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Feat Tower C1.png


Figure Robber red.png
Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png

Žádné položky, které by se dali hodnotit.

1. Placing a tileKartička


Figure Fairy.png
Figure Black Fairy.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png


Scoring C1 WOF.png
Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png
Gifts C2 Chest.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png


Feature Wind Rose Symbol Quarter C1.png
20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png

No scorables in phase 1.

2. Placing a meepleDružiník


Feature Bathhouse C1.png


Figure Abbot red.png
Scoring C2 Acrobats.png
Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png
Figure Meeple red.png


Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png
Figure Phantom red.png


Token HillsSheep Sheep2 C1.png
Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees.png
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 01.png
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 02.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png

No scorables in phase 2.

3. Scoring a featureScoring


Feature Road C1.png
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
Feat Cloister C1.png
Figure Barn red.png
Token Castle C1.png
Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpg
Feature Garden C1.png
Castles C1 Eltz.png
German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png
Scoring C3 Cemetery.png
Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png
Feature Fortuneteller.png
Vista C1.png
Figure Obelisk Red.png
Figure Observation Tower Decinsky Sneznik Red.png
Spring C3 Tiles 05.png
Autumn C3 Tile 01.png
Wetlands 04.png


Figure Roundtop.png
Bets C3 Feature Betting Office.png
Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png

4. Další úkonyNavíc


Feature Fair C1.png
Figure Courier.png
Scoring C1 Dispatch Back.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch Back.png
Snakes And Ladders C3 Scoreboad Image.jpg
Logo EasterCarcassonneNest C1.png
Logo EasterCarcassonneBunny C1.png
Feature Bazaar C1.png


No scorables in phase 4.



  • The word “you" throughout this section refers to the active player.


  Points from feature tiles   Points from figures   Points from additional features   Core feature scoring   Actions   Land Surveyor action  

Kdykoli během vašeho tahu

Jen jednou (i po celou dobu dvojitého tahu uděleného stavitelem)
Scoring C1 Tower Prisoner Ransom.png
You may buy back any one of your imprisoned followersmeeples by paying the captor.
(-3) points to payer
  • Payer is not allowed to have negative points as a result
(+3) points to payee Figure Robber red.png
Special Figure Scoring
Figure Robber red.png Robber beside scoring counting figure
1/2 primary points scored (rounded up)
  • Player with robber must take points from the first allowable event.
  • When you see Figure Robber red.png, robbers must take points if possible (ignoring rogue points).
  • When you see Figure Robber red.png+, robbers must take points but they may need to choose which countingscoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple countingscoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Protecting a followermeeple
Peasant Revolts C2 Protected Meeple.png
Protecting added / moved / swapped followermeeple (including Figure Phantom red.png phantom) in other steps as 2B-1 placing a meeple and 2B-2 placing a phantom Figure Robber red.png
(-4) points
1/2 points for followermeeple on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved forward and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on received tile
Scoring C1 Dispatch 1.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 1.png
Score smallest road
After-the-game points from road with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 2.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 2.png
Score smallest city
After-the-game points from city with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 3.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 3.png
Score smallest cloistermonastery
After-the-game points from cloistermonastery with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 4.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 4.png
2 points for each Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms
2 points / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
Scoring C1 Dispatch 5.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 5.png
2 points for each knight
2 points / knight in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
Scoring C1 Dispatch 6.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 6.png
2 points for each farmer
2 points / player's farmers
Scoring C1 Dispatch 7.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 7.png
Add a Landscape Tile
0 points from dispatch itself (there may be points from playing the tile)
Scoring C1 Dispatch 8.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 8.png
Score a followermeeple and remove it from the board
After-the-game points from chosen feature with at least one of player's followersmeeples
  • Majority is applied for feature scored
Dispatch: After resolving a Message tile one of your scoring figures moved forward and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard.
  • You may draw another Message tile.

1. Placing a tile

Step 1A: Begin Turn - Pouze první část dvojitého tahu
There are no particular actions for this step.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy
1 point on turn start
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy
-1 point on turn start
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)
Step 1B: Draw a Tile - Po dobrání kartičky ještě před jejím přiložením
There are no particular actions for this step.
Perform Events
Scoring C1 WOF Fortune.png
Sector - Fortune: Current player only Figure Robber red.png
3 points
Scoring C1 WOF Tax.png
Sector - Tax: All players with knights Figure Robber red.png
(1 point / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms + 1 point / knight) per knight (computed for each city)
Scoring C1 WOF Famine.png
Sector - Famine: All players with farmers Figure Robber red.png
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
City adjacent to farm
1 point / completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
Token Castle C1.png
Castle adjacent to farm
2 points / Token Castle C1.png castle per farmer (computed for each farm)
Figure Pig red.png
FarmField with pig
+1 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle per farmer (computed for each farm)
Feat PigHerd C1.png
FarmField with pig-herd
+2 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle per farmer (computed for each farm)
Scoring C1 WOF Storm.png
Sector - Storm: All players Figure Robber red.png
1 point / Figure Meeple red.png meeple in player's supply
Scoring C1 WOF Inquisition.png
Sector - Inquisition: All players with monks Figure Robber red.png
2 points / monk
Scoring C1 WOF Plague.png
Sector - Plague: All players Figure Robber red.png
0 points
  • Each player removes one of their followersmeeples from a land tile without scoring
WOF C1 Crown.png
Crown: All players with followersmeeples in active crown sector Figure Robber red.png
Three possible options:
Scoring C1 WOF Crown 2.png
One Figure Meeple red.png follower in crown space with only one space
3 points
Scoring C1 WOF Crown 1.png
One Figure Meeple red.png follower alone in crown space with two spaces
6 points
Scoring C1 WOF Crown 3.png
Two Figure Meeple red.png followersmeeples in crown spaces with two spaces
3 points / Figure Meeple red.png meeple
Scoring followersmeeples protected from revolt
Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png
Peasant revolt: Peasant revolt affecting a given feature type Figure Robber red.png
2 points / protected followermeeple on given features
×2 points when followermeeple on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Depends on played card
After-the-game points for a chosen uncompleted road
  • The active player does not even need to occupy the feature
  • The road is scored as if at the end of the game, applying the majority rule as usual
  • All the followersmeeples on the road are removed, if any
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty affects the points scored by the player
  • Player may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
2 points / Figure Meeple red.png followermeeple on chosen feature
  • The player removes one of their followersmeeples on the feature
  • The followermeeple removed is considered for the scoring
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)
Step 1C: Place the Tile - Po přiložení kartičky
There are no particular actions for this step.
Feature Wind Rose Symbol Quarter C1.png Wind rose placement on correct quadrant
Figure Robber red.png
3 points
×2 points for wind rose on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Basic rules:
  • 0 points

Variant rules:

  • 5 points
Arrow symbol not activated on tile just placed Figure Robber red.png
2 points
×2 points for arrow symbol on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Only the arrow symbol on the current tile is considered. Arrow symbols on adjacent tiles are irrelevant.
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)
There are no particular actions for this phase.

2. Placing a meeple

Step 2A: Move the Wood (Prologue) - Před jakýmkoli umístěním figurky nebo žetonu
There are no particular actions for this step.
Bathhouse: Rebuying your follower
(-number on bathhouse) points
1/2 points for bathhouse on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Step 2B: Move the WoodStep 2B-1: Move the Wood (Phase 1) - Instead of other figure or token placement actions (skipped if removed knight with princess tile or higwayman or Lord with robber's son tile)
There are no particular actions for this step.
1 point for the Tile tile with feature + 1 point per Tile tile around it

1 point for the Square space square space with the feature + 1 point per occupied Square space square space around it

  • The abbot cannot be returned if feature is completely surrounded by tiles
  • Scoring an abbot is not scoring the feature it is placed on
    • Vineyards are not considered when returning an abbot
    • Little buildings are not considered when returning the abbot
    • The fairy and black fairy cannot be considered when retuning the abbot
  • Removing an abbot interrupts any challenge it may be participating in
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's abbot on feature
  • Penalty affects the points scored by the player
  • Player may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Scoring C2 Acrobats.png
Acrobats Pyramid (acrobats): All players with followersmeeples in the pyramid Figure Robber red.png+
5 points / Figure Meeple red.png meeple
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Protecting a followermeeple
Peasant Revolts C2 Protected Meeple.png
Protecting followermeeple during placement Figure Robber red.png
(-4) points
1/2 points for followermeeple on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Peasant Revolts C2 Protected Meeple.png
Protecting followermeeple already placed (including placed Figure Phantom red.png phantom) Figure Robber red.png
(-2) points
1/2 points for followermeeple on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Step 2B-2: Move the Wood (Phase 2) - Phantom placement (skipped if removed knight with princess tile or higwayman or Lord with robber's son tile)
There are no particular actions for this step.
Protecting a phantom
Peasant Revolts C2 Protected Meeple Phantom.png
Protecting a phantom during placement Figure Robber red.png
(-4) points
1/2 points for phantom on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Step 2C: Resolve Move the Wood - Rest of actions
There are no particular actions for this step.
Figure Reference C2 Figure Shepherd And Sheep.png Shepherd herds the flock intoguides the flock to the stable
1 point / Feature Sheep C1.png sheep depicted
Two possible fruit actions
Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees Harvest.png
Harvesting Figure Robber red.png
Fruit token points
×2 points for fruit tree on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees Sell.png
Selling Figure Robber red.png
Depends on number of different fruit tokens sold:
  • Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 01.png 1 token = 3 points
  • Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 02.png 2 token = 6 points
  • Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 03.png 3 token = 10 points
  • Fruit-Bearing Trees C2 Selling 04.png 4 token = 15 points
×2 points for fruit tree on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 01.png Notre-Dame (The Wonders of Humanity)
3 points for a Figure Meeple red.png follower placed by the wonder's owner on Tile a tileon Square space a square space adjacent to 1 or more monastic buildings
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 02.png Stonehenge (The Wonders of Humanity)
3 points for each occupied road completed by the wonder's owner
  • This bonus is not applicable in the same turn the wonder is placed, but in subsequent turns
Serf tile: Player established new largest farmfield according to the number of finished Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg cities and Token Castle C1.png castles
Player receives a Serf.jpg Serf tile.
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)
There are no particular actions for this phase.

3. Scoring a feature

Step 3A: Identify Completed Features / Special Figures / Tile Placement
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 3B: Resolve Completed Features / Special Figures / Tile Placement
Bonus scoring (prolog)
Icon C1 Watchtower.png
Watchtower: Player with a followermeeple on a road segment adjacent to watchtower Figure Robber red.png+
Depends on the watchtower symbol, taking into account the watchtower tile and the 8 tiles around it
  • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
  • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
  • A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
  • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (Square space square space) (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
  • Square space A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
  • Each Square space square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 1.png
Watchtower with Figure Meeple red.png follower symbol
2 points / Figure Meeple red.png follower
  • Consider all followersmeeples no matter the player they belong to
  • Consider also the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
  • Consider all followersmeeples on normal features on adjacent double-sized tiles
  • FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 2.png
Watchtower with Feature Road C1.png road symbol
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile showing at least one Feature Road C1.png road segment
  • Wooden bridges are considered as road segments
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 3.png
Watchtower with Feat Cloister C1.png cloister symbol
3 points / Square space square spaceTile tile with monastic building, such as:
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 4.png
Watchtower with Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms symbol
2 points / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 5.png
Watchtower with Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city symbol
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile showing at least one Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city segment
  • city bridges are considered as city segments
Figure HansStatue.png
Watchtower on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Tollkeepers C3 Token 02 Front.png
Tollkeepers: Player with a tollhouse on crossing at the end of completed road Figure Robber red.png+
Depends on number on tollhouse: 1 or 2
Tollkeepers C3 Token 02 Front.png
Raising toll 1 (small toll)
1 point / Feature Farmhouse C1.png farmhouse, Feature Sheds C3.png shed, Feature Garden C1.png garden and Feature Highwaymen C3.png highwaymen on the road

