
From Wikicarpedia
Revision as of 14:19, 7 August 2024 by Petul (talk | contribs)
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Unknown feature {{{name}}}


Features showed on tiles.


  • name (required) key name of feature
  • text (optional) when want to use different text as feature name, for example plural or different grammar form
  • formating (optional) formating style for text like lowercase
  • edition (optional/required) which edition rules and image to use
  • variant (optional) [ short | abbr | image | imagename | imagelink | -empty- ] variant of output, check examples table
  • linkname (optional) Expansion Link template name if want to use different as default link, for example if feature used in other expansion like original one, like Universal Crop Circle in Halflings Halflings
  • anchor (optional) when want to use different anchor as default
  • size (optional) for variant=image and variant=imageantext change default size of image, options like 50px, x50px or 50x50px


  1. config in {{Tile|..|config={{Feature|name=Well}} }}
  2. Link to Feature description with translated name of Feature
  3. Image of feature

Possible future version can read those data from some kind of database. Currently it is hardcoded. But when it will replaced by mentioned database approach, it will not need to update any Wiki page for it, because it's called by variables defined in this template.


  1. The Watchtowers The Watchtowers Watchtowers types with scoring
  2. The Wonders of Humanity The Wonders of Humanity Missing symbols for features on wonder tiles (monastery, meeple, road, city)
  3. The Markets of Leipzig The Markets of Leipzig Individual symbols of Leipzig's quarters

Official expansion features

Fan expansion features

  • 29. Feature Wandering Preachers
  • 19. An apple day: File:Symbol_AnAppleADay.png
  • 20. White Dragon: Symbol_WhiteDragon.png
  • 21. File:Symbol_TheRainbow.png
  • 22. File:Symbol_Bastides.png
  • 23. File:Symbol_WildBoars.png
  • 24. File:Symbol_Horse.png
  • 25. Symbol_DragonHunters.png
  • 26. File:Symbol_Seasons_C1.png
  • 28. File:Feat_HouseDeadEndStreet.png


For unknown reason in Castle which is generated by Template:Piece parameter linkname={{{linkname|}} is interpered in Piece is set. So it send to ItemLink empty linkname. It's need to make small hack linkname{{#if: {{{linkname|}} | | NULL}}={{{linkname|}}} to create unnused parameter linknameNULL.


  • name Required. Name of feature.
  • edition Optional. For expansions with edition depend rule pages, like C1, C2, C3
  • variant Optional. Some features can have defined short variant of name Fair except original Capatup Fair, or abbr for G for Garden.
  • count Optional. Prepend count of feature with text {{{count}}}×. When type=abbr, then there is no space between count and feature.
  • linkname Optional. Overwrite original linkname based on Feature. Usable when want to link Fan expansions, or other expansion like initial expansion of feature.
  • anchor. Optional. Requested anchor if different like predefined. Predefined anchor is ignored when linkname is set.


Code / Text name variant=short variant=abbr variant=imageandtext variant=imagelink
Base GameBase Game
{{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}}Base Game C3 Tile C.png CityFile:Base Game C3 Tile C.png
{{Feature|name=City|edition=C2}}Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg CityFile:Base Game C2 Tile C.jpg
{{Feature|name=City|edition=C1}}Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg CityFile:Base Game C1 Tile 01.jpg
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=C3}}Icon CoatOfArms blue white C3.png Coat of ArmsFile:Icon CoatOfArms blue white C3.png
Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=C2}}Icon Pennant blue white C2.png Coat of ArmsFile:Icon Pennant blue white C2.png
Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=C1}}Icon Pennant blue white C1.png PennantFile:Icon Pennant blue white C1.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=C3}}File:Feature Crossroad C3.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad C3.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=C2}}Feature Crossroad C2.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad C2.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=C1}}Feature Crossroad C1.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad C1.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=C3}}File:Feature Field C3.png FieldFile:Feature Field C3.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=C2}}Feature Field C2.png FieldFile:Feature Field C2.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=C1}}Feature Field C1.png FieldFile:Feature Field C1.png
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=C3}}File:Feature Inner Field C3.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field C3.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=C2}}Feature Inner Field C2.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field C2.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=C1}}Feature Inner Field C1.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field C1.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}}File:Feature Monastery C3.png MonasteryFile:Feature Monastery C3.png
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C2}}Feature Monastery C2.png MonasteryFile:Feature Monastery C2.png
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C1}}Feat Cloister C1.png CloisterFile:Feat Cloister C1.png
{{Feature|name=OverpassingCityBridge|edition=C2}}Feature Overpassing City Bridge C2.png Overpassing City BridgeFile:Feature Overpassing City Bridge C2.png
Overpassing City Bridge
{{Feature|name=OverpassingCityBridge|edition=C1}}Feature Overpassing City Bridge C1.png Overpassing City BridgeFile:Feature Overpassing City Bridge C1.png
Overpassing City Bridge
{{Feature|name=OverpassingRoadBridge|edition=C2}}Feature Overpassing Road Bridge C2.png Overpassing Road BridgeFile:Feature Overpassing Road Bridge C2.png
Overpassing Road Bridge
{{Feature|name=OverpassingRoadBridge|edition=C1}}Feature Overpassing Road Bridge C1.png Overpassing Road BridgeFile:Feature Overpassing Road Bridge C1.png
Overpassing Road Bridge
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}}File:Feature Road C3.png RoadFile:Feature Road C3.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=C2}}Feature Road C2.png RoadFile:Feature Road C2.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=C1}}Feature Road C1.png RoadFile:Feature Road C1.png
{{Feature|name=ContinuousRoad|edition=C3}}File:Feature Continuous Road C3.png Continuous RoadFile:Feature Continuous Road C3.png
Continuous Road
{{Feature|name=ContinuousRoad|edition=C2}}Feature Continuous Road C2.png Continuous RoadFile:Feature Continuous Road C2.png
Continuous Road
{{Feature|name=ContinuousRoad|edition=C1}}Feature Continuous Road C1.png Continuous RoadFile:Feature Continuous Road C1.png
Continuous Road
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=C3}}File:Feature Village C3.png VillageFile:Feature Village C3.png
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=C2}}Feature Village C2.png VillageFile:Feature Village C2.png
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=C1}}Feature Farmhouse Crossroad C1.png VillageFile:Feature Farmhouse Crossroad C1.png
The AbbotThe Abbot
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=C3}}Feature Garden C3.png GardenFile:Feature Garden C3.png
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=C2}}Feature Garden C2.png GardenFile:Feature Garden C2.png
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=C1}}Feature Garden C1.png GardenFile:Feature Garden C1.png
{{Feature|name=Shed|edition=C1}}Feature Shed C1.png ShedFile:Feature Shed C1.png
{{Feature|name=Sheds|edition=C3}}Feature Sheds C3.png ShedsFile:Feature Sheds C3.png
{{Feature|name=Sheds|edition=C2}}Feature Sheds C2.png ShedsFile:Feature Sheds C2.png
{{Feature|name=Cowshed|edition=C3}}Feature Cows C3.png CowshedFile:Feature Cows C3.png
{{Feature|name=Cowshed|edition=C2}}Feature Cows C2.png CowshedFile:Feature Cows C2.png
{{Feature|name=DonkeyStable|edition=C3}}Feature Donkeys C3.png Donkey StableFile:Feature Donkeys C3.png
Donkey Stable(D)D
{{Feature|name=DonkeyStable|edition=C2}}Feature Donkeys C2.png Donkey StableFile:Feature Donkeys C2.png
Donkey Stable(D)D
{{Feature|name=Farmhouse|edition=C3}}Feature Farmhouse C3.png FarmhouseFile:Feature Farmhouse C3.png
{{Feature|name=Farmhouse|edition=C2}}Feature Farmhouse C2.png FarmhouseFile:Feature Farmhouse C2.png
{{Feature|name=Highwaymen|edition=C3}}Feature Highwaymen C3.png HighwaymenFile:Feature Highwaymen C3.png
{{Feature|name=Highwaymen|edition=C2}}Feature Highwayman C2.png HighwaymenFile:Feature Highwayman C2.png
{{Feature|name=Pigsty|edition=C3}}Feature Pigsty C3.png PigstyFile:Feature Pigsty C3.png
{{Feature|name=Pigsty|edition=C2}}Feature Pigsty C2.png PigstyFile:Feature Pigsty C2.png
{{Feature|name=WaterTower|edition=C3}}Feature WaterTower C3.png Water TowerFile:Feature WaterTower C3.png
Water Tower(W)W
{{Feature|name=WaterTower|edition=C2}}Feature WaterTower C2.png Water TowerFile:Feature WaterTower C2.png
Water Tower(W)W
{{Feature|name=RiverSegments|edition=C3}}File:Feature River Segments C3.png River SegmentsFile:Feature River Segments C3.png
River Segments
{{Feature|name=RiverSegments|edition=C2}}Feature River Segments C2.png River SegmentsFile:Feature River Segments C2.png
River Segments
{{Feature|name=RiverSegments|edition=C1}}Feature River Segments C1.png River SegmentsFile:Feature River Segments C1.png
River Segments
{{Feature|name=PigHerd|edition=C2}}River C2 pigsty.png Pig-herdFile:River C2 pigsty.png
{{Feature|name=PigHerd|edition=C1}}Feat PigHerd C1.png Pig-herdFile:Feat PigHerd C1.png
{{Feature|name=River|edition=C3}}File:Feature River C3.png RiverFile:Feature River C3.png
{{Feature|name=River|edition=C2}}Feature River C2.png RiverFile:Feature River C2.png
{{Feature|name=River|edition=C1}}Feature River C1.png RiverFile:Feature River C1.png
{{Feature|name=RiverFork|edition=C2}}Feature River Fork C2.png River ForkFile:Feature River Fork C2.png
River ForkFork
{{Feature|name=RiverFork|edition=C1}}Feature River Fork C1.png River JunctionFile:Feature River Fork C1.png
River JunctionJunction
{{Feature|name=RiverLake|edition=C3}}File:Feature River Lake C3.png River LakeFile:Feature River Lake C3.png
River LakeLake
{{Feature|name=RiverLake|edition=C2}}Feature River Lake C2.png River LakeFile:Feature River Lake C2.png
River LakeLake
{{Feature|name=RiverLake|edition=C1}}Feature River Lake C1.png River LakeFile:Feature River Lake C1.png
River LakeLake
{{Feature|name=RiverSource|edition=C3}}File:Feature River Source C3.png River SourceFile:Feature River Source C3.png
River SourceSource
{{Feature|name=RiverSource|edition=C2}}Feature River Source C2.png River SourceFile:Feature River Source C2.png
River SourceSource
{{Feature|name=RiverSource|edition=C1}}Feature River Spring C1.png River SpringFile:Feature River Spring C1.png
River SpringSpring
Exp. 1 - Inns & CathedralsExp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals
{{Feature|name=Cathedral|edition=C3}}File:Feature Cathedral C3.png CathedralFile:Feature Cathedral C3.png
{{Feature|name=Cathedral|edition=C2}}Feature Cathedral C2.png CathedralFile:Feature Cathedral C2.png
{{Feature|name=Cathedral|edition=C1}}Feature Cathedral C1.png CathedralFile:Feature Cathedral C1.png
{{Feature|name=Inn|edition=C3}}File:Feature Inn C3.png InnFile:Feature Inn C3.png
{{Feature|name=Inn|edition=C2}}Feature Inn C2.png InnFile:Feature Inn C2.png
{{Feature|name=Inn|edition=C1}}Feature Inn C1.png InnFile:Feature Inn C1.png
Exp. 2 - Traders & BuildersExp. 2 - Traders & Builders
{{Feature|name=GoodsSymbols|edition=C3}}File:Feature Goods Symbols C3.png Goods SymbolsFile:Feature Goods Symbols C3.png
Goods SymbolsTrade Goods
{{Feature|name=GoodsSymbols|edition=C2}}Feature Goods Symbols C2.png Goods SymbolsFile:Feature Goods Symbols C2.png
Goods SymbolsTrade Goods
{{Feature|name=GoodsSymbols|edition=C1}}Feature Goods Symbols C1.png Goods SymbolsFile:Feature Goods Symbols C1.png
Goods SymbolsTrade Goods
{{Feature|name=ClothSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Feature Cloth Symbol C3.png Cloth SymbolFile:Feature Cloth Symbol C3.png
Cloth SymbolCloth
{{Feature|name=ClothSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Cloth Symbol C2.png Cloth SymbolFile:Feature Cloth Symbol C2.png
Cloth SymbolCloth
{{Feature|name=ClothSymbol|edition=C1}}Icon Fabric C1.png Cloth SymbolFile:Icon Fabric C1.png
Cloth SymbolCloth
{{Feature|name=WheatSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Feature Wheat Symbol C3.png Wheat SymbolFile:Feature Wheat Symbol C3.png
Wheat SymbolWheat
{{Feature|name=WheatSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Wheat Symbol C2.png Wheat SymbolFile:Feature Wheat Symbol C2.png
Wheat SymbolWheat
{{Feature|name=WheatSymbol|edition=C1}}Icon Wheat C1.png Wheat SymbolFile:Icon Wheat C1.png
Wheat SymbolWheat
{{Feature|name=WineSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Feature Wine Symbol C3.png Wine SymbolFile:Feature Wine Symbol C3.png
Wine SymbolWine
{{Feature|name=WineSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Wine Symbol C2.png Wine SymbolFile:Feature Wine Symbol C2.png
Wine SymbolWine
{{Feature|name=WineSymbol|edition=C1}}Icon Wine C1.png Wine SymbolFile:Icon Wine C1.png
Wine SymbolWine
Exp. 3 - The Princess & the DragonExp. 3 - The Princess & the Dragon
{{Feature|name=DragonSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Dragon C2.png Dragon SymbolFile:Feature Dragon C2.png
Dragon SymbolDragon
{{Feature|name=DragonSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Dragon C1.png Dragon SymbolFile:Feature Dragon C1.png
Dragon SymbolDragon
{{Feature|name=MagicPortal|edition=C2}}Feature MagicPortal C2.png Magic PortalFile:Feature MagicPortal C2.png
Magic Portal
{{Feature|name=MagicPortal|edition=C1}}Feature MagicPortal C1.png Magic PortalFile:Feature MagicPortal C1.png
Magic Portal
{{Feature|name=PrincessSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Princess C2.png Princess SymbolFile:Feature Princess C2.png
Princess SymbolPrincess
{{Feature|name=PrincessSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Princess C1.png Princess SymbolFile:Feature Princess C1.png
Princess SymbolPrincess
{{Feature|name=Volcano|edition=C2}}Feature Volcano C2.png VolcanoFile:Feature Volcano C2.png
{{Feature|name=Volcano|edition=C1}}Feature Volcano C1.png VolcanoFile:Feature Volcano C1.png
Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The Tower
{{Feature|name=TowerFoundation|edition=C2}}Feature Tower C2.png Tower FoundationFile:Feature Tower C2.png
Tower FoundationFoundation
{{Feature|name=TowerFoundation|edition=C1}}Feat Tower C1.png Tower FoundationFile:Feat Tower C1.png
Tower FoundationFoundation
Exp. 5 - Abbey & MayorExp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor
{{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}}Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile A.jpg AbbeyFile:Abbey And Mayor C2 Tile A.jpg
{{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C1}}Abbey And Mayor C1 Tile Abbey.jpg AbbeyFile:Abbey And Mayor C1 Tile Abbey.jpg
Exp. 6 - Count, King & RobberExp. 6 - Count, King & Robber
{{Feature|name=CityOfCarcassonne|edition=C2}}Count Of Carcassonne C2 Feature Tiles.png City of CarcassonneFile:Count Of Carcassonne C2 Feature Tiles.png
City of CarcassonneCoC
{{Feature|name=CityOfCarcassonne|edition=C1}}Carcassonne Start Tableu C1 Front.png City of CarcassonneFile:Carcassonne Start Tableu C1 Front.png
City of CarcassonneCoC
{{Feature|name=CityOfCarcassonneInterior|edition=C2}}Count Of Carcassonne C2 Feature Tiles.png The interior of the City of CarcassonneFile:Count Of Carcassonne C2 Feature Tiles.png
The interior of the City of CarcassonneCoC Interior
{{Feature|name=CityOfCarcassonneInterior|edition=C1}}Carcassonne Start Tableu C1 Front.png The interior of the City of CarcassonneFile:Carcassonne Start Tableu C1 Front.png
The interior of the City of CarcassonneCoC Interior
{{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}}Feature Shrine C2.png ShrineFile:Feature Shrine C2.png
{{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C1}}Feat Cult C1.png ShrineFile:Feat Cult C1.png
Exp. 7 - The CatapultExp. 7 - The Catapult
{{Feature|name=CatapultFair}}Feature Fair C1.png Catapult FairFile:Feature Fair C1.png
Catapult FairFair
Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & BazaarsExp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
{{Feature|name=Bazaar|edition=C2}}Feature Bazaar C2.png BazaarFile:Feature Bazaar C2.png
{{Feature|name=Bazaar|edition=C1}}Feature Bazaar C1.png BazaarFile:Feature Bazaar C1.png
Note: Castle is made by translusion of {{Piece|name=CastleToken|variant=short}} So if you want to translate Feature-Castle you need update Template:Piece short value for CastleToken. All other params are still valid, so you can change by {{Feature|name=Castle|... all of them like text for non default text, linkname, anchor, edition or formating
{{Feature|name=Castle|edition=C2}}Token Castle C2.png Castle tokenFile:Token Castle C2.png
{{Feature|name=Castle|edition=C1}}Token Castle C1.png Castle tokenFile:Token Castle C1.png
Exp. 9 - Hills & SheepExp. 9 - Hills & Sheep
{{Feature|name=CitySeparateSegments|edition=C2}}Hills And Sheep C2 Tile L.jpg Separate City SegmentsFile:Hills And Sheep C2 Tile L.jpg
Separate City Segments
{{Feature|name=CitySeparateSegments|edition=C1}}Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 01.jpg Separate City SegmentsFile:Hills And Sheep C1 Tile 01.jpg
Separate City Segments
{{Feature|name=DividedRoad|edition=C2}}Feature Divided Road C2.png Divided RoadFile:Feature Divided Road C2.png
Divided Road
{{Feature|name=DividedRoad|edition=C1}}Feature Divided Road C1.png Divided RoadFile:Feature Divided Road C1.png
Divided Road
{{Feature|name=Hill|edition=C2}}Feature Hill C2.png HillFile:Feature Hill C2.png
{{Feature|name=Hill|edition=C1}}Feature Hill C1.png HillFile:Feature Hill C1.png
{{Feature|name=Vineyard|edition=C2}}Scoring C2 Vineyard.png VineyardFile:Scoring C2 Vineyard.png
{{Feature|name=Vineyard|edition=C1}}Feature Vineyard C1.png VineyardFile:Feature Vineyard C1.png
Exp. 10 - Under the Big TopExp. 10 - Under the Big Top
{{Feature|name=AcrobatsPyramid}}Scoring C2 Acrobats.png Acrobats PyramidFile:Scoring C2 Acrobats.png
Acrobats Pyramid
{{Feature|name=AcrobatSpace}}Feature Acrobat Space C2.png Acrobat SpaceFile:Feature Acrobat Space C2.png
Acrobat Space
{{Feature|name=CircusSpace}}Feature Circus Space C2.png Circus SpaceFile:Feature Circus Space C2.png
Circus Space
Exp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & CemeteriesExp. 11 - Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries
{{Feature|name=Cemetery}}Scoring C3 Cemetery.png CemeteryFile:Scoring C3 Cemetery.png
{{Feature|name=Ghost}}Mists C3 Symbol Ghost.png GhostFile:Mists C3 Symbol Ghost.png
{{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}}Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png Haunted CastleFile:Scoring C3 Haunted Castle.png
Haunted CastleCastle
{{Feature|name=HauntedCastleRuins}}File:Feature HauntedCastleRuins C3.png Haunted Castle RuinsFile:Feature HauntedCastleRuins C3.png
Haunted Castle RuinsCastle ruins
{{Feature|name=Mist}}Mists C3 Tile 60.png MistFile:Mists C3 Tile 60.png
The Wheel of FortuneThe Wheel of Fortune
{{Feature|name=WheelOfFortune}}WOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpg Wheel of FortuneFile:WOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpg
Wheel of FortuneWoF
{{Feature|name=WheelOfFortuneInterior}}WOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpg The Interior of the Wheel of FortuneFile:WOF C1 Starting Tile 01.jpg
The Interior of the Wheel of FortuneWoF Interior
{{Feature|name=WheelSymbols}}WOF C1 Tile Symbols.png Wheel symbolsFile:WOF C1 Tile Symbols.png
Wheel symbolsWheels
{{Feature|name=WheelSymbol1}}Feat WoF1.png Wheel Symbol 1File:Feat WoF1.png
Wheel Symbol 1Wheel 1
{{Feature|name=WheelSymbol2}}Feat WoF2.png Wheel Symbol 2File:Feat WoF2.png
Wheel Symbol 2Wheel 2
{{Feature|name=WheelSymbol3}}Feat WoF3.png Wheel Symbol 3File:Feat WoF3.png
Wheel Symbol 3Wheel 3
Mini #1 - The Flying MachinesMini #1 - The Flying Machines
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineAircraft|edition=C3}}File:Logo Flier C3.png Flying Machine AircraftFile:Logo Flier C3.png
Flying Machine AircraftFlying Machine
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineAircraft|edition=C2}}Logo Flier C2.png Flying Machine AircraftFile:Logo Flier C2.png
Flying Machine AircraftFlying Machine
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineAircraft|edition=C1}}Logo Flier C1.png Flying Machine AircraftFile:Logo Flier C1.png
Flying Machine AircraftFlying Machine
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineHill|edition=C3}}File:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C3.png Flying Machine HillFile:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C3.png
Flying Machine HillHill
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineHill|edition=C2}}Feature FlyingMachinesHill C2.png Flying Machine HillFile:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C2.png
Flying Machine HillHill
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineHill|edition=C1}}Feature FlyingMachinesHill C1.png Flying Machine HillFile:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C1.png
Flying Machine HillHill
Mini #3 - The FerriesMini #3 - The Ferries
{{Feature|name=FerryLake|edition=C3}}File:Feature Ferry Lake C3.png Ferry LakeFile:Feature Ferry Lake C3.png
Ferry LakeFerry Lake
{{Feature|name=FerryLake|edition=C2}}Feature Ferry Lake C2.png Ferry LakeFile:Feature Ferry Lake C2.png
Ferry LakeFerry Lake
{{Feature|name=FerryLake|edition=C1}}Feature Ferry Lake C1.png Ferry LakeFile:Feature Ferry Lake C1.png
Ferry LakeFerry Lake
{{Feature|name=FerryRoad|edition=C3}}File:Feature Ferry Road C3.png Ferry RoadFile:Feature Ferry Road C3.png
Ferry RoadFerry Road
{{Feature|name=FerryRoad|edition=C2}}Feature Ferry Road C2.png Ferry RoadFile:Feature Ferry Road C2.png
Ferry RoadFerry Road
{{Feature|name=FerryRoad|edition=C1}}Feature Ferry Road C1.png Ferry RoadFile:Feature Ferry Road C1.png
Ferry RoadFerry Road
Mini #4 - The GoldminesMini #4 - The Goldmines
{{Feature|name=GoldSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Logo Gold C3.png Gold SymbolFile:Logo Gold C3.png
Gold SymbolGold
{{Feature|name=GoldSymbol|edition=C2}}Logo Gold C2.png Gold SymbolFile:Logo Gold C2.png
Gold SymbolGold
{{Feature|name=GoldSymbol|edition=C1}}Logo Gold C1.png Gold SymbolFile:Logo Gold C1.png
Gold SymbolGold
Mini #5 - Mage & WitchMini #5 - Mage & Witch
{{Feature|name=MageAndWitchSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Logo MageWitch C3.png Mage and Witch SymbolFile:Logo MageWitch C3.png
Mage and Witch SymbolMage & Witch
{{Feature|name=MageAndWitchSymbol|edition=C2}}Logo MageWitch C2.png Mage and Witch SymbolFile:Logo MageWitch C2.png
Mage and Witch SymbolMage & Witch
{{Feature|name=MageAndWitchSymbol|edition=C1}}Logo MageWitch C1.png Mage and Witch SymbolFile:Logo MageWitch C1.png
Mage and Witch SymbolMage & Witch
Mini #6 - The RobbersMini #6 - The Robbers
{{Feature|name=RobberSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Logo Robbers C3.png Robber SymbolFile:Logo Robbers C3.png
Robber SymbolRobber
{{Feature|name=RobberSymbol|edition=C2}}Logo Robbers C2.png Robber SymbolFile:Logo Robbers C2.png
Robber SymbolRobber
{{Feature|name=RobberSymbol|edition=C1}}Logo Robbers C1.png Robber SymbolFile:Logo Robbers C1.png
Robber SymbolRobber
Mini #7 - The Crop CirclesMini #7 - The Crop Circles / Crop CirclesCrop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircles|edition=C3}}File:Feature Crop Circles C3.png Crop CirclesFile:Feature Crop Circles C3.png
Crop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircles|edition=C2}}Feature Crop Circles C2.png Crop CirclesFile:Feature Crop Circles C2.png
Crop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircles|edition=C1}}Feature Crop Circles C1.png Crop CirclesFile:Feature Crop Circles C1.png
Crop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircleClub|edition=C3}}File:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Club.png Club Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Club.png
Club Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleClub|edition=C2}}Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Club.png Club Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Club.png
Club Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleClub|edition=C1}}Crop C1 club.png Club Crop CircleFile:Crop C1 club.png
Club Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCirclePitchfork|edition=C3}}File:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Rake.png Rake Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Rake.png
Rake Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCirclePitchfork|edition=C2}}Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Rake.png Rake Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Rake.png
Rake Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCirclePitchfork|edition=C1}}Crop C1 fork.png Rake Crop CircleFile:Crop C1 fork.png
Rake Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleShield|edition=C3}}File:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Shield.png Shield Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C3 Feature Crop Shield.png
Shield Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleShield|edition=C2}}Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Shield.png Shield Crop CircleFile:Crop Circles C2 Feature Crop Shield.png
Shield Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleShield|edition=C1}}Crop C1 shield.png Shield Crop CircleFile:Crop C1 shield.png
Shield Crop Circle
20th Anniversary Expansion20th Anniversary Expansion
{{Feature|name=20thAnniversaryArrowSymbols}}20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Feature Symbols.png 20th Anniversary Arrow SymbolsFile:20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Feature Symbols.png
20th Anniversary Arrow SymbolsArrow symbols
{{Feature|name=20thAnniversaryArrowAddNextTo}}20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png 20th Anniversary Add next to SymbolFile:20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 01.png
20th Anniversary Add next to SymbolAdd next to
{{Feature|name=20thAnniversaryArrowMargicPortal}}20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png 20th Anniversary Magic portal SymbolFile:20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 02.png
20th Anniversary Magic portal SymbolMagic portal
{{Feature|name=20thAnniversaryArrowExtraTurn}}20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 03.png 20th Anniversary Extra turn SymbolFile:20th Anniversary Expansion C2 Action Symbol 03.png
20th Anniversary Extra turn SymbolExtra turn
The Barber-SurgeonsThe Barber-Surgeons
{{Feature|name=Bathhouse}}Feature Bathhouse C1.png BathhouseFile:Feature Bathhouse C1.png
The BetsThe Bets
{{Feature|name=BettingOffice}}Bets C3 Feature Betting Office.png Betting OfficeFile:Bets C3 Feature Betting Office.png
Betting Office
The BesiegersThe Besiegers / The CatharsThe Cathars / SiegeSiege
{{Feature|name=CatharsSymbol}}Symbol Cathars C1.png Cathars SymbolFile:Symbol Cathars C1.png
Cathars SymbolCathars
{{Feature|name=CityUnderAttack}}Cathars C1 04.png City under AttackFile:Cathars C1 04.png
City under Attack
Darmstadt PromoDarmstadt Promo
{{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}}Feature Darmstadt Church C1.png Darmstadt ChurchFile:Feature Darmstadt Church C1.png
Darmstadt Church
{{Feature|name=Darmstadtium}}Feature Darmstadtium C1.png DarmstadtiumFile:Feature Darmstadtium C1.png
{{Feature|name=DarmstadtSymbol}}Symbol Darmstadt color.png Darmstadt SymbolFile:Symbol Darmstadt color.png
Darmstadt Symbol
The DrawbridgesThe Drawbridges
{{Feature|name=Drawbridge}}Drawbridges C3 Feature Drawbridge.png DrawbridgeFile:Drawbridges C3 Feature Drawbridge.png
The FestivalThe Festival
{{Feature|name=FestivalPlace|edition=C3}}File:Feature FestivalPlace C3.png Festival PlaceFile:Feature FestivalPlace C3.png
Festival Place
{{Feature|name=FestivalPlace|edition=C2}}Festival symbol.png Festival PlaceFile:Festival symbol.png
Festival Place
{{Feature|name=FestivalSymbol|edition=C3}}File:Symbol Festival15 C3.png Festival SymbolFile:Symbol Festival15 C3.png
Festival Symbol
{{Feature|name=FestivalSymbol|edition=C2}}Logo Festival15.png Festival SymbolFile:Logo Festival15.png
Festival Symbol
{{Feature|name=FestivalSymbol|edition=C1}}Logo Festival10.png Festival SymbolFile:Logo Festival10.png
Festival Symbol
The Fruit-Bearing TreesThe Fruit-Bearing Trees
{{Feature|name=FruitBearingTree}}Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees.png Fruit-Bearing TreeFile:Scoring C2 Fruit-Bearing Trees.png
Fruit-Bearing Tree
Castles in GermanyCastles in Germany
{{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C3}}File:Feature GermanCastle C3.png German CastleFile:Feature GermanCastle C3.png
German Castle
{{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}}German Castles C2 Castle Image 04.png German CastleFile:German Castles C2 Castle Image 04.png
German Castle
{{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C1}}Castles C1 Eltz.png German CastleFile:Castles C1 Eltz.png
German Castle
German CathedralsGerman Cathedrals
