Vistas (Fan Expansion)

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Vistas brings a new Vista feature to Carcassonne. Vista is placed on a viewpoint and is completed when 6 tiles are placed under the vista. Each different type of feature plus each visible and significant part of the landscape awards the player one point. When playing with other expansions, you can get a higher score for a completed Vista.

Other languages:
Vistas Revisited C2 02.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. Vistas C1 02.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Vistas.png

Vistas brings a new Vista feature to Carcassonne. Vista is placed on a viewpoint and is completed when 6 tiles are placed under the vista. Each different type of feature plus each visible and significant part of the landscape awards the player one point. When playing with other expansions, you can get a higher score for a completed Vista.

There is much hard work to be done in the land of Carcassonne. But it is also important that the people stop to rest and enjoy the beauty of the land around them. For it is written in the Book of Books that even God Himself stopped and "looked at everything He had made, and it was very good," and "on the seventh day He rested from all His work."

General info

Vistas fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released by Carcassonne Central members stalcupojoy (CarcC) and Snearone (CarcC, CarcCZ) who redesigned tiles into C2 style as Vistas Revisited C2.


Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.

Download(s) is/are available from the following site(s) (registration may be required):


  • 12 landscape tiles with Vista Points.



Shuffle the new land tiles in with those from the base game and stack them normally.


Vista C2.png
1. Placing a tile

Whenever you draw a tile, place it normally.

2. Placing a meeple

In addition to normal placement options, a player may deploy a meeple on the Vista Point as a Sightseer.

3. Scoring a feature

Each Vista Point faces outward toward a six-tile “Vista” area, two tiles deep and three tiles wide (see diagram) and is scored when this six-tile area is completed. This “Vista” area does not include the tile on which the Vista Point itself is located.

A Sightseer scores 1 point per type of feature in the Vista that is both “visible” and “significant.” A feature type is:

  1. Visible if it is intended as a visible part of the landscape, rather than functioning as an icon (e.g. city pennants, icons like dragon, princess etc.).
  2. Significant if it either:
    • Scores (e.g. cities, roads, gardens, fields, vista points)
    • Influences scoring (e.g. inns, cathedrals, tunnels, hills)
    • Causes an action (e.g. volcano, magic portal, bazaars)
    • Is a notable topographical feature (e.g. the river, water towers)

When not sure, check our Table of Scorable {{#nomobile:& Non scorable Features}}.

Example 1: Blue on a completed Vista Point would score for the following types of features: cities, roads, fields, garden, highwaymen, inn, crop circle, farmhouse, vista point, crossroad and river. The Sightseer scores 11 points and then return to its owner's supply.
Final Scoring

Any incomplete Vistas score 1 point per type of visible, significant feature, just as during the game.

New land tiles

The new land tiles are played like those in the base game.

Vistas Revisited C2 05.png
Continuous Road: The road does not end on this tile. Instead, it branches into 3 directions.
Vistas Revisited C2 11.png
Separate City Segments: This tile has two seperate city segments. If you place a tile with one city segment to the top of it, the city segments become connected.
Note: If you place it next to similar tile like the ones from Hills & Sheep Hills & Sheep as shown, all of the separate city segments are connected.

Other Expansions

Please select all your expansions to show only interactions related to you. All other interactions are hidden.

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Scorable & Non scorable Features

Rule of thumb: Every feature which is scoreable or significant as described in 3. Scoring a feature

This table is dynamic and contains features depends on selected expansions.

ExpansionScorableNot scorable
Base GameBase GameCityBase Game C2 Tile C.jpgCoat of ArmsIcon Pennant blue white C2.png
RoadFeature Road C2.png
MonasteryFeature Monastery C2.png
FieldFeature Field C2.png
Village / CrossroadFeature Village C2.png Feature Crossroad C2.png
FarmhouseFeature Farmhouse C2.png
HighwaymenFeature Highwayman C2.png
ShedsFeature Sheds C2.png
Water TowerFeature WaterTower C2.png
The AbbotThe AbbotGardenFeature Garden C2.png
RiverRiverRiver SegmentsFeature River Segments C2.png
Large Expansions
Exp. 1 - Inns & CathedralsExp. 1 - Inns & CathedralsCathedralFeature Cathedral C2.png
InnFeature Inn C2.png
Exp. 2 - Traders & BuildersExp. 2 - Traders & BuildersGoods SymbolsFeature Goods Symbols C2.png
Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonMagic PortalFeature MagicPortal C2.pngPrincess SymbolFeature Princess C2.png
VolcanoFeature Volcano C2.pngDragon SymbolFeature Dragon C2.png
Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The TowerTower Foundation (including tower floors)Feature Tower C2.png
Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & MayorAbbeyAbbey And Mayor C2 Tile A.jpg
Exp. 6 - Count, King & RobberExp. 6 - Count, King & RobberCity of CarcassonneCount Of Carcassonne C2 Feature Tiles.png
River Segments
(including River Source, River Fork and River Lake)
Feature River Segments C2.png
Feature River Fork C2.png
ShrineFeature Shrine C2.png
Exp. 7 - The CatapultExp. 7 - The CatapultCatapult FairFeature Fair C1.png
Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsBazaarFeature Bazaar C2.png
BridgeFigure Bridge.png
CastleToken Castle C2.png
Exp. 9 - Hills & SheepExp. 9 - Hills & SheepHillFeature Hill C2.pngDivided RoadFeature Divided Road C2.png
VineyardScoring C2 Vineyard.png
Exp. 10 - Under the Big TopExp. 10 - Under the Big TopAcrobat SpaceFeature Acrobat Space C2.png
Circus SpaceFeature Circus Space C2.png
Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & CemeteriesExp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & CemeteriesHaunted CastleScoring C3 Haunted Castle.pngGhostMists C3 Symbol Ghost.png
Haunted Castle RuinsFile:Feature HauntedCastleRuins C3.png
CemeteryScoring C3 Cemetery.png
MistMists C3 Tile 60.png
The Wheel of FortuneThe Wheel of FortuneWheel of FortuneWOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpgWheel symbolsWOF C1 Tile Symbols.png
Mini Expansions - Numbered
Mini #1 - The Flying MachinesMini #1 - The Flying MachinesHillFeature FlyingMachinesHill C2.pngFlying MachineLogo Flier C2.png
Mini #3 - The FerriesMini #3 - The FerriesFerry LakeFeature Ferry Lake C2.png
Mini #4 - The GoldminesMini #4 - The GoldminesGold SymbolLogo Gold C2.png
Mini #5 - Mage & WitchMini #5 - Mage & WitchMage and Witch SymbolLogo MageWitch C2.png
Mini #6 - The RobbersMini #6 - The RobbersRobber SymbolLogo Robbers C2.png
Crop CirclesCrop CirclesCrop CirclesFeature Crop Circles C2.png
Mini Expansions - Other
20th Anniversary Expansion20th Anniversary ExpansionArrow symbols20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Feature Symbols.png
The Barber-SurgeonsThe Barber-SurgeonsBathhouseFeature Bathhouse C1.png
The BetsThe BetsBetting OfficeBets C3 Feature Betting Office.png
The BesiegersThe Besiegers / The CatharsThe Cathars / SiegeSiegeCity under AttackCathars C1 04.pngCathars SymbolSymbol Cathars C1.png
Darmstadt PromoDarmstadt PromoDarmstadtiumFeature Darmstadtium C1.pngDarmstadt SymbolSymbol Darmstadt color.png
Darmstadt ChurchFeature Darmstadt Church C1.png
The DrawbridgesThe DrawbridgesDrawbridgeDrawbridges C3 Feature Drawbridge.png
The FestivalThe FestivalFestival PlaceFestival symbol.pngFestival SymbolLogo Festival10.pngLogo Festival15.png
The Fruit-Bearing TreesThe Fruit-Bearing TreesFruit-Bearing TreeScoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees.png
Games Quarterly #11Games Quarterly #11Pig-herdFeat PigHerd C1.png
River SegmentsFeature River C1.png
Castles in GermanyCastles in GermanyGerman CastleGerman Castles C2 Castle Image 04.png
German CathedralsGerman CathedralsGerman CathedralGerman Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png
Monasteries in GermanyMonasteries in Germany / Monasteries in the Netherlands & BelgiumMonasteries in the Netherlands & BelgiumSpecial MonasteryMonasteries C2 Picture GE06.png
HalflingsHalflingsUniversal Crop CircleFeature Crop Circle Universal C2.png
HillFeature Hill C2.png
VineyardScoring C2 Vineyard.png
Japanese BuildingsJapanese BuildingsJapanese BuildingJapanese Buildings C2 Picture 03.png
The LabyrinthThe LabyrinthLabyrinthLabyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg
The Markets of LeipzigThe Markets of LeipzigCity of LeipzigLeipzig tiles.pngCity of Leipzig Bonus SymbolsFeature Markets Of Lepzig Bonus Symbols C2.png
The Peasant RevoltsThe Peasant RevoltsPeasant Revolt SymbolsPeasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbols.png
The PlagueThe PlaguePlague Doctor SymbolPlague C1 Doctor Symbol.jpg
Russian PromosRussian PromosBaba Yaga’s HutRussian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpgThe Choice of BogatyrRussian Promos C1 Description Tile 02.jpg
Solovei Razboynik's TreeRussian Promos C1 Description Tile 03.jpg
Vodyanoy's lakeRussian Promos C1 Description Tile 04.jpg
The SchoolThe SchoolSchoolSchool C1 Tiles Front.jpg
The SignpostsThe SignpostsSignpost Arrow SymbolsSignposts C2 Feature Arrows 01.png
Spiel PromosSpiel PromosSpiel Promo SymbolFeature Spiel Promo Symbol C2.png
The TollkeepersThe TollkeepersTravellersTollkeepers C2 Travellers.png
The TunnelThe TunnelTunnelFeature Tunnel C1.png
Ukraine PromoUkraine PromoCountryside Flag UkraineUkraine Promo C3 Tile 01.png
The WatchtowersThe WatchtowersWatchtowerFeature Watchtower C2.png
Wind RosesWind RosesWind Rose SymbolsFeature Wind Rose Symbols C1.png
The Wonders of HumanityThe Wonders of HumanityWonders of HumanityFeature Wonders of Humanity C3.pngWonders of Humanity SymbolsFeature Wonders of Humanity Symbols C3.png
Fan Expansions

If playing with any fan expansions, players must consider, before starting the game, which of the new elements introduced by the fan expansions will and will not count toward Vista scoring.
Players are advised to use the criteria outlined in the 3. Scoring a feature section, but ultimately simply need to agree with each other.
This is list of suggested features to score. List contains some of fan-expansion with scorable elements supported by WiCa.

Bards of CarcassonneBards of CarcassonneLute SymbolFeature BardsOfCarcassonne Lute C1.png
Castle LordsCastle LordsCastle on roadCastleLords C1 TileC.png
City BridgesCity BridgesCity BridgeFigure City Bridge.png
The City GatesThe City GatesCity GateFeat CityGates C1.png
The CourierThe CourierLetter SymbolFeature Letter C2.png
COVID-19COVID-19COVID-19 SymbolFeature COVID19 C3.png
Děčínský SněžníkDěčínský SněžníkObservation Tower Děčínský SněžníkFeature Decinsky Sneznik C2.png
Easter in CarcassonneEaster in CarcassonneEaster BunnyLogo EasterCarcassonneBunny C1.png
Easter NestLogo EasterCarcassonneNest C1.png
Family FeudFamily FeudRed-and-yellow Coat of ArmsFeature Coat Of Arms Red Yellow C2.png
The Flying Machines 2The Flying Machines 2HillFeature FlyingMachinesHill C2.pngFlying MachineLogo Flier C2.png
Fortune TellerFortune TellerFortune Teller TentFeature Fortuneteller.png
Gambler's LuckGambler's LuckQuestion marked Coat of ArmsFeature Question Marked CoatOfArms C2.png
Gambler's Luck TokensGambler's Luck C2 Tokens stacked.png
Hungarian PromoHungarian PromoHungarian Promo ChoiceCarcassonne Hungary Promo Tile C2.png
The LabyrinthsThe LabyrinthsLabyrinthLabyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg
MeteoritesMeteoritesCraterFeature Crater C2.png
Template:PopeOfAvignonLinkTemplate:PopeOfAvignonLinkFile:Feature Pont Saint Benezet C2.pngTemplate:PopeOfAvignonLinkFile:Symbol Avignon Keys C2.png
La PorxadaLa PorxadaLa PorxadaFeature Porxada C1.png
Robber's SonRobber's SonRobber's Son SymbolFeature Robber's Son C2.png
The Royal GatesThe Royal GatesRoyal GateFeature King's Gateway C2.png
SeasonsSeasonsSeasons SymbolFeature Seasons C1.png
UK 2024 PromoUK 2024 PromoLarge InnUK 2024 Promo C2-3.png
VistasVistasVista PointVista C2.png
The WellsThe WellsWellFeature Wells C2.png
The WetlandsThe WetlandsWetlandWetlands 04.png

Interactions with expansions

Rules history

* 22/12/2024 Added Crossroad to scoreable features after Hans im Glück allows to place Tollkeepers C3 Token 05 Back.png Tollhouse token to cross roads.

Tile Distribution

Vistas Revisited C2

Total tiles: 12
Vistas Revisited C2 01.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 02.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 03.png ×1
Well + (D)
Vistas Revisited C2 04.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 06.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 07.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 08.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 09.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 11.png ×1
Vistas Revisited C2 12.png ×1
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Feature Farmhouse C2.png
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

Vistas C1

Total tiles: 12
Vistas C1 01.png ×1
Vistas C1 02.png ×1
Vistas C1 03.png ×1
Vistas C1 04.png ×1
Vistas C1 06.png ×1
Vistas C1 07.png ×1
Vistas C1 08.png ×1
Vistas C1 09.png ×1
Vistas C1 10.png ×1
Vistas C1 11.png ×1
Vistas C1 12.png ×1


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