 Europäischer Adel to be updated -
The Breweries of Carcassonne C1/C2 Ratz65 12 Symbol BreweriesOfCarcassonne.png Die Brauerein von Carcassonne to be updated -
Chapels and Monastery Gardens C1 Fährmann 3 Kapellen und Klostergärten to be updated -
Wells in a Roundabout C1 Fährmann 31 Wells in Roundabout to be updated -
Wells in a Roundabout - Bouns Tiles C1 Fährmann 17 Wells in Roundabout - Bouns Tiles to be updated -
Watchtower with flags - Bonus Tiles C1 Fährmann 22 Watchtower with flags - Bonus tiles to be updated -
County Paths C1 Fährmann 32 County Paths to be updated -
Roads through Cities C1 Fährmann 14 Roads Through Cities to be updated -
The Mists of Carcassonne C1 Fährmann ? The Mists of Carcassonne to be updated -
The River & The Count of Carcassonne C1 Seli 8 The River & The Count of Carcassonne to be updated -
The Abbot & The Flower Gardens C1 PresetM 18 0 Symbol Abbot C2.png The Abbot & The Flower Gardens Rules
to be updated -
The Abbot & The Herb Gardens C1 PresetM 18 0 Symbol Abbot C2.png The Abbot & The Herb Gardens Rules
to be updated -
The Abbot & The Fruit Gardens C1 PresetM 18 0 Symbol Abbot C2.png The Abbot & The Fruit Gardens Rules
to be updated -
The Gardener Women C1 PresetM 18 0 Symbol GardenerWoman.png The Gardener Women
to be updated -
Free City C1/C2 redhairmax 1 0 Free city to be updated -
The Paramour of Carcassonne C1/C2 Ratz65 12 0 Symbol Buhlerin.png Die Buhlerin von Carcassonne
to be updated -
The Flags C1 irv 6 0 The flags to be updated -
Curse of Lake, Forest and Mountains C1 ? ? ? n/a to be updated -
Random Creativity C1 LRV 20 0 Rules & Tiles to be updated -
The Tinkers C1 Ratz65 12 The Tinkers to be updated -
GQ 11/06 C2 Ratz65 12 GQ 11 to be updated -
Green Dragon C2 Wolnic 15 The Green Dragon to be updated -
The Fairy Queen & Prince C1 jeRm! 5 The Fairy Queen & Prince to be updated -
Advisors C1 spacewolf009 0 8x Advisor card Advisor to be updated -
Dungeons & Peddlers C1 Runtu 45 Dungeons & Peddlers to be updated -
Solomo C1 Decar 0 Solomo to be updated -
Champions & Keep C1 Lamina 8 Chamions & Keep to be updated -
The Three Musketeers C1 Gwommy 0 0 The Three Musketeers
CarcF Download
to be updated Requires Abbey & Mayor
Invasion of Catharism C1 Joff 0 Invasion of Catharism
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Miner & Underminer C1 CARC_Zoner 0 Invasion of Catharism
CarcF Download
to be updated -
Go with the Wind C1 Leven 5 1 Go with the Wind
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Bandit C1 Big Guy 0 The Bandit
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Counting House C1 CarcKing 0 The Counting house
CarcF Download
to be updated -
The Foreman of the Tower C1 Big Guy 0 The Foreman of the tower
CarcF Rules
to be updated -
The Knave of Carcassonne C1 Decar 0 The Knave of Carcassonne to be updated -
The Abbot's Walk C1 Decar 0 The Abbots walk to be updated -
El Juglar C1 Nick Leonard 0 El Juglar to be updated -
Barns Revisted C1 frankdux 0 Barns Revisted to be updated -
Catapult Catch C1 CarcKing 0 Catapult Catch to be updated -
Signposts and the Château C1 Just a Bill 12 Symbol Signposts.png Signposts & the Château to be updated -
The Übertiles C1 Just a Bill 0 Symbol Übertiles.png The Übertiles to be updated -
County paths (Advent calendar 2016) C1 Fährmann 9 n/a to be updated -
The Groves C1 Leven 4 Symbol Groves.png The Groves to be updated -
Wells in a roundabout (Advent calendar 2016) C1 Fährmann 9 n/a to be updated -
The German Time Machines (Advent calendar 2016) C1 Decar 0 5x Time Machine n/a to be updated -
Close the Gap C1 Hans Andersson 0 n/a to be updated -
The Scout C1 tdrilling 1 Symbol TheScout.png n/a to be updated -
The Groves V1.2 C1 Leven 4 The Groves V1.2 to be updated -
Campaigns C1 Whaleyland 0 The Campaigns V1.5
CarcF download for V1.0
to be updated -
Trick or Treat C1 Danisthirty 4 Trick or Treat to be updated -