{{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}}German Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png German CathedralFile:German Cathedrals C2 Image 02.png
German Cathedral
{{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C1}}German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png German CathedralFile:German Cathedrals C1 frauenkirche.png
German Cathedral
Monasteries in GermanyMonasteries in Germany / Monasteries in the Netherlands & BelgiumMonasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium
{{Feature|name=SpecialMonastery|edition=C3}}File:Monasteries C3 Picture GE06.png Special MonasteryFile:Monasteries C3 Picture GE06.png
Special Monastery
{{Feature|name=SpecialMonastery|edition=C2}}Monasteries C2 Picture GE06.png Special MonasteryFile:Monasteries C2 Picture GE06.png
Special Monastery
{{Feature|name=SpecialMonastery|edition=C1}}Monasteries C1 Picture GE06.jpg Special MonasteryFile:Monasteries C1 Picture GE06.jpg
Special Monastery
Or Monasteries in the Netherlands & BelgiumMonasteries in the Netherlands & Belgium separately
{{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}}Monasteries C1 Picture NB05.jpg Dutch & Belgian monasteryFile:Monasteries C1 Picture NB05.jpg
Dutch & Belgian monastery
Or Monasteries in GermanyMonasteries in Germany separately
{{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}}Monasteries C2 Picture GE06.png German monasteryFile:Monasteries C2 Picture GE06.png
German monastery
{{Feature|name=Hill|edition=C2|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Feature Hill C2.png HillFile:Feature Hill C2.png
{{Feature|name=Hill|edition=C1|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Feature Hill C1.png HillFile:Feature Hill C1.png
{{Feature|name=Sheep|edition=C2|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Feature Sheep C2.png SheepFile:Feature Sheep C2.png
{{Feature|name=Sheep|edition=C1|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Feature Sheep C1.png SheepFile:Feature Sheep C1.png
{{Feature|name=CropCircleUniversal|edition=C2}}Feature Crop Circle Universal C2.png Universal Crop CircleFile:Feature Crop Circle Universal C2.png
Universal Crop CircleUniversal Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleUniversal|edition=C1}}Feature Crop Circle Universal C1.png Universal Crop CircleFile:Feature Crop Circle Universal C1.png
Universal Crop CircleUniversal Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=Vineyard|edition=C2|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Scoring C2 Vineyard.png VineyardFile:Scoring C2 Vineyard.png
{{Feature|name=Vineyard|edition=C1|linkname=HalflingsLink}}Feature Vineyard C1.png VineyardFile:Feature Vineyard C1.png
Japanese BuildingsJapanese Buildings
{{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}}Japanese Buildings C2 Picture 03.png Japanese BuildingFile:Japanese Buildings C2 Picture 03.png
Japanese Building
The LabyrinthThe Labyrinth
{{Feature|name=Labyrinth|edition=C2}}Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg LabyrinthFile:Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg
{{Feature|name=Labyrinth|edition=C1}}Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg LabyrinthFile:Labyrinth C1 Tile 01.jpg
The Markets of LeipzigThe Markets of Leipzig
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzig}}Leipzig tiles.png City of LeipzigFile:Leipzig tiles.png
City of LeipzigLeipzig
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigBonusSymbols}}Feature Markets Of Lepzig Bonus Symbols C2.png City of Leipzig Bonus SymbolsFile:Feature Markets Of Lepzig Bonus Symbols C2.png
City of Leipzig Bonus SymbolsLepzig Bonus Symbols
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigWainwrightsSymbol}}Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 01.png City of Leipzig Wainwrights SymbolFile:Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 01.png
City of Leipzig Wainwrights SymbolWainwrights Symbol
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigCoinersSymbol}}Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 02.png City of Leipzig Coiners SymbolFile:Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 02.png
City of Leipzig Coiners SymbolCoiners Symbol
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigBookbindersSymbol}}Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 03.png City of Leipzig Bookbinders SymbolFile:Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 03.png
City of Leipzig Bookbinders SymbolBookbinders Symbol
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigTannersSymbol}}Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 04.png City of Leipzig Tanners SymbolFile:Markets Of Leipzig C2 Leipzing Quarter 04.png
City of Leipzig Tanners SymbolTanners Symbol
{{Feature|name=CityOfLeipzigInterior}}Leipzig tiles.png The interior of the City of LeipzigFile:Leipzig tiles.png
The interior of the City of LeipzigLeipzig Interior
The Peasant RevoltsThe Peasant Revolts
{{Feature|name=PeasantRevoltSymbols}}Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbols.png Peasant Revolt SymbolsFile:Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbols.png
Peasant Revolt SymbolsPeasant Revolts
{{Feature|name=PeasantRevoltCitySymbol}}Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png Peasant Revolt Cities SymbolFile:Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Cities.png
Peasant Revolt Cities SymbolPeasant Revolt Cities
{{Feature|name=PeasantRevoltMonasterySymbol}}Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Monasteries.png Peasant Revolt Monasteries SymbolFile:Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Monasteries.png
Peasant Revolt Monasteries SymbolPeasant Revolt Monasteries
{{Feature|name=PeasantRevoltRoadSymbol}}Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Roads.png Peasant Revolt Roads SymbolFile:Peasant Revolts C2 Revolt Symbol Roads.png
Peasant Revolt Roads SymbolPeasant Revolt Roads
The PlagueThe Plague
{{Feature|name=PlagueDoctorSymbol}}Plague C1 Doctor Symbol.jpg Plague Doctor SymbolFile:Plague C1 Doctor Symbol.jpg
Plague Doctor SymbolPlague Doctor
Russian PromosRussian Promos
{{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}}Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpg Baba Yaga’s HutFile:Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 01.jpg
Baba Yaga’s HutIzbushka
{{Feature|name=BogatyrChoice}}Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 02.jpg The Choice of BogatyrFile:Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 02.jpg
The Choice of BogatyrBogatyr
{{Feature|name=SoloveiRazboynikTree}}Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 03.jpg Solovei Razboynik's TreeFile:Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 03.jpg
Solovei Razboynik's TreeSolovei Razboynik
{{Feature|name=Vodyanoy}}Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 04.jpg Vodyanoy's lakeFile:Russian Promos C1 Description Tile 04.jpg
Vodyanoy's lakeVodyanoy
The SchoolThe School
{{Feature|name=School}}School C1 Tiles Front.jpg SchoolFile:School C1 Tiles Front.jpg
The SignpostsThe Signposts
{{Feature|name=SignpostArrowSymbols}}Signposts C2 Feature Arrows 01.png Signpost Arrow SymbolsFile:Signposts C2 Feature Arrows 01.png
Signpost Arrow SymbolsSignpost Arrows
{{Feature|name=SignpostLeftArrow}}Feature Signposts Arrow Left C3.png Signpost Left ArrowFile:Feature Signposts Arrow Left C3.png
Signpost Left ArrowSignpost Left