3 points / group of Tollkeepers C2 Travellers.png travellers on the road

  • These features do not directly affect a Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge placed on the same tile.
Tollkeepers C3 Token 02 Back.png
Raising toll 2 (large toll)
2 point / Feature Farmhouse C1.png farmhouse, Feature Sheds C3.png shed, Feature Garden C1.png garden and Feature Highwaymen C3.png highwaymen on the road

6 points / group of Tollkeepers C2 Travellers.png travellers on the road

  • These features do not directly affect a Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge placed on the same tile.
Figure HansStatue.png
Tollhouse on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Determine length of road (at least one expansion change default logic)
Scoring C1 Road.jpg
Regular square tiles
  • Each tile counts, regardless of the number of road segments that contribute to the scored road.
  • Except German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German cathedrals tiles, which are counted differently.
  • Each road segment counts to road length.
Castles C1 03.png
Double tiles
  • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile.
  • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only).
Halflings C1 Spielbox Tile 03.jpg
Triangular tiles
  • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile.
  • Square space A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile.
Scoring C3 Wonders of Humanity.png
Roads on wonder tile(s)
Long roads depending on wonder tile
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 05.png
Abu Simbel wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 07.png
Angkor Wat wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 01.png
Notre-Dame wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 03.png
Stonehenge wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 06.png
Tikal wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 3 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 08.png
Terracotta Army wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
Figure Bridge.png
Tile with wooden bridge
  • The Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile.
  • A Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile.
Feature Tunnel C1.png
Road with tunnel(s)
  • The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile.
Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg
Road with labyrinth(s)
  • The Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg labyrinth tile counts as 1 road tile.
  • The Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg labyrinth tile merges all roads connected to it for scoring.
Figure Ferry.png
Road with ferries
  • The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile.
  • It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake.
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles Road.png
The Land Surveyors: Action for road tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 09.png
Highway scoring tile
Determine majority on the road and the castle road (at least one expansion change default logic)
Figure Meeple red.png
Meeples on the road and the castle road
(+1) / Figure Meeple red.png Normal follower
(+1) / Figure Wagon red.png Wagon
(+1) / Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster
(+1) / Figure Phantom red.png Phantom
Feature Hill C1.png
Hill: In case of tie of majority
The tie will be broken in favor of those player(s) with at least one meeplefollower on a Feature Hill C1.png hill.
  • The strength of the meeple placed on the hill is irrelevant in a tie break.
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles Road.png
The Land Surveyors 2: Action for road tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 06.png
Citizens’ Jury scoring tile
  • All players with meeplesfollowers on the road and on the castle road share the majority (no matter the actual majority votes).
  • Feature Hill C1.png Hills are not considered.
Feature scoring
Feature Road C1.png
Road: Player(s) with the majority sharing with Lord(s)
Token Castle C1.png
1 point × length of road/ Tile tile
  • Each tile counts, regardless of the number of road segments that contribute to the scored road.
CastleLords C1 TileC.png
Road: Player(s) with the majority on the feature with Lord
Token Castle C1.png
(+1) point more than previous tile / each joining tile of the Castle Road by length of road
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles Road.png
The Land Surveyors / The Land Surveyors 2: Action for road tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 10.png
Peasant Uprising scoring tile
(-1) point / Square space square spaceTile tile with a Feature Farmhouse C1.png farmhouse
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 08.png
Street Fair scoring tile
(+1) point × length of road / Tile tile
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 05.png
Farmers’ market scoring tile
(+1) point / Square space square spaceTile tile with a Feature Sheds C3.png shed
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 04.png
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) points
Token Castle C2.png
(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile
Feature Inn C1.pngUK 2024 Promo C1.png
Road with inn(s) or adjacent to large inn(s)
Token Castle C2.png
For roads without CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle on road(s):

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile

For roads with CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle on road(s):

(+1) point more than previous tile / each joining tile of the Castle Road by length of road

Feat Wells C1.png
Road with well(s)
Token Castle C1.png
(+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well
Extra (+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well on road with Feature Inn C1.png inn and/or UK 2024 Promo C1.png large inn
Extra (+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well on road with German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German cathedral
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png
Road with note token(s)
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile

Advanced variant:

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile / Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png note token
Figure Mage.png
Road with Mage
Token Castle C2.png
(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile
  • This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road.
  • German Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png German cathedrals are counted as one tile
Figure Witch.png
Road with Witch
Token Castle C1.png
1/2 points (rounded up)
  • Affects all points obtained from road tiles (previous rows).
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles Road.png
The Land Surveyors / The Land Surveyors 2: Action for road tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 05.png
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points
  • The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 04.png
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) points
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on road tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

Token Castle C2.png
(+3) points / different Castles C1 Eltz.png German castle
Feature Bathhouse C1.png
Road with bathhouse(s)
Token Castle C2.png
(+number on bathhouse) points / Feature Bathhouse C1.png bathhouse
Signposts C2 Feature Arrows 01.png
Road with signpost(s)
Token Castle C2.png
(#correct signpost types) points / signpost in correct direction
  • #correct signpost types can be a number between 0 and 3.
Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg
Road with labyrinth(s)
(+2) points / Figure Meeple red.png meeple on road network
  • Only if using advanced rules.
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Depends on season condition for current season Seasons C1 Clock token.png
Seasons C1 Season condition 16.png Seasons C1 Season condition 15.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Seasons C1 Season condition 11.png Seasons C1 Season condition 21.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) × length of road/ Tile tile
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Figure HansStatue.png
Road on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
(+1) point / actual Tile tile
  • Majority on the road is required
  • Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Wainwrights quarter, if they still have the majority on the road
  • This bonus takes into consideration the actual number of tiles of the road
  • The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
  • In C3: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 2 road tiles
  • In C2: The long road on a Leipzig tile counts as 1 road tile
  • German Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png German cathedrals are counted as one tile
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on road tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Count Robber C1.png
Robber Baron tile: Player completes new largest road
Player receives the Count Robber C1.png Robber Baron tile
Bonus scoring (prolog)
Icon C1 Watchtower.png
Watchtower: Player with a followermeeple on a city segment adjacent to watchtower Figure Robber red.png+
Depends on the watchtower symbol, taking into account the watchtower tile and the 8 tiles around it
  • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
  • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
  • A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
  • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (Square space square space) (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only)
  • Square space A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
  • Each Square space square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 1.png
Watchtower with Figure Meeple red.png follower symbol
2 points / Figure Meeple red.png follower
  • Consider all followersmeeples no matter the player they belong to
  • Consider also the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
  • Consider all followersmeeples on normal features on adjacent double-sized tiles
  • FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 2.png
Watchtower with Feature Road C1.png road symbol
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile showing at least one Feature Road C1.png road segment
  • Wooden bridges are considered as road segments
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 3.png
Watchtower with Feat Cloister C1.png cloister symbol
3 points / Square space square spaceTile tile with monastic building, such as:
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 4.png
Watchtower with Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms symbol
2 points / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms
Scoring C2 Watchtower Type 5.png
Watchtower with Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city symbol
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile showing at least one Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city segment
  • city bridges are considered as city segments
Figure HansStatue.png
Watchtower on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Determine size of city (at least one expansion change default logic)
Scoring C1 City.jpg
Regular tiles
  • Each tile counts, regardless of the number of city segments that contribute to the scored city.
Castles C1 03.png
Double tiles
  • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile
  • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile
Halflings C1 Spielbox Tile 12.jpg
Triangular tiles
  • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
  • Square space A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
Scoring C3 Wonders of Humanity.png
Cities on wonder tile(s)
Large cities depending on wonder tile
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 01.png
Notre-Dame wonder tile
  • The large city counts as 1 city tile
  • The large city counts as 2 city tiles
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 04.png
Circus Maximus wonder tile
  • The large city counts as 1 city tile
  • The large city counts as 4 city tiles
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 02.png
Alhambra wonder tile
  • The large city counts as 1 city tile
  • The large city counts as 3 city tiles
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles City.png
The Land Surveyors: Action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 02.png
Bad Neighborhood scoring tile
Determine count coat of arms in city (at least one expansion change default logic)
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
Regular tiles
(+1) / Icon Pennant blue white C1.png Pennant
Family Feud C1 13.png
Family Feud tiles
Great Fairs C1 07.png
Great fair tiles
Gambler's Luck C1 04.png
Gambler's luck tokens with pennant(s)coat of arms
(+1) / Icon Pennant blue white C1.png Pennant or Feature Pennant Grey C1.png Grey Pennant on token
(×0) count of any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms
Determine majority in city (at least one expansion change default logic)
Figure Meeple red.png
FollowersMeeples in city
(+1) / Figure Meeple red.png Normal follower
(+# any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms) / Figure Mayor red.png Mayor
(+1) / Figure Wagon red.png Wagon
(+1) / Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster
(+1) / Figure Phantom red.png Phantom
Feature Hill C1.png
Hill: In case of tie of majority
The tie will be broken in favor of those player(s) with at least one meeplefollower on a Feature Hill C1.png hill.
  • The strength of the meeple placed on the hill is irrelevant in a tie break (it could be a mayor with strength 0).
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles City.png
The Land Surveyors: Action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 01.png
Citizens' Jury scoring tile
  • All players with meeples in the city share the majority (no matter the actual majority votes)
  • Including Figure Mayor red.png mayor even if it has no power
  • Feature Hill C1.png Hills are not considered
Feature scoring
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
City: Player(s) with the majority on the feature
Token Castle C1.png
2 points × size of city/ Tile tile
  • Each tile counts, regardless of the number of city segments that contribute to the scored city.
2 points × count of/ any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms
CityGates C1 Tile 15.png
Tiny City: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
4 points / scored city
  • All previous rows are canceled by this scoring rule.
  • This is a special case from The City Gates The City Gates
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles City.png
The Land Surveyors 2: Action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 01.png
City Privilege scoring tile
5 points / scored city
  • All previous rows are canceled by this scoring rule.
  • This is a special case from The Land Surveyors 2 The Land Surveyors 2
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 02.png
Plague scoring tile
1/2 points (rounded up)
Symbol Cathars C1.png
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
Token Castle C2.png
(-1) point × size of city/ Tile tile

(-1) points × count of/ any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms

Feature Cathedral C1.png
City with Cathedral
Token Castle C2.png
(+1) point × size of city/ Tile tile

(+1) points × count of/ any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms

Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png
City with note token(s)
Basic rules:

