- The word “you" throughout this section refers to the active player.
Points from feature tiles | Points from figures | Points from additional features | Core feature scoring | Actions | Land Surveyor action |
Kdykoli během vašeho tahu

- Player with robber must take points from the first allowable event.
- When you see
, robbers must take points if possible (ignoring rogue points).
- When you see
+, robbers must take points but they may need to choose which countingscoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple countingscoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.

- Players are allowed to have negative points as a result

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- Majority is applied for feature scored
- You may draw another Message tile.
1. Placing a tile
- If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
- If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
- The
City of Carcassonne counts as a completed city
- The
City of Leipzig counts as a completed city
- The
City of Carcassonne and the
City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
- TownsSmall cities converted into
castles are not counted as completed cities
- Each player removes one of their followersmeeples from a land tile without scoring
- The active player does not even need to occupy the feature
- The road is scored as if at the end of the game, applying the majority rule as usual
- All the followersmeeples on the road are removed, if any

- 0 points
Variant rules:
- 5 points

- Only the arrow symbol on the current tile is considered. Arrow symbols on adjacent tiles are irrelevant.
2. Placing a meeple

- Players are allowed to have negative points as a result

1 point for the square space with the feature + 1 point per occupied
square space around it
- The abbot cannot be returned if feature is completely surrounded by tiles
- Scoring an abbot is not scoring the feature it is placed on
- Vineyards are not considered when returning an abbot
- Little buildings are not considered when returning the abbot
- The fairy and black fairy cannot be considered when retuning the abbot
- Removing an abbot interrupts any challenge it may be participating in

- Penalty affects the points each player scores
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)
- Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
- Players are allowed to have negative points as a result

- Players are allowed to have negative points as a result

1 token = 3 points
2 token = 6 points
3 token = 10 points
4 token = 15 points

- Monastic buildings are:
- This bonus is not applicable in the same turn the wonder is placed, but in subsequent turns

- This bonus is not applicable in the same turn the wonder is placed, but in subsequent turns
3. Scoring a feature
- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
- A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (
square space) (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
- Each
square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile

- Consider all followersmeeples no matter the player they belong to
- Consider also the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
- Consider all followersmeeples on normal features on adjacent double-sized tiles
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered

- Wooden bridges are considered as road segments

- city bridges are considered as city segments
- Affects all points (previous rows)

3 points / group of travellers on the road
- These features do not directly affect a
wooden bridge placed on the same tile.

6 points / group of travellers on the road
- These features do not directly affect a
wooden bridge placed on the same tile.
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Each tile counts, regardless of the number of road segments that contribute to the scored road.
- Except
German cathedrals tiles, which are counted differently.

- Each road segment counts to road length.

- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile.
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only).

- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile.
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 3 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
- The
wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile.
- A
wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile.
- The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile.
- The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile.
- It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake.

- Tile count is set to 5 (no matter the actual length of the road), affecting:
German cathedrals → yes
Inns → yes
Mage → no
Wainwrights quarter bonus → no
Castle Lords → yes
Large inns → yes
Note tokens → yes
Seasons → yes

- The strength of the meeple placed on the hill is irrelevant in a tie break.

- All players with meeplesfollowers on the road and on the castle road share the majority (no matter the actual majority votes).
Hills are not considered.
Castles on road do not stack.
German cathedrals are counted as one tile
Castle trigger this modifier only if
Castles on road is in it's castle area.

(+1) point × length of road/ tile

(+1) point more than previous tile / each joining tile of the Castle Road by length of road
Inns do not stack.
Large inns do not stack.
Inn(s) and
large inn(s) on same road do not stack.
- An
inn does not directly affect a
wooden bridge placed on the same tile.
- A
large inn does not directly affect a road with only
wooden bridge on tiles adjacent to large Inn or placed over large Inn.
(+1) point × length of road/ tile
Note tokens do not stack
Advanced variant:
(+1) point × length of road/

- This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road.
German cathedrals are counted as one tile
- The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Majority on the road is required
- Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Wainwrights quarter, if they still have the majority on the road
- This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road
- The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
- In C3: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 2 road tiles
- In C2: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
German cathedrals are counted as one tile

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
- A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (
square space) (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
- Each
square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile

- Consider all followersmeeples no matter the player they belong to
- Consider also the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
- Consider all followersmeeples on normal features on adjacent double-sized tiles
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered

- Wooden bridges are considered as road segments

- city bridges are considered as city segments
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Each tile counts, regardless of the number of city segments that contribute to the scored city.

- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile

- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
- The
wooden city bridge counts as 1 city tile
- A
wooden city bridge and a printed city segment on the same tile, both connected to the same city, still count as 1 tile
- The large city counts as 1 city tile
- The large city counts as 2 city tiles
- The large city counts as 1 city tile
- The large city counts as 4 city tiles
- The large city counts as 1 city tile
- The large city counts as 3 city tiles

- Tile count does not consider any tiles contributing only with semicircular city segments
, affecting:
Cathars Symbol /
Siege /
Besiegers → yes
Cathedrals → yes
Mage → no
Note tokens → yes
Seasons → yes
Gingerbread Man → no

- In city with
gambler's luck X token(s) has
mayor no power.

- The strength of the meeple placed on the hill is irrelevant in a tie break (it could be a mayor with strength 0).

- All previous rows are canceled by this scoring rule.
- This is a special case from
The City Gates

- All previous rows are canceled by this scoring rule.
- This is a special case from
The Land Surveyors 2

(-1) points × count of/ any type of pennantcoat of arms
Sieges do not stack

(+1) points × count of/ any type of pennantcoat of arms
Cathedrals do not stack
(+1) point × size of city/ tile
- {#wicacache:{Piece do not stack
Advanced variant:
(+1) point × size of city/

- The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Presence in the city is required but no majority is considered
- Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the
Coiners quarter

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- The trade good tokens will be scored during final scoring.

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
- Affects all points (previous rows)

(+3) points to majority on feature tile and 8
tiles around it
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
- The feature has to be occupied by any player
- Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the
Bookbinders quarter

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Player can not score finished monastic building
Shrines are excluded.
- The
City of Carcassonne counts as a completed city
- The
City of Leipzig counts as a completed city
- The
City of Carcassonne and the
City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
- TownsSmall cities converted into
castles are not counted as completed cities
(+1) point / completed city or
Note tokens do not stack
Advanced variant:
(+1) point / completed

- Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- The
City of Carcassonne counts as a completed city
- The
City of Leipzig counts as a completed city
- The
City of Carcassonne and the
City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
- TownsSmall cities converted into
castles are not counted as completed cities
(+1) point / completed city or
Note tokens do not stack
Advanced variant:
(+1) point / completed

- Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- An only
mayor in a castle would not be affected, since it cannot have the majority
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

Vineyards do no affect gardens.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

Vineyards do no affect gardens.
- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Each tile counts, regardless of the number of road segments that contribute to the scored road.
- Except
German cathedrals tiles, which are counted differently.

- Each road segment counts to road length.

- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile.
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only).

- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile.
A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 3 road tiles.

- The long road counts as 1 road tile.
- The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
- The
wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile.
- A
wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile.
- The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile.
- The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile.
- It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake.
- All roads leading to the cathedral are considered.
- Roads starting and ending at the same cathedral tile are counted only once.

(+1) point × length of road/ tile

(+1) point more than previous tile / each joining tile of the Castle Road by length of road
Inns do not stack.
Large inns do not stack.
Inn(s) and
large inn(s) on same road do not stack.
- An
inn does not directly affect a
wooden bridge placed on the same tile.
- A
large inn does not directly affect a road with only
wooden bridge on tiles adjacent to large Inn or placed over large Inn.
(+1) point × length of road/ tile
Note tokens do not stack
Advanced variant:
(+1) point × length of road/

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
1 extra guard meeple in player's color, if available
- A cemetery keeper may receive the fairy scoring bonus.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
significant. (check

- Penalty only affects players with majority
- Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
- Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- The
ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
- The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the

- In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.

- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Affects all points (previous rows)

1 point / Spring tile around placed
spring tile
- Affects all points (previous rows)

- Consider the followersmeeples on the
square space
tile with the big top and the 8
square spaces
tiles adjacent to it.
- Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these
square spaces
- A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile and you consider all its followersmeeples placed on regular features
- Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
- A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
- Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping the adjacent spaces.
- Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only), but you consider all the followersmeeples on regular features on both halves, even if one of the halves is not adjacent
- A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
- Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
- Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these
- FollowersMeeples in the
City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the
Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the
City of Leipzig are not considered
- Affects all points (previous rows)
- Bets are settled after all features have been scored
- All betting chips on a betting office apply to the same feature
- The active player decides the feature if there are several options
- 2 points if feature has exactly 2 tiles
- 6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
- 3 points if feature has exactly 3 tiles
- 5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
- 3 points if feature has exactly 2 tiles
- 6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
- 4 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
- 7 points if feature has 7 or more tiles
- 8 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
- 5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
- 8 points if feature has 8 or more tiles
- Affects all points (previous rows)

4. Additional actions

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- No majority is applied for the feature scored

- Majority is applied for feature scored
- You may draw another Message tile.
- If your scoring meeple moves to a space with the bottom of a ladder, it will move forward to the space at its top.
- If your scoring meeple moves to a space with the head of a snake, it will move backwards to the space with its tail.
1 Easter egg to the owner of each followermeeple neighboring the nest.
- The Easter Nest considers its tile and the eight tiles around itthe tiles on the 8 spaces around itthe eight spaces around it