Les Ponts-levis
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L’extension mineure Ponts-levis contient 12 tuiles représentant des portes de villes avec des ponts-levis. Tout meeple se trouvant sur une route reliée à une ville par un pont-levis est invité à faire partie de cette ville une fois la route achevée. Assurez une présence majoritaire dans la ville en intégrant les nouveaux arrivants par le pont-levis.
Dans cette extension mineure, le temps est un facteur déterminant. Lorsque le pont-levis est abaissé, vous pouvez vous déplacer d’une route à une ville pour marquer des points supplémentaires.
Informations générales et commentaires
This expansion doesn't exist for the 1st edition (C1 for short) or the 2nd edition (C2 for short).
Cette extension comporte des villes avec des bâtiments coupés.
Mise en place
Shuffle the 12 new land tiles with the rest of the land tiles.
Déroulement du jeu
1. Placing a tile
If you draw a land tile with a drawbridge, place it according to the usual rules.
2. Placing a meeple
After placing a land tile with a drawbridge, you may place one of your meeples according to the usual rules.
3. Scoring a feature
If you close a road that leads to a drawbridge, you first score the road as usual. Then you have to check whether the drawbridge is up or down.
- Once the city with the drawbridge is completed, the drawbridge is up and nothing else happens.
- If the city is still incomplete, then the drawbridge is down, and you may use it:
- If you have the majority on the road leading to the drawbridge, you may move your meeple from that road into the city. It doesn’t matter who completed the road or if there are already meeple (yours or someone else's) in the city or not.
- Special case: If there are several drawbridges on the road, you may decide in which of the incomplete cities you place your meeple. If you have more than one meeple on the road, you may decide, for each one, whether you want to move it to one of the incomplete cities, or take it back. If you move several meeples, you may place them all in one or in different incomplete cities.
If you complete the road and also the city with the drawbridge at the same time, then the city is completed, the drawbridge is up.
If no single player has the majority on the road, no player can move their meeple to the city. [1]
Who can send meeples from a road to a city with its drawbridge down?
Only one player can move meeples to a city: the player with the single majority on the road. It is irrelevant who completed the road.
If several players share the majority, none of them will be allowed to move meeples.
Nouvelles tuiles Terrain
Autres extensions
This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.
Observations générales
Meeples on a road that can be moved into a city by using a drawbridge that is down:
Figures on a road that cannot be moved into a city by using a drawbridge that is down:
The meeple on a road -to be moved into a city- can be on any tile of the road or its bridges ( Ext. 8 – Ponts, Forteresses et Bazars), and even on roads connected by tunnels ( Le Tunnel), ferries ( Mini n°3 – Les Bacs), roundabouts ( Ext. 5 – Maires et Monastères, Ext. 7 – La Catapulte, Les Panneaux d’Indication, Tuile promotionnelle Spiel de 2018) or labyrinths ( Le Labyrinthe).
The meeple moved into the city can be placed on any tile of the city. This may be relevant when playing with the dragon ( Ext. 3 – Princesse et Dragon), towers ( Ext. 4 – La Tour), the plague ( La Peste), or the Change Position gift card ( Les Présents), and so on.
- Note: The meeple can only be placed on city segments. Any monasteries within the city cannot be occupied ( Ext. 3 – Princesse et Dragon, Ext. 8 – Ponts, Forteresses et Bazars).
A road sending a meeple into a city can be completed by the placement of a tile (including abbeys from Ext. 5 – Maires et Monastères), by the movement of a ferry ( Mini n°3 – Les Bacs) or by the placement of a tunnel token ( Le Tunnel).
The movement of a meeple into a city cannot trigger actions such as:
- Harvesting or selling fruits ( Les Arbres Fruitiers).
- Scoring the Notre-Dame bonus when the meeple is placed adjacent to a monastery ( Les Merveilles de l’Humanité) [2]
The movement of a meeple into a city can trigger actions such as:
- Trapping the meeple by Vodyanoy ( Tuiles promotionnelles russes).
After scoring, a player with a wagon placed on a road ending at a drawbridge which is down can choose only one of the following actions:
- Remove their wagon.
- Move the wagon to an adjacent tile as stated in the rules of Ext. 5 – Maires et Monastères.
- Move the wagon into the incomplete city, no matter its distance to the city.
The wagon can perform only one of these actions and cannot combine the two possible movements.
Ext. 6 – Comte, Roi et Brigand
Any meeples deployed on a road from the city of Carcassonne may also be moved into an incomplete city if the drawbridge conditions are met.
The movement of meeple into cities takes place before the scoring of the big top.
Ext. 11 – Fantômes, Châteaux et Cimetières
Any ghosts assigned to a meeple on a road will return to the general supply before moving the meeple into a city.
A meeple protected from peasant revolts will be stay protected if moved into a city.
When moving a meeple into a city you may pay 4 points to place it protected.
Ensemble des tuiles
Pour les licences et les explications des icônes, veuillez visiter la page des icônes.
- ↑ Sharing the majority on a road will not allow any of the tied players to send a meeple to a city with its drawbridge down. A player needs to have the majority alone on the road to be able to send a meeple to a city.
- ↑ Unless Hans im Glück approve this bonus outside 2. Placing a meeple.