(+1) point × size of city/ Tile tile

  • {#wicacache:{Piece do not stack

Advanced variant:

(+1) point × size of city/ Tile tile / Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png note token
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles City.png
The Land Surveyors: Action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 07.png
Siege scoring tile
(+1) point × count of / Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennant
Figure Mage.png
City with Mage
Token Castle C2.png
(+1) point / Square space square spaceTile tile
Figure Witch.png
City with Witch
Token Castle C2.png
1/2 points (rounded up)
  • Affects all points obtained from city tiles (previous rows)
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles City.png
The Land Surveyors: Action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 04.png
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) points for feature
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 03.png
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points for feature
  • The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

Castles C1 Eltz.png
City with segment at German castle(s)
Token Castle C2.png
(+3) points / different Castles C1 Eltz.png German castle
Feature Bathhouse C1.png
City with bathhouse(s)
Token Castle C2.png
(+number on bathhouse) points / Feature Bathhouse C1.png bathhouse
Feature Darmstadtium C1.png
City with Darmstadtium
Token Castle C2.png
(+3) points
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Depends on season condition for current season Seasons C1 Clock token.png
Seasons C1 Season condition 02.png Seasons C1 Season condition 23.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Seasons C1 Season condition 20.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) × size of city/ Tile tile
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Figure HansStatue.png
City on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
2 points for each of your own followersmeeples in a city
Leipzig tiles.png
City of Leipzig: Player with a Figure Meeple red.png meeple in Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 02.png Coiners quarter Figure Robber red.png+
(+3) point / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C2.png pennantcoat of arms
  • Presence in the city is required but no majority is considered
  • Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 02.png Coiners quarter
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C2.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C2.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C2.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with meeple next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with meeple next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Token TradersBuilders C2.png
Player completes city with trade good symbols
Player takes the depicted goods tokens in finished city from the supply.
  • The trade good tokens will be scored during final scoring.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
King Robber C2 Tile King.jpg
King tile: Player completes new largest city
Player receives the King Robber C2 Tile King.jpg King tile
Placed tile with Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png gingerbread man symbol and Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man was not yet moving this turn.
Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man: All players with followersmeeples in the city with Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man.
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile per followermeeple the player has in the city
×2 points when Gingerbread Man on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Feature scoring
Feat Cloister C1.png
Cloister or Shrine or Abbey or German monastery or Dutch & Belgian monastery or Japanese Building or Darmstadt Church: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C1.png
9 points (the feature Square space square space and the eight Square space square spaces around it)1 point for the feature Tile tile + 1 point / Tile tile around it
Feature Vineyard C1.png
Neighboring Vineyard(s)
Token Castle C1.png
(+3) points / Feature Vineyard C1.png vineyard
×2 points for vineyard on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue, when Hans Statue is not on tile with finished feature.
Scoring C2 Land Surveyors Scoring Tiles Monastery.png
The Land Surveyors / The Land Surveyors 2: Action for monastic buildings
Depending on active scoring tile.
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 12.png
Pilgrimage Route scoring tile
(+1) point / Square space square spaceTile tile with road segment(s) or a Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 11.png
Hermit Monastery scoring tile
(-1) point / Square space square spaceTile tile with city segment(s) or a Figure City Bridge.png city bridge
Land Surveyors C2 Scoring Explanation 06.png
Wealt scoring tile
(+3) points
Land Surveyors 2 C2 Scoring Explanation 03.png
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on neighboring tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Depends on season condition for current season Seasons C1 Clock token.png
Seasons C1 Season condition 33.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points (Monastic building including Shrine)
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Seasons C1 Season condition 12.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points (Monastic building excluding Shrine)
(+ #) or (- #) points (Shrine)
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Feat Cult C1.png
Challenge resolution
Token Castle C1.png
When a challenge is declared between a Feat Cloister C1.png cloister / Abbey And Mayor C1 Tile Abbey.jpg abbey / Monasteries C2 Picture GE06.png German monastery / Monasteries C1 Picture NB05.jpg Dutch & Belgian monastery / Japanese Buildings C2 Picture 03.png Japanese Building / Feature Darmstadt Church C1.png Darmstadt Church and a Feat Cult C1.png shrine, the first to be completed scores the usual 9resulting points; the loser scores 0 points.
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Feature Darmstadt Church C1.png
For a Darmstadt Church Figure Robber red.png+
(+3) points to majority on feature Tile tile and tiles in the 8 Square space square spaces around it

(+3) points to majority on feature Tile tile and 8 Tile tiles around it

(+4) points / scored feature
  • The feature has to be occupied by any player
  • Players may get this bonus on the same turn they send a followermeeple to the Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 03.png Bookbinders quarter
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on neighboring tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
ClericAndSerf cloister-token.jpg
Cloister token: Player completes monastic building except shrine but not score it
Player receives a ClericAndSerf cloister-token.jpg Cloister token.
  • Player can not score finished monastic building
  • Feat Cult C1.png Shrines are excluded.
Scoring C1 Farm.png
Scoring C2 Farm.png
Scoring WE Farm.jpg
Figure Barn red.png Barn & Farmers - Barn placement
Scoring when placing the barn
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
City adjacent to farm
3 points / completed city
Token Castle C1.png
Castle adjacent to farm
4 points / Token Castle C1.png castle
Figure Pig red.png
FarmField with pig
+1 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle
Feat PigHerd C1.png
FarmField with pig-herd
+1 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png
FarmField with note token(s)
Basic rules:

(+1) point / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle

Advanced variant:

(+1) point / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle/ Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png note token
Great Fairs C1 04.png
City with Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png great fair symbol adjacent to farm
(+1) points / Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city with Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png great fair symbol
Symbol Cathars C1.png
Cathars Symbol adjacent to farm
(×2) points for affected city
  • Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

Depends on season condition for current season Seasons C1 Clock token.png
Seasons C1 Season condition 27.png Seasons C1 Season condition 01.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Seasons C1 Season condition 06.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) / finished city
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Scoring C1 Farm.png
Scoring C2 Farm.png
Scoring WE Farm.jpg
Figure Barn red.png Barn & Farmers - Barn placement
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Serf tile: New highest number farmers are removed when a Figure Barn red.png barn is placed
Player receives a Serf.jpg Serf tile.
Scoring C1 Farm.png
Scoring C2 Farm.png
Scoring WE Farm.jpg
Figure Barn red.png Barn & Farmers - Fields connection
Scoring when a farm is connected
Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
City adjacent to farm
1 point / completed city
Token Castle C1.png
Castle adjacent to farm
2 points / Token Castle C1.png castle
Figure Pig red.png
FarmField with pig
+1 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle
Feat PigHerd C1.png
FarmField with pig-herd
+1 points / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png
FarmField with note token(s)
Basic rules:

(+1) point / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle

Advanced variant:

(+1) point / completed Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg city or Token Castle C2.png castle/ Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png note token
Great Fairs C1 04.png
City with Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png great fair symbol adjacent to farm
(+1) points / Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg city with Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png great fair symbol
Symbol Cathars C1.png
Cathars Symbol adjacent to farm
(×2) points for affected city
  • Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

Depends on season condition for current season Seasons C1 Clock token.png
Seasons C1 Season condition 27.png Seasons C1 Season condition 01.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) points
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Seasons C1 Season condition 06.png
Numerical values vary.
(+ #) or (- #) / finished city
  • Player is allowed to have negative points as a result.
Scoring C1 Farm.png
Scoring C2 Farm.png
Scoring WE Farm.jpg
Figure Barn red.png Barn & Farmers - Fields connection
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.

Feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • An only Figure Mayor red.png mayor in a castle would not be affected, since it cannot have the majority
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on the corresponding finished feature tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpg
Baba Yaga’s Hut: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
1 for the feature Tile tile
  • 0 points for no empty Square space square spaces around it
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpg Baba Yaga’s Hut tile and on neighboring tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on the corresponding finished feature tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Feature Garden C1.png
Garden: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
9 points (the feature Square space square space and the eight Square space square spaces around it)1 point for the feature Tile tile + 1 point / Tile tile around it
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Feature Garden C1.png garden tile and on neighboring tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Figure HansStatue.png
Garden on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots .
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Castles C1 Eltz.png
German Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
12 points (2 points for the German castle tile and 1 point per Square space square spaces around it)2 point for the German castle + 1 point / Tile tile around it
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Castles C1 Eltz.png German castle double tile and on neighboring tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on German Castles C2 Castle Image 04.png German castle double tile and on neighboring tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Determine length of all roads leading to German Cathedral
Scoring C1 Road.jpg
Regular square tiles
  • Each tile counts, regardless of the number of road segments that contribute to the scored road.
  • Except German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German cathedrals tiles, which are counted differently.
  • Each road segment counts to road length.
Castles C1 03.png
Double tiles
  • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile.
  • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only).
Halflings C1 Spielbox Tile 03.jpg
Triangular tiles
  • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile.
  • Square space A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile.
Scoring C3 Wonders of Humanity.png
Roads on wonder tile(s)
Long roads depending on wonder tile
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 05.png
Abu Simbel wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 07.png
Angkor Wat wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 01.png
Notre-Dame wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders of Humanity C3 Tile 03.png
Stonehenge wonder tile
  • The long forking road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long forking road counts as 2 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 06.png
Tikal wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 3 road tiles.
Wonders Of Humanity C3 Tile 08.png
Terracotta Army wonder tile
  • The long road counts as 1 road tile.
  • The long road counts as 2 road tiles.
Figure Bridge.png
Tile with wooden bridge
  • The Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile.
  • A Figure Bridge.png wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile.
Feature Tunnel C1.png
Road with tunnel(s)
  • The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile.
Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg
Road with labyrinth(s)
  • The Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg labyrinth tile counts as 1 road tile.
  • The Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg labyrinth tile merges all roads connected to it for scoring.
Figure Ferry.png
Road with ferries
  • The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile.
  • It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake.
Feature scoring
German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png
German Cathedral: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
1 point × sum of length of roads leading to scored German cathedral
  • All roads leading to the cathedral are considered.
  • Roads starting and ending at the same cathedral tile are counted only once.
Feature Inn C1.pngUK 2024 Promo C1.png
Road with inn(s) or adjacent to large inn(s)
Token Castle C2.png
For roads without CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle on road(s):

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile

For roads with CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle on road(s):

(+1) point more than previous tile / each joining tile of the Castle Road by length of road

Feat Wells C1.png
Road with well(s)
Token Castle C1.png
(+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well
Extra (+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well on road with Feature Inn C1.png inn and/or UK 2024 Promo C1.png large inn
Extra (+1) point / Feat Wells C1.png well on road with German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German cathedral
Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png
Road with note token(s)
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile

Advanced variant:

(+1) point × length of road/ Tile tile / Bards of Carcassonne C1 Lute Token.png note token
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German cathedral tiles and on all connected road tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on German Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png German cathedral tiles and on all connected road tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Scoring C3 Cemetery.png
Cemetery: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
0 points

1 extra Figure Guard Meeple red.png guard meeple in player's color, if available

  • A cemetery keeper may receive the fairy scoring bonus.
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Scoring C3 Cemetery.png cemetery tile and on adjacent tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Figure HansStatue.png
Cemetery on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on Scoring C3 Cemetery.png cemetery tile and on adjacent tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png
Haunted Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
Token Castle C2.png
2 points / Square space square space with Mists C3 Tile 60.png mist (the feature Tile tile and 8 Square space square spaces around it)