{{Feature|name=SignpostRightArrow}}Feature Signposts Arrow Straight C3.png Signpost Straight ArrowFile:Feature Signposts Arrow Straight C3.png
Signpost Straight ArrowSignpost Straight
{{Feature|name=SignpostStraightArrow}}Feature Signposts Arrow Right C3.png Signpost Right ArrowFile:Feature Signposts Arrow Right C3.png
Signpost Right ArrowSignpost Right
The Spell CirclesThe Spell Circles
{{Feature|name=SpellCircle}}Feature C3 Sell Circle.png Spell CircleFile:Feature C3 Sell Circle.png
Spell Circle
Spiel PromosSpiel Promos
{{Feature|name=SpielPromoSymbol|edition=C3}}Feature Spiel Promo Symbol C3.png Spiel Promo SymbolFile:Feature Spiel Promo Symbol C3.png
Spiel Promo Symbol
{{Feature|name=SpielPromoSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Spiel Promo Symbol C2.png Spiel Promo SymbolFile:Feature Spiel Promo Symbol C2.png
Spiel Promo Symbol
The SpringThe Spring
{{Feature|name=Spring}}Spring C3 Tiles 05.png SpringFile:Spring C3 Tiles 05.png
{{Feature|name=Statue}}Spring C3 Feature Statue.png StatueFile:Spring C3 Feature Statue.png
The TollkeepersThe Tollkeepers
{{Feature|name=Travellers}}Tollkeepers C2 Travellers.png TravellersFile:Tollkeepers C2 Travellers.png
The TunnelThe Tunnel
{{Feature|name=Tunnel}}Feature Tunnel C1.png TunnelFile:Feature Tunnel C1.png
{{Feature|name=TunnelRoad}}Feature Tunnel Road C1.png Tunnel RoadFile:Feature Tunnel Road C1.png
Tunnel Road
Ukraine PromoUkraine Promo
{{Feature|name=CountrysideFlagUkraine}}Ukraine Promo C3 Tile 01.png Countryside Flag UkraineFile:Ukraine Promo C3 Tile 01.png
Countryside Flag Ukraine
The WatchtowersThe Watchtowers
{{Feature|name=Watchtower|edition=C3}}Feature Watchtower C3.png WatchtowerFile:Feature Watchtower C3.png
{{Feature|name=Watchtower|edition=C2}}Feature Watchtower C2.png WatchtowerFile:Feature Watchtower C2.png
{{Feature|name=Watchtower|edition=C1}}Icon C1 Watchtower.png WatchtowerFile:Icon C1 Watchtower.png
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerMeeple|edition=C2}}Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 1.png Watchtower for meepleFile:Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 1.png
Watchtower for meeple
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerCoatOfArms|edition=C2}}Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 4.png Watchtower for coat of armsFile:Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 4.png
Watchtower for coat of arms
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerRoad|edition=C2}}Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 2.png Watchtower for road segmentFile:Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 2.png
Watchtower for road segment
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerMonastery|edition=C2}}Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 3.png Watchtower for monasteryFile:Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 3.png
Watchtower for monastery
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerCity|edition=C2}}Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 5.png Watchtower for city segmentFile:Watchtowers C2 Watchtower Type 5.png
Watchtower for city segment
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerMeeple|edition=C3}}Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 1.png Watchtower for meepleFile:Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 1.png
Watchtower for meeple
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerCoatOfArms|edition=C3}}Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 4.png Watchtower for coat of armsFile:Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 4.png
Watchtower for coat of arms
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerRoad|edition=C3}}Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 2.png Watchtower for road segmentFile:Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 2.png
Watchtower for road segment
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerMonastery|edition=C3}}Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 3.png Watchtower for monasteryFile:Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 3.png
Watchtower for monastery
{{Feature|name=WatchtowerCity|edition=C3}}Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 5.png Watchtower for city segmentFile:Watchtowers C3 Watchtower Type 5.png
Watchtower for city segment
Wind RosesWind Roses
{{Feature|name=WindRoseSymbols}}Feature Wind Rose Symbols C1.png Wind Rose SymbolsFile:Feature Wind Rose Symbols C1.png
Wind Rose SymbolsWind Roses
{{Feature|name=WindRoseSymbolBlue}}Feature Wind Rose Symbol Blue C1.png Blue Wind Rose SymbolFile:Feature Wind Rose Symbol Blue C1.png
Blue Wind Rose SymbolBlue Wind Rose
{{Feature|name=WindRoseSymbolOrange}}Feature Wind Rose Symbol Orange C1.png Orange Wind Rose SymbolFile:Feature Wind Rose Symbol Orange C1.png
Orange Wind Rose SymbolOrange Wind Rose
{{Feature|name=WindRoseSymbolQuarter}}Feature Wind Rose Symbol Quarter C1.png Quarter Wind Rose SymbolFile:Feature Wind Rose Symbol Quarter C1.png
Quarter Wind Rose SymbolQuarter Wind Rose
The Wonders of HumanityThe Wonders of Humanity
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanity}}Feature Wonders of Humanity C3.png Wonders of HumanityFile:Feature Wonders of Humanity C3.png
Wonders of HumanityWonders
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanitySymbols}}Feature Wonders of Humanity Symbols C3.png Wonders of Humanity SymbolsFile:Feature Wonders of Humanity Symbols C3.png
Wonders of Humanity SymbolsWonders Symbols
{{Feature|name=Alhambra}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 04.png AlhambraFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 04.png
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanityFarmerSymbol}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 04.png Alhambra farmer symbolFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 04.png
Alhambra farmer symbolAlhambra symbol
{{Feature|name=CircusMaximus}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 03.png Circus MaximusFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 03.png
Circus Maximus
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanityMeepleInCitySymbol}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 03.png Circus Maximus meeple in city symbolFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 03.png
Circus Maximus meeple in city symbolCircus Maximus symbol
{{Feature|name=NotreDame}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 01.png Notre-DameFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 01.png
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanityMonasterySymbol}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 01.png Notre-dame monastery symbolFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 01.png
Notre-dame monastery symbolNotre-dame symbol
{{Feature|name=Stonehenge}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 02.png StonehengeFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Image 02.png
{{Feature|name=WondersOfHumanityRoadSymbol}}Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 02.png Stonehenge road symbolFile:Wonders Of Humanity C3 Wonder Symbol 02.png
Stonehenge road symbolStonehenge symbol
Winter Edition
Winter Edition Base GameWinter Edition Base Game
{{Feature|name=City|edition=WE3}}Winter Edition C3 Tile C.png CityFile:Winter Edition C3 Tile C.png
{{Feature|name=City|edition=WE2}}Winter Edition C2.1 Tile C.png CityFile:Winter Edition C2.1 Tile C.png
{{Feature|name=City|edition=WE1}}Winter Edition C2 Tile C.jpg CityFile:Winter Edition C2 Tile C.jpg
{{Feature|name=City|edition=WD}}Winter Edition C1 Tile C.jpg CityFile:Winter Edition C1 Tile C.jpg
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=WE3}}File:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE3.png Coat of ArmsFile:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE3.png
Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=WE2}}File:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE2.png Coat of ArmsFile:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE2.png
Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=WE1}}File:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE1.png PennantFile:Icon CoatOfArms blue white WE1.png
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArms|edition=WD}}File:Icon Pennant blue white WD.png PennantFile:Icon Pennant blue white WD.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Crossroad WE3.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Crossroad WE2.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad WE2.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=WE1}}File:Feature Crossroad WE1.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad WE1.png
{{Feature|name=Crossroad|edition=WD}}File:Feature Crossroad WD.png CrossroadFile:Feature Crossroad WD.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Field WE3.png FieldFile:Feature Field WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Field WE2.png FieldFile:Feature Field WE2.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=WE1}}File:Feature Field WE1.png FieldFile:Feature Field WE1.png
{{Feature|name=Field|edition=WD}}File:Feature Field WD.png FieldFile:Feature Field WD.png
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Inner Field WE3.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field WE3.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Inner Field WE2.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field WE2.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=WE1}}File:Feature Inner Field WE1.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field WE1.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=InnerField|edition=WD}}File:Feature Inner Field WD.png Inner FieldFile:Feature Inner Field WD.png
Inner Field
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=WE3}}Feature Monastery WE3.png MonasteryFile:Feature Monastery WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Monastery WE2.png MonasteryFile:Feature Monastery WE2.png
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=WE1}}Feature Monastery WE1.png MonasteryFile:Feature Monastery WE1.png
{{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=WD}}File:Feature Monastery WD.png CloisterFile:Feature Monastery WD.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Road WE3.png RoadFile:Feature Road WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Road WE2.png RoadFile:Feature Road WE2.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=WE1}}Win road.png RoadFile:Win road.png
{{Feature|name=Road|edition=WD}}File:Feature Road WD.jpg RoadFile:Feature Road WD.jpg
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Village WE3.png VillageFile:Feature Village WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Village WE2.png VillageFile:Feature Village WE2.png
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=WE1}}File:Feature Village WE1.png VillageFile:Feature Village WE1.png
{{Feature|name=Village|edition=WD}}File:Feature Village WD.png VillageFile:Feature Village WD.png
Winter Edition The AbbotWinter Edition The Abbot
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=WE3}}Feature Garden WE3.png GardenFile:Feature Garden WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=WE2}}File:Feature Garden WE2.jpg GardenFile:Feature Garden WE2.jpg
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=WE1}}File:Feature Garden WE1.jpg GardenFile:Feature Garden WE1.jpg
{{Feature|name=Garden|edition=WD}}File:Feature Garden WD.jpg GardenFile:Feature Garden WD.jpg
{{Feature|name=Sheds|edition=WE3}}File:Feature Sheds WE3.png ShedsFile:Feature Sheds WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Cowshed|edition=WE3}}Feature Cows WE3.png CowshedFile:Feature Cows WE3.png
{{Feature|name=DonkeyStable|edition=WE3}}Feature Donkeys WE3.png Donkey StableFile:Feature Donkeys WE3.png
Donkey Stable(D)D
{{Feature|name=Farmhouse|edition=WE3}}Feature Farmhouse WE3.png FarmhouseFile:Feature Farmhouse WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Highwaymen|edition=WE3}}Feature Highwayman WE3.png HighwaymenFile:Feature Highwayman WE3.png
{{Feature|name=Pigsty|edition=WE3}}Feature Pigsty WE3.png PigstyFile:Feature Pigsty WE3.png
{{Feature|name=WaterTower|edition=WE3}}Feature WaterTower WE3.png Water TowerFile:Feature WaterTower WE3.png
Water Tower(W)W
{{Feature|name=WaterTower|edition=WE2}}Feature WaterTower C3.png Water TowerFile:Feature WaterTower C3.png
Water Tower(W)W
Winter Edition The RiverWinter Edition The River
{{Feature|name=RiverSegments|edition=WE3}}File:Feature River Segments WE3.png River SegmentsFile:Feature River Segments WE3.png
River Segments
{{Feature|name=RiverSegments|edition=WE2}}File:Feature River Segments WE2.png River SegmentsFile:Feature River Segments WE2.png
River Segments
{{Feature|name=River|edition=WE3}}File:Feature River WE3.png RiverFile:Feature River WE3.png
{{Feature|name=River|edition=WE2}}File:Feature River WE2.png RiverFile:Feature River WE2.png
{{Feature|name=RiverLake|edition=WE3}}File:Feature River Lake WE3.png River LakeFile:Feature River Lake WE3.png
River Lake
{{Feature|name=RiverLake|edition=WE2}}File:Feature River Lake WE2.png River LakeFile:Feature River Lake WE2.png
River Lake
{{Feature|name=RiverSource|edition=WE3}}File:Feature River Source WE3.png River SourceFile:Feature River Source WE3.png
River Source
{{Feature|name=RiverSource|edition=WE2}}File:Feature River Source WE2.png River SourceFile:Feature River Source WE2.png
River Source
Winter Edition Crop CirclesWinter Edition Crop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircles|edition=WE1}}Feature Crop Circles WE1.png Crop CirclesFile:Feature Crop Circles WE1.png
Crop Circles
{{Feature|name=CropCircleClub|edition=WE1}}Win cc club.png Club Crop CircleFile:Win cc club.png
Club Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCirclePitchfork|edition=WE1}}Win cc pitchfork.png Rake Crop CircleFile:Win cc pitchfork.png
Rake Crop Circle
{{Feature|name=CropCircleShield|edition=WE1}}Win cc shield.png Shield Crop CircleFile:Win cc shield.png
Shield Crop Circle
Winter Edition The Gingerbread ManWinter Edition The Gingerbread Man
{{Feature|name=GingerbreadManSymbol|edition=WE1}}Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png Gingerbread Man SymbolFile:Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png
Gingerbread Man SymbolGingerbread Man
Fan Expansions with Complete Rules
Bards of CarcassonneBards of Carcassonne
{{Feature|name=LuteSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature The Bards Lute C2.png Lute SymbolFile:Feature The Bards Lute C2.png
Lute SymbolLute
{{Feature|name=LuteSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature BardsOfCarcassonne Lute C1.png Lute SymbolFile:Feature BardsOfCarcassonne Lute C1.png
Lute SymbolLute
Castle LordsCastle Lords
{{Feature|name=CastleOnRoad}}CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle on roadFile:CastleLords C1 TileC.png
Castle on road
{{Feature|name=CastleRoad}}CastleLords C1 TileC.png Castle roadFile:CastleLords C1 TileC.png
Castle road
The City GatesThe City Gates
{{Feature|name=CityGate|edition=C2}}File:Feature City Gate C2.png City GateFile:Feature City Gate C2.png
City Gate
{{Feature|name=CityGate|edition=C1}}Feat CityGates C1.png City GateFile:Feat CityGates C1.png
City Gate
{{Feature|name=TinyCity|edition=C2}}File:Feature Tiny City C2.png Tiny CityFile:Feature Tiny City C2.png
Tiny City
{{Feature|name=TinyCity|edition=C1}}CityGates C1 Tile 15.png Tiny CityFile:CityGates C1 Tile 15.png
Tiny City
Cliffs & WaterfallsCliffs & Waterfalls
{{Feature|name=Cliff|edition=C2}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 24.png CliffFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 24.png
{{Feature|name=Cliff|edition=C1}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 24.png CliffFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 24.png
{{Feature|name=RiverWaterfall|edition=C2}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 04.png River WaterfallFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 04.png
River WaterfallWaterfall
{{Feature|name=RiverWaterfall|edition=C1}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 04.png River WaterfallFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 04.png
River WaterfallWaterfall
The CourierThe Courier
{{Feature|name=CourierLetterSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Letter C2.png Courier Letter SymbolFile:Feature Letter C2.png
Courier Letter SymbolLetter Symbol
{{Feature|name=CourierLetterSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Letter C1.png Courier Letter SymbolFile:Feature Letter C1.png
Courier Letter SymbolLetter Symbol
{{Feature|name=COVID19Symbol}}Feature COVID19 C3.png COVID-19 SymbolFile:Feature COVID19 C3.png
COVID-19 SymbolCOVID-19
{{Feature|name=CountrysideFlagCzechia}}File:Not released yet.png Template:CzechiaFlagLinkFile:Not released yet.png
Děčínský SněžníkDěčínský Sněžník
{{Feature|name=DecinskySneznik}}Feature Decinsky Sneznik C2.png Observation Tower Děčínský SněžníkFile:Feature Decinsky Sneznik C2.png
Observation Tower Děčínský SněžníkDěčínský Sněžník
Easter in CarcassonneEaster in Carcassonne
{{Feature|name=EasterBunnySymbol}}Logo EasterCarcassonneBunny C1.png Easter Bunny SymbolFile:Logo EasterCarcassonneBunny C1.png
Easter Bunny SymbolEaster Bunny
{{Feature|name=EasterNestSymbol}}Logo EasterCarcassonneNest C1.png Easter Nest SymbolFile:Logo EasterCarcassonneNest C1.png
Easter Nest SymbolEaster Nest
Family FeudFamily Feud
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsRedYellow|edition=C2}}Feature Coat Of Arms Red Yellow C2.png Red-and-yellow Coat of ArmsFile:Feature Coat Of Arms Red Yellow C2.png
Red-and-yellow Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsRedYellow|edition=C1}}Icon Pennant red yellow C1.png Red-and-yellow PennantFile:Icon Pennant red yellow C1.png
Red-and-yellow Pennant
Gambler's LuckGambler's Luck
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsQuestionMarked|edition=C2}}Feature Question Marked CoatOfArms C2.png Question marked Coat of ArmsFile:Feature Question Marked CoatOfArms C2.png
Question marked Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsQuestionMarked|edition=C1}}Feature Question Marked Pennant C1.png Question marked PennantFile:Feature Question Marked Pennant C1.png
Question marked Pennant
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsGrey|edition=C2}}Feature Coat Of Arms Grey C2.png Grey Coat of ArmsFile:Feature Coat Of Arms Grey C2.png
Grey Coat of Arms
{{Feature|name=CoatOfArmsGrey|edition=C1}}Feature Pennant Grey C1.png Grey PennantFile:Feature Pennant Grey C1.png
Grey Pennant
The Flying Machines 2The Flying Machines 2
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineAircraft|edition=C2|linkname=FlyingMachines2Link}}Logo Flier C2.png Flying Machine AircraftFile:Logo Flier C2.png
Flying Machine Aircraft
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineAircraft|edition=C1|linkname=FlyingMachines2Link}}Logo Flier C1.png Flying Machine AircraftFile:Logo Flier C1.png
Flying Machine Aircraft
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineHill|edition=C2|linkname=FlyingMachines2Link}}Feature FlyingMachinesHill C2.png Flying Machine HillFile:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C2.png
Flying Machine Hill
{{Feature|name=FlyingMachineHill|edition=C1|linkname=FlyingMachines2Link}}Feature FlyingMachinesHill C1.png Flying Machine HillFile:Feature FlyingMachinesHill C1.png
Flying Machine Hill
{{Feature|name=Forest|edition=C2}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 22.png ForestFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C2 22.png
{{Feature|name=Forest|edition=C1}}Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 22.png ForestFile:Cliffs and Waterfalls C1 22.png
Fortune TellerFortune Teller
{{Feature|name=FortuneTellerTent}}Feature Fortuneteller.png Fortune Teller TentFile:Feature Fortuneteller.png
Fortune Teller TentFortune Teller
The Great FairsThe Great Fairs
{{Feature|name=GreatFairSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Great Fair Coat of Arms C2.png Great Fair SymbolFile:Feature Great Fair Coat of Arms C2.png
Great Fair SymbolGreat Fair
{{Feature|name=GreatFairSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png Great Fair SymbolFile:Feature Great Fairs Pennant C1.png
Great Fair SymbolGreat Fair
The LabyrinthsThe Labyrinths
{{Feature|name=Labyrinth|linkname=LabyrinthsLink}}Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg LabyrinthFile:Labyrinth C2 Tile 01.jpg
La PorxadaLa Porxada
{{Feature|name=LaPorxada}}Feature Porxada C1.png La PorxadaFile:Feature Porxada C1.png
La Porxada
{{Feature|name=AvignonKeysSymbol|edition=C2}}File:Symbol Avignon Keys C2.png Template:PopeOfAvignonLinkFile:Symbol Avignon Keys C2.png
{{Feature|name=AvignonKeysSymbol|edition=C1}}File:Symbol Avignon Keys C1.png Template:PopeOfAvignonLinkFile:Symbol Avignon Keys C1.png
{{Feature|name=PontSaintBenezet|edition=C2}}File:Feature Pont Saint Benezet C2.png Template:PopeOfAvignonLinkFile:Feature Pont Saint Benezet C2.png
Robber's SonRobber's Son
{{Feature|name=RobbersSonSymbol|edition=C2}}Feature Robber's Son C2.png Robber's Son SymbolFile:Feature Robber's Son C2.png
Robber's Son Symbol
{{Feature|name=RobbersSonSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Robber's Son C1.png Robber's Son SymbolFile:Feature Robber's Son C1.png
Robber's Son Symbol
{{Feature|name=SeasonsSymbol|edition=C1}}Feature Seasons C1.png Seasons SymbolFile:Feature Seasons C1.png
Seasons SymbolSeasons
UK 2024 PromoUK 2024 Promo
{{Feature|name=LargeInn|edition=C2}}UK 2024 Promo C2-3.png Large InnFile:UK 2024 Promo C2-3.png
Large InnLarge Inn
{{Feature|name=LargeInn|edition=C1}}UK 2024 Promo C1.png Large InnFile:UK 2024 Promo C1.png
Large InnLarge Inn
{{Feature|name=Vista|edition=C2}}Vista C2.png Vista PointFile:Vista C2.png
Vista PointVista
{{Feature|name=Vista|edition=C1}}Vista C1.png Vista PointFile:Vista C1.png
Vista PointVista
The WellsThe Wells
{{Feature|name=Well|edition=C2}}Feature Wells C2.png WellFile:Feature Wells C2.png
{{Feature|name=Well|edition=C1}}Feat Wells C1.png WellFile:Feat Wells C1.png
The WetlandsThe Wetlands
{{Feature|name=Wetland}}Wetlands 04.png WetlandFile:Wetlands 04.png