Orchards : A Trade In Apples C1/C2 Wolnic 6 Symbol AppleOrchards.png Orchards: A trade in apples to be updated -
Lake, Fisherman & Lighthouse C1 Carsten Engels 24 n/a to be updated -
Landowner C1 Carsten Engels 24 n/a to be updated -
Quarter C1 Carsten Engels 4 4 double sized tiles n/a to be updated -
Lighthouse & Water C1 Marcus Müller 24 n/a to be updated -
Cliffs & Waterfalls Sheet3 C1/C2 Wolnic 20 Cliffs & Waterfalls Sheet3 to be updated -
Lifestyle C1 Tobias Stapelfeld 0 n/a to be updated Followers can be moved to other features instaed of placing a followes
New Cities C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
Rebuilding C1 Tobias Stapelfeld 0 n/a to be updated Possibilty to remove already placed tiles
New Fields C1 ? 8 n/a to be updated -
Rockfall C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
Unexpected Events C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
Forest & Marsh C1 ? 24 n/a to be updated -
The Wonders of the World C1 Zotto 12 n/a to be updated -
Castles, strongholds, towers C1 Zotto 12 n/a to be updated -
Solazy Tiles C1 Solazy 27 Solazy Tiles to be updated -
Vanguard C1 Maulei 27 Vanguard to be updated -
Pirates & Plunder C1 Robotman 90 Pirates & Plunder to be updated -
Squared Carcassonne C1 Carca_Maker & Zox 0 n/a to be updated -
Fruit Merchant C1 Itomi Bhaa 15 Fruit Merchant to be updated -
Frog Buster C1 Itomi Bhaa 12 Fruit Merchant to be updated -
Customs Officer C1 Andrea Kremers 0 n/a to be updated Followers can be used as Custom Officers
Capture C1 Martin Storbeck 0 n/a to be updated A follower can be captured when features become connected
The double-sized follower C1 Martin Storbeck 0 n/a to be updated You get double points when a feature with a big meeple is scored
The Arsonist C1 Rene Gagnon 4 Symbol Arsonist.png The Arsonist to be updated -
Lords of Winderness C1 Dragonlord 40 Lords of Wilderness to be updated -
Château de Montségur C1 Dragonlord 8 1 Château (2x2)

1 Château (2x1) 1 Château (1x1)

Symbol ChateauMontsegur.png Château de Montségur to be updated -
The Black Knight C1 Playsthething 1 The Black Knight to be updated -
The Winter River Extra Tiles WD Wolnic 12 Winter River Extra to be updated -
The Winter River WE Fenrir 20 Winter River to be updated -
Winter Edge Coast C1/WD Wolnic 4 Winter Edge Coast to be updated -
Winter Islands WD Wolnic 6 Winter Islands to be updated -
Reeve & Quartermaster C1 Gerry 0 Reeve & Quartermaster to be updated -
True North C1 Just a Bill 0 True North to be updated -
Circus C1 Sandy Knoll 1 Circus to be updated -
Fork in the road C1 Sandy Knoll 1 Fork in the Road to be updated -
Single City Tile C1 Sandy Knoll 1 Single City Tile to be updated -
Modern Marvels C1 Loganmann1 3 Modern Marvels to be updated -
Sasquatch, Time-Machine & UFO C1 Shelby Cinca 3 Symbol MiB.png Sasquatch, Time Machine & UFO to be updated -
Monasteries In Spain C1 Mas9dj & Wolnic 12 Monasteries In Spain to be updated -
Recassonne C1 Matjaž Bevk 0 Recassonne to be updated -
Communis C1 Luis Patricio 0 Communis to be updated -
Leprechaun C1 Carcatronn 12 Symbol Leprechaun.png Leprechaun to be updated -
Dignitaries C1 Meepleater 0 Dignitaries to be updated -
Pick up & Deliver C1 Ariel Claure 0 n/a to be updated -
Visitors of Carcassonne C1 Guthrie Allen 0 n/a to be updated -
Strasbourg C1 Oliver Perialis & Michael Dörr 12/24 n/a to be updated -
Universal Connecting Bars all Seli 0 84 Bars to connect Amazonas, South Sea, Hunters & Gatherers, Carcassonne … Universal Connecting Bars to be updated -
Snow Line V1 C1/WD Zotto 0 5 Bars (4x1) to connect WD & Carcassonne Snow Line V1 to be updated -
Snow Line V2 C1/WD Zotto 0 4 Bars (5x1) to connect WD & Carcassonne n/a to be updated -
Connection Tiles Summer-Winter C1/WD KlausiMausi 15 to be updated -
Connection Tiles Summer-Winter C1/WE Zotto 15 n/a to be updated -
The Archabbeys of Carcassonne C1 marcel54321 2 Symbol ArchAbbeys.png Die Erzabteien von Carcassonne to be updated -
The Shop C1 ? ? n/a to be updated -
Events of Carcassonne C1 Bockspiele ? n/a to be updated -
Pennants of Carcassonne C1 Bockspiele ? n/a to be updated -
The Shepherds and The Angel WW Seli 0 n/a to be updated -
The 3 Holy Kings WD Seli 4 1 Double tile The 3 Holy Kings to be updated -
The shepherds visit the Christ Child WD Fritz_Spinne & Seli 0 1 Double tile The shepherds visit the Christ Child to be updated -
Czech religious buildings C1 ? 5 n/a to be updated -
Player player C1 ? 14 n/a to be updated -
Warehouses & pathways C1 ? 20 n/a to be updated -
Mr. Pernicek (Gingerbread man) C1 Chmura 6 Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png n/a to be updated -
Free as a bird C1 Sleepy 12 n/a to be updated -
Mrs Gingerbread Hut C1 pet'ful 9 n/a to be updated -
The Wolves C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
The Overpasses C1 Chmura 4 Symbol Overpasses.png n/a to be updated -
The Thugs C1 ? 1 n/a to be updated -
Pirates of Carcassonne C1 ? 5 n/a to be updated -
The Bridges C1 Chmura 22 Symbol LongBridges.png n/a to be updated -
The Sorcerer C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
The Stone Circle C1 ? 12 n/a to be updated -
The White Horse C1 ? 6 n/a to be updated -
The Well & the Donkey C1 ? 10 n/a to be updated -
The Abbot C1 Chmura 9 Symbol Abbot C2.png n/a to be updated -
Castles, Palaces and more C1 ? 27 n/a to be updated -
Cross of Peace C1 Chmura 6 Symbol Cross Piece.png n/a to be updated -
City Token C1 Chmura 0 12 City Token n/a to be updated -
Templar C1 Chmura 6 Symbol Templar.png n/a to be updated -
Herd of Cattle C1 Lemmy77 2 n/a to be updated -
The Big City C1 Lemmy77 0 n/a to be updated -
Huguenot Monastery C1 Lemmy77 1 n/a to be updated -
Hugenot Cathedral C1 Lemmy77 1 n/a to be updated -
Manufactory C1 Lemmy77 4 n/a to be updated -
Chapter C1 Lemmy77 0 n/a to be updated -
Royal Road C1 Lemmy77 1 n/a to be updated -
Master of the Ocean C2 Oldbonz 0 Master of the Ocean to be updated -
Archipel C2 Oldbonz 0 Archipel to be updated -
Fluvium 2 C2 Wolnic 15 Fluvium 2 to be updated -
The Golden Abbey C2 MarkosBoss 1 The Golden Abbey to be updated -
Castle, Forge & Marketplace C1 6 n/a to be updated -
The Cathars ( C1 4 n/a to be updated -
Monks & Heretics C1 17 n/a to be updated -
That there is food in my house C1 Meepleater 9 That there is food in my house to be updated -
Fake Tiles C1 Novelty BROKEN LINK - Fake Tiles to be updated -
Rivers & Havens C1 Manfred Stenzel 0 n/a to be updated -
Census C1 Leven 6 Symbol Census.png Census to be updated -
The Schoolhouses C1 Stalcupojoy 4 Symbol Schoolhouses.png The Schoolhouses to be updated -
Donjon C1 Swiecki 7 Symbol Donjon.png Donjon to be updated -
The Dwarf C1 Sinscerly 6 The Dwarf to be updated -
Bastides C2 Oldbonz 14 Symbol Bastides.png Bastides to be updated -
3 Barons Archipelago C2 Oldbonz 10 Symbol 3Barons.png 3 Barons Archipelago to be updated -
Archipel C2 Oldbonz 20 Symbol Archipel.png Archipel to be updated -
Portal C1 comptechgeek 2 0 Symbol Portal.png Portal to be updated -
Vistas C2 Snearone 12 0 Vistas to be updated -
New Forests: Evergreen C2 Wolnic 60ƒ 0 New forests: Evergreen to be updated Converted tiles of Evergreen forests, Woodlands and Whispering woods
Forest Fire C2 Brickmaster92 1 0 Forest Fire to be updated -
Log Cabins C2 Wolnic 12 0 Symbol LogCabin.png n/a to be updated -

  1. Shown images are taken from the rules
  2. If both CarcC and CarcF present, German site may only contain translated rules
  3. colour is randomly in the expansion and belongs to no player
  4. Jump up to: 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 There is no explicit figure shown in the rules.
  5. There is no explicit figure shown in the rules
  6. There is no explicit figure shown in the rules
  7. No image in the rules
  8. There is no explicit token shown in the rules.
  9. There is no explicit figure shown in the rules
  10. If you don't wanna use the tokens