2 points / Tile tile with Mists C3 Tile 60.png mist (the feature Tile tile and the Tile tiles around it)

  • The 2x2 starting tile is counted as 1 tile
  • The 2x2 starting tile is counted as 4 Square space square spaces
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png haunted castle tile and on adjacent tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png haunted castle tile and on adjacent tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Feature Fortuneteller.png
Fortune Teller Tent: Player(s) with the majority on the feature
0 points
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on Feature Fortuneteller.png fortune teller tent tile and on horizontally and vertically adjacent tiles
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Feature Fortuneteller.png
Fortune Teller Tent: Player completing the feature Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points for Fortune Teller on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on Feature Fortuneteller.png fortune teller tent tile and on horizontally and vertically adjacent tiles.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Feature scoring
Vista C1.png
Vista Point: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the feature
1 point / type of feature in the Vista that is both visible and significant. (check Scorable features for Vistas Scorable features for Vistas).
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on a tile with Vista Point and on six-tile Vista area
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

(-2) points / Figure Mist Ghost.png ghost added to player's followersmeeples on feature
  • Penalty only affects players with majority
  • Penalty affects the points each player scores for the feature, not the actual value of the feature
  • Players may score negative points for the feature due to this penalty, but their scoring figure may not go below 0 points
Figure HansStatue.png
Vista Point on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Figure Teacher purple.png
Scoring points: Player with teacher Figure Robber red.png+
Equal points to feature scoring
Token Castle C1.png
Castle: Player(s) with the majorityPlayer with followermeeple on the Castle when scored is on one of six tile in Castle area Figure Robber red.png+Token Castle C1.png Figure Teacher purple.png
Feature points rules marked with Token Castle C1.png continue in Castle scoring
Figure Ringmaster red.png
Ringmaster: on feature just completed Figure Robber red.png+
2 points / Feature Circus Space C2.png circus or Feature Acrobat Space C2.png acrobat tiles where the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster is on and on the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
  • The Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster bonus only applies to roads, cities, cloistersmonasteries and farmsfields (basic game features)
  • The ringmaster bonus applies to all features by extended rules.
  • Figure Ringmaster red.png Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
  • The feature is scored first, then the Figure Ringmaster red.png ringmaster
×2 points for circus or acrobat tiles when ringmaster on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Fairy.png
Fairy scoring bonus: Player with follower next to fairy Figure Robber red.png+
3 points
×2 points when Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Black Fairy.png
Black Fairy scoring penalty: Player with follower next to black fairy Figure Robber red.png+
-3 points
1/2 points when Black Fairy on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Figure Gold.png Player(s) with the majority on scored feature
Player takes all the Figure Gold.png gold ingots on a tile with Vista Point and on six-tile Vista area.
  • In case of a tie, all players starting with you take one gold ingot to which they are entitled in clockwise order. This continues until all the gold ingots involved have been taken.
Special Figure Scoring
Figure Obelisk Red.png
Obelisk Figure Robber red.png+
16 points (the 4 Square space square spaces on which Obelisk stands and 1 point per Square space square spaces around them) 1 point / Tile tile on which Obelisk stands + 1 point / Tile tile around them
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) on the 4 Square space square spaces with the Obelisk or on the twelve Square space square spaces around it on the 4 Tile tiles with the Obelisk or on the twelve Square space tiles around it
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

Figure HansStatue.png
Obelisk on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
5 points (Tile tile with the observation tower and the four Tile tiles in all cardinal directions around it)1 point / Tile tile in the Square space square space with the observation tower and the the four Square space square spaces in all cardinal directions around it5 points (Square space the square space with the observation tower and the four Square space square spaces in all cardinal directions around it)
Token LB Tower4 C1.png
Little building(s) Square space square space with the observation tower or on the 4 Square space square spaces in cardinal directions around it Tile tile with the observation tower or on the 4 Tile tiles in cardinal directions around it
Token Castle C2.png
Basic rules:
  • (+1) point / little building

Variant rules:

×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Tile placement scoring
3 point / Feature Garden C1.png garden on Square space tile(s)Square space square space(s) around placed Tile spring tile
×2 points for Garden on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue, when Hans Statue is not on placed tile.

1 point / Tile Spring tile around placed Tile spring tile

×2 points for Spring on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue, when Hans Statue is not on placed tile.
Figure HansStatue.png
Placed spring tile on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Tile placement scoring
2 point / each Feature Farmhouse C1.png farmhouse and Feature Sheds C3.png shed on Square space tile(s)Square space square space(s) around placed Tile autumn tile
×2 points for Feature Farmhouse C1.png farmhouse and Feature Sheds C3.png shed on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue, when Hans Statue is not on placed tile.
Figure HansStatue.png
Placed autumn tile on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Tile placement scoring
1 point × (#) of finished features by wetland tile × (#) of Tile tile(s) around placed wetland tile(#) of occupied Square space square spaces around placed wetland tile
×2 points when Wetland on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Tile placement around wetland tile Figure Robber red.png+
1 point / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms

1 point / Feature WaterTower C3.png Water tower

×2 points when Feature WaterTower C3.png Water tower and/or any type of Icon Pennant blue white C1.png pennantcoat of arms on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Bonus scoring (epilog)
Figure Robber red.png
Stealing points: Player with robber
Robbers must take points but they may need to choose which scoring figure to take the first points from; this may happen when a robber is on the same space as multiple scoring figures that will be scoring points during Step 3B.
Step 3C: Resolve the Tile Scoring
There are no particular actions for this step.
Figure Roundtop.png
Big Top: All players with followersmeeples in the vicinity of the big top Figure Robber red.png+
Animal token points / Figure Meeple red.png follower
  • Consider the followersmeeples on the Square space square spaceTile tile with the big top and the 8 Square space square spacesTile tiles adjacent to it.
    • Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these Square space square spacesTile tiles.
    • A double-sized tile counts as 1 tile and you consider all its followersmeeples placed on regular features
    • Each triangular tile counts as 1 individual tile
    • A wonder tile counts as 1 individual tile
    • Consider the followersmeeples in castles overlapping the adjacent spaces.
    • Each half of a double-sized tile counts as a separate regular tile (except for the long roads on Leipzig tiles in C2 only), but you consider all the followersmeeples on regular features on both halves, even if one of the halves is not adjacent
    • A square space with one or two triangular tiles counts as 1 regular tile
    • Each square space in a wonder tile counts as 1 regular tile
  • FollowersMeeples in the Carcassonne Start Tableu C1 Front.png City of Carcassonne are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples inside the WOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpg Wheel of Fortune are not considered
  • FollowersMeeples in the Leipzig tiles.png City of Leipzig are not considered
Figure HansStatue.png
Big Top on tile with Hans Statue
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Feature scoring
Bets C3 Feature Betting Office.png
Betting office: Player with betting chip matching the number of tiles of completed road or city Figure Robber red.png
Depends on the betting chip, featuring one or two bets.
  • Bets are settled after all features have been scored
  • All betting chips on a betting office apply to the same feature
  • The active player decides the feature if there are several options
  • 2 points if feature has exactly 2 tiles
  • 6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
  • 3 points if feature has exactly 3 tiles
  • 5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
  • 3 points if feature has exactly 2 tiles
  • 6 points if feature has exactly 6 tiles
  • 4 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
  • 7 points if feature has 7 or more tiles
  • 8 points if feature has exactly 4 tiles
  • 5 points if feature has exactly 5 tiles
  • 8 points if feature has 8 or more tiles
×2 points (maximum of 40 points can be added in the Friendly Variant)
  • Affects all points (previous rows)
Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png Gingerbread Man Symbol: Placed tile with Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png gingerbread man symbol and Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man was not yet moving this turn.
Move Figure Gingerbreadman.png gingerbread man to other unfinished city.
Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man: All players with followersmeeples in the city with Figure Gingerbreadman.png Gingerbread Man.
1 point / Square space square spaceTile tile per followermeeple the player has in the city
×2 points when Gingerbread Man on tile with Figure HansStatue.png Hans Statue.
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)

4. Additional actions

Step 4A: Resolve the Tile Actions
There are no particular actions for this step.
Depends on the outcome
Token which lands closest to the target fair tile
Hurler 5 points
Depends on the outcome
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — and not far enough
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — but far enough
Hurler 5 points
Touched — but not caught
Hurler 5 points
Figure Courier.png
Courier Figure Robber red.png
After-the-game points from feature(s) which can be finished and scored during game with at least one followermeeple in 9 Square space square spaces around Figure Courier.png the Courier after his movement.
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved forward and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on received tile
Scoring C1 Dispatch 1.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 1.png
Score smallest road
After-the-game points from road with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 2.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 2.png
Score smallest city
After-the-game points from city with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 3.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 3.png
Score smallest cloistermonastery
After-the-game points from cloistermonastery with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
  • No majority is applied for the feature scored
Scoring C1 Dispatch 4.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 4.png
2 points for each Icon Pennant blue white C2.png pennantcoat of arms
2 points / any type of Icon Pennant blue white C2.png pennantcoat of arms in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
Scoring C1 Dispatch 5.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 5.png
2 points for each knight
2 points / knight in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
Scoring C1 Dispatch 6.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 6.png
2 points for each farmer
2 points / player's farmers
Scoring C1 Dispatch 7.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 7.png
Add a Landscape Tile
0 points from dispatch itself (there may be points from playing the tile)
Scoring C1 Dispatch 8.png
Scoring C2 Dispatch 8.png
Score a followermeeple and remove it from the board
After-the-game points from chosen feature with at least one of player's followersmeeples
  • Majority is applied for feature scored
Dispatch: After resolving a Message tile one of your scoring figures moved forward and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard.
  • You may draw another Message tile.
Dispatch: One of your scoring figures moved and ended up on a dark space of the scoreboard Figure Robber red.png
2 points OR depends on tile (see above)
After movement of scoring figure on scoring board
  • If your scoring meeple moves to a space with the bottom of a ladder, it will move forward to the space at its top.
  • If your scoring meeple moves to a space with the head of a snake, it will move backwards to the space with its tail.
Logo EasterCarcassonneNest C1.png
Easter Nest: Player completing feature and players with follower(s)meeple(s) in the vicinity
2 Easter eggs to player completing Easter Nest
1 Easter egg to the owner of each followermeeple neighboring the nest.
  • The Easter Nest considers its tile and the eight tiles around itthe tiles on the 8 spaces around itthe eight spaces around it
Figure EasterBunny.png
Easter Bunny movement: Players with follower(s)meeple(s) meeting the Easter Bunny
1 Easter egg to the owner of each followermeeple on Square space square spaceTile tiles the Easter Bunny hops on or over
Feature Bazaar C1.png
Bazaar: All players Figure Robber red.png
(+number) of points awarded based on bidding to seller, if any

(-number) of points awarded based on bidding to buyer

  • Players are allowed to have negative points as a result
Step 4B: Resolve the Turn
There are no particular actions for this step.
There are no particular actions for this phase.