Visuelle Zeitlinie Carcassonne (Zweite Edition)

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This page is a translated version of the page Visual Timeline (2nd and 3rd editions) and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Visual Timeline of all games, expansions and other stuff for the 2nd (C2) and 3rd (C3) editions of Carcassonne ordered by release date.

Visuelle Zeitlinie der zweiten Edition von Carcassonne

Hier findest du Spiele, Erweiterungen ... für die zweite Edition nach Datum sortiert. Die visuelle Zeitlinie für die erste Edition findet ihr hier


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  1. Base Game included The Farmers, River and The Abbot.
  2. Die Big Box enthält unveröffentlichte Erweiterungen für die zweite Edition: The Flying Machines, The Messengers, The Ferries, The Goldmines, Mage & Witch, The Robbers und Crop Circles.
  3. The 20th Anniversary Edition contains two new expansions not available separately: the 20th Anniversary River and the 20th Anniversary Expansion.
  4. Big Box C3 contains some expansions not available separately for C3: Inns & Cathedrals, Traders & Builders, The Flying Machines, The Messengers, The Ferries, The Goldmines, Mage & Witch, The Robbers and The Crop Circles II.
  5. Mists over Carcassonne can be played as Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & CemeteriesExp